View Full Version : Is this ok to post?

September 8th, 2016, 06:19 AM
Is it ok to post links to gofundme and similar sites in the off-topic forum? It's not for myself, it's for an aquintance. Just thought I'd ask first, I know some forums don't allow it.

September 8th, 2016, 06:43 AM
Is it ok to post links to gofundme and similar sites in the off-topic forum? It's not for myself, it's for an aquintance. Just thought I'd ask first, I know some forums don't allow it.

I'm no mod or admin, but I think it's in the guidelines pretty clearly that it's not allowed. :flower:

September 8th, 2016, 06:45 AM
Nope, no fundraising links for yourself or others. Shows up under #4: http://www.longhaircommunity.com/info/community-guidelines/

Thanks for asking!

September 8th, 2016, 07:00 AM
I read the guidelines but managed to glaze right over that :rolleyes: Sorry to bother you!

December 19th, 2016, 08:50 AM
As I'm not sure if this falls under #4 (not exactly fundraising), I'll just ask to make sure: is it ok to put a link to a (charitable) organization in one's signature?

December 19th, 2016, 09:07 AM
Nope, still soliciting!

December 19th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Ok, good thing I asked ;)

December 19th, 2016, 01:41 PM
Yeah, it's pretty much a blanket thing and it's always been that way as far back as I go. No judgement on the causes involved -- I can appreciate that many of them are for great things. But it's just not the place for it. :shrug:

December 20th, 2016, 01:39 AM
I believe you, I've just never researched the rules as to that before, as didn't have reason to :)