View Full Version : Re-growing my hair

August 24th, 2016, 01:23 PM
Hey Everyone!

I thought I would share my story, and see if anyone else out there is going through the same thing. Hopefully we can support each other on the journey back to long hair.

My hair used to be around mid-back length or waist length. I loved it so much because I wanted long hair my entire life, but for some reason never grew it long until my early 20's. I kept it my natural colour and trimmed it myself into a blunt hemline. After years of the same style, I got a little bored with it and decided to experiment with colour. I dyed it several colours in a relatively short time frame- blonde, white, pink, blue, lavender, red. Unfortunately, I did not have a good understanding of hair colouring at the time, and I unnecessary bleached it too much and destroyed my hair. I gradually cut it shorter until I had a bob. It was very damaged and bright red and did not feel like "me" at all. I really missed my natural colour and my long healthy hair, so I waited until my roots grew in just a little bit and then cut it all off into a super-short pixie.

Now my hair is a jaw length bob (with some layers from the pixie cut, but not too many since I had mullet trims). I still experiment lightly with colour, but I have learned a lot about hair colouring from this experience. As a result I make sure that I stay with shades close to my natural colour, I use the balayage technique (so that I can keep both my natural colour and dyed hair as the roots grow out to create an ombre effect), and above all, I make sure to never let it get damaged again.

I am finding this very hard on my self-esteem. My long hair was very important to me, and now I no longer feel attractive.

My favourite lengths from when I had long hair before were arm-pit length and mid-back length/ waist length. I am very excited to reach these goals. After that, I will aim to grow it longer. I'm not sure how long yet.

Is anyone else out there re-growing their hair? How is the process going for you?


August 24th, 2016, 02:30 PM
Hi & welcome to LHC. You may find a lot of support in the "shorties" thread. :flower:

I know what it's like to dye it all kinds of colors (I had a chemical cut & burn); had to go back to a bob twice while on here, and to BSL once (due to a perm). It took me 10 years to reach classic length because of my "behavior", but I got there in the end, so don't despair. :)

August 25th, 2016, 07:30 AM


I know the feeling and you're not alone.

As Lapushka said, you can find support in the super shorties thread! Many people here either share the very same experience as you or had some hair damage episodes in the past :flower:

I had hip length once in my life and I did a hair straightening in the salon that made my hair really thin. In the beginning I loved it, my hair was almost TBL after turning into a shiny 1a. Last but not least, I kept straightening it at home with the flat iron, EVERYDAY :run:. My hair started breaking at the ends with no visible growth and I realized that I had to trim some inches, otherwise it would keep breaking (sort of a chemical and mechanical cut). I cut back to somewhere between APL and BSL. Not really short but I had the same feeling of "this is not me!" and I felt really unactractive as well.

Now my hair is almost hip again but I'm still growing out old damage which means I still have thin ends that I want to get rid of as soon as I hit my (first) goal.

As Lapushka said, you can find support in the super shorties thread!

There are some stories, monthly projects and challenges here in LHC that can be really fun! Enjoy your journey and...

Keep calm, hair grows back! :cool:

August 25th, 2016, 08:25 AM
Hi and welcome!

I had hair a bit longer than SL, then I did a perm that basically killed my hair, and had to cut back to a bob. That was November 2010 I cut it, and it took me a long time to grow out and trim away all the damage. I was almost at hip this spring, but trimmed back to waist to get rid of the last damaged bits. So I feel you!

Like lapushka mentioned, there is a thread for those growing out from very short, I think it's called "Any other super-shorties out there?", you might have to go looking a few pages back here in the Mane forum to find it :flower:

August 29th, 2016, 03:56 AM
Hi and welcome! I don't often post, but I thought I'd let you know you're not alone. I had a severe shed 2 years ago during which time my hair grew to waist despite constant trims. But March of this year I decided I couldn't stand the thin stringy ends anymore and cut back to shoulder (with layers since my hair is curly). Though I've had long hair only a short time (as an adult) I feel like I'm missing a part of myself, and have jokingly compared myself with Samson after Delilah cut his hair off :rolleyes: he lost his strength while I lost my attractiveness. But I tell myself the pluses are that I'm enjoying fuller healthier looking hair along with the fact that I will be growing completely healthy hair this time, and knowing how to take care of it. And it is growing even as I type this.
Besides, though it takes months to get to APL, that's the point where most of us feel like we have long hair. From there it gets a lot easier.

September 5th, 2016, 08:15 PM
Hi, This is my first post. Im new to this forum and have been soaking up on so many tips and tricks. I too have done much damage to my hair and from BSL , had it cut to a short inverted bob and is in the midst of growing well.
I have been taking green matcha incorporated into my breakfast, eating healthy with lots of protein, no sugar. As for my supplements, Im taking Biotin, MSM, Fish Oil,Multivit, Neocell Collagen Pills. I oil my hair with a mixture of Coconut, Argan & Castor every 3 days once. Leave it for 2 hours before washing it out with the Biotin Bamboo Shampoo from Nature's Gate. Once a week, during the weekend mostly , post oiling I'll wash my hair out with a mixture of Shikakai, Amla and Reetha. After every hair wash; I use ACV but very little of it to rinse out , 1ACV:4H20 ratio.
Im noticing loads of baby hair at my hairline and the shedding has reduced tremendously. All i aspire to see, is thickness and healthy hair growing out to waist level.
I've had a growth of 1 inch per month so far.
My husband who is balding, has been oiling his hair with the same concoction as above recently visited a barber who was impressed with the new hair growth on his scalp.
Im so very excited to embark on this journey and to see the many insights of my fellow LHC'ers...
Thank you all..!

September 5th, 2016, 09:09 PM
Welcome, AstridSerena. Please know many of us have been through our own challenges with hair experimentation and everything that goes along with that (not feeling attractive, being mad at yourself, becoming frustrated, feeling helpless, etc.). You have come to the right place. This is a wonderful community to not only learn how to care for hair properly, but people here are extremely supportive and just plain awesome. You are definitely not alone in your journey. Personally, I had BCL length back in 2003. When I had my youngest daughter, I cut it to collarbone and then dyed mercilessly for many years. My hair was so fried by the time I decided to grow it back. I was so mad at myself because I felt I should've known better. Now, I have been back here on LHC for the last 4 or 5 years regrowing my hair and focusing on my own health and keeping my hair healthy. I now realize it takes a long time to find out what works best for you and the journey is half the fun. It will take some time, but just hang in there!

ETA - and welcome emelia as well!