View Full Version : Shrinkage

August 13th, 2016, 08:14 PM
Man, I never realized the difference in length between my hair when it's wet vs dry!

I did know that hair is typically longer when wet, but I noticed the difference for me is like 2inches because of my wave/ curl. This isn't everyday though today my hair dried a little straighter than usual.

Normally my dry hair is just now brushing my shoulders (or at least that muscle betweens the shoulder and neck [sternocleidomastoid?])
And when it's wet it rests on my collar bone!!
I'm pretty sure I have 2a/2b hair. For those who are in the 2s, does this sound familiar?

I think it's awesome because this is the first time in 9or so years since I've seen my in its natural virgin state and I'm enjoying getting to know how it acts, what it likes and what it can do.

August 13th, 2016, 08:25 PM
Yep...I measure stretched, and even then there's a definite difference. A couple months ago I got all excited because my wet hair looked like it was juuuuuuust about BCL, only to discover that dry and stretched I still had 1-2 inches to go...Maybe that's a sign that it needs more of something? I've never been too good at understanding the whole moisture/protein balance thing.

August 14th, 2016, 12:02 AM
Pretty much the same here as well. When dry I am at BCL and when I'm stretching it I'm pretty close to TBL. It's just the waviness doing it's thing

August 14th, 2016, 01:58 AM
Yep, same deal here! When my hair is wet, it's about an inch and a half longer than TBL, but when it dries in loose braidwaves, it's exactly TBL. When I scrunch it and get the most curl possible out of it, it jumps all the way to waist length!

August 14th, 2016, 03:15 AM
I hardly notice it (I hardly bother looking at the difference), but it's there all right! I'm not sure how much it varies in length. At the start of the week it's more than when we get to the end of the week. It is a few inches, though. I never measured that precisely (few inches?!). I mostly just look at it and feel the length, and guesstimate.

August 14th, 2016, 12:08 PM
I don't see much difference in length :rolleyes:
I mean, it may be a couple cm, but since I never wear it straight it doesn't really make a difference. What I do notice is the difference in hair that has just dried vs hair that has been combed and put in a bun at least once. Then I can see quite a lot of difference. Uncombed hair certainly looks shorter and the waves are closer to each other. After being in a bun my hair is almost straight, with very soft waves that don't make much difference in length.