View Full Version : Do you judge beauty by hair?

October 18th, 2008, 09:56 PM
Now, this may seem odd or even crazy, and/or get me shot, but I have this weird habit of thinking someone is beautiful on LHC just because of their hair, even if I've enver seen a picture of their face at ALL. o-o;; Something just clicks in my mind as 'ooooh, pretttyyyyyy' even if it's only a picture of someone's face. I'm not even sure it's linked to how perfect their hair is, either, because it doesn't click with some even if they have perfectly beautiful back-of-the-head shots.

And the scary thing is, if they eventually DO have a picture up somewhere that shows their face...I'm usually right. D: It's kind of scary, actually.

I think I might be insane. xD; Or just creepy, I haven't decided yet. I would like some opinions though.

Edit: And yes, this is in terms of LHC ONLY. Trying to apply this logic to real life is like trying to apply lolcat speak to a business luncheon. Don't try to create what isn't there, please.

October 18th, 2008, 10:03 PM
I think LHCers are just naturally beautiful, because it's us!

On a more serious note, if you've already got it into your head that someone's pretty, when you see more, you're more receptive to the good bits, and more receptive to ignore whatever bad bits there might be

October 18th, 2008, 10:08 PM
When all you have to go on is hair, that's what you judge by, I guess. ;)

October 18th, 2008, 10:24 PM
I think there is more to beauty than what you see. I always see into someone and photos can show a person's insight without needing to see their face. I think I understand your question though----I think people with long hair are more 'natural' because they prefer long hair, which takes more to manage in some ways. (to keep it looking nice).

Hope I'm making sense :)

Silver & Gold
October 18th, 2008, 11:20 PM
I always fall in love with people's eyes first and smiles second. I've been this way since I can remember. If I see openness and warmth in a person's face, they're beautiful to me.

October 18th, 2008, 11:44 PM
I think you probably like the person's personality first as that is all you have to go by so whether they are good looking or not, you see the beauty within.

October 18th, 2008, 11:58 PM
In terms of LHC, yes. In terms of real life, no.

October 19th, 2008, 12:53 AM
I judge by people's personality and character. If I judged by hair in real life, there would certainly be many people I would consider 'ugly' just because their hair is fried and whatnot, even if they had a vibrant personality. Most everybody on LHC are wonderful people, so they're all beautiful in my opinion. And, of course, they have gorgeous hair as well.

October 19th, 2008, 02:31 AM
Personality first, looks second?

I always think that a person with long hair looks better. It's like a picture frame.

Or maybe it's because we prefer long hair.

October 19th, 2008, 04:22 AM
In terms of LHC, yes. In terms of real life, no.

Well, no kidding.

I really wasn't implying anything about real life at all, just a quirk that I've noticed in myself really. Viewing this with real life standards makes me look shallower than a moist towlette.

REally, it's just something that I've noticed. And I suppose, yes, personality does play a part in it.

October 19th, 2008, 05:07 AM
I often prefer people with long hair, when I met my BF it was his hair that first attracted me :p but we met online and started talking on the phone so it was his personality that really got me to get on a train and travel to go meet him, it was pure luck that he's a stunner hehe.

October 19th, 2008, 05:46 AM
The idea I form of someone's looks based on seeing first only their hair and on my impression of their personality coming through their writing has often been far off in my case, in one direction or the other. I guess I'm not as perceptive as you are, lol.

October 19th, 2008, 05:51 AM
Well, no kidding.

I really wasn't implying anything about real life at all, just a quirk that I've noticed in myself really. Viewing this with real life standards makes me look shallower than a moist towlette.

REally, it's just something that I've noticed. And I suppose, yes, personality does play a part in it.

You are most definitly not shallow if you can think about.

Culturally, in North America, and elsewhere, men tend to still prefer long hair on women.

It is something that you also perfer for yourself as a personal choice.

I think it is a very natural extension, to see the beauty in the care and effort one puts into a lifestyle that includes wanting and caring for long healthy hair.

How you define beauty also means that when you do see a picture of the people you read about, you see more than perhaps a casual observer would.

October 19th, 2008, 05:53 AM

I also have a habit of inventing people's faces. I remember reading curlsgirl posting that she has a fringe and thinking 'why on earth would she do that?! it would look absolutely hideous!'. Then when she posted pictures of her face, I realised that it actually looks really good - I'd just invented a face that wouldn't suit a fringe at all, then assumed that my invention was reality :D I've done the same with lots of other members.

October 19th, 2008, 05:55 AM
I like people with a more "natural" and special look and well, here are quite a lot of people with a natural look who look different from most women you see on the street. So yeah, I think a lot of people here are pretty ;)
If I just see the back of someone's head I usually think "pretty hair"
If you look carefully, you can find something pretty on every single person. Those with fried hair might have very beautiful eyes, for example ;)

October 19th, 2008, 06:02 AM
Im here for less than one year but what i´ve realized is that the hair turns out so much more beautiful when i see a personnality that i like...i think that when we like someone the good phisical things become huge and the less atractive things...turns really small, or invisible. And i can aply this in real life.

About hair and real life i have to say something...i was ALWAYS since i was little.. atracted by men with beautiful long hair , when i see they can take care of hair...well...it is soo sexy eheh :)

October 19th, 2008, 07:10 AM
I REALLY do try NOT to judge people. However, that is human nature that is verydifficult to overcome. I usually go by how nice they are. Nice has varying degrees. People can be brash, funny, sarcastic, etc but still be nice. Nice to me, means not hurting others or trying to make a conscious effort to not be hurtful.

I know some people that seem very nice in their outward appearance but are vicious little vindictive troublemakers inside.

I know people that crash through life without thinking too much about how it might make others feel. Those are the people you really have to work to see if they have a good heart.

Then there are stressful events that turn normally nice people into something a bit 'WOW, I never knew they had that inside them'. I think most of us have this self/family preservation mechanism.

Physical appearance doesn't mean much to me. People that I really like may not be attractive to others but they are attractive to me for different reasons. I will ignore their imperfections and I HOPE they ignore mine. I've been sporting a huge zit and some first class black bags under my eyes lately. I hope my glasses or their good will disguise them. We all get old and our appearance changes over our lifetimes. The people that grew old WITH me still look young in my eyes.

ETA: Hair doesn't really equate to 'beauty' to me but I do notice peoples hair. Everytime I see a pony tail or long hair I want to get a closer look. ;)

October 19th, 2008, 07:16 AM
Im here for less than one year but what i´ve realized is that the hair turns out so much more beautiful when i see a personnality that i like...i think that when we like someone the good phisical things become huge and the less atractive things...turns really small, or invisible. And i can aply this in real life.

This has been my experience as well......I have also had the opposite happen. I went out on a blind date with a man once who was the epitome of physical attractiveness......very fit, very muscular, big brown eyes, gorgeous thick wavy hair.....the type of man that when I first saw him, my mouth hung open at just how PERFECT he looked. Once I got to know him, though, I understood why he was still single.....his personality makes him very ugly. One date was all I could stand.....

October 19th, 2008, 07:31 AM
What I always find interesting about forums like this. Is how you can judge people by what they say (type). Not knowing the person, you can like or not like them from words. So, if someone comes off as nice, I might think there pretty/handsome too. :) I don't think I judge by the pictures of their hair.

October 19th, 2008, 07:33 AM
Hmmmm. I do think hair is something that can make someone very beautiful. Personally, I am partial to that sheet of glass effect that very straight haired people can get (because I can't get it without evil straighteners???). So I see pics of people here, and I think, wow, that is STUNNING. Without seeing their face. So maybe it kind of adds to how attractive they are in any case? I dunno.

But I do agree, beauty is about personality more than anything else. Someone gorgeous who was cold and arrogant somehow loses that appeal very quickly, and becomes ugly. Whereas some people aren't classically beautiful, but a warm smile or sparkly eyes can make them appear more and more beautiful as time goes on.

I do have a preference for long hair though - always have done. I just find it a thing of beauty. I saw an older woman the other day, and she had a waist length thick THICK braid of silver hair, and I thought how attractive she looked. I think that the hair kind of added to her appeal. But maybe it was because she obviously wasn't a conformist (no poodle perm), and slightly hippyish (it was tied with a leather tie) that made me think she looked really cool and interesting? I dunno. Lovely though.

October 19th, 2008, 07:44 AM
First impressions are hard to ignore. If your first impression is someone's beautiful hair, then, like others have been saying, it will affect your future perceptions of them.

I try not to judge. On anything. It's hard, but it's something to strive for. Accept the good in people and think things through logically. (I'm quite a logical person. And there's a difference between logical beauty and beauty 'in the eye of the beholder'. I could probably logically think through two people's beauty and tell you which one is more 'beautiful', but does that mean I agree with my own decision? Not at all. If that makes any sense. :lol:)

As for LHC in specific... I tend to go by apparent personality rather than hair or looks... Some of the people whom I adore don't even often have their hair in their sig pic, you have to go look at their profile. And I've had it go both ways as to whether I think them 'beautiful' or not.

October 19th, 2008, 08:37 AM
I noticed that since I studied art and learned to draw, I discover beauty in every face. Young, old, pretty or ugly. Beauty is a reflection of character, of emotion, something special that nobody else has. And I find beauty comes through more strongly when you don't suppress the individuality of hair. The threads where you see people with short, styled hair first, and then, month after month, with growing, more natural hair, seem to me like crawling out of a cocoon - towards real, expressive, free flowing beauty.

So for me, hair plays a role in beauty. But: I see beauty in people with shorn heads, styled heads, fried hair, chemo heads and severe hair loss. A beautiful outline of the head, harmonious proportions, and I don't need the hair to recognize beauty. Like the Venus of Milo is gorgeous without her hands.

Here on TLHC, I admire the beauty of hair without even thinking of the face or body. It's an abstract beauty that goes together with the character that emerges from the writing, and even the character evoked by the signature, nick and other hints.

I always wonder whether I would recognize someone from the German board (where we also use back-of-the-head avas) on the street, just by the color, hemline and curliness. "Would you please turn around so I can see whether it's really you?" :-P

October 19th, 2008, 08:55 AM
I'm a "hair" person. I usually notice people's hair first. I don't think I "judge" someone by their hair length or style. There could be many reasons why a person would sport a certain style. After the hair, I'll notice the face, clothes and etc. I'm saying notice not judge. IMO almost everyone looks "better" with long hair. That doesn't mean I'd ever think less of someone with short hair. It's all in my mind and I keep it to myself.

At LHC we are here because we are growing our hair. We are interested in long hair. So hair is what we notice about people here. Nothing wrong with that! :) As we get to know people through their postings we form additional impressions. Unless we have met that person in real life we don't have much else to go on. It's just the limitations of the internet.

October 19th, 2008, 09:06 AM
I think the hair is just as important as the face and body when it comes to defining if a person is beautiful. But short hair could look just as beautiful on girls as long hair. I just prefer being a longhaired girl.

October 19th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Ive had all my hair shaved off before and it was a horrible experience, but since then ive had my hair in a manner of styles and i find men of all nationalities more attracted to me when my hair is down with curls, i think is that essence of glamour men like in women but as a women i see women with all types of hair styles and all types of beauty.

October 19th, 2008, 09:36 AM
I believe the people here would be beautiful even if they were bald...shudder:. Most everyone here are the nicest cyber friends I've ever known.:)

October 19th, 2008, 09:49 AM
I believe the people here would be beautiful even if they were bald...shudder:. Most everyone here are the nicest cyber friends I've ever known.:)

I've known a fair few people who looked *better* bald, like one guy at my work who's almost mirror-like on top, with just an evil mirror-universe beard, not to mention anyone named Clive (I've yet to meet a Clive with a full head of hair). I think everyone has a style that suits them best, and it an be on either end of the spectrum or anywhere in between.

October 19th, 2008, 11:04 AM
No. IRL, I very rarely see the back of people's head before I see their face. I have avi's turned off and believe it or not, not many people on LHC have pictures of hair in their siggy, so what I see is almost all words. So I have to go by what people say in order to judge their character/personality/"inner" beauty.

October 19th, 2008, 11:12 AM
On LHC, that is usually the only visual clue we have. In real life, I think hair contributes to an individual's overall appearance and beauty. Great hair can add to a person's beauty and bad hair can detract from it.

October 19th, 2008, 11:27 AM
The threads where you see people with short, styled hair first, and then, month after month, with growing, more natural hair, seem to me like crawling out of a cocoon - towards real, expressive, free flowing beauty.

I see what you're saying. Yet, I can't help thinking of a woman I knew IRL who had that bob-length styled hair, and for some reason the way it framed her face made her quirky personality stand out extra. She was petite and full of personality and energy and the short hair went well with that. I think it helped that she didn't color her hair or use lots of layers; it sort of hugged or framed her face, the kind of cut that looks really good on people who look good in updos. If I ever go short, I want that cut.

October 19th, 2008, 11:40 AM
This has been my experience as well......I have also had the opposite happen. I went out on a blind date with a man once who was the epitome of physical attractiveness......very fit, very muscular, big brown eyes, gorgeous thick wavy hair.....the type of man that when I first saw him, my mouth hung open at just how PERFECT he looked. Once I got to know him, though, I understood why he was still single.....his personality makes him very ugly. One date was all I could stand.....

Ahahaha! Oh yes. People get better or worse looking in my eyes as regards to whether they're a nice person or not. Someone you wouldn't have looked twice at can become attractive if they are kind or humourous, and other superficially goodlooking people can become downright ugly if they are mean.:p

October 19th, 2008, 01:04 PM
Nah, you aren't insane, creepy or weird. I have a phone job, I talk to people all day long and imagine their faces by their voice, it's odd talking to 100+ people a day and never knowing what they look like. :)

Now, this may seem odd or even crazy, and/or get me shot, but I have this weird habit of thinking someone is beautiful on LHC just because of their hair, even if I've enver seen a picture of their face at ALL. o-o;; Something just clicks in my mind as 'ooooh, pretttyyyyyy' even if it's only a picture of someone's face. I'm not even sure it's linked to how perfect their hair is, either, because it doesn't click with some even if they have perfectly beautiful back-of-the-head shots.

And the scary thing is, if they eventually DO have a picture up somewhere that shows their face...I'm usually right. D: It's kind of scary, actually.

I think I might be insane. xD; Or just creepy, I haven't decided yet. I would like some opinions though.

Edit: And yes, this is in terms of LHC ONLY. Trying to apply this logic to real life is like trying to apply lolcat speak to a business luncheon. Don't try to create what isn't there, please.

October 19th, 2008, 01:10 PM
I don't do that, but I do instinctively know people's natural hair texture by looking at their faces. I can definitely tell when someone is straightening their hair and is naturally a curly.

October 19th, 2008, 01:22 PM
I often hope that somebody will notice how pretty my hair is and ignore my ugly old face.

October 19th, 2008, 01:24 PM

I also have a habit of inventing people's faces. I remember reading curlsgirl posting that she has a fringe and thinking 'why on earth would she do that?! it would look absolutely hideous!'. Then when she posted pictures of her face, I realised that it actually looks really good - I'd just invented a face that wouldn't suit a fringe at all, then assumed that my invention was reality :D I've done the same with lots of other members. I do the exact same thing!!!

What I always find interesting about forums like this. Is how you can judge people by what they say (type). Not knowing the person, you can like or not like them from words. So, if someone comes off as nice, I might think there pretty/handsome too. :) I don't think I judge by the pictures of their hair. I agree with this to a point; however, there are people who have nice hair, but aren't very nice with their words. It doesn't take away from the fact that their hair is nice; but I don't consider them a nice person.

Nah, you aren't insane, creepy or weird. I have a phone job, I talk to people all day long and imagine their faces by their voice, it's odd talking to 100+ people a day and never knowing what they look like. :) I do the same exact thing; my mind will come up with a mental picture just by the sound of their voice...In my job, I do get the occasional chance to meet them IRL. My mind is often too kind! :D

October 19th, 2008, 01:26 PM
I often hope that somebody will notice how pretty my hair is and ignore my ugly old face.

Oh, stop it SM!! Anyone who chats with you for 2 seconds knows you are a sweetheart!

Silver & Gold
October 19th, 2008, 01:26 PM
I often hope that somebody will notice how pretty my hair is and ignore my ugly old face.

Too late, although I do notice your pretty hair, I've also noticed your face and your very impish grin. I love your face . . . it's not old and ugly to me.

October 19th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Oh come on! Just look at this face! The sig pic is me, ya know.

October 19th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Well, no kidding.

I really wasn't implying anything about real life at all, just a quirk that I've noticed in myself really. Viewing this with real life standards makes me look shallower than a moist towlette.

REally, it's just something that I've noticed. And I suppose, yes, personality does play a part in it.

I dont think that makes you shallow, it makes you human. We always look for beauty somewhere to make any situation more approachable. It's the primitive in us.

Anyway I know what you're talking about I remember seeing a pic of someone on this forums hair and saying "oh wow look how pretty she is" and then it turned out to be a buy :o duuude.

My husband says that used to happen to every guy in the late 70's they would see this "woman" walking down the street with long gorgeous hair and a tight butt and to their suprise it would be a man. LOL.

Queen V
October 19th, 2008, 02:39 PM
It may just be me, but I think on hair-related sites it's easy to separate hair from other aspects of a person's beauty because that's what you're focused on. So my tendency, at least, is to see someone and think, "Wow, what beautiful hair." However, I don't necessarily focus in on the person's face or physique because that's not my focus at the time.

October 19th, 2008, 02:53 PM
On LHC, yes, but some members personality's also shine through.

October 19th, 2008, 03:14 PM
Oh come on! Just look at this face! The sig pic is me, ya know.

Your sig pic looks a lot like Helena Bonham Carter for some reason.

October 19th, 2008, 03:19 PM
I am properly attracted to long hair (ironic that my gf has short hair), it does capitvate me when someone has really pretty hair - so I guess I do see it as beauty. IMO, the hair is just part of it, although a big one.

October 19th, 2008, 03:53 PM
You know, just to clarify on this topic, I didn't MEAN necessarily that I judgebeauty directly from hair, rather that it puts an image in my mind that says 'this person must be pretty because their hair is', and is only an effect relevant online because I tend to image who the people behidn the 'back of the head shots' and avatars really are.

October 19th, 2008, 04:04 PM
You know, just to clarify on this topic, I didn't MEAN necessarily that I judgebeauty directly from hair, rather that it puts an image in my mind that says 'this person must be pretty because their hair is', and is only an effect relevant online because I tend to image who the people behidn the 'back of the head shots' and avatars really are.

Yes, I was following that. I've been doing the same thing.

October 19th, 2008, 08:59 PM
I think when i first came here i might have done that a bit.....but quite quickly i started viewing people more by the vibe of their posts, then when seeing faces it was more like i saw their physical looks as representing the things they had said so that made them automatically beautifull.
I have no idea if this makes any sense!

October 19th, 2008, 11:44 PM
I have only just begun to be able to view profiles since I'm new but I can say you do get a vibe from the posting before seeing the person. I feel on a large part the LHC is full of people that want to help and share experience, laughs an occasional shoulder thus making them beautiful. When you have that expectation you can see the the beauty in the photos. :flower:

October 21st, 2008, 12:26 PM
I'm very much attracted by beautiful hair be it very long or medium. But the fact is the inner beauty reflects when you happen to see some one in their eyes. Normally beautiful haired people like to display their hair in different ways and styles. thats an asset but that alone is not beauty.... :)

Ohio Sky
October 21st, 2008, 12:39 PM
It still strikes me as odd that the people I talk to here on LHC actually exist outside of LHC at all. I have some sort of internet dysmorphia or something. I see someone's avatar and think, "oooh, she has pretty hair." Then I see a full picture of them and think"oh, she has a face??" And then I read their blog and think "What, they do stuff other than post here?" because that's all I see. I guess we take what we know and run with it.

October 21st, 2008, 12:43 PM
I often hope that somebody will notice how pretty my hair is and ignore my ugly old face.

Hey....that's not fair. I've met you in RL and I thought you were beautiful. And you have beautiful hair. So there.

October 21st, 2008, 12:46 PM
LHC: Mostly LHC Longhairs take the same good care of their looks as of their hair. So they really might be more attractive :p

When I see the back of someones head I don't expect any face to be honest but someone with nice healthy hair appears instantly more attractive.

October 21st, 2008, 01:00 PM
When I saw your thread title I thought you meant if we judged people we see on a daily basis.

I know when I see someone with really nice, healthy hair I automatically think they must take good care of themselves.
They just look better overall, more attractive, more kept, somehow.

Then if I see someone that has really frizzy, fried hair, I wonder why they don't try to take better care of themselves AND their hair.

I know, weird.

October 21st, 2008, 01:20 PM
Somewhere in the beginning of my time here, I automaticly assumed that every hennahead was drop dead gorgeous IRL.

Me, biased? Nah... ;)

I'm very partial to RED hair. Seems to me that people that chooses to be red have a lot of things in common with me. I don't say this is something written in stone, though.

October 21st, 2008, 02:57 PM
Honestly, I look at skin way more closely. Hair can be hidden in a bun, under a hat, or even a wig. Skin you can only hide so much.

Granted, I'm partial to the subject as I had severe acne since I was 8 years old and I'm just now growing out of it at 23.

October 21st, 2008, 07:05 PM
Now, this may seem odd or even crazy, and/or get me shot, but I have this weird habit of thinking someone is beautiful on LHC just because of their hair, even if I've enver seen a picture of their face at ALL. o-o;; Something just clicks in my mind as 'ooooh, pretttyyyyyy' even if it's only a picture of someone's face. I'm not even sure it's linked to how perfect their hair is, either, because it doesn't click with some even if they have perfectly beautiful back-of-the-head shots.

And the scary thing is, if they eventually DO have a picture up somewhere that shows their face...I'm usually right. D: It's kind of scary, actually.

I think I might be insane. xD; Or just creepy, I haven't decided yet. I would like some opinions though.

Edit: And yes, this is in terms of LHC ONLY. Trying to apply this logic to real life is like trying to apply lolcat speak to a business luncheon. Don't try to create what isn't there, please.

I think I completely understand what you're saying, and I do think it has something to do with the subtlety of how someone carries her or himself. I think that we understand body language far more than we think.

Personality can come through even a hair photo, I've noticed. Plus we read their words, and yet more beauty comes through. When you see the face, I'm not surprised that you are often fairly accurate with your assessment. I suppose that a lot of the beauty you see comes from a facial expression or a look in the eyes.

Or I'm way off base. :)

And no, I don't think you're creepy. Never did, and never will, I'm quite sure. :)

October 21st, 2008, 07:14 PM
Well I've always thought you were a little creepy j/k :D

IRL I see inner beauty, at a first meet I see it in their eyes, after I get to know said person they are beautiful or not depending on their personality. I get terribly blinded by inner beauty - I just cannot see past it. In a way I think it's a good thing, in a way perhaps not because I am so blinded by it I can't see what other people see.

I think a lot of posts here have nailed it pretty good as far as beauty of hair for LHC. We tend to be a group that takes better care of themselves, that equals beauty in many aspects. You can also see a lot of personality in a persons photo, even if it's just the back of their head. You can see what color top they have on, in a lot of photos there is background and that person chose that background for their photo to post (sometimes it is just coincidence, but many times I don't think so). Sometimes you can see more of the person from the back, their entire outfit for example, the way they stand - all of this can equate to beauty because you are getting a pretty good glimpse of the persons personality.

October 21st, 2008, 09:24 PM
Honestly, I look at skin way more closely. Hair can be hidden in a bun, under a hat, or even a wig. Skin you can only hide so much.

Granted, I'm partial to the subject as I had severe acne since I was 8 years old and I'm just now growing out of it at 23.

Heh, wow, you had it longer than I did! I had it from ages 11 to 22. I'm 24 now and while my skin isn't perfect, it's passable. Sometimes it's even :eek: almost... clear!

Did you scar a lot? I did, and laser treatments helped my scars fade considerably, as well as boost my self-confidence a LOT. :)

October 21st, 2008, 09:35 PM
I definitely get what you're saying GlassEyes! I have been guilty of it myself on a few occasions.

I think more than that though what happens to me is I think that for people on LHC with great personalities I tend to construct a mental picture of them that includes them being physically attractive. :shrug:

Just the nature of the human mind, I guess.

October 22nd, 2008, 07:23 AM
in a lot of photos there is background and that person chose that background for their photo to post (sometimes it is just coincidence, but many times I don't think so).

Well....I take all of my pics in the bathroom :D Maybe becuase I have a cr*p personality? :D :D :D

October 22nd, 2008, 07:26 AM
If I only see hair, and that's pretty, I think it's pretty hair. I don't really assume anything about the face. Faces are so vastly different that it really does no good to try to assume for me. :)

October 22nd, 2008, 10:12 AM
Well....I take all of my pics in the bathroom :D Maybe becuase I have a cr*p personality? :D :D :D
hahahaha NO! I would've never known you took them in the bathroom :D I love your photo because it's obviously in front of a very sunny window, very bright and cheery.

October 22nd, 2008, 12:34 PM
Heh, wow, you had it longer than I did! I had it from ages 11 to 22. I'm 24 now and while my skin isn't perfect, it's passable. Sometimes it's even :eek: almost... clear!

Did you scar a lot? I did, and laser treatments helped my scars fade considerably, as well as boost my self-confidence a LOT. :)


Honestly, I didn't scar as much as I probably should have. I do have some shallow ice picks and some that look like a skin colored paper cut. Pore enlargement is the main thing. I really don't worry about red marks because I know I can fade those with treatment and peels. I actually just got off of using BP (benzoyl peroxide) for the first time in over a decade. I actually JUST wash my face and then put on moisturizer later. Been doing this for 2 or 3 weeks and it still flips me out. I think I'm going to skin hell because I didn't put anything on. So far, so good though. :cheese:

I don't want to hijack the thread anymore so feel free to PM or leave a comment.


October 24th, 2008, 02:08 PM
hahahaha NO! I would've never known you took them in the bathroom :D I love your photo because it's obviously in front of a very sunny window, very bright and cheery.

I use the dryer to place my camera on when snapping shots or doing videos. Very convinient :)

October 25th, 2008, 08:34 PM
Very interesting thought GlassEyes, I do the same thing, make an image in my head of what a person looks like based on their hair, there are, in my opinion, very many beautiful people here at LHC.;)

In truth, it was for this very same reason that I was so reluctant to post a picture of myself, I have been a member for over a year and only got around to it today. Now that a pic of the back of my head is out, I wonder what people will think of me, will my true image match the one in their head? Will it be better or worse, or just different? Self image is a tricky thing, it's like dreaming; we know how our dream went, and how it felt, but explaining it to someone else always makes it sound different.:o sorry about the tangent, I think some strange things.