View Full Version : Smelly hair?

July 4th, 2016, 09:37 AM
solved: It was from Cassia

Anyone here ever have issues with their hair absorbing odors that just won't wash away? Twice this year my hair started smelling like dirty wet dog and no amount of washing would help. I tried clarifying, baby poo, various sulfate based with heavy scents, no/low sulfates & ACV rinses.

The only thing that removed the smell is DHs odor remover poo that is used by hunters but its very drying. Does anyone have any suggestions in case this happens again?

July 4th, 2016, 11:13 AM
I find cinnamon to be a good smell neutralizer. After I started using cinnamon in my henna, my henna only smells like the fruit tea I mix it with. No grassy, earthy smell, and it doesn't smell like cinnamon either. After it's rinsed out my hair smells slightly herby/spicy. It's a godsend since I hate the smell of henna. So maybe try mixing some cinnamon in your shampoo? I use about a little under a teaspoon in 100grams of henna.

July 4th, 2016, 11:18 AM
Anyone here ever have issues with their hair absorbing odors that just won't wash away? Twice this year my hair started smelling like dirty wet dog and no amount of washing would help. I tried clarifying, baby poo, various sulfate based with heavy scents, no/low sulfates & ACV rinses.

The only thing that removed the smell is DHs odor remover poo that is used by hunters but its very drying. Does anyone have any suggestions in case this happens again?

Is there anything else you did out of routine before those times that you can pinpoint as the "cause"?

July 4th, 2016, 11:40 AM
Is there anything else you did out of routine before those times that you can pinpoint as the "cause"?

This is what I'm wondering too. Are you doing anything (maybe sticking your hair in a bun while damp and leaving it for a day or two to dry that way) that might be contributing?

July 4th, 2016, 12:49 PM
Is there anything else you did out of routine before those times that you can pinpoint as the "cause"?

Not that I can think of. I'm using different poo/con now and haven't been using any leave in's or oil. The only thing that comes to mind is its been hot and my head sweats under my ponytail. My hair dries pretty quick and I never put it up damp, when I do get sweaty, I take it so it can dry. I've been washing my hair daily and my SD isn't flaring.

I'll have to try cinnamon sometime, it sounds nice. I've been using orange EO in my henna, it helps but it still smells like wet hay. I did henna roughly two weeks ago and it still smelled slightly of hay.

OH, I just though of something. I used Cassia with my henna last time. There was a good chance I was using cassia last time this happened too. My mud doesn't smell like this but I wonder if something in the cassia is binding odors to my hair?

EDIT: after a quick google search, seems like Cassia does indeed smell like wet dog on some peoples hair. Guess I'm done with that stuff, lol

July 4th, 2016, 01:28 PM
Problem solved! :cheer:

July 4th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Well I've started using 50/50 henna cassia, still with cinnamon, and I didn't smell like wet dog. So worth a try :P

July 4th, 2016, 06:51 PM
I fill mine full of tea tree and lavender conditioner (one of the generic products at Sally Beauty) and then don't rinse it out 100%. And sometimes I add a bit of lavender mint oil massaged into my scalp.

July 4th, 2016, 08:49 PM
I honestly don't think any herbs or scented products will cover this smell, its very strong. What really weird is it doesn't show up for at least a week after I henna and it just gets stronger and stronger until I used the odor removing shampoo.
Id like to find a cassia alternative, something that will add a permanent/semi permanent yellow color but if not, I'll just go back to straight henna.

July 4th, 2016, 09:04 PM
I use cloves in my henna mixture, but I have never had any sort of wet dog smell from cassia or henna. The cloves are very strong smelling though!

July 5th, 2016, 12:20 AM
Obsidian if you want something other than cassia to dilute the henna you can try conditioner, it would have basically the same thinning effect and keep away the darker henna red.
Some add rhubarb to cassia for a more yellow effect, but I've read that I may lightly lighten hair as well (Is rhubarb root permanent? (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=38887)). So you can try adding rhubarb to the henna for more yellow.
As far as the smell goes baking soda is suppose to absorb smells, so you can try the no poo method (http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Go-No-Poo/) if it happens again. However, this drys the hair too, so I'm not sure it's a better alternative than what you are using now.

July 5th, 2016, 06:54 AM
Can't use conditioner, this is for roots and I have SD. Wonder what the lightening affect of rhubarb would do long term with henna? I'll have to do some research

July 5th, 2016, 07:42 PM
I always think my hair smells weird, it's most likely just my sinus issues or the smells from the catering company.

July 5th, 2016, 08:04 PM
White vinegar rinses before washing the hair or between washing and conditioning, maybe? I don't like the way my hair smells after sweat dries in it, and I sweat a lot when it's hot.

July 5th, 2016, 09:13 PM
Have you noticed any kind of pattern for the smell? It could be related to something else. Do you e.g. think it might be something you catch from your pillow cover if your drier doesn't do a good job? I used to have synthetic extensions most of the time as a teenager and they would sometimes start to stink. Basically they were too thick and they wouldn't have enough time to dry after washing and I'd braid them for sleeping and then they'd smell like stale laundry.

July 6th, 2016, 01:38 PM
Can't use conditioner, this is for roots and I have SD. Wonder what the lightening affect of rhubarb would do long term with henna? I'll have to do some research

I saw your post on the Recipes, Henna, and Herbal Haircare so I started to think about it and Shikakai Powder is used to clean hair, it does not add color, so maybe it can be used to thin out the henna. I don't know of anyone who tried it but maybe you can write about it if you decided to give it a go.