View Full Version : 1c or 1c/2a or 2a, what type is my hair? (This will be the LAST time I ask this...)

June 26th, 2016, 01:30 PM
(...hopefully ;))

I've made a thread like this before, twice. First time when I just joined and last time was a bit more than a year ago, my hair was a bit too short to tell both times, I think, but now it should be safe to say where I belong. (I also do this to distract myself from other things atm, and it was long ago I took any photos of my hair so why not?)

All photos taken today with freshly washed and air dried hair, shampoo and conditioner, no combing and minimal touching (and all that). I'm glad that I, for once, had someone to take the photos for me!


(included three photos since it was a bit windy...and because I couldn't decide which photo was the best)

And then I include this one for fun (I added a silicone hair serum in this one mainly too see the difference that I usually feel when I use it, but the main difference seemed to be that I made a bit of order in my hair from applying it + that my brother forgot to keep the camera low (he's a foot taller than me) so it got another angle (and the colours got a bit weird?). Not a proper hairtyping photo, ofc, but why not. :bluebiggr


But back to the point, what hair type is this?

This time my hair surely is long enough, so this should be the last thread I do on this! (unless my hair completely change in the future, then I'll make three more ;))

June 26th, 2016, 01:47 PM
I would say you're a solid 2A but I definitely don't call myself an expert on this. Nice waves! :o

June 26th, 2016, 02:18 PM
Haha, thank you for your opinion ^_^ I'm not sure what I think myself, I find all other hairtypes easier to see, but this area, from straight to wavy... I'm just lost!

All opinions appreciated! ;)

June 26th, 2016, 02:24 PM
Haha, thank you for your opinion ^_^ I'm not sure what I think myself, I find all other hairtypes easier to see, but this area, from straight to wavy... I'm just lost!

All opinions appreciated! ;)

Hi Estrid, I was typed as 2A last week, however I have just found Gumball's visual hair typing thread and mine is much wavier than the examples typed as 2A. So a little confused here, feel free to look at my hair typing album to compare. If I go with Gumball's hairtyping then my hair is 2B and I would agree yours is 2A.

This is how they define each type
1c - straight with body wave and one or two visible S-waves (e.g. nape of neck or temples)
2a - loose, stretched out S-waves throughout the hair
2b - shorter, more distinct S-waves (similar to waves from braiding damp hair)

June 26th, 2016, 02:29 PM
I'd say 1C/2A -- right in the middle of that.

June 26th, 2016, 02:42 PM
I would say 2a

June 26th, 2016, 03:24 PM
Thank you all for the answers! :o
I have compared to other photos, but I don't know how to place my own hair. Sometimes 1c looks very straight and sometimes 2a looks very wavy, so it is a bit confusing. My hair is also quite poofy and frizzy, which makes it harder to see what it is supposed to be (would really like to find a solution to that).

June 26th, 2016, 03:37 PM
We have very very similar hair, except our colours seem a bit different, and yours seems a bit wavier than mine, so yes I'd say 2A. I wish I had some of my old photos to compare for you, but alas - earwax. :magic:

June 26th, 2016, 03:59 PM
My vote goes to 2a as well.

June 26th, 2016, 04:22 PM
Thank you all for the answers! :o
I have compared to other photos, but I don't know how to place my own hair. Sometimes 1c looks very straight and sometimes 2a looks very wavy, so it is a bit confusing. My hair is also quite poofy and frizzy, which makes it harder to see what it is supposed to be (would really like to find a solution to that).

I'd say 1c/2a, maybe even 2a.
By the way, I think it's perfectly normal to have doubts about the exact classification of the wave pattern and have serious variation of wave texture after different washes with different products and at different humidity levels, etc, especially at different lengths and with different types of haircuts...
My texture is pretty similar, and I can never be sure about the exact category it fits into... there are just too many variables that seem to easily change it.

June 26th, 2016, 09:17 PM
Thank you all for the replies! My hair always show these "patterns" if I let it be, but since I'm trying to be good I usually put it up right when it starts feeling mostly dry (which changes the pattern to however the bun was wrapped). If I am 2a my waves sure are big/very stretched out, I do see them in the photos and in real, but yeah, not like my mothers hair (which I believe would be 2c).

Tbh I was surprised they showed at all, my hair felt more like a ball of frizz when I let it be down like that (that serum sure helped... maybe I should start using it more).

At least no one is saying 1c anymore, so I guess I can rule that one out! :bluebiggr

June 26th, 2016, 09:25 PM
I'd say 1c/2a, maybe even 2a.
By the way, I think it's perfectly normal to have doubts about the exact classification of the wave pattern and have serious variation of wave texture after different washes with different products and at different humidity levels, etc, especially at different lengths and with different types of haircuts...
My texture is pretty similar, and I can never be sure about the exact category it fits into... there are just too many variables that seem to easily change it.

Yeah... different shampoos/conditioners doesn't seem to change the way my hair waves when it is dry again (not that I've noticed, atleast), but ofc it does affect how silky or tangly my hair is (and doing stuff like putting it in a bun right after its dry, like I said in my previous post, changes how my hair looks). CO washing did really change my hair, I think I mentioned this the last time I made a hair typing thread, made it really flat and shiny.

My hair got more wavy bits under the over-layer (totally forgot what it is called), but atleast the rest of my hair is showing some more consistent movement now ;)

June 27th, 2016, 07:18 AM
My hair looks exactly like yours did when I had it at your length. You are leaning closer to 2a than 1c. I bet if you brushed out it would be solid 1c, right?

I think falling somewhere between two hairtypes is pretty common - 1c/2a especially!

June 27th, 2016, 07:38 AM
2a, definitely. I'm more of a 1c/2a in that I have body wave and some waves thrown in. Yours is all waves, I don't see 1c in there.

June 27th, 2016, 12:18 PM
My hair looks exactly like yours did when I had it at your length. You are leaning closer to 2a than 1c. I bet if you brushed out it would be solid 1c, right?

I think falling somewhere between two hairtypes is pretty common - 1c/2a especially!

If I go over it with a tangle teezer for a long time then yeah, it will look 1c, a poofy such :p just by combing and so on my hair doesn't change much, it will look a little less nice (more poofy and the waves will look...well...they will still be there but they will look odd, not sure how to explain it). My hair looking worse after I brush/comb it is the main reason I usually avoid brushing my hair. :couch:

2a, definitely. I'm more of a 1c/2a in that I have body wave and some waves thrown in. Yours is all waves, I don't see 1c in there.

Thank you for your reply :) seems to be more 2a answers than 1c/2a, which I guess means that I might as well go with 2a if I want to. I've been longing for that 2 for so long it now feels like I would be cheating if I took it, haha. I always thought I belonged in the 2s, since way before I joined LHC. I never considered my hair to be straight, so all these 1s (first 1b/1c and then 1c and then 1c/2a) has been so frustrating, like: "I got straight hair? I suppose my hair is not as wavy as other peoples, but straight?". And I suppose that's the reason I kept making these threads. It's a bit silly, isn't it? :p (yes)
2a.... Calling my hair what I always wanted to call it would be neat, not sure if I dare to change to it though, hehe (feels like a big step after almost 2 years!).

June 27th, 2016, 10:25 PM
I think I'll do it

June 27th, 2016, 11:05 PM
I'm saying 2a. You clearly have wavy hair, not sorta-wavy sorta-straight in-between.

June 28th, 2016, 12:01 PM
yes, 2a is my answer also. It doesn't read as straight hair at all, so can't be - even partially - in the 1s.

June 28th, 2016, 02:12 PM
Thank you all for the answers, it's been very helpful :flowers: That I am what I always thought I was calms my mind somewhat, funny how silly one can be :o