View Full Version : Black walnut powder experiences

June 8th, 2016, 08:20 PM
Has anyone used black walnut powder to dye their hair? And if so, what was your experience with it?

June 11th, 2016, 04:13 AM
I experimented with it and...failed. I have a lot of white hair and I was looking for a way to naturally darken it. What I wanted was a way to slowly darken it, by exposing it to the black walnut powder several times a week, via conditioner. I mixed my conditioner with the black walnut powder that had steeped and I used this daily for a few weeks.

It definitely did nothing to darken my hair and the powder itself left little black dots alllll over my shower, so I had to constantly clean it.

It was difficult for me to find info on black walnut powder before trying it so I really wasn't confident my experiment would do anything. It seems like it does work if you use it the proper way, based on what I've seen online. But I didn't use it the proper way. :)

June 11th, 2016, 04:48 AM
I wanted to try it, but after reading so many warnings about the fumes beeing toxic I decided to stick with indigo.

June 12th, 2016, 09:42 AM
Toxic..? Seems like many use it here, and I've never heard it being toxic before this... Would you have any references on that?

June 12th, 2016, 11:07 AM
If you google 'black walnut powder toxicity' you'll get a ton of articles, here's two I found after like thirty seconds of research.

WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-639-black%20walnut.aspx?activeingredientid=639&activeingredientname=black%20walnut

"Black walnut is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when applied directly to the skin. It contains a chemical called juglone that might cause tongue or lip cancer, especially if applied daily."

And LiveStrong.com: http://www.livestrong.com/article/145740-black-walnut-hull-side-effects/

"The active compound in black walnut is juglone. While this substance is found in all parts of the tree, Beverly Shaw, advanced master gardener at Purdue University says that the fruit, roots and hulls contain the highest concentrations. Apparently, the antimicrobial properties of this natural chemical also make it toxic."

I doubt you're going to die after one application, but for what it's worth, I haven't heard of anyone on LHC who uses it regularly as a hair dye... They might be out there, I just haven't seen an active thread or post about it. I think it's very important that you do your research (more than my thirty seconds of googling :P) if this is something you're interested in, so that you're informed of the potential side effects of what you're doing. :)

ETA: I used it once or twice with Amla when I was trying to darken my hair quite a few years ago now, but stopped after I read about the potential problems. It didn't give such amazing results that I was willing to risk the possible side effects.

June 13th, 2016, 01:21 AM
Ok, thanks Sumidha; it's just interesting that when I google black walnut powder I only get results of how to use it as a natural dye, and of its other benefits & uses, at least the first page of results... Like this:

And it's also on sale e.g. here, with not much of a warning about it being a health hazard: http://eu.iherb.com/Starwest-Botanicals-Organic-Black-Walnut-Hulls-Powder-1-lb-453-6-g/56146?gclid=CN-Tl9q6pM0CFUQcGwod1nYHxA

But I guess I need to read more from those links you gave.

I haven't used it really, only have a small pouch of it bought from a health shop stacked somewhere that I've only tried once or so, but if it really is so dangerous I might not use the rest at all...

Although I do wonder if this is a similar case as that when henna was said to cause cancer (yeah...) and was about to be banned in the EU, some 11 years ago or so, but I guess nothing ever came of that... ;)

June 14th, 2016, 02:44 AM
Ok, thanks Sumidha; it's just interesting that when I google black walnut powder I only get results of how to use it as a natural dye, and of its other benefits & uses, at least the first page of results... Like this:

And it's also on sale e.g. here, with not much of a warning about it being a health hazard: http://eu.iherb.com/Starwest-Botanicals-Organic-Black-Walnut-Hulls-Powder-1-lb-453-6-g/56146?gclid=CN-Tl9q6pM0CFUQcGwod1nYHxA

But I guess I need to read more from those links you gave.

I haven't used it really, only have a small pouch of it bought from a health shop stacked somewhere that I've only tried once or so, but if it really is so dangerous I might not use the rest at all...

Although I do wonder if this is a similar case as that when henna was said to cause cancer (yeah...) and was about to be banned in the EU, some 11 years ago or so, but I guess nothing ever came of that... ;)

Check out the other topic on a formula I found u have to apply twice a day.

June 15th, 2016, 08:18 PM
Thank you!