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View Full Version : No trims for a year...doable?

April 21st, 2016, 11:28 PM
So I really want to leave this mess alone and grow it with no trims for a year... Mostly because I never really go to hairdressers and I am scared that if I trim it myself I will get scissor happy and end up back at square one. But I guess I'm having trouble visualizing how this is all going to end up with the ear cut outs and whatnot.... Has anyone else gone from this stage (whatever we call it... ear? pixie? shag?) without trims for a while? How did it work out?

http://s20.postimage.org/uqjt1od95/IMG_2184.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/uqjt1od95/)

April 21st, 2016, 11:36 PM
Some people do just grow without cutting, some do small cuts to deal with the worst parts. If you want to just not trim, then go ahead! It will grow out fastest if you just wait out the awkward stages. There are a number of threads talking about growing out from a pixie. Probably small clips and headbands will be helpful.

April 21st, 2016, 11:55 PM
I did post on there but it hasn't been active for a few days. I am just being super impatient about everything right now :)

I'm clipping and headbanding away, I guess I was just wondering about general shape. Like what it looks like growing from here with no trims to, say, shoulder. Or, if you survive this particular phase of awkward, how many more are there to look forward to before you have proper hair again (I'm fine with layers/taper, just didn't know if the front-back unevenness and the bit over the ears would even itself out as it grows). I would poke around on blogs and such but I don't have enough posts yet.

I can head back to super shorties and see if anyone else shows up.

April 22nd, 2016, 12:16 AM
i am growing out from a shave which i think is really close to being or even more awkward than a shaped pixie. the front to back unnevenness doesn't bother me at all and i know it will only get better as it grows longer... i am into a natural v though for long term! i put my back length into pigtails for like seriously 3 months every day when it was at it's mullet peak and also used braided bang type things folded and clipped back so the length difference wouldn't be as noticeable.

April 22nd, 2016, 12:21 AM
Hey that's totally doable, for the last 3 years I've only cut my hair once a year and I don't think it has suffered for it at all. It really helps me know how much has been cut off overall, which I found difficult to estimate with smaller frequent trims. :)

This was once my hair was past my shoulders though, when I was growing out a pixie I cut it wayyyy more often to prevent mullet. But if you can grin and bear the wonderfully weird pixie grow out stages then I say go for it!! :p It'll definitely grow out faster than mine when I was trimming it every four to six weeks!

April 22nd, 2016, 12:31 AM
Glad TaterTot showed up! There are a lot of people here who started from pixies and who are now at various stages (I think of missrandie and Obsidian but I know there are others). Mine was pretty easy this time since I'd gotten my overgrown pixie trimmed into sort of an ear-length bob before deciding I wanted to grow it out- it then grew out pretty nicely with no awkwardness. The previous time I grew out a pixie, all I remember is it was awkward- but then my pixies were all awkward almost all the time, because I never maintained them often enough. But I think it's a matter of being patient and taking each stage as it comes. Your styles will probably change a lot over the next year or so, so have fun with it.

April 22nd, 2016, 12:42 AM
I haven't had a pixie in ages, it was in a short bob before I started actually growing it out this time. My trims happened when I wanted to even out the hemline, otherwise I let it grow. Worst case scenario, it looks like a heavily layered cut.

April 22nd, 2016, 04:15 AM
It is doable, but it's a little too late to join the no-trimming thread for 2016 if you cut later than January 1st 2016, if not, then by all means, you're welcome in that thread, for *sure*! Otherwise, you can join the no-trimming club thread. And don't forget the shorties thread. There's a lot of other people in your exact position, not sure on whether or not they want to "trim the mullet" or go on growing.

Good luck!

April 22nd, 2016, 09:01 AM
Thanks for the feedback everyone :flower:

I grew out from a pixie once before but trimmed the back and grew to waist length with blunt ends. This time I'm actually going for a natural v shape with fairytales or maybe compact-cut type layers so I think I will go with the plan to not trim for a year, I can always reassess once it's past the awkward pixie growing-out phases. lapushka I did trim the back about a month ago, otherwise I totally would have jumped on the no-trim 2016 bandwagon.

I discovered that if I break out the headbands I can sort of do double french braids and look presentable so yay!

April 22nd, 2016, 09:15 AM
I had a similar cut before I decided to grow my hair out, it might have been more layered though. As far as I can remember I didn't have any trims or shaping for almost 3 years, and I survived! I was really good at ignoring my hair back then. As soon as it was long enough for pigtails or a half pony I pulled it back and ignored it, with lots of pins, barrettes and clips to keep the wayward layers from flying all over.

If you don't mind wearing it up most of the time, you can definitely go without trimming, but if you wear your hair down all the time it could be more difficult. A good way to hide the ear notches is just pulling back the front parts, in my experience.

ETA: If you can manage french braids at that length, you are far more talented than I am! :)

April 22nd, 2016, 11:37 AM
Totally doable, though it might get more wear when it hits your shoulders than some of us with longer hair experience due to being able to wear it up more. I've found that my ends don't get a lot of wear and tear (even though I've been wearing tons of braids this last year), so trimming just cuts the sprinter hairs back and might limit fairytaling. (And I kinda doubt it's even doing that, since my hair seems determined to fairytale no matter what!)

April 22nd, 2016, 11:43 AM
My hair looks similar to yours, maybe bit longer. I just keep using mini claw clips, headbands and refuse to cut it. I want it long so badly :-))) Will be watching this thread for some pictures. When you have enough posts check out Browneyedsusan's blog. She went from total pixie to almost hip length with I think very minimal trimming.

April 22nd, 2016, 01:37 PM
pearly~91 you have beautiful hair! And so much of it! And you started at 14 inches! There is hope! Just out of curiosity, how long have you been growing it?

i feel like a few more inches and I will have an easier time getting in back and forgetting about it. I do prefer to wear it up most of the time when its long enough. The French braids today felt like a major accomplishment, though I use that term rather generously. More like a few crossed strands and a lot of pins :)

April 22nd, 2016, 01:45 PM
Hi Agnieszka, I'm so happy I'm not alone! Claw clips are my current best friends, though I got the tiny ones and all the teeth are breaking off. We can do this! It's hard being surrounded by all this gorgeous looooong hair and feeling like you have so far to go. Glad to know there are still other shorties around!

April 22nd, 2016, 02:28 PM
When I was growing my hair and it was at your stage of growth, I held the front and sides back with little clips until the back was long enough to put in a pony tail. After I reached that length it wasn't long before I could do a French braid and after that it was pretty much plain sailing. If you discount the frustration of everyone having longer hair than you... Then you just have to learn patience...

Patience is the hardest thing of all.

April 22nd, 2016, 02:40 PM
When I was growing my hair and it was at your stage of growth, I held the front and sides back with little clips until the back was long enough to put in a pony tail. After I reached that length it wasn't long before I could do a French braid and after that it was pretty much plain sailing. If you discount the frustration of everyone having longer hair than you... Then you just have to learn patience...

Patience is the hardest thing of all.

Do y'all have a recipe for patience lying around anywhere? :p

April 22nd, 2016, 07:16 PM
Thank you! Yes, there is ALWAYS hope!

My last short cut was in summer of 2011, it was a bit shorter than yours and more heavily layered, 14 inches right at nape on me. I haven't had any significant cuts since then, just trims.

I don't think I even attempted french braids until at least APL, and I still struggle. Braids are not my strong suit. They're always loose.

pearly~91 you have beautiful hair! And so much of it! And you started at 14 inches! There is hope! Just out of curiosity, how long have you been growing it?

i feel like a few more inches and I will have an easier time getting in back and forgetting about it. I do prefer to wear it up most of the time when its long enough. The French braids today felt like a major accomplishment, though I use that term rather generously. More like a few crossed strands and a lot of pins :)

April 22nd, 2016, 07:38 PM
Do y'all have a recipe for patience lying around anywhere? :p

Yes, there's a Youtube video, you can buy it! :p


April 22nd, 2016, 07:40 PM
Yes, there's a Youtube video, you can buy it! :p


April 23rd, 2016, 06:31 AM
Hi Agnieszka, I'm so happy I'm not alone! Claw clips are my current best friends, though I got the tiny ones and all the teeth are breaking off. We can do this! It's hard being surrounded by all this gorgeous looooong hair and feeling like you have so far to go. Glad to know there are still other shorties around!

:-) I sometimes think to myself what am I doing here with my short hair but no one is telling me to go away so here I am ;-) I find it motivating when I check other people's hair here. It keeps me going. I also joined monthly length photo project as it somehow keeps me away from scissors. My hair is growing and one day will be long.

It is very hard to look in a mirror sometimes and see this shaggy mess.I don't feel pretty with my hair down. It is not flattering but I take the front behind ears, clip it with mini claw clips and recently I can manage to do a peacock twist, it's really a mini one but each month I will be able to do more and more things. I haven't touched scissors since October 2015 when I cut off all the bleach and my hair was quite short (maybe 1,5-2 inches) I will be watching your progress as we have very similar length and hairstyle. Maybe you could also join monthly length photo project thread?

I'm sure your hair will be stunning when long!

April 23rd, 2016, 07:18 AM
:-) I sometimes think to myself what am I doing here with my short hair but no one is telling me to go away so here I am ;-) I find it motivating when I check other people's hair here. It keeps me going. I also joined monthly length photo project as it somehow keeps me away from scissors. My hair is growing and one day will be long.

It is very hard to look in a mirror sometimes and see this shaggy mess.I don't feel pretty with my hair down. It is not flattering but I take the front behind ears, clip it with mini claw clips and recently I can manage to do a peacock twist, it's really a mini one but each month I will be able to do more and more things. I haven't touched scissors since October 2015 when I cut off all the bleach and my hair was quite short (maybe 1,5-2 inches) I will be watching your progress as we have very similar length and hairstyle. Maybe you could also join monthly length photo project thread?

I'm sure your hair will be stunning when long!

It was short at one point for all of us, well... most of us. We're on this site to grow hair. That's the point. I had to chop back to chin twice due to stupidities on my part (dye disasters). My mom warned me, but still did as I asked and dyed it for me. I was here when I got my chemical cut & burn. After that I for sure changed my ways and could grow out to classic with all virgin hair. Sometimes you also need to find your inner motivation for it. You can't grow if you keep cutting it either.

The no-trim challenges are amazing for that. In the no-trim club you can set your own tiny goals for a few months without a trim. It's excellent for situations such as this, for awkward stages especially.

Anyway, good luck in your journey. We've all been there! :flower:

April 23rd, 2016, 07:32 AM
Glad TaterTot showed up! There are a lot of people here who started from pixies and who are now at various stages (I think of missrandie and Obsidian but I know there are others). Mine was pretty easy this time since I'd gotten my overgrown pixie trimmed into sort of an ear-length bob before deciding I wanted to grow it out- it then grew out pretty nicely with no awkwardness. The previous time I grew out a pixie, all I remember is it was awkward- but then my pixies were all awkward almost all the time, because I never maintained them often enough. But I think it's a matter of being patient and taking each stage as it comes. Your styles will probably change a lot over the next year or so, so have fun with it.

I am one :)

As everyone has said, it is completely doable. I still feel like I have little ear hole remnants, but most of my hair makes it up into a twist or something else, and the rest (usually either remnant bangs it nape hairs) get clipped up or back. Then I just forget about it.

I've gone nearly a year so far without trims, and I'm also on the No Trimming 2016 thread.

Its amazing how fast hair grows when you don't cut it off :p

April 23rd, 2016, 05:24 PM
You all are the best :flowers:thank you for all of the encouragement from those who have been there done that and lived to tell the tale :)

Agnieszka, thanks for the tip about the the monthly length photo thread. I'd planned on doing that on my own anyway, but it will be nice to have growing out buddies!

April 23rd, 2016, 06:27 PM
The monthly length photo is a great resource. When you feel like your hair isn't growing (and you will feel like that sometimes) you can look back at how your hair was 3 or 4 months ago and see that it is growing - and remarkably so. It will give you one of those "woo-hoo" moments! ;)

April 24th, 2016, 02:33 AM
It was short at one point for all of us, well... most of us. We're on this site to grow hair. That's the point. I had to chop back to chin twice due to stupidities on my part (dye disasters). My mom warned me, but still did as I asked and dyed it for me. I was here when I got my chemical cut & burn. After that I for sure changed my ways and could grow out to classic with all virgin hair. Sometimes you also need to find your inner motivation for it. You can't grow if you keep cutting it either.

The no-trim challenges are amazing for that. In the no-trim club you can set your own tiny goals for a few months without a trim. It's excellent for situations such as this, for awkward stages especially.

Anyway, good luck in your journey. We've all been there! :flower:

Thank you Lapushka!!! Oh I read about your cut and burn before, that had to be terrible experience! I had something like that happening to me too in the past. I went through different hair stages when I wanted to change it so much. I know I'm in peace with accepting my natural hair colour (I even like few grays peaking through) and really ready to grow my hair. I'm in that stage right now that I don't want to experiment anymore, I'm tired of it and I'm really accepting my hair colour and it's texture.

You all are the best :flowers:thank you for all of the encouragement from those who have been there done that and lived to tell the tale :)

Agnieszka, thanks for the tip about the the monthly length photo thread. I'd planned on doing that on my own anyway, but it will be nice to have growing out buddies!

And I can compare my growth to yours if you share it there :-) I'm looking forward to the next 6 months because I think after that I will be able to gather my hair on the top of my head (with some claw clips here and there).

April 24th, 2016, 04:11 AM
Thank you Lapushka!!! Oh I read about your cut and burn before, that had to be terrible experience! I had something like that happening to me too in the past. I went through different hair stages when I wanted to change it so much. I know I'm in peace with accepting my natural hair colour (I even like few grays peaking through) and really ready to grow my hair. I'm in that stage right now that I don't want to experiment anymore, I'm tired of it and I'm really accepting my hair colour and it's texture.

Good for you! It's not that bad if you color your hair, and if you can stick to *one* color for a long long long loooong time. But I changed it up so much (red, blonde, black, brown, henna, bleach, chemical dye) that it took its toll and my hair said, "enough!" so yeah... I learned the hard way.

April 24th, 2016, 06:11 AM
No. But I grown without cutting from bob with shaved back, so it wasn't even all over and it grown out fine.