View Full Version : how to grow out these bangs

March 27th, 2016, 10:21 AM
Hi all, need some advice. I think I am going to try to grow out my bangs. I Always have bangs, because my hair just grows in that direction (easy... lazy). Now I either want to get smaller bangs or grow them out completely.

Questions: will it suit me without bangs, and how to grow them out (without using bobby-pins etc. )? Any advice...

March 27th, 2016, 10:33 AM
sorry, look tired. hahaha

March 27th, 2016, 11:00 AM
I think most people like to grow them out side-swept, but my forehead is a little on the short side and I couldn't do even that without some bobby pins to help hold them in place. So I went with pins, side combs, barrettes, and snap clips until the darn things were long enough to stay in updos. Now they're past my armpits and actually cooperative.

March 27th, 2016, 11:11 AM
Yes. Grow them out. Will look MUCH better. It's the same like with me: The bangs are too heavy and are dragging your face down. They put a shadow on your face so that it looks less fresh. It was the same with me. You'll look younger without. With bangs my face looked dull and tired often. I had to wear powder and blush to look fresh. Without bangs there's so much light highlighting my face that I don't need any makeup.

March 27th, 2016, 11:16 AM
Accent braids would look awesome on you. Side part and french braid to the side. I did this always when I was growing them out. It'll suit you and make you look younger.

March 27th, 2016, 11:16 AM
Yes. Grow them out. Will look MUCH better. It's the same like with me: The bangs are too heavy and are dragging your face down. They put a shadow on your face so that it looks less fresh. It was the same with me. You'll look younger without. With bangs my face looked dull and tired often. I had to wear powder and blush to look fresh. Without bangs there's so much light highlighting my face that I don't need any makeup.

thanks for your reply. I Always liked heavy bangs, but I guess I will try something different. I don't really want to look younger though...hahaha.. .I am going to the 40 years, and people still think I am 25.

March 27th, 2016, 11:17 AM
I think most people like to grow them out side-swept, but my forehead is a little on the short side and I couldn't do even that without some bobby pins to help hold them in place. So I went with pins, side combs, barrettes, and snap clips until the darn things were long enough to stay in updos. Now they're past my armpits and actually cooperative.

side bangs don't look well on me, because my hair grows straigth foreard. Barrettes are a good plan :)

March 27th, 2016, 11:18 AM
I have pics in my album with bangs. And videos in my signature with and without. In the concert video I look SO tired... But I wasn't. It was the first month after I decided to grow them out and they were too long... And too heavy. Much longer than the original cut.

March 27th, 2016, 11:19 AM
thanks for your reply. I Always liked heavy bangs, but I guess I will try something different. I don't really want to look younger though...hahaha.. .I am going to the 40 years, and people still think I am 25.

It's the same for me. I'm 41 and people give me no more than 25 years. :D But that's great!

March 27th, 2016, 11:27 AM
I like how your bangs look right now, I could never pull off bangs (I'm growing out my bangs also, sideswept.) Although if you really want to grow your bangs out yes, having no bangs would suit you very well. :) Just have patience while growing out your bangs, I used and still do use flower pins sometimes. Now that my bangs are about chin length, they just blend in with my hair. My friends didn't even know that I have bangs! Hmm..I'm searching my brain for advice but that's about all that I've got.

March 27th, 2016, 11:28 AM
It's the same for me. I'm 41 and people give me no more than 25 years. :D But that's great!

just looked your videos... great music :)

liked your bangs too, but I Always liked bangs, but I agree that without might look better in my case...

March 27th, 2016, 11:30 AM
I like how your bangs look right now, I could never pull off bangs (I'm growing out my bangs also, sideswept.) Although if you really want to grow your bangs out yes, having no bangs would suit you very well. :) Just have patience while growing out your bangs, I used and still do use flower pins sometimes. Now that my bangs are about chin length, they just blend in with my hair. My friends didn't even know that I have bangs! Hmm..I'm searching my brain for advice but that's about all that I've got.

thanks :)

March 27th, 2016, 11:37 AM
Side combs work great and you can vary their placement to get different effects. Also you can quiff bangs once they're long enough to get in your eyes. A quiff is sort of a mini-twist just above the forehead.

March 27th, 2016, 11:42 AM
Just thought I would chime in here... ;) I grew out my bangs using a 2 inch small claw clip to pull them into a half up and kept the sides down. It was kind of an 80s look, but imo it was still a cute way to give my face some lift and get the bangs out of my face as well as allow them to grow out. I also used a bit of hairspray to train them to go up and back to get them off my face... ;)

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=631&noj=1&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=girlfriends+oj+simpson&oq=girlfriends+oj+simpson&gs_l=img.3...28368.32916.0.33986. 432.0j1j1.2.0....0...1c.1.64.img..10.2.430.J0urQdR tTFQ#imgrc=MafRcQKsBJPn6M%3A
This pic is what I am trying to describe but the small claw clip has to start closer to the hairline, and as the bangs grow longer, you move the clip back keeping the small poof on top to add height to your crown. Remember to use some hairspray to hold back the shorter lengths and to hold the poof back. :) Please don't freak out that this is an older style from the 80s ... you are in a bangs growing out stage so you do what you have to do. This is a temporary fix for only about a month until your bangs are long enough to braid into a side braid and pin onto one side of your head. This is what I did, anyways to grow out my bangs. Hope it helps you out! :cool:

Yes, Cg called this poof a quiff.... ;) Same twist bangs and push forward....idea...;)

March 27th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Bobby pins bobby pins and more bobby pins

March 27th, 2016, 01:19 PM
thanks for your inputs. I guess I do need bobby pins. I kind off like bangs (especially because it is so easy to wear), but we will see how it goes...

March 27th, 2016, 04:10 PM
side bangs don't look well on me, because my hair grows straigth foreard. Barrettes are a good plan :)

Yeah, mine does too. You can train it to part to some extent.

March 27th, 2016, 04:11 PM
I grew out bangs by ignoring them until they grew into the other layers. But I like your bangs as they are!

March 27th, 2016, 07:47 PM
Here are some ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh8MTdgIDaA

A dab of gel or spritz of hairspray helps to keep the strands neater.

I also do a thing with 2 strands (I'm growing out bangs, too). Section off hair, then divide into 2 strands. . Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yIDR3HiL54 , except you would be going just above your forehead to contain all the bangs, then pin down with a barrette, clip, bobby pins (they make pretty ones), etc. Again, a dab of gel or spritz of hair spray helps the bangs to stay contained.

Also, having the sides of the bangs blended down into the sides of your hair will give a more graceful look during the growing out process. Otherwise it will look like 2 separate chunks of hair.

I think growing out those heavy bangs is a good idea. It looks like a lot of thickness is dedicated to the bangs, which means the bottom of your hair (the hem) will be thinner, possibly too thin.

March 27th, 2016, 08:44 PM
I tend to actually think most people look better w/ some light bangs or sidebangs, but that is just my opinion. :-)

March 28th, 2016, 01:34 AM
I totally second side sweeping them when they get too long to sit front and centre. This is what I did when my bangs were growing out!

Once they get a little to long for side bangs I did a long of crown braids and using Bobby pins to pin them out of the way until they could join the rest of my hair. I really thing bangs can be cut (carefully) to keep them cute at most stages of the grow out with a little time and thought :o

March 28th, 2016, 10:43 AM
. I really thing bangs can be cut at most stages of the grow out with a little time and thought :o

Yes, need to find a good hairdresser to cut the bangs carefully while growing them out.

March 28th, 2016, 04:38 PM
You could also wear a pretty headband to hold them back until they are long enough to blend in better.