View Full Version : Scalp / hair kills me and derm won't help!

March 14th, 2016, 04:15 PM
Help! I've so many mysterious problems I don't know where to begin.

I've always had clear skin and healthy scalp but a few years ago it all started with an eruption of pimples on face, back and chest my scalp started getting super greasy and it has a very distinctive smell, kind of smells like bake yeast, or like a wet towel

After being treated with antibiotics for what they thought was acne it aggravated my condition and they now think it's malassezia folliculitis. As for my scalp one derm says SD, but the other derm doesn't know. Treatment for SD is non-responsive so I had to ask here because doctors have given up on me and told me I have to live with this! They don't care for additional tests!

So the issues I'm having :

- extreme itch
- strong smell of yeast
- thick & waxy buildup, Whenever I scratch my scalp, I get this thick, waxy stuff under my nails. It looks creamy yellowish.
- painful pimples
- extremely greasy scalp
- extremely dry ends that split and tangle only hours after hair being brushed out

Only hours after I've washed my hair thoroughly the disgusting smell starts to build up again. The scalp is extremely greasy but the hairs and lengths are so so so dry that my hair tangles.

I honestly am so lost!! I don't want to wash my hair every day! It's thick and long and takes hours to dry and also I don't want to dry my lengths out more than what they are. I've tried washing my scalp only but u can't, the lengths get all wet any way I try.

I can't take this darn itch it's killing me, I can't sleep because of the itch! It also itches around the wings of my nose (if there is any correlation?)

What could this be?! :( i feel so lost because my hair used to be so beautiful! Now it feels disgusting! Even others can smell my scalp when it's at its worst. I've tried ketononazol, head and shoulders, a dilution of cortisone for the itch, ACV-RINSE, washing often (every day), washing seldom (once a week), using only conditioner etc. but nothing works to get rid of these issues.

Ps : i never use heat tools, I never style, I never use harsh products ( only Shampoo conditioner and a deep conditioner, occasionally oil). I don't dye my hair. I mean I'd love to use styling irons and blow dry my hair because it's so pretty when I do but I know it's bad for my hair and I care for my hair

March 14th, 2016, 04:21 PM
I don't know what that is but it sounds really uncomfortable and I'm sorry you have to deal with it

March 14th, 2016, 04:22 PM
Have you ever tried Nizoral 2%? It is prescription though and you do need to leave it on for 5 min. or the treatment won't work. Just checking to see if you've not forgotten things (can always happen).

March 14th, 2016, 05:24 PM
Thanks guys so much for your swift reply! I am loss for words here, this is such a nuisance and I am not getting help from my derms :(

Nizoral: ketononazol seems to be the active ingredient here and I am using ketononazol Shampoo :( it's also prescription but doesn't help with the itch, smell and buildup however it has helped with the dandruff. Before I had flaky dandruff now it's more "greasy" and like lumps rather than flakes. Sorry to be grossing you out. :(

I also use betametason 0.5mg/ml + salicid acid 20mg/ml dilution for my scalp, got it from my derm but it doesn't help 😓

Guys what could this be? Have you experienced anything similar at all? Could it maybe simply be just sebum buildup that I haven't gotten rid of with my Shampoo and soap? I'm thinking maybe it simply could be something basic as this?

March 14th, 2016, 05:46 PM
How old are you?

Were there any hormonal changes around the time this started? (puberty, pregnancy, BC pills, menopause)

Were there new medication (including BC) when it started (no need to tell names of possible medications or other personal info)?

How is your diet? I think yeast infection needs to be attacked from all directions, including systematically.

Are you otherwise healthy? Long term stress?

What is your hair routine currently?

How often have you been changing the hair routine? I mean have you given the different products and methods a change?

Did you start some hair/skin care products or methods around the time this started? (like oiling)

I once had folliculitis as a new-ish LHCer. My scalp rebelled against my experimenting with stretching washes, COing, and oiling. It healed when I went back to full strenght, daily sulphate shampoos. I can put oils or conditioner on my scalp even now, years and years later.

I have also seen hormonal shifts affecting my acne.

Don't lose hope. Try to put as much information as you can in coherent order, maybe somethings will start emerging from there.

I echo Lapushka that if I were you I would continue 2% ketoconazole shampoo 2-3 times a week (allowing the shampoo sit at least 5 mins before rinsing). You could use CWC to help with dryness (no conditioner on scalp ever), or CWCC. I would skip oils until you are sure they aren't a culprit.

March 14th, 2016, 06:38 PM
I agree with others. :agree:

I think if this only started right after that session of taking antibiotics, the whole balance was probably upset. It's good that at least they've identified malassezia folliculitis and at least one derm says it's SD -> you probably need *very strong* (i.e. prescription strength) anti-fungals, taken regularly for a good period of time. If this derm is not helping you anymore, time to look for another one! :flower:

One more thing: if topical prescription-strength anti-fungals aren't working, sometimes a doctor can prescribe taking anti-fungal tablets. Unfortunately, oral anti-fungals can be pretty rough on the system (especially on liver and kidneys), but sometimes it's the path that doctors recommend, especially when it's a severe case that doesn't respond to topical anti-fungals.

I really hope you'll find a solution for this problem! :pray: Nobody should have to suffer from something like this on a permanent basis - I really hope you'll find a doctor who will help you, noahnoah! :flower:

March 14th, 2016, 06:39 PM
You might spot-try some tea tree oil? It's known as an anti fungal and might help.

March 14th, 2016, 07:10 PM
I got a pony dry and it works great. My ends stay dry and I only have to wash my scalp. I put it right smack on the top of my head and no water at all gets on my length.

March 14th, 2016, 07:25 PM
Perhaps the treatment isn't getting through your thick hair to all parts of the scalp. If that might be the case, I'd like to suggest that you get a bottle where you can mix your treatment shampoo in a bit of warm water - about 1/4 cup. Then push the spout of your bottle right through your hair to the scalp and squirt out a line of shampoo. Repeat this action until you've squirted solution over your entire scalp. Then take a shower comb and comb over your scalp (not the length) until you've combed over the entire scalp. Spend some time doing this. Rinse. Repeat.

You can protect the ends of your hair with oil before starting this process. Also give your hair a thorough brushing before washing it. You may choose to wash standing or sitting upright or bending forward, but once you do, try not to mess your hair all around during the washing process. You'll be washing in a motion similar to combing hair.

March 14th, 2016, 11:08 PM
Get a veterinarian to check your skin for a yeast infection if your derm won't. You can also try pre and probiotics. This is something that will probably take a while to heal, so you might not see results right away. If you just changed job environments or haven't washed your bed sheets in forever, you might be having a reaction to something along those lines.

Also, are you taking any B vitamins?

I hope you get well soon, this sounds absolutely dreadful. :(

March 14th, 2016, 11:19 PM
Did any of your doctor do a skin scrap? I'd think thats the very first thing to do for a diagnosis.