View Full Version : Best oil for length of hair?

January 29th, 2016, 02:53 AM
Castor oil I know is good for the scalp, but I have heard it doesn't have quite as much benefit for the length of one's hair (meaning the rest of your hair beyond your scalp). I tried coconut oil once for this purpose but didn't have such great luck with it; it just isn't for me personally I think. Does anyone know what other oils may work well?

January 29th, 2016, 04:18 AM
Castor oil doesn't do anything in particular to scalps except what any other oil would do, but it's definitely too heavy and thick and sticky for most people to want to use it on their length.

Folks around here use ALL sorts of oils on their lengths. Coconut is often touted, but I've also seen jojoba, olive, canola, argan, and more in people's routines. It's mostly a matter of experimentation: some manes take well to a heavy oil like olive, and some manes just get weighed down prefer a lighter oil like jojoba or maybe none at all. Everyone's hair is different so there is no universal "best" oil.

January 29th, 2016, 04:29 AM
You can use pretty much any oil you want! Olive can be a little on the heavy side, but it's all in how much you use. Mineral oil is heavy too, you certainly wouldn't want to use it on your scalp (*very* hard to wash out), but just a few drops after washing or in the rinse-out oil method (see signature) is enough.

It's not just the kind of oil, but how much of it you use and when.

January 29th, 2016, 04:47 AM
Castor oil is supposed to be great for hair growth, it's sold in pharmacies solely for this purpose. Whether it works on me or not I can't comment, since I haven't used it long enough yet. But yes it's thick so I don't use it on it's own, I mix it with olive oil and tea tree and peppermint essential oils and I use this mixture on scalp as well as a couple of drops on the ends of the hair as a rinse out oil, because I'm too lazy to use just olive oil. And so far it has worked alright, make sure you're not using too much, a couple of drops is good enough and experiment with different oils. You can try whichever oil you have at home, you don't need to buy expensive oils thinking they'll be much much better than the rest. Jojoba is pretty thin and it's supposed to be the most like natural sebum humans have, but I don't like it, I prefer thicker oils like olive and extra virgin olive oil is much cheaper (at least here) than jojoba oil so for me it's not worth it.

January 29th, 2016, 07:16 AM
I use a vitamin E oil blend on my ends (by Jason). It has avocado oil, sweet almond oil, and several others. It has been working pretty well, I use a few drops every day. :)

January 29th, 2016, 07:51 AM
I am a fan of Coconut oil and apricot kernel oil.

January 29th, 2016, 09:03 AM
I love avocado oil for length, as well as argan and camellia oils :D

January 29th, 2016, 09:12 AM
I use a blend of argan, fractionated coconut oil, and jojoba oil for my ends.

January 29th, 2016, 09:34 AM
I love castor oil and sesame oil. Sesame is great on my length and my scalp. It's sort of like argan but thicker, and makes my hair nice and soft.

Nadine <3
January 29th, 2016, 09:50 AM
My hair is a fan of olive and avocado oil. Coconut is okay, but I only ever have the smelly extra virgin stuff around for eating and it reaks. Great for my health but smelling it on myself all day makes me gag.

While oil is great, I've recently found my holy grail leave in. Olive and avocado, blended with an equal amount of cocoa butter. My hair just LOVES it. I use a dime sized amount after every wash, sometimes spritzing with water and applying more in between wash days. My hair has never been this soft, happy, and knot free. I thought it would build up on me after awhile when I first started using it, but it doesn't. Not at all.

January 29th, 2016, 10:29 AM
My hair is a fan of olive and avocado oil. Coconut is okay, but I only ever have the smelly extra virgin stuff around for eating and it reaks. Great for my health but smelling it on myself all day makes me gag.

While oil is great, I've recently found my holy grail leave in. Olive and avocado, blended with an equal amount of cocoa butter. My hair just LOVES it. I use a dime sized amount after every wash, sometimes spritzing with water and applying more in between wash days. My hair has never been this soft, happy, and knot free. I thought it would build up on me after awhile when I first started using it, but it doesn't. Not at all.

That sounds divine!

January 29th, 2016, 10:41 AM
You can use pretty much any oil you want! Olive can be a little on the heavy side, but it's all in how much you use. Mineral oil is heavy too, you certainly wouldn't want to use it on your scalp (*very* hard to wash out), but just a few drops after washing or in the rinse-out oil method (see signature) is enough.

It's not just the kind of oil, but how much of it you use and when.

This exactly! My hair behaves differently with each oil I try. Also, *when* I apply the oil is important. Some oils, like coconut, I can't use on my hair dry because it makes my hair feel hay-like and crunchy. On damp hair, its much better. I recently discovered EVOO. I love it! I only need a few drops, otherwise it gets heavy. My hair likes this one on both damp or dry hair, but I prefer to apply this one after my hair is dried. Other oils I've tried and liked are avocado, pumpkin, sunflower, mineral oil, and apricot oil.

January 29th, 2016, 10:53 AM
This exactly! My hair behaves differently with each oil I try. Also, *when* I apply the oil is important. Some oils, like coconut, I can't use on my hair dry because it makes my hair feel hay-like and crunchy. On damp hair, its much better. I recently discovered EVOO. I love it! I only need a few drops, otherwise it gets heavy. My hair likes this one on both damp or dry hair, but I prefer to apply this one after my hair is dried. Other oils I've tried and liked are avocado, pumpkin, sunflower, mineral oil, and apricot oil.

Yay for "oils" experimentation with great results!! :blossom:

January 29th, 2016, 11:22 AM
I love argan, avocado and wallnut oils. Coconut is ok but i find smell a but too strong, for my taste. I agree with lapushka, it depends a lot on amount you use, some oils i can use more, some are heavier so i use less.