View Full Version : Embracing white hairs by bleaching white, rather than dye over them?

December 25th, 2015, 06:06 PM
So, I'm almost 25 but I'm getting more and more white hairs (not heaps but yeah) mostly they are concentrated on one temple, but not dense enough for it to be really noticeable.
I used to hendigo my hair and have decided to grow it out as it was a bit of a hassle and it's causing the bottoms of my hair to be dryer and tangle more than my virgin hair on top.
What do you think about the idea to potentially bleach that section of hair at the temple white? I think it may look cool. Think of Frankensteins Bride or Rogue from X Men.
How do you deal with white hairs? Ignore it? Dye it?

December 25th, 2015, 10:05 PM
If you used indigo in your hair and still have indigo somewhere in your hair, whatever you do, DO NOT BLEACH IT. There are many horror stories to be found about indigo's nasty reaction to bleaching. That pretty bleached streak of your dreams would turn a nasty green instead that no dye could cover.

If you are absolutely sure that there is no more indigo in your hair, I think a streak would look cool :) be aware, it will still cause damage, and that section will be rougher and drier than the rest of your hair and will require special attention.

I personally deal with my silvers by... Doing nothing. I am 25, and I have a patch of silvers coming in. They don't bother me at all, and I would rather have my hair natural. But that is just me.

December 26th, 2015, 01:03 AM
I think you'd have to touch up the roots really frequently, since it's right next to your face they would be super noticeable. For me personally, I wouldn't do it because the hair at my temples is extra fragile, and I'd be worried about damage.

I only have a few white hairs but I kind of love them; I can't wait until there's enough of them to dye bright colors with vegetable dyes. Also, I started getting them after an incredibly traumatic, stressful period of my life that I survived, so to me they're like a secret badge of honor. Every time I see them in the mirror I'm reminded of my resilience and strength, and hopefully a little bit of gained wisdom and life experience.

December 26th, 2015, 05:35 AM
If you used indigo in your hair and still have indigo somewhere in your hair, whatever you do, DO NOT BLEACH IT. There are many horror stories to be found about indigo's nasty reaction to bleaching. That pretty bleached streak of your dreams would turn a nasty green instead that no dye could cover.

This, so many times over. Henndigo & bleach do not mix!

December 26th, 2015, 12:47 PM
You've got me wondering about how white hair would react to bleach now! My hair is pure white in places at the sides and getting white streaks and bits all over. I like the idea of making it into a feature, but it sounds like you might have to find another way to do that. I've dyed some of my white blue and left some of it alone and some of it is still brown and grey.

December 26th, 2015, 01:55 PM
This lady went gray by bleaching her hair to this, so she could grow it out. Her hair is pretty much gray now (naturally):

December 26th, 2015, 09:00 PM
There is definite layers of indigo still there - didn't realise bleach was an issue with the indigo, as I always knew you could bleach over henna, so didn't think about that.
I did use Manic Panic in Enchanted Forest over my hair (slightly bluish dark green) and it looked awesome, especially with the white hairs picking it up, but it does wash out fairly quickly and with so much hair I needed to use a lot of colour - so it was quite expensive. Just a thought, we'll see. I don't mind it all to much but I think it would almost look better if I just had more white hairs in that spot! haha I'll just have to wait!

Upside Down
December 27th, 2015, 02:51 AM
You can always strand test the hairs that have indigo in them. Or pick up hair that fell out and is on your brush.

Anyhow I think it would look cool and am a bit envious of people that have a grey streak in the front.