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View Full Version : Losing shorter, uncut hair?

December 10th, 2015, 11:26 AM
Hi, I'm an 18 year old guy with almost shoulder length hair, been growing it from a buzz cut for a year and a half now...soo im pretty new to long hair.
Lately Ive been going through a huge shed, and hair is fallout out all over the place. Ive noticed among the hair I lose there are often shorter than average length hairs that still have the tapered top. They can be anything from 2" to 8", basically these new hairs were growing for a few months to a year and then fell out...which as far as I know isnt supposed to happen.

and then I read it can be a sign of male pattern baldness...NOPE

So I've come here, to a mostly female forum, to ask if any of you have had this happen and hopefully convince myself that im not gonna lose all my hair as soon as i started growing it :/

December 10th, 2015, 12:32 PM
It's absolutely *normal* for hair of all lengths to shed. It's part of a normal shedding cycle.

What's not normal is losing more than normal (more than 50-150 hairs a day, which is a lot).

If you are concerned, go have bloodwork done, that is the easiest to find out whether or not something's up.

No need to panic just yet, I don't think.

December 10th, 2015, 01:19 PM
Not every hair on your head has the same terminal length. At the moment my hair is pixie length but it has been as long as BSL in the past, and I had the same type of shedding you described. The long hairs tend to be more noticeable but I always had shorter hairs mixed in as well. As Lapushka said, it's probably only something to be concerned about if you're shedding many more hairs per day than usual.

December 10th, 2015, 02:51 PM
Like lapushka and TR said losing hair is normal, if it's in acceptable range (up to 150 hairs a day). You may notice more hair fall out if you pay attention and play with it more or do hairstyles, if you just wear it loose they fall out when you don't really notice them falling out. Not all hair has the same terminal length, that is why some hairs are shorter than the other when they fall out. I recommend you search around a bit for ways to promote hair growth and ways to take care of hair properly to reduce baldness. Now there is a chance you will not be having great hair forever, but you can reduce balding and keep your hair for a longer time. This depends a lot on genetics as well though.

December 10th, 2015, 02:56 PM
I shed out short hairs as well as long hairs.

December 10th, 2015, 04:04 PM
Yes, it is normal to shed hairs of every length, not just the longest ones.