View Full Version : Child's toy ruining little girl's hair

November 22nd, 2015, 07:11 PM
I saw this on Buzzfeed. http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemcneal/bunchems-hair-woes#.ykbKWqXED7 I can't imagine being a parent and the nightmare trying to get this out of your child's hair or getting that stuck or something similar in your own hair!

November 22nd, 2015, 07:17 PM
I'd absolutely saturate the hair in conditioner, depending on how sticky the toys are I imagine it'd save a significant chink of the hair. I don't know what I'd do if something like that happened to my hair though!

November 22nd, 2015, 07:29 PM
Oh I read about these. And then I saw them at Walmart. They aren't sticky. Rather they are made up of the hook side of velcro. Seems like a really fun building toy. But absolute murder in the hair.

Naturally, I didn't buy them. Play dough and art projects for my 5 year old for Christmas this year ;)

November 22nd, 2015, 07:29 PM
That is so sad to see that little girl lose her beautiful hair to a little toy that I just learned about existed through that article. Hopefully It regrows so she can enjoy her hair once again.

November 22nd, 2015, 07:36 PM
Oh, that's horrible!!!

November 23rd, 2015, 01:00 PM
Ouch... at least she was lucky enough being able to save some of her hair.
Still nothing I'd buy for a child at all.

November 23rd, 2015, 04:24 PM
Ack! What a hair hazard. Seems like a toy you would have to lock away when not in use. I wonder if many children would agree to wear a scarf/cap or banana before playing with craft supplies?

November 23rd, 2015, 05:07 PM
Wow, those need recalled!

November 23rd, 2015, 07:51 PM
Wow, the carnage is real: http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemcneal/bunchems-hair-woes

Back when I had a buzz, I never gave things like that a second thought. Now I understand just how painful that must be.

November 23rd, 2015, 08:09 PM
Oh dear. That sounds awful. Poor kids. I would have really hated to cut my hair for a reason like that. Definitely sounds painful.

Groovy Granny
November 23rd, 2015, 08:13 PM
I saw that on the news tonight...that is terribly sad for them! :(
Kids are kids....it is bound to touch someone's hair and catch like velcro.
What a crappy toy :steam

November 23rd, 2015, 08:36 PM
Maybe it's because of this forum, but I think those parents gave up too early. I'm sure the hair could have been saved, but they would've had to go hair by hair.

Anyways, if the labels specifically say to keep away from your hair, then I probably would have braided/bunned my kids hair. I don't think the company can be blamed if you do something they specifically say NOT to do.

Groovy Granny
November 23rd, 2015, 08:45 PM
I saw that on the news tonight...that is terribly sad for them! :(
Kids are kids....it is bound to touch someone's hair and catch like velcro.
Some tried for hours to remove it; outside of this forum...who would know to use conditioner :shrug:
Even being here, I didn't think of that until it was mentioned.
What a crappy toy...for any kid with hair long enough to get caught!
I would have been BS if that happened to my grandkids:angry:

November 23rd, 2015, 10:49 PM
I wouldn't spend hours trying to get those things out; I'd cut.
But I wouldn't buy them in the first place.

November 23rd, 2015, 11:03 PM
Ugh that's horrible! I can't even imagine how devastated these little girls must have been :( Totally NOT something I'd consider a suitable or safe toy for my kids, wouldn't buy anything like that ever. Just a disaster waiting to happen... so it's just not going to happen, fullstop!

November 24th, 2015, 02:09 AM
Well, I know what my niece isn't getting for christmas!

November 24th, 2015, 02:09 AM
My older kids were playing with a toy helicopter and it ended up snagging in the hair of my toddler. We had to cut off the piece the motor snagged because it was just a disaster. Fortunately it was unnoticeable when trimmed!

November 24th, 2015, 04:33 AM
I'm sorry but some of the comments in the article are truly ridiculous. "one time she put them in her hair, the second time she did a roll and landed on them" Wtf. And that's the fault of the company why exactly? If parents are going to be so stupid to not take precautions (I mean, you wouldn't let your child put playdough in their hair right? Or glue?) then they should take responsibility and stop trying to blame others for their own idiocy.

November 24th, 2015, 05:09 AM
I'm sorry but some of the comments in the article are truly ridiculous. "one time she put them in her hair, the second time she did a roll and landed on them" Wtf. And that's the fault of the company why exactly? If parents are going to be so stupid to not take precautions (I mean, you wouldn't let your child put playdough in their hair right? Or glue?) then they should take responsibility and stop trying to blame others for their own idiocy.

Kids are kids, you can't watch them every second, but I agree - this is a parental supervision toy. Something you play with while under guidance. Not something you just let your kid stick into her hair, because it looks like they had all sorts of fun sticking those things into their hair on purpose! Otherwise not so many would get stuck in!

November 24th, 2015, 05:51 AM
I agree that it is a parental supervision issue, the toy is not deemed to be a hair accessory. However, the name "bunchems" may be luring some children. When I was a child ponytails were called "bunches'. To some children this may sound and look like some kind of colourful little hair accessory. However, it is NOT the fault of the company unless they are advertising it as a hair accessory, which clearly they are not. Parents need to supervise adequately and not blame products and companies for their own lack of attention. It's like blaming a company when your child eats a toy.

Ava Ruu
November 24th, 2015, 06:08 AM
I would have loved those things. It would be fun to build with such balls now, too. I think that we used to have some kind of a velcro toys, darts or something else throw-and-catch related, and never had any hair accidents.

November 24th, 2015, 06:38 AM
Those things are just scary looking. :blueeek: They look like they could be a villain in Dr. Who, or something. Innocent child's toy until suddenly, they grab your kid's hair and won't let go!

They just look evil.

November 24th, 2015, 07:02 AM
I was just thinking, what if you have cats or dogs or other furred animals in your house and these nasty things got stuck in their fur?! Oh goodness. Now that would be a hairtastrophe for the history books.

November 24th, 2015, 07:19 AM
It sounds very scary......especially if your child's toy gets embedded in YOUR hair.

November 24th, 2015, 07:30 AM
I saw the photo, terrible! Hair and velcro do not mix! Poor kid!

November 24th, 2015, 11:48 AM
My kids have these toys and have not gotten many stuck in their hair. I think a few - 2 or 3 - have gotten stuck in Minion's hair, but EVERYTHING gets stuck in her hair.

Same as anything else hooked into the hair, saturate the area in oil, conditioner or any coney stuff, and pick it out.

Now, I have to question how the heck the kids get a box worth of them in their hair, and several are up at the scalp. Are we suggesting to ban Matchbox cars next because children run them over their heads and get them tangled in their hair? Blame your kid for being less than genius, pick them out or cut their hair, and move on with life. It's not the end of the world. Or even news worthy.

November 24th, 2015, 12:08 PM
My kids have these toys and have not gotten many stuck in their hair. I think a few - 2 or 3 - have gotten stuck in Minion's hair, but EVERYTHING gets stuck in her hair.

Same as anything else hooked into the hair, saturate the area in oil, conditioner or any coney stuff, and pick it out.

Now, I have to question how the heck the kids get a box worth of them in their hair, and several are up at the scalp. Are we suggesting to ban Matchbox cars next because children run them over their heads and get them tangled in their hair? Blame your kid for being less than genius, pick them out or cut their hair, and move on with life. It's not the end of the world. Or even news worthy.

*chuckle* Do you know how many times I got brushes caught in my hair as a kid? I just extracted one of my Eternally Amber combs from my son's hair. He also had this foam blade fan thing that I told him to keep away from my head and explained how it could catch my hair. I had to extract that from his hair too.

Eventually they learn. If you ban all the obvious benign hazards they will have to learn the lesson with a less benign hazard.

November 24th, 2015, 12:14 PM
Yeah, I just don't care. Big deal. The toys had an obvious warning to not put in hair back in September when my kids got them. The company made the warning more obvious apparently. Your kid ignores the warning, you spend the time getting them out or cut the hair. Not the end of the world. Minion gets things in hair all the time, I give up.

It's not Satan's dandruff. I think my daughters have glitter from Halloween 2014 still in their hair. That stuff does not come out. Ever.

November 24th, 2015, 12:34 PM
When my sister got a brush tangled in her hair, Dad detangled it. Though he'd been tempted to just cut it out but Mom vetoed. No one called to ban the round brush. Kids do stupid things. I shaved off my eyebrows, cut my bangs, painted myself with permanent marker. Toy gets stuck in a kids hair,they get a spiffy new haircut and a lesson is learned. Parents too often don't want to accept responsibility for supervising their kids or that their special snowflakes are responsible for their screw ups.

Groovy Granny
November 24th, 2015, 12:47 PM
When my sister got a brush tangled in her hair, Dad detangled it. Though he'd been tempted to just cut it out but Mom vetoed. No one called to ban the round brush. Kids do stupid things. I shaved off my eyebrows, cut my bangs, painted myself with permanent marker. Toy gets stuck in a kids hair,they get a spiffy new haircut and a lesson is learned. Parents too often don't want to accept responsibility for supervising their kids or that their special snowflakes are responsible for their screw ups.
So....you were a 'Special snowflake' eh? :laugh:

I am so grateful my 40 and 34 year old kids never did that :p OMG!!

November 24th, 2015, 12:59 PM
When I was 3, I learned to open grandma's kitchen drawer (not an easy feat) and she kept all sorts of more dangerous items there. I found this, and preceded to "comb" my hair out with it. It was a comb/razor. One of those things:

One swipe and my grandma was right there, taking the contraption from me. I didn't know what the fuss was, surely this was just a comb! :lol:

Groovy Granny
November 24th, 2015, 01:01 PM
Hoo boy....that would have been cute :p

Our second grandson put a clipper to his head when he was 4?, removing a huge chunk of bangs there were a couple inches long.
DD had no choice but to buzz cut him :laugh:

November 24th, 2015, 03:06 PM
Yeah, I just don't care. Big deal. The toys had an obvious warning to not put in hair back in September when my kids got them. The company made the warning more obvious apparently. Your kid ignores the warning, you spend the time getting them out or cut the hair. Not the end of the world. Minion gets things in hair all the time, I give up.

It's not Satan's dandruff. I think my daughters have glitter from Halloween 2014 still in their hair. That stuff does not come out. Ever.
This is a hilariously accurate description. I love it haha

November 24th, 2015, 03:48 PM
I agree that it is a parental supervision issue, the toy is not deemed to be a hair accessory. However, the name "bunchems" may be luring some children. When I was a child ponytails were called "bunches'. To some children this may sound and look like some kind of colourful little hair accessory. However, it is NOT the fault of the company unless they are advertising it as a hair accessory, which clearly they are not. Parents need to supervise adequately and not blame products and companies for their own lack of attention. It's like blaming a company when your child eats a toy.

Actually, the first thing I saw when I clicked the link was the name 'Bunchems', and I immediately thought the toy must be something designed to be used on hair. Kind of the same ilk as those horrible spinning braiding machines... ugh. I wouldn't be surprised if that was giving girls the idea of trying to make hair accessories out of them. Some of them are probably trying to make tiaras too. Great fun and very pretty until you try to take them off... shudder:

November 24th, 2015, 03:52 PM
So....you were a 'Special snowflake' eh? :laugh:

I am so grateful my 40 and 34 year old kids never did that :p OMG!!
Oh ya, I was the Specialist of special snowflakes. Rowdy Dowdy and R2D2 were two of my nicknames. I got into all sorts mischief, all when I had escaped supervision.

Groovy Granny
November 24th, 2015, 04:01 PM
Oh ya, I was the Specialist of special snowflakes. Rowdy Dowdy and R2D2 were two of my nicknames. I got into all sorts mischief, all when I had escaped supervision.

LOL A great creative spirit :thumbsup:

Nadine <3
November 24th, 2015, 04:37 PM
Honestly these look pretty cool and I want some! They look like so much fun, like a lego that you can step on without dying!

I agree with others who said parents just need to watch their special snowflakes and stop putting all the blame on the company. Put little Suzy's or johnny's hair in a braid and tell them not to lay on them. If they still get them stuck in their hair, you should have your child's hearing checked because they clearly failed to listen.

November 24th, 2015, 06:39 PM
All I can think of when I see dozens and dozens of these things all smooshed up in someone's hair is this:


November 24th, 2015, 06:43 PM
These toys resemble burrs! I'm sure that a bit of olive oil worked into the hair should be enough to get them out though.

November 24th, 2015, 06:49 PM
Actually, the first thing I saw when I clicked the link was the name 'Bunchems', and I immediately thought the toy must be something designed to be used on hair. Kind of the same ilk as those horrible spinning braiding machines... ugh. I wouldn't be surprised if that was giving girls the idea of trying to make hair accessories out of them. Some of them are probably trying to make tiaras too. Great fun and very pretty until you try to take them off... shudder:

The package has a (to me and my pack of idiot children) very clear warning to not put them in/on hair. No advertising or packages show them in hair. My princess loving duo hasn't got the idea to make tiaras. And even if they did - conditioner and pick them out. Trust me, it's possible to do. Minion has super curly Velcro hair and I've gotten them out of her hair.

Kids have to learn personal responsibility at some point. Having to cut hair because you ignored warnings and basic sense won't kill you. Lack of personal responsibility later in life may very well kill you or others.

The list of blatantly stupid things I did is a mile long. I eventually mostly got over that because hey, that hurt, let's not try that. My well earned nickname was Mayhem, to the point I didn't recognize my real name in school because I never heard it. I still may not understand the need to tie my hair back for concerts, and as such, will risk singe damage to my hair if given the chance. But I've generally stopped other stupid behavior, such as wrestling in a tree house.

November 24th, 2015, 06:57 PM

If your child has to cut their hair because of stupidity, you as parent need to play the role of the Great American Jackalope.

November 24th, 2015, 07:33 PM
Honestly these look pretty cool and I want some! They look like so much fun, like a lego that you can step on without dying!

I agree with others who said parents just need to watch their special snowflakes and stop putting all the blame on the company. Put little Suzy's or johnny's hair in a braid and tell them not to lay on them. If they still get them stuck in their hair, you should have your child's hearing checked because they clearly failed to listen.

ahahaha lol.

It looks terrible to get these things out but it IS their fault.

Am I the only one who laughed out loud at some of the pictures? I mean they are rediculous lol how do you even do some of that

November 24th, 2015, 07:42 PM
Am I the only one who laughed out loud at some of the pictures? I mean they are rediculous lol how do you even do some of that

Mischievous siblings - that's how :slap:

Nadine <3
November 24th, 2015, 08:08 PM
All I can think of when I see dozens and dozens of these things all smooshed up in someone's hair is this:


:lol: Hahaha love Ron White!!

ahahaha lol.

It looks terrible to get these things out but it IS their fault.

Am I the only one who laughed out loud at some of the pictures? I mean they are rediculous lol how do you even do some of that

Nah, I went and found the amazon listing for more lolz :D

November 24th, 2015, 08:18 PM
Nah, I went and found the amazon listing for more lolz :D

I read the reviews, The clients were happier than a vegan lion!

November 24th, 2015, 08:19 PM
A lot of the comments from complaining parents are about how their child got so many by making a hat, or about how they are choking hazards to boot. If your child is too young to not put them in their mouth or hair on purpose, your child is too young for this toy. You don't give tiny legos to 3 year olds either.

That said, I can see how they would get so thoroughly matted in...the child tried to pull them out first before going to mom for help.

November 24th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Haha that sounds funny Nadine.

Mufasa I can totally see this being the work of siblings... I can just imagine my younger brother getting bad at me or thinking it was funny back when we were younger. Ugh so glad thats not possible anymore and I can just laugh at a distance.

November 25th, 2015, 08:45 AM
Ooof, I saw the article yesterday, and it definitely does not look fun for those kids. Kids are kids though, they'll mess with almost anything in ways not intended, so yeah..blaming the company is pretty silly.

Plus, I kinda want those toys! They look fun! But my cats would probably decide it's a great toy and then try to eat it or get it stuck in their fur or something, and that's probably worse to deal with than kids.