View Full Version : BSL by December 31st, 2016

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October 14th, 2015, 01:55 PM
Similar threads for all different lengths have been popping up lately, and I thought why not have one for us aiming for BSL (Bra Strap Length) by the end of the year 2016!

Anyone join me?

PS. Everyone welcome, whether you use bra or not. Everyone can define themselves how they interpret BSL and how they choose to measure it, and/or call it (upper BSL, lower BSL, MBL, right below pecs/breasts, bottom of shoulder blades...). :flower:

ETA: After making suggestion about the nature of this thread, and hearing opinions of others', it was agreed upon that to help this challenge to become successful in long term

a) no-one needs to take a burden of being "a host" for this thread (unless someone wants to be one, of course). For this to work, it would need some general, small scale, active participation from everybody
b) everyone who participates is encouraged to be interactive, to acknowledge and support others
c) it is encouraged as a rule of thumb, that everyone who posts would comment on at least one of the previous post
d) just passively dumping your photos and updates here is what we'd like to avoid, because it discourages (inter)active participation and a sense of supportive peer group
e) of course life happens and we are all busy, and these are more like gentle guideline reminders, than hard rules

Alma Petra has typed down some suggestions and few questions to get us started in this post (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=134503&p=3103141&viewfull=1#post3103141).

Belle Paix
October 14th, 2015, 01:59 PM
Oh yes, I'm in!! I'm about 18" now....about CBL...

October 14th, 2015, 02:04 PM
I'm somewhere between collabone and APL, probably reaching APL early 2016. It takes me about year between big milestones, so it's a mystery if I really reach BSL by the end of 2016, especially as I like to trim, but I can try!

Great to have company, welcome Belle Paix!

October 14th, 2015, 02:20 PM
I'm around shoulder length (close to APL when I pull it straight) and would love to join you lovelies! My hair doesn't show its length progression very well due to waves and wurls, but my longterm goal is BSL and it just might be attainable by the end of 2016.

October 14th, 2015, 02:23 PM
hopefullocks the more the merrier! Maybe your curls will relax a bit as they gain weight, and the length will be more visible? If I were curly, I would probably call milestones with stretched hair :) Or, I would call milestones twice, stretched and curly! Never too much celebrations!

October 14th, 2015, 02:34 PM
Count me in ☺️ I'm shoulder/ just under APL at the back now so am hoping/ praying to be at BSL by Nov/Dec next year!

October 14th, 2015, 03:29 PM
I'm in~! :D I'm *almost* at APL only an inch or so away.. I'm getting so excited to have more weight to my hair, if that makes sense hehe. :3

October 14th, 2015, 03:33 PM
Yay! Thanks for starting this thread Arctic! I am close to APL, ok well you know not CLOSE, an inch or two away so this thread seems perfect for me. I hope to make it to BSL before December but I do plan to trim this December so we will see what happens.

October 14th, 2015, 04:28 PM
Why not? I will see where I am at by the end of next year :) I've just barely hit shoulder, but who knows?

October 14th, 2015, 06:56 PM
I can always try, just wait and see. No harm in joining in, in case I do actually hit BSL my next year.
Right the back of my hair a little bit last shoulder length and measure in at 17.5 inches. :cool:

October 14th, 2015, 07:18 PM
I'm in! I'm at APL right now, i HOPE i reach bsl before next xmas though! i hope!

October 15th, 2015, 09:06 AM
Welcome everyone!

Count me in ☺️ I'm shoulder/ just under APL at the back now so am hoping/ praying to be at BSL by Nov/Dec next year!

You have good changes!

I'm in~! :D I'm *almost* at APL only an inch or so away.. I'm getting so excited to have more weight to my hair, if that makes sense hehe. :3

You too, most like you'll reach BSL!

Yay! Thanks for starting this thread Arctic! I am close to APL, ok well you know not CLOSE, an inch or two away so this thread seems perfect for me. I hope to make it to BSL before December but I do plan to trim this December so we will see what happens.

You'll be at APL in no time, and then it's just smooth saling from there! :)

Why not? I will see where I am at by the end of next year :) I've just barely hit shoulder, but who knows?

If you have short distances between body markers, your hair grows fast and you keep your scissor mostly hidden, then it's very possible! Good luck!

I can always try, just wait and see. No harm in joining in, in case I do actually hit BSL my next year.
Right the back of my hair a little bit last shoulder length and measure in at 17.5 inches. :cool:

I'm few inches longer than you, we can try together! Good luck!

I'm in! I'm at APL right now, i HOPE i reach bsl before next xmas though! i hope!

You can do it!


I know long term threads usually are more successful if someone will act as a "host" who keeps the thread alive and builds discussions and comments on people's posts. Often the thread starter is that person.

I will have to admit straight away, that I probably can't be a "host" like that, so I sincerely hope we each try to contribute, comment on other's posts, support each other, and so on :) I see it often in other threads, how people just dump their photos or updates, and never comment on the previous posts.

I would suggest as a loose rule of thumb, that it would be wonderful if everyone when posting, would take the time to comment on at least one other post.

How would you all feel about this? It's something I often try to follow myself on other threads, but of course sometimes life happens and this wouldn't be a serious must-do, but a more like a guide line. I think this would make a thread more friendly in general, and help it stay alive for a long time, without anyone feeling they need to be a "host"!

If there is support for this suggestion, I can edit the first post to include this commenting recommedation.

I hope to hear your opinions!

October 15th, 2015, 07:46 PM
Welcome everyone!

You have good changes!

You too, most like you'll reach BSL!

You'll be at APL in no time, and then it's just smooth saling from there! :)

If you have short distances between body markers, your hair grows fast and you keep your scissor mostly hidden, then it's very possible! Good luck!

I'm few inches longer than you, we can try together! Good luck!

You can do it!


I know long term threads usually are more successful if someone will act as a "host" who keeps the thread alive and builds discussions and comments on people's posts. Often the thread starter is that person.

I will have to admit straight away, that I probably can't be a "host" like that, so I sincerely hope we each try to contribute, comment on other's posts, support each other, and so on :) I see it often in other threads, how people just dump their photos or updates, and never comment on the previous posts.

I would suggest as a loose rule of thumb, that it would be wonderful if everyone when posting, would take the time to comment on at least one other post.

How would you all feel about this? It's something I often try to follow myself on other threads, but of course sometimes life happens and this wouldn't be a serious must-do, but a more like a guide line. I think this would make a thread more friendly in general, and help it stay alive for a long time, without anyone feeling they need to be a "host"!

If there is support for this suggestion, I can edit the first post to include this commenting recommedation.

I hope to hear your opinions!

You are right, a host is necessary. I usually try to comment on at least the couple of people ahead of me's posts but if I feel I have to comment on every post before mine, I feel overwhelmed and then end up not posting at all. It's not that I don't read the posts and enjoy them, its just that with my ancient laptop and busy life it can take a while to make a post. ( example, it has taken me 45 minutes of hopping up and down to attend to kids and dh to actually finish this post.) But, I will endeavor to comment on at least a few posts because I agree that it makes for a much better, friendlier, encouraging thread. :)

October 15th, 2015, 10:37 PM
While I can't really host, I can post! I'll have to measure and calculate tomorrow to see if I really can pull off BSL that fast. Technically I gave myself 2 years to hit BSL/Waist (my bras sit very low, and my waist is high.. Not even 2 inches difference).

October 15th, 2015, 10:56 PM
I'm in! I was just past APL at my last trim, and BSL is only 4" away. I seem to grow quick (3/4" monthly so far) But I am micro trimming monthly due to chemical damage. I am hoping to get to BSL long before the end of the year, but it depends on how frustrated I get with the ends...

I usually try to comment on a post or two ahead of mine, but don't think I would be a good host- I end up with too much going on all to often!

October 16th, 2015, 08:13 AM
This will be my goal too. I'm about 2 inches away from APL, but with all I'm doing, my growth rate should speed right up! (I'm an optimist.) :)

October 16th, 2015, 09:38 AM
Haha, so I was way too optomistic in joining in. From my calculations over the last 6 months, I will gain just under 8 1/2 inches by the end of next december, which is short of BSL by 2 inches.

I still wanna try, though! Who knows, maybe with regular and actually performed inversion I can eke out two more inches lol.

Belle Paix
October 16th, 2015, 09:48 AM
Haha, so I was way too optomistic in joining in. From my calculations over the last 6 months, I will gain just under 8 1/2 inches by the end of next december, which is short of BSL by 2 inches.

I still wanna try, though! Who knows, maybe with regular and actually performed inversion I can eke out two more inches lol.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this! I'm so OCD about it that I've actually done a spreadsheet to track my growth....:hmm:

October 16th, 2015, 01:48 PM
This will be a lofty goal for me! I'm a little below CBL with the curls pull out...but it'll give me something to strive for! I tend to be a bit of a fast grower. So in 14 months, if I grow a minimum of 1/2 in a month (i'm usually at least a bit more), then I'll have grown 7 inches ---which would probably put me within spitting distance of BSL. Fingers crossed!

Good luck everyone!

How often do you all measure or take pictures of progress?

Alma Petra
October 16th, 2015, 05:54 PM
I know long term threads usually are more successful if someone will act as a "host" who keeps the thread alive and builds discussions and comments on people's posts. Often the thread starter is that person.

I will have to admit straight away, that I probably can't be a "host" like that, so I sincerely hope we each try to contribute, comment on other's posts, support each other, and so on :) I see it often in other threads, how people just dump their photos or updates, and never comment on the previous posts.

I would suggest as a loose rule of thumb, that it would be wonderful if everyone when posting, would take the time to comment on at least one other post.

How would you all feel about this? It's something I often try to follow myself on other threads, but of course sometimes life happens and this wouldn't be a serious must-do, but a more like a guide line. I think this would make a thread more friendly in general, and help it stay alive for a long time, without anyone feeling they need to be a "host"!

If there is support for this suggestion, I can edit the first post to include this commenting recommedation.

I hope to hear your opinions!

First, I'm in. Hello everybody!

Second, I agree with you that to remain active, long-term threads need to be interactive rather than passive. I have seen it in other forums as well. People tend to get more motivated when they receive feedback. So to make us all hosts, I support that you include the request to reply to at least one previous post to the challenge rules (if it's to be called a challenge?)

Hmmm what else can we do?

I think listing all the names of the challengers and updating that regularly will help keep the people on track. And asking a few questions, or adding a few rules.

So the names of the challengers so far:

1. Arctic
2. Belle Paix
3. hopefullocks
4. Idreamlong
5. gustavonut
6. ReadingRenee
7. missrandie
8. Loveisaverb
9. LauraAlaina
10. RavenRose
11. sweetaj
12. RSunny
13. Alma Petra

If I may suggest a few questions:
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

And if I may suggest a few rules:
1. Post a starting photo if possible.
2. Report your progress (adding a photo if possible) once every 3 month (earlier if you got excited about something)
3. Share your awesome discoveries ;) , any updates in your routine, and your concerns or struggles with us
4. Respect your fellow challengers and encourage them whenever possible :)

October 17th, 2015, 02:45 PM
This will be a lofty goal for me! I'm a little below CBL with the curls pull out...but it'll give me something to strive for! I tend to be a bit of a fast grower. So in 14 months, if I grow a minimum of 1/2 in a month (i'm usually at least a bit more), then I'll have grown 7 inches ---which would probably put me within spitting distance of BSL. Fingers crossed!

Good luck everyone!

How often do you all measure or take pictures of progress?

Fingers crossed for you!
I measure pretty randomly, probably when my hair seems longer and Im just out of the shower. But, I officially record my growth in the beginning of a new month. So my official measure will be November 1 and I will try to get a picture in the meantime.

First, I'm in. Hello everybody!

Second, I agree with you that to remain active, long-term threads need to be interactive rather than passive. I have seen it in other forums as well. People tend to get more motivated when they receive feedback. So to make us all hosts, I support that you include the request to reply to at least one previous post to the challenge rules (if it's to be called a challenge?)

And if I may suggest a few rules:
1. Post a starting photo if possible.
2. Report your progress (adding a photo if possible) once every 3 month (earlier if you got excited about something)
3. Share your awesome discoveries ;) , any updates in your routine, and your concerns or struggles with us
4. Respect your fellow challengers and encourage them whenever possible :)

Sounds good! My last photo is my signature, I plan to take another one for November.

1. What length are you at now?

About 23 inches

2. What is your ultimate goal?

Not sure yet, I think I am aiming for hip and then I will see when I get there.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Wearing my hair up most of the time.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

Be happy with my hair the way it is and not constantly cut or trim it to make it better.

October 18th, 2015, 07:53 AM
If I may suggest a few questions:
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

And if I may suggest a few rules:
1. Post a starting photo if possible.
2. Report your progress (adding a photo if possible) once every 3 month (earlier if you got excited about something)
3. Share your awesome discoveries ;) , any updates in your routine, and your concerns or struggles with us
4. Respect your fellow challengers and encourage them whenever possible :)

I support this!

Here is my most recent photo:


1. What length are you at now?

Just below collarbone length when wet and the curls are pulled out

2. What is your ultimate goal?

So far, BSL

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Probably keeping it in protective styles as much as I can and reducing stress as much as I can. I'm trying some new things like biotin, MSM, caffeine rinses.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

I tend to struggle with getting stressed when I see extra shedding. I'm going to challenge myself not to play too much with my hair or not get frustrated when I don't see much growth.

October 18th, 2015, 08:22 AM
I, too, support the questions, and rules. My starting photo is in my albums - progress! It's in my sig right now but I'm gonna take pics soon and replace it as my hair is a little longer now (not much to notice).

1. What length are you at now?

2. What is your ultimate goal?

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Scalp massage, scalp cleansing. To ward off my overly productive scalp (too much sebum is too much. You wouldn't understand until you saw the 5 mm of buildup on the day after a wash).

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Wearing it up. And not p-tailing. I love p-tails but I know... I know.
RSunny, I also get a little stressed when I get the overshed. When my scalp builds up I shed a LOT and it freaks me out a bit.

October 18th, 2015, 08:45 AM
I hope to reach BSL some time next year. I do think it will be Easter :) but not ruling out the chop to even out layers, so might not happen.
My goal right now is to let my shortest layers grow past shoulders and that's it. To achieve it I just don't trim my hair, so much for technique :)
Happy growing to all in this tread.

October 18th, 2015, 09:58 AM
I will probably hit it before Christmas, but count me in all the same.

1. What length are you at now?
Not quite APL, but very close.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
Tailbone length.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Probably extending washes, trying to wash only once a week and using dry shampoo in between washes.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I need to use less hair elastics/pony tail up dos. I need to get better at doing alternate hair styles.

October 18th, 2015, 05:16 PM
I will probably hit it before Christmas, but count me in all the same.

I was thinking that too but I get stalls so I decided, to heck with it, I'll be there by the 31st. I'll probably hit it on exactly the 27th ish. lol
At the rate I got to APL you'd think I'd have it by next October but I know my hair. No way.

October 18th, 2015, 05:44 PM
This thread is so much fun! And my most recent pic is on my profile, I don't know how to make pics smaller and don't want to crowd the thread with my head O_O
Annnnd here's my answers:

1. What length are you at now?

20 inches

2. What is your ultimate goal?

Classic and beyond.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Don't mess with my hair too much, and keep it moisturized!

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

Make a perfect bun :shrug: I don't have much of a challenge anymore. It's so much easier to deal with nowadays.

October 18th, 2015, 06:02 PM
Hello everyone.....I want to join. I'm really hoping to be near waist by 2017....but BSL will hopefully be very doable.

1)my hair is about an inch from APL

2)I want to reach at least waist, but maybe beyond

3)no heat, no cutting and deep conditioning

4)I'm waiting to get an adult sized bun, lol. But also to enjoy my hair throughout the journey, which is hard for me as I want it long NOW.

October 19th, 2015, 08:46 AM
This thread is so much fun! And my most recent pic is on my profile, I don't know how to make pics smaller and don't want to crowd the thread with my head O_O
Annnnd here's my answers:

1. What length are you at now?

20 inches

2. What is your ultimate goal?

Classic and beyond.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Don't mess with my hair too much, and keep it moisturized!

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

Make a perfect bun :shrug: I don't have much of a challenge anymore. It's so much easier to deal with nowadays.

I struggle with making "perfect" [take your pick of hairstyles]. I notice that French braiding is particularly difficult for me. I seem to pull my hair a lot and sometimes pull strands out :mad:

October 20th, 2015, 06:39 AM
I was thinking that too but I get stalls so I decided, to heck with it, I'll be there by the 31st. I'll probably hit it on exactly the 27th ish. lol
At the rate I got to APL you'd think I'd have it by next October but I know my hair. No way.

Yeah, now that I said that, my hair probably won't cooperate and I'll miss it. :laugh:

October 20th, 2015, 06:57 AM
Yeah, now that I said that, my hair probably won't cooperate and I'll miss it. :laugh:

Oh, I bet you'll make easy peasy. But I know what you mean...... But as negative as I can be at times I really believe my hair will be to BSL and beyond by the challenge date.

October 20th, 2015, 06:59 AM
1. What length are you at now?
Shoulder length.
2. What is your ultimate goal?
Tailbone length.
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
TLC, gentle updos when possible, and perhaps some inversion.
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with remembering to invert, take vitamins, and anything else routine. So I'll try to maintain a routine!

I will post my picture at the end of this month when I take my next length shot at the end of this month.

October 20th, 2015, 07:28 AM
1. What length are you at now?
Shoulder length
2. What is your ultimate goal?
It was BSL, but now it's waist!!
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Biotin, Inversion method with castor oil/coconut oil, Collagen, Bamboo Tea
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I tend to get bored about this length and cut it to chin. But I won't do that now, since I am also in the no trim 2016 challenge.

I'll do a length pic too - do we want them closer to the end of the year though, or does it matter?

vpatt - I do believe the positive thoughts help the journey!

missrandie - I struggle to remember to do everything too! I thought about keeping a calendar just to write down hair related things, but my hubby will probably think I'm crazy!

Alma Petra
October 20th, 2015, 01:51 PM
Oh this challenge is becoming so much more exciting...

Here is an updated list of all who have joined us so far:

1. Arctic
2. Belle Paix
3. hopefullocks
4. Idreamlong
5. gustavonut
6. ReadingRenee
7. missrandie
8. Loveisaverb
9. LauraAlaina
10. RavenRose
11. sweetaj
12. RSunny
13. Alma Petra
14. HairPlease
15. poli
16. Vallena
17. vpatt

Wow, this party is really growing in numbers :)

Here are my answers to the questions:

1. What length are you at now?
I'm at APL, but the bulk of my hair is still at shoulder length. This is my starting photo...

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/v/t1.0-9/11048611_886359841413967_8088626792601807423_n.jpg ?oh=addd6a308af510e1b302777d6e75df00&oe=5712CC60

2. What is your ultimate goal?
I think that it is classic length now

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Low manipulation: not detangling my hair so as to avoid breaking my fragile strands, and stretching washes. My hair never stops shedding during washing. The more I wash the more I shed. If I continued to wash all day long I'd end up without any hair left at all :(

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with my thinning edges which are proving to be very hard to regrow.
And I'm challenging myself to stretch washes to at most once per week. I find this very difficult to do. I have the hand in hair syndrome it seems. I'm always unhappy with how my hair looks and wanting to wash it and restyle it, or I'm always thinking of something new to experiment with on my hair lol

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Probably extending washes, trying to wash only once a week and using dry shampoo in between washes.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I need to use less hair elastics/pony tail up dos. I need to get better at doing alternate hair styles.
Me too I'm depending on my success in stretching washes. I don't think I will be able to retain length if I don't stop washing my hair so frequently. But I feel that this challenge will help me achieve this :)

I've also ditched the use of tight elastics. I hope that tight buns/ponytails were the reason my edges thinned and that putting an end to this traction will allow my edges to regrow.

4)I'm waiting to get an adult sized bun, lol. But also to enjoy my hair throughout the journey, which is hard for me as I want it long NOW.
lol @ adult size bun. I have thin hair me too and I totally feel you. Hopefully our hair will continue to grow noticeable so that we may enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
It was BSL, but now it's waist!!

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I tend to get bored about this length and cut it to chin. But I won't do that now, since I am also in the no trim 2016 challenge.
I'll do a length pic too - do we want them closer to the end of the year though, or does it matter?

My goal keeps changing too hehe. It was WL, then TBL and now its classic!!

I think that it will be nice to take the next length check photo towards the end of the year. We can then keep taking them every 3 months so that we may monitor our progress and exchange tips and ideas. I don't know what you guys think..

October 20th, 2015, 04:19 PM
Alma Petra Gorgeous curls :crush:

1. What length are you at now?
Little bit past shoulder length.
2. What is your ultimate goal?
I'd like to get back to waist and then I'll see. Maybe I would like to get to full TBL.
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
No trimming, and if any trimming it will be so small. Wearing it up all the time, so basically benign neglect.
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Uneven layers! :mad: I just want to chop off and make my hemline blunt and even.

October 20th, 2015, 07:58 PM
I'm also in!!!!

My stats:

1. What length are you at now?
APL, inching towards BSB

2. What is your ultimate goal?
Terminal. Just for kicks

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Consistent moisturizing and oiling. Also lots of buns and braids

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I need to stop getting bored with my hair and doing stupid things that eat my length away e.g. double processing, over trimming

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with my thinning edges which are proving to be very hard to regrow.
And I'm challenging myself to stretch washes to at most once per week. I find this very difficult to do. I have the hand in hair syndrome it seems. I'm always unhappy with how my hair looks and wanting to wash it and restyle it, or I'm always thinking of something new to experiment with on my hair lol

Like you Alma hand in hair syndrome is my downfall. But my curls are so pretty these days I can't help playing in my hair. I need to do something fast if I want to get to BSL next year

October 20th, 2015, 10:33 PM
http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd177/paganrosemama/IMG_20150927_204332842_HDR.jpg (http://s221.photobucket.com/user/paganrosemama/media/IMG_20150927_204332842_HDR.jpg.html)
My October length pic

1. What length are you at now? 20.5 at the beginning of Oct 2015.- just a little past APL. BSL is 24"

2. What is your ultimate goal? Somewhere between hip and tailbone

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016? lots of conditioner, and coconut oil! Also lots of protective styles for my fragile ends.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any? the bottom 3-4" has an old perm, plus the bleached Henna, a regular dye and a demi to help hide the orange and blend my roots better, so my ends are very fragile, and tend to misbehave badly unless I micro trim monthly.

October 21st, 2015, 09:06 AM
Right now, my hair seems to be more of a blunted cut on my bottom. As my hair grows and I need to start thinking about hemlines, I think that blunt will not be the best option for me with the whole curly/wurly thing. Already I can see areas that as they dry appear slightly longer, making the whole thing look a bit lop sided (and I just got a professional trim!). Any suggestions for hemline styles for curlier hair? And what length should I be asking my hair stylist to start forming that shape?

October 21st, 2015, 09:12 AM
Right now, my hair seems to be more of a blunted cut on my bottom. As my hair grows and I need to start thinking about hemlines, I think that blunt will not be the best option for me with the whole curly/wurly thing. Already I can see areas that as they dry appear slightly longer, making the whole thing look a bit lop sided (and I just got a professional trim!). Any suggestions for hemline styles for curlier hair? And what length should I be asking my hair stylist to start forming that shape?

I have curly/wavy too, and I think I'm going for the v hemline. I looked through a bunch of pics on pinterest, and I really like them. The ones I saw were probably WL or TBL with layers starting at APL. I don't know too much about it though since I'm not even at APL yet.

October 21st, 2015, 09:30 AM
I think V is good for curly, but also fairytale ends look good on curls, in my opinion. I know not everyone is into that, but I would at least consider it.

October 21st, 2015, 09:37 AM
I'm in as well!! :D

1. What length are you at now?
Shoulder length in the back, colarbone in the front (from an inverted bob)
2. What is your ultimate goal?
Hip length
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Oil treatments and henna so my hair stays healthy. Then I won't have to trim.
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Patience is my problem right now, because my hair is at an awful length for me and layered, so it flips a lot and looks horrible.

I can't post a picture, because I think I don't have permissions yet. Do I need to have more posts to have full permissions?

October 21st, 2015, 03:54 PM
Quick note: I've been super busy lately, and am about to travel out of town for few days, and I've been controlling my online time with Leechblock (just few minutes per hour). When I'll be back home I'll take the time to edit the first post and chat with you all and answer the quiz; so happy to see so many joining, we'll be having a blast!!!

October 21st, 2015, 06:30 PM
Enjoy your time out of town Arctic :)

hmm leachbock...wow..that's clever.Wish I had known about this a few years ago. Pokerstars would've been top of the list to block. Mind you I wouldve somehow found another way to logon. The addiction was real..lol

I really like that saying "nothing in excess" it's a good one for all things in life I think.

Also great thread this will be for everyone!

Alma Petra
October 23rd, 2015, 11:08 AM
Alma Petra Gorgeous curls :crush:

Awww thank you dear! Hope to have a great time growing together!

Like you Alma hand in hair syndrome is my downfall. But my curls are so pretty these days I can't help playing in my hair. I need to do something fast if I want to get to BSL next year

Hmmm how about an honor pledge to stop messing with our curls? :redgrin:
I already know in figures what I want to do. I just need to be held accountable :whip:
I want to wash no more than once per week. In between I'm allowed to refresh my curls without manipulating them much. Next wash day is tomorrow. I love wash day :happydance:

Right now, my hair seems to be more of a blunted cut on my bottom. As my hair grows and I need to start thinking about hemlines, I think that blunt will not be the best option for me with the whole curly/wurly thing. Already I can see areas that as they dry appear slightly longer, making the whole thing look a bit lop sided (and I just got a professional trim!). Any suggestions for hemline styles for curlier hair? And what length should I be asking my hair stylist to start forming that shape?

It is said that curly hair is better cut when dry rather than when it's wet because when it dries it changes shape due to shrinkage. Also it should be cut on a curl by curl basis. If you follow these rules you should be able to have a neat hem no matter what shape it is, whether blunt or v shape, etc. I think that these cuts are called deva cuts.

I found this tutorial to be very informative:


I'm in as well!! :D

I can't post a picture, because I think I don't have permissions yet. Do I need to have more posts to have full permissions?

Welcome Amenahh!

You can add a photo by saving it somewhere in the internet and then using the URL to post the photo. I usually use facebook to store my photos in "only me" albums and then post them here.

Quick note: I've been super busy lately, and am about to travel out of town for few days, and I've been controlling my online time with Leechblock (just few minutes per hour). When I'll be back home I'll take the time to edit the first post and chat with you all and answer the quiz; so happy to see so many joining, we'll be having a blast!!!

Bon voyage, dear! I feel very optimistic me too :bounce:

October 23rd, 2015, 12:02 PM
It is said that curly hair is better cut when dry rather than when it's wet because when it dries it changes shape due to shrinkage. Also it should be cut on a curl by curl basis. If you follow these rules you should be able to have a neat hem no matter what shape it is, whether blunt or v shape, etc. I think that these cuts are called deva cuts.

Thank you for the video! I don't know if I"m talented enough to cut my own hair without it getting super scary. Maybe when my hair has reached APL and I can see the ends not in the mirror.

Alma Petra
October 23rd, 2015, 12:22 PM
Thank you for the video! I don't know if I"m talented enough to cut my own hair without it getting super scary. Maybe when my hair has reached APL and I can see the ends not in the mirror.

There are also deva cut specialists. They usually do a whole hair cut. But I think that you could ask them to just even out your hemline. You can talk to the stylist and see what she can offer.

October 23rd, 2015, 03:04 PM
I'm really excited about this challenge as I'm pretty sure I can succeed, lol.
Happy growing everyone.

October 23rd, 2015, 03:17 PM
Good idea, here's my starting pic taken last week. RavenRose I think we might have the same stripey shirt or at least a doppelgänger? :D
Don't mind my awesome rainbow scarf (I'm secretly hoping it will give me magic rainbow super growth).

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee99/elenya777/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/elenya777/media/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg.html)

1. What length are you at now?
Between shoulder and APL an inch from collarbone, with a shallow V hemline. BSL will be around 26" for me.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
I want to reach hip again, it's the longest my hair has ever been and I want to reach a new milestone, tailbone, after that. I might stop there, I might not. I really like the look of classic and knee length hair, but I don't know if I'm able to handle that.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
I want to put it up and out of the way (benign neglect) if I pay too much attention too it, the trim itchies will start to bug me. I've tried a lot of growth boosters/ techniques over the years but nothing has ever boosted my growth. I'm a super steady 1/2 inch per month grower. So a no trimming year for me it is. I might change my V to a U hemline though, but I won't lose much length doing that. I do 1-2 overnight scalp oilings a week with bhringraj oil but that's more for relaxation and loosening up sebum before washing as it doesn't boost growth for me.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Well the no trimming year and taking the time to henna more frequently, my natural color is very close to my henna color so I never really had roots showing. But lately a few sparkly silvers are starting to get more noticeably, so yeah I will need to set-up some sort of henna schedule. That will be a great way to track my growth as my hair has shrinkage issues and pics are not always reliable. No waves or curls just frizz, poof and shrinkage :roll eyes:

Amenahh, I can relate with the awful length and layers. I'm growing out layers and long bangs also. Layers suck because braiding and bunning at shorter lengths with them is next to impossible. I have the reverse problem, shoulder length in the front and almost collarbone in the back :eek:

October 23rd, 2015, 03:29 PM
Good idea, here's my starting pic taken last week. RavenRose I think we might have the same stripey shirt or at least a doppelgänger? :D
Don't mind my awesome rainbow scarf (I'm secretly hoping it will give me magic rainbow super growth).

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee99/elenya777/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/elenya777/media/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg.html)

1. What length are you at now?
Between shoulder and APL an inch from collarbone, with a shallow V hemline. BSL will be around 26" for me.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
I want to reach hip again, it's the longest my hair has ever been and I want to reach a new milestone, tailbone, after that. I might stop there, I might not. I really like the look of classic and knee length hair, but I don't know if I'm able to handle that.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
I want to put it up and out of the way (benign neglect) if I pay too much attention too it, the trim itchies will start to bug me. I've tried a lot of growth boosters/ techniques over the years but nothing has ever boosted my growth. I'm a super steady 1/2 inch per month grower. So a no trimming year for me it is. I might change my V to a U hemline though, but I won't lose much length doing that. I do 1-2 overnight scalp oilings a week with bhringraj oil but that's more for relaxation and loosening up sebum before washing as it doesn't boost growth for me.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Well the no trimming year and taking the time to henna more frequently, my natural color is very close to my henna color so I never really had roots showing. But lately a few sparkly silvers are starting to get more noticeably, so yeah I will need to set-up some sort of henna schedule. That will be a great way to track my growth as my hair has shrinkage issues and pics are not always reliable. No waves or curls just frizz, poof and shrinkage :roll eyes:

Amenahh, I can relate with the awful length and layers. I'm growing out layers and long bangs also. Layers suck because braiding and bunning at shorter lengths with them is next to impossible. I have the reverse problem, shoulder length in the front and almost collarbone in the back :eek:

Oh, I love that scarf! I bet it is full of hair magic.

Alma Petra
October 23rd, 2015, 05:03 PM
I'm really excited about this challenge as I'm pretty sure I can succeed, lol.
Happy growing everyone.

Oh hehe I wish I had the same level of confidence in my hair. But alas! I'm seriously not sure if I'll be able to grow a single inch beyond the length I am now. Still I get you :) I had actually joined the waist length challenge but I switched to this one because I really wanted to minimize the risk of getting disappointed in my hair lol. In fact it will be awesome if some of us manage to reach BSL and graduate during the duration of the challenge. We will have many occasions to celebrate :wethree:

Good idea, here's my starting pic taken last week. RavenRose I think we might have the same stripey shirt or at least a doppelgänger? :D
Don't mind my awesome rainbow scarf (I'm secretly hoping it will give me magic rainbow super growth).

Lovely scarf and lovely locks! Welcome to the challenge eshta!

So how is everybody doing so far with their chosen techniques and their personal challenges?

October 23rd, 2015, 07:07 PM
Alma, we will be cheering you on! :cheer:

I will try to get a new pic soon. I am not good at pics and since I'm so close to APL maybe I could wait and get one then......or should I do one sooner?

October 23rd, 2015, 07:47 PM
I'm in. I'm at about collarbone. We'll see what happens.

October 23rd, 2015, 09:44 PM
Right now, my hair seems to be more of a blunted cut on my bottom. As my hair grows and I need to start thinking about hemlines, I think that blunt will not be the best option for me with the whole curly/wurly thing. Already I can see areas that as they dry appear slightly longer, making the whole thing look a bit lop sided (and I just got a professional trim!). Any suggestions for hemline styles for curlier hair? And what length should I be asking my hair stylist to start forming that shape?

I also think a v hem looks good with curly hair. My hair is more wavy than curly and the ends look too thin with a v but with your thick curls I bet it would look great.

I think V is good for curly, but also fairytale ends look good on curls, in my opinion. I know not everyone is into that, but I would at least consider it.

Yes I like fairy tale ends with curls too.

Quick note: I've been super busy lately, and am about to travel out of town for few days, and I've been controlling my online time with Leechblock (just few minutes per hour). When I'll be back home I'll take the time to edit the first post and chat with you all and answer the quiz; so happy to see so many joining, we'll be having a blast!!!

Have fun Arctic!

Oh hehe I wish I had the same level of confidence in my hair. But alas! I'm seriously not sure if I'll be able to grow a single inch beyond the length I am now. Still I get you :) I had actually joined the waist length challenge but I switched to this one because I really wanted to minimize the risk of getting disappointed in my hair lol. In fact it will be awesome if some of us manage to reach BSL and graduate during the duration of the challenge. We will have many occasions to celebrate :wethree:

Lovely scarf and lovely locks! Welcome to the challenge eshta!

So how is everybody doing so far with their chosen techniques and their personal challenges?

I have been not around too much. Our entire family got hit with a virus and then once we were all better, my 12 year old came home today with a fever and different symptoms. So, not too much time to focus on hair.

I have been wearing it up and tonight I have it oiled. I noticed my scalp was itchy last night and I put coconut oil on it. It really seemed to soothe it. I recently switched shampoos so that might be the culprit. Too bad because I really liked that shampoo. This evening the roots looked oily but the length looked dry so I oiled the length and put it in a french braid. My goal is to leave it all weekend and wash it out on Monday or Sunday. I have been trying to stretch washings. I find oiling my hair is the best way to make sure I keep it up in a protective style because I don't want my greasy hair down loose. :lol:

My hair is SOOOOOOO close to APL dry! Wet it is pretty much there. Im hoping in November it will be official for APL.

October 23rd, 2015, 09:48 PM
Good idea, here's my starting pic taken last week. RavenRose I think we might have the same stripey shirt or at least a doppelgänger? :D
Don't mind my awesome rainbow scarf (I'm secretly hoping it will give me magic rainbow super growth).

Must Be a doppelganger! I got mine at a thrift store in a whole other country as you! The scarf is pretty! let's hope it has hair magic!:magic:

October 27th, 2015, 11:09 AM
Welcome everybody from me, too! I have now updated the first post to reflect the guidelines suggestions of communicating with eachother. Thanks for everyone who took time to share their opinions!

Second, I agree with you that to remain active, long-term threads need to be interactive rather than passive. I have seen it in other forums as well. People tend to get more motivated when they receive feedback. So to make us all hosts, I support that you include the request to reply to at least one previous post to the challenge rules (if it's to be called a challenge?)

Hmmm what else can we do?

I think listing all the names of the challengers and updating that regularly will help keep the people on track. And asking a few questions, or adding a few rules.

Thanks for all the great ideas! The namelist sounds wonderful, if you are interested to keep it up it would be great! I can't commit to that task myself I am sort of trying to drastically cut my LHC time at the moment.

If I may suggest a few questions:
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

And if I may suggest a few rules:
1. Post a starting photo if possible.
2. Report your progress (adding a photo if possible) once every 3 month (earlier if you got excited about something)
3. Share your awesome discoveries ;) , any updates in your routine, and your concerns or struggles with us
4. Respect your fellow challengers and encourage them whenever possible :)

Great questions, thanks! If someone else has more questions, let's hear them too! Questionaires are great way to get threads started!

I edited the first post and put a link to this post of your's there too. :flower:

<snip>I have the hand in hair syndrome it seems. I'm always unhappy with how my hair looks and wanting to wash it and restyle it, or I'm always thinking of something new to experiment with on my hair lol<snip>

LOL, I love that name of the syndrome! I have it too :D

Enjoy your time out of town Arctic :)

hmm leachbock...wow..that's clever.Wish I had known about this a few years ago. Pokerstars would've been top of the list to block. Mind you I wouldve somehow found another way to logon. The addiction was real..lol

I really like that saying "nothing in excess" it's a good one for all things in life I think.

Thanks, I hd great time in very fast paced few days :D It was great to be back home afterwards!

Yeah I need to resort to Leechblock, I am quite addicted to surfing and LHC has be The Main Time Sucker And Procrastination Siren Song for me in the past 6 months. This is a story of my LHC history: I get addicted to the forum for a while, get bored, drift away for a while, come back again later. As much as I love LHC I tend to use this place as an espace and haven during stressful times, rather than face the sources of stress. And I really need to do the latter, so Leechblock is needed to back up my feeble self-dicipline.

Bon voyage, dear! I feel very optimistic me too :bounce:

Thank you! I had great trip!

Have fun Arctic!
My hair is SOOOOOOO close to APL dry! Wet it is pretty much there. Im hoping in November it will be official for APL.

Thank you!

You'll be at APL in no time!

Good idea, here's my starting pic taken last week. <snip> Don't mind my awesome rainbow scarf (I'm secretly hoping it will give me magic rainbow super growth).

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee99/elenya777/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/elenya777/media/e594b30f-f718-4b23-b25d-4f87e653abc9.jpg.html)

ooh, magic scarf! I need one, too! Maybe your magic scarf can become a mascot for us all, lol!


Here're my answer's to Alma Petra's Qs.

1. What length are you at now?

I'm somewhere between collarbone and APL, without trimming I assume it would take at least 4 months to APL, but I trim, so it's still long way ahead.

2. What is your ultimate goal?

No idea. Lengthwise not very long in LHC standards. I love waist/hip -length hair, but realistically I doubt I'll ever allow mine to grow that long (and maybe it wouldn't grow that long with decent hemline, who knows). My main goal currently has more to do with regaining the lost thickness and growing out part of my layers.

And seperate goal that I need to revisit after I already once met it, is to accept my wiry hairs. After my trichotillomania got a bit worse again I noticed the peace I had made with them wasn't as solid as I would have liked, and there is still work to do. In the same vein, healing from trich has became a goal again, I already thoguht I was able to leave it behind, but alas.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Treating my scalp so that it doesn't get irritated; avoid proteins, using leave-ins.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

Healing from trichotillomania, avoiding excess trimming, avoiding boredom.

October 27th, 2015, 12:12 PM
I put my starting pic in my signature as I can't do it any other way. It is embarrassing.....both my photography skills and the sad little twig of hair...lol. But it is what it is. Another few months will help my growth but I doubt it will improve my picture taking abilities.

October 27th, 2015, 12:19 PM
It's not embarrassing vpatt - no-one needs to be a photography guru to participate here and no-one has embarrasing hair, whether it's perceived to be too short, too thin, too thick, or whatever. Let your hair shine unapologetically cause it's unique and valid! :)

Oh, and congrats on tip toeing so close at APL!

October 27th, 2015, 12:27 PM
Thank you so much Arctic, how sweet you are! Yes, that longest layer is getting closer. In a couple of years maybe the layers will be grown out.

I am always amazed at the color difference from picture to picture.

Oh I think I will use your words in my siggie. Is that ok?

October 27th, 2015, 02:42 PM
I put my starting pic in my signature as I can't do it any other way. It is embarrassing.....both my photography skills and the sad little twig of hair...lol. But it is what it is. Another few months will help my growth but I doubt it will improve my picture taking abilities.

Don't be so hard on yourself and your hair. You have no need to apologize for it or your photography.

So what if you have a fine, delicate head of hair? All I see in that picture is beauty.

October 27th, 2015, 03:54 PM
Thank you, missrandie. Everyone on this site is so encouraging.

I have tried to figure out why my hair shrinks so much and after reading posts from some others I think I know. It must have to do with the layers which causes or allows the longest layer to wave up more than it would with a blunt cut. Isn't that why people with curls sometimes have layers cut, to encourage more curl?

October 27th, 2015, 06:40 PM
I have been wearing it up and tonight I have it oiled. I noticed my scalp was itchy last night and I put coconut oil on it. It really seemed to soothe it. I recently switched shampoos so that might be the culprit. Too bad because I really liked that shampoo.

I figured out the culprit! I forgot that last time I shampooed that I sprayed some root lifter gel all at the base of my roots and rubbed it in well the way they tell you to. I think that it must be drying or irritating or something. This time I didn't use it, still used my new shampoo and my scalp feels totally fine on day 3.

I put my starting pic in my signature as I can't do it any other way. It is embarrassing.....both my photography skills and the sad little twig of hair...lol. But it is what it is. Another few months will help my growth but I doubt it will improve my picture taking abilities.

Wow you are very close to APL! I have layers too and I am trying to grow them out. Long slow process for sure.

Thank you, missrandie. Everyone on this site is so encouraging.

I have tried to figure out why my hair shrinks so much and after reading posts from some others I think I know. It must have to do with the layers which causes or allows the longest layer to wave up more than it would with a blunt cut. Isn't that why people with curls sometimes have layers cut, to encourage more curl?

yes its true, layers are cut to encourage wave and curl. I know that is how my hair is cut right now and I have layers. When I got my hair cut I was really trying to encourage wave and now I don't mind if its straighter. You look like you have a lot of wave in your hair right now.

My hair has been pretty blah the past few days. I have been wearing it in a cinnabun with a velvet scrunchie pretty much every day. Its so comfortable and takes 2 seconds in the morning. I have been trying to wear it up in the day and braid it at night for bed. In reading over my old journal entries I really think its important for me to wear updos to protect my hair, especially because Im not much of a trimmer.

October 27th, 2015, 07:17 PM
My layers are from the pixie cut I had. I am not really very concerned about them for now....I just couldn't figure out why my hair is growing but doesn't look much longer without stretching it, lol.

Those are mostly bun waves that do pretty good when I'm just sitting around at home. But whenever I try to have waves for going out and about......my hair just seems to go flump and has no wave.

October 27th, 2015, 09:02 PM
I have some left over pixie crazies too.. They flip almost straight out. And back. It looks like my hair is attempting to defy gravity, ends first.

October 28th, 2015, 05:35 AM
My layers are from the pixie cut I had. I am not really very concerned about them for now....I just couldn't figure out why my hair is growing but doesn't look much longer without stretching it, lol.

Those are mostly bun waves that do pretty good when I'm just sitting around at home. But whenever I try to have waves for going out and about......my hair just seems to go flump and has no wave.

You might have more like body wave in your hair than defined waves. And yes, shorter layers might poof more. Well, other people see voluminous, thick hair where you see lack of length gaining ;)

October 28th, 2015, 05:37 AM
Yea and I have some waves on my neck, too. But in humidity they just go lifeless, too. Seems like they would frizz or something......but they do as they will.

October 28th, 2015, 07:33 AM
Alma - That's a great tutorial on cutting curly hair! I can guarantee I would never have the guts to try it though - I would end up back at chin length or shorter, haha

eshta - Your scarf is beautiful! I think we are about even in length too. I will have to measure to know how many inches BSL is for me.

ReadingRenee - Great progress! I can't wait until APL. I will need to start practicing the cinnabun if it's that quick! My hair is sadly not long enough to do much right now. :(

vpatt - That is not a sad little twig of hair! haha That beautiful healthy hair is happy that it's reaching APL!

October 28th, 2015, 07:38 AM

My length photo. I have a long way to go!! Hopefully I keep growing quickly!

October 28th, 2015, 07:40 AM
I know it will be a while before those shorter layers get there. At some point I will begin microtrims to start the evening up process.

Oh my gersh I just heard that today is National Chocolate Day! Must have chocolate, need chocolate...........

October 28th, 2015, 07:40 AM

My length photo. I have a long way to go!! Hopefully I keep growing quickly!

Oh what beautiful hair!! I love it.

October 28th, 2015, 07:43 AM
Oh what beautiful hair!! I love it.

Thank you! It's a little blurry, but my waves are really starting to come out since I stopped fighting them!

October 28th, 2015, 08:13 AM

My length photo. I have a long way to go!! Hopefully I keep growing quickly!

You have lovely hair! And you'll be happy later on, on your journey to APL, that you have this towel test photo to compare to. Somehow this stretch doesn't have clear natural markers that would help see the growth (which is probably why many find this length so frustrating), and towels and such really help.

October 28th, 2015, 10:38 AM
I know it will be a while before those shorter layers get there. At some point I will begin microtrims to start the evening up process.

Oh my gersh I just heard that today is National Chocolate Day! Must have chocolate, need chocolate...........

National chocolate day?! Sounds delicious...

October 28th, 2015, 12:04 PM
Arctic - Thank you for the compliment! I am enjoying my hair more now that I'm keeping it natural. Hopefully the enjoyment keeps me away from the scissors!

Vallena - I saw that too and wish I could find some good chocolate around here! Does chocolate help hair grow...j/k :p

October 28th, 2015, 12:25 PM
Arctic - Thank you for the compliment! I am enjoying my hair more now that I'm keeping it natural. Hopefully the enjoyment keeps me away from the scissors!

Vallena - I saw that too and wish I could find some good chocolate around here! Does chocolate help hair grow...j/k :p

In my world it does.

October 29th, 2015, 09:58 AM
ooh, magic scarf! I need one, too! Maybe your magic scarf can become a mascot for us all, lol!

https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/248840936/pashmina-shawl-scarf-peacock-print?ref=shop_home_active_17 :whistle:

I just couldn't figure out why my hair is growing but doesn't look much longer without stretching it, lol.

Maybe it's also a 1c/2a thing, I have a hard time getting an accurate measurement a lot the time. Although mine doesn't stretch that much, it does "poof" up a lot.

eshta - Your scarf is beautiful! I think we are about even in length too. I will have to measure to know how many inches BSL is for me.


My length photo. I have a long way to go!! Hopefully I keep growing quickly!

Thanks! I'm about 3-3,5 inches away. Gorgeous hair! I love your waves.

October 29th, 2015, 02:53 PM
I love that scarf.......I wonder if there are any available in the US. I have to snoop around.

October 29th, 2015, 03:01 PM
Hi lovelies 🌹
I'd like to join this thread if that's ok!?

My hair history (cliff notes)
Started growing it out after chopping to shoulder September 2012 and started my natural hair care routine. Stopped heat, started wearing it up natural products, stretching washes, using oils, etc.
Autoimmune disease made me very sick and that on top of anesthesia and meds made my hair shed greatly after reaching waist in 2014.

It was so thin I had to cut a lot and decided to go platinum since I had to chop amyway. Now my hair is colored back to a natural dark ashy blonde and so so much healthier. After 7 mins of growing I got about an inch trimmed to really make my ends nice and thick (more than I wanted but now my hair is almaot all one length)
I've been doing the inversion method and castor oil and added biosil which I think made a big difference. I have about an inch to go to BSL but my hair is in much better shape than the last time it was this short so I'm focusing on that.

October 29th, 2015, 03:05 PM
eshta - Thank you! Waves are definitely a learning process for me!

kitcatsmeow - Your hair is gorgeous!!! Love the color and it lays so perfectly.

October 29th, 2015, 03:11 PM
kitcatsmeow Wow so close! Do you plan on trimming back to make it all one length? It sucks to cut back due to thinning after reaching such a big milestone, I hope your autoimmune disease is under controle now and doesn't bother you too much :blossom: Your hair looks really healthy, beautiful color too!

October 29th, 2015, 03:34 PM
eshta - Thank you! Waves are definitely a learning process for me!

kitcatsmeow - Your hair is gorgeous!!! Love the color and it lays so perfectly.
Thank you so much! It's been a long road for me to get it all one length after layers and breakage and bangs.

kitcatsmeow Wow so close! Do you plan on trimming back to make it all one length? It sucks to cut back due to thinning after reaching such a big milestone, I hope your autoimmune disease is under controle now and doesn't bother you too much :blossom: Your hair looks really healthy, beautiful color too!

Thanks so much! It feels great and I love the color as well. It was pretty devastating to watch so much hair coming out and then having to cut it so short but it needed to be done.
My disease has been under control for at least a year so I'm hoping I can grow it thicker and quicker this time around. Goal is waist again.

October 29th, 2015, 04:46 PM
Thank you so much! It's been a long road for me to get it all one length after layers and breakage and bangs.

Thanks so much! It feels great and I love the color as well. It was pretty devastating to watch so much hair coming out and then having to cut it so short but it needed to be done.
My disease has been under control for at least a year so I'm hoping I can grow it thicker and quicker this time around. Goal is waist again.

I hope it does just what you want! I know what it's like to have immune issues.

October 29th, 2015, 05:38 PM
Thank you so much Arctic, how sweet you are! Yes, that longest layer is getting closer. In a couple of years maybe the layers will be grown out.

I am always amazed at the color difference from picture to picture.

Oh I think I will use your words in my siggie. Is that ok?

Sorry I just saw this ::o Yes go ahead and use them! :)

My colour also looks very different from picture to picture, especially ones taken in artificial light in my home, where it's quite dark for my camera's sensors. Best representative photos are taken in natural light outdoors, in not too too bright/sunny or shady spot, and using manual white balance settings (and turning off any colour related filters the camera might have, like making the colours more vivid, etc).

October 29th, 2015, 06:32 PM
I hope it does just what you want! I know what it's like to have immune issues.

Crohns, Reynouds and fibromyalgia. I am doing well now on meds. I'm sorry you have autoimmune issues. If you need to talk, I've been through it all!

October 29th, 2015, 09:05 PM
Crohns, Reynouds and fibromyalgia. I am doing well now on meds. I'm sorry you have autoimmune issues. If you need to talk, I've been through it all!

It can be difficult at times.

Alma Petra
October 30th, 2015, 12:30 AM
It's wash day today! Woo-hoo! Anybody else?

October 30th, 2015, 01:28 AM
Hi guys,
I'm jumping on board with this this thread! I'm currently at BSL, and waist was my goal for this year, but it just didn't happen :(
My hair is so badly damaged from bleach that it has pretty much spent the year crumbling away at BSL. I'm happy to report that as of a couple of days ago however, I have a years worth of virgin growth :) So waist continues to be my goal for next Christmas!

It would probably help if I stopped trimming too, but the ends are so horrid, I feel the need to snip once a month. I'm hoping to stretch it out to every second month next year.

October 30th, 2015, 01:34 AM
Alma Petra for me too! I tried to get a scalp oiling out with a shampoo bar. I washed 3 times but I don't think it worked all that well, it's still drying so I guess the final verdict is still out.

October 30th, 2015, 01:49 AM
I just realised I posted in the wrong thread! Go me! lol XD

October 30th, 2015, 06:06 AM
Alma Petra for me too! I tried to get a scalp oiling out with a shampoo bar. I washed 3 times but I don't think it worked all that well, it's still drying so I guess the final verdict is still out.

I think oiling helps condition but I have trouble sometimes getting it out of my hair, too. I will usually lather/rinse 3-4 times instead of 2. If I have a lot of oil. Lately I have not used as much oil over the whole hair, but more just on the ends. I have two GF oils that disappear.....I don't understand that! I also play with just a drop of baby oil in the ends.....I know this will work better as the hair gets longer.....but still it is not bad now. It surprises me that with my oily scalp I can add oil at all.

October 30th, 2015, 06:36 AM
I think oiling helps condition but I have trouble sometimes getting it out of my hair, too. I will usually lather/rinse 3-4 times instead of 2. If I have a lot of oil. Lately I have not used as much oil over the whole hair, but more just on the ends. I have two GF oils that disappear.....I don't understand that! I also play with just a drop of baby oil in the ends.....I know this will work better as the hair gets longer.....but still it is not bad now. It surprises me that with my oily scalp I can add oil at all.

Have either of you tried the cwc method after scalp oiling? It's what I always used and it works after I do a heavy castor oil in my scalp. Just let then first conditioner sit for a bit after you really work it into your scalp. Another option is adding a tiny (1/4 tsp) of BS to your shampoo.

October 30th, 2015, 07:06 AM
kitcatsmeow :doh: I've been CWC wrong all along, I always conditioned the length, washed the scalp and rinsed out conditioner on length, condition length again.

CO works great for me at getting heavy oilings out, but my scalp freaks out from the conditioner and gets really greasy fast, as in the same day.

I think the shampoo bar was the culprit. I normally use 2 diluted SLS (free) shampoos to remove scalp oils. I think I will quit the shampoo bar test as it also stripped my henna something fierce after only 3 washes.

vpatt I have no idea what GF oils are, but some oils also disappaer in my hair. My hair soaks a light coconut oiling right up.

October 30th, 2015, 07:26 AM
I'm in.

Although, in my opinion, posting pictures and not commenting is still active. Just reading and not participating in any way is passive to me, but we all have our own opinions.

I am going to use the body marker of Mid-back Lenth (MBL). I think it is the most accurate, since men and some women do not wear bras and everyone's bra sits differently because we are all differently proportioned. That is just my opinion.

I am hoping to meet this goal. If I don't, then I will still have a years worth of growth.

Good luck to everyone!

October 30th, 2015, 08:09 AM
curlylocks85 - Welcome to the challenge! I may not make it either, but I know that in a year, I'll be much happier with the length!

I don't oil much, but if I oil at night, everything is pretty much soaked in by morning, and I don't have issues washing it out.

October 30th, 2015, 09:23 AM
kitcatsmeow :doh: I've been CWC wrong all along, I always conditioned the length, washed the scalp and rinsed out conditioner on length, condition length again.

You are doing it right. That is the standard method, but everyone can tweak any method to suit them, and non of the variations is wrong if they work for the person.

The method mentioned seems more like CO-W-C.

I'm in.

Although, in my opinion, posting pictures and not commenting is still active. Just reading and not participating in any way is passive to me, but we all have our own opinions.

I am going to use the body marker of Mid-back Lenth (MBL). I think it is the most accurate, since men and some women do not wear bras and everyone's bra sits differently because we are all differently proportioned. That is just my opinion.

I am hoping to meet this goal. If I don't, then I will still have a years worth of growth.

Good luck to everyone!

Welcome! The reason I don't like people just dumping their photos and updates, but not commenting on other people's photos or posts is, that I feel sad for each person who is ignored. The photo dumpers might get lot of comments themselves, but never or rarely give back. One of the main issues in internet forums is when members feel they have been ignored, and the gentle recommendation is trying to prevent this.

October 30th, 2015, 09:41 AM
You are doing it right. That is the standard method, but everyone can tweak any method to suit them, and non of the variations is wrong if they work for the person.

The method mentioned seems more like CO-W-C

Exactly! I tweaked it because my whole head like conditioned (cone free) but this version seems to work particularly well after heavy oiling.
Eshta...you could try conditioning your whole head after oiling the scalp then washing then just co on the length maybe?

October 30th, 2015, 11:52 AM
GF=Garnier Fructis and the two that I have are 1) Marvelous Oil, Deep Nourish and 2)Sleek and Shine, Moroccan Sleek. As best as I can tell they each have some oils and feel oily to the touch, but they also have different chemicals or whatever. They disappear into the ends of my hair. The 'real' oils that I have used like coconut and castor do not disappear. Of course, I would not expect castor to soak in.

I tried washing my hair once with conditioner and it left it very limp and oily looking. I only tried one time. And I haven't tried CWC. At this time I am trying diluted shampoo and using most of my conditioner for SMT.

Sorry, I can't remember who I was responding to. Sigh

October 30th, 2015, 01:53 PM
kitcatsmeow That sounds like a great idea, maybe CO-W-C will work for me. It would be nice to be able to get out heavy oiling without problems and keep my scalp happy at the same time.

vpatt That would be me. Garnier Fructis :doh: The trick to CO washing is washing the scalp with a very light, runny conditioner and using a heavier one on the length, giving it about 10 min. or more, add a little water and give the scalp a good massage and then rinsing really well. I still can't get it to work, My hair also turns out greasy even with very light conditioners.

October 30th, 2015, 02:54 PM
Hi curlylocks85! :waving: I'm pretty new here too. Welcome and good luck!

Today and yesterday were my "protein and color" days. I do an aphogee treatment every 3-4 weeks usually the day before I tough up my roots. I use Olaplex with my color now so not only do I have 0 damage, my hair usually feels better after coloring. So I did my touch up and also pulled the color through about 50% of my hair to smoke it out a bit since it fades.

I had about 1/2 inch of regrowth from the 6th which is just shy of 4 weeks so I'm super happy about that! Hope everyone is having a great friday.

eshta let me know if you try the co-w-c and how it works for you!

October 31st, 2015, 04:26 AM
Hello, I'd like to join this challenge too.
Currently at 16.5 inches, which is just a little above SL on me. I grow between half and one inch per month, depending on how often I do my scalp massage etc. BSL is 26 inches for me so I might get there.

I also want to increase the thickness of my ponytail - only 1.75 inches at present due to medication induced shedding. If I manage to get to BSL I'll probably maintain there for a while to try to thicken up, as I'm coming off the hair destroying meds at present.

You're right, Loveisaverb - there's no harm in trying. What's the worst that could happen?

October 31st, 2015, 10:33 PM
Aww, I would be so close for this thread. But my estimate says I won't hit BSL until the following February -_-

November 1st, 2015, 12:51 AM
LegoCaltrops Welcome! Good luck with increasing the thickness of your ponytail, after such hair wrecking meds you definitely deserve one inch per month. I have had good results with scalp oilings and massages after my pp shed. If I stick with it I get lots of new baby hair popping up.

Ashflower89 Just join! You might get a growth spurth along the way and surprise yourself ;)

November 1st, 2015, 01:34 AM
I want to join :)
I am currently at SL, hopping to reach APL by the end of summer 2016. I have never had really long hair, each time it went close to APL I just chopped it off again :rolleyes:
I promised that I won't cut my hair until I read my thesis, which will (hopefully) be in 2.5 years from now, so I hope I'll stay away from the scissors this time! ;)

November 1st, 2015, 02:12 PM
Hello, I'd like to join this challenge too.
Currently at 16.5 inches, which is just a little above SL on me. I grow between half and one inch per month, depending on how often I do my scalp massage etc. BSL is 26 inches for me so I might get there.

I also want to increase the thickness of my ponytail - only 1.75 inches at present due to medication induced shedding. If I manage to get to BSL I'll probably maintain there for a while to try to thicken up, as I'm coming off the hair destroying meds at present.

You're right, Loveisaverb - there's no harm in trying. What's the worst that could happen?

Welcome! Yes no harm in trying! Even if we might not get there, we get to have longer hair in nice company!

Aww, I would be so close for this thread. But my estimate says I won't hit BSL until the following February -_-

Welcome! Do join, I am not so sure I will hit BSL by the time frame of this thread either, especially as I like to trim often. We can try never the less!

I want to join :)
I am currently at SL, hopping to reach APL by the end of summer 2016. I have never had really long hair, each time it went close to APL I just chopped it off again :rolleyes:
I promised that I won't cut my hair until I read my thesis, which will (hopefully) be in 2.5 years from now, so I hope I'll stay away from the scissors this time! ;)

Good luck and welcome! I'm student also, working on my master thesis ATM and wrapping up my studies.

November 1st, 2015, 03:13 PM
Well, I have had an interesting development.. I purchased myself a small ficcare after collecting a few mediums for later, and I am pleased to say that my shoulder length hair is now up in a peacock twist! Of course the bottom has a few bobby pins, but I am SO happy to have it up again. It feels like coming home :)

Now it can be truly "up and forget it" time!

November 1st, 2015, 07:23 PM
Well, I have had an interesting development.. I purchased myself a small ficcare after collecting a few mediums for later, and I am pleased to say that my shoulder length hair is now up in a peacock twist! Of course the bottom has a few bobby pins, but I am SO happy to have it up again. It feels like coming home :)

Now it can be truly "up and forget it" time!

Yay! Congrats! Those Ficcare clips are beautiful, but pricey! That's something I may need to think about saving up for :)

November 1st, 2015, 07:33 PM
Question...my braid starts tapering about 4 inches from the bottom (much more so at about 3 inches from the ends of the braid), so I guess that would be about 5+ inches (more heavy tapering about 4ish inches) unbraided. Is the best way to thicken the ends, while continuing to grow, be microtrimming?

November 1st, 2015, 07:45 PM
Question...my braid starts tapering about 4 inches from the bottom (much more so at about 3 inches from the ends of the braid), so I guess that would be about 5+ inches (more heavy tapering about 4ish inches) unbraided. Is the best way to thicken the ends, while continuing to grow, be microtrimming?

Yes. I would microtrim, and will once I hit BSL.

Also, I never pay full price for a ficcare. The cheapest I have gotten that wasn't in pieces (I can repair them) was $13, shipping and all from ebay. Just don't set your sights on a lotus and you can find them cheap, then repaint them. :)

November 1st, 2015, 10:31 PM
Yes. I would microtrim, and will once I hit BSL.

Also, I never pay full price for a ficcare. The cheapest I have gotten that wasn't in pieces (I can repair them) was $13, shipping and all from ebay. Just don't set your sights on a lotus and you can find them cheap, then repaint them. :)

Oh, I wish I could do that. I did buy sandpaper and smooth one of my copper hair toys.

November 1st, 2015, 10:36 PM
Question...my braid starts tapering about 4 inches from the bottom (much more so at about 3 inches from the ends of the braid), so I guess that would be about 5+ inches (more heavy tapering about 4ish inches) unbraided. Is the best way to thicken the ends, while continuing to grow, be microtrimming?

Have you checked out the micro trimming thread? I want to do this too...but I have decided to wait for longer hair and then begin micro trimming. I don't have any splits and I really want more length before beginning to get rid of my layers.

November 2nd, 2015, 04:39 AM
Yes. I would microtrim, and will once I hit BSL.

Also, I never pay full price for a ficcare. The cheapest I have gotten that wasn't in pieces (I can repair them) was $13, shipping and all from ebay. Just don't set your sights on a lotus and you can find them cheap, then repaint them. :)

What a great project! I'll check out eBay. What kind of paint do you use?

Have you checked out the micro trimming thread? I want to do this too...but I have decided to wait for longer hair and then begin micro trimming. I don't have any splits and I really want more length before beginning to get rid of my layers.

May actual layers are pretty soft long layers. I think this change in thickness is really more due to a past shed plus not taking proper care of my hair and probably brushing it too hard and ripping it out. I want more length too, but can see myself getting frustrated if my hair seems too thin. I think I might try the micro trimming and take off less than I grow in the month so I can see progress. The challenge is that it's not long enough to cut without a mirror, so I'll have to be careful. I was playing around with the idea of different hemlines, but I think I'll try to keep it blunt or a soft U until I reach my goal and then decide if I want to try a V - depends on how thick my hair is etc.

November 2nd, 2015, 05:41 AM
I like all the hemlines. But I think I will begin with blunt or U when I start trimming. I had a major shed a year ago and I don't know if I will get more regrowth or not. I am trying to enjoy every stage, but I really look forward to waist or just beyond waist. I think because that was my longest ever length in the past I have set that as a MAJOR goal. But I may want to go beyond that, I will see how I feel at the time I reach that point. I can't wait to see where I am a at the end of this challenge!

November 2nd, 2015, 05:44 AM
And I guess there is always the possibility that I may decide to maintain at a shorter length, but I don't think that will happen.

November 2nd, 2015, 06:18 AM
Big oopse!!! I had meant to post in the BSL by Christmas 2015....lol. I was wondering why I was getting asked if I was going to cut back when I got to BSL. Oh boy, sorry everyone I'll go find the correct thread hehe. It was nic meeting everyone and good luck!

November 2nd, 2015, 07:41 AM
Big oopse!!! I had meant to post in the BSL by Christmas 2015....lol. I was wondering why I was getting asked if I was going to cut back when I got to BSL. Oh boy, sorry everyone I'll go find the correct thread hehe. It was nic meeting everyone and good luck!

No problems, with all the different goal and year threads floating around one gets mixed up eventually! Happy growing to you, too!

Here's my newest lengths photos in my blog: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/entry.php?b=123961 I posted two to demonstrate what happens every time I take length photos. I usually choose an avarage, but today decided to post 2 extremes. I believe I am closer to the short one in reality, and if that's the case, APL by the end of this year just won't happen, which also means I might not reach BSL by the end of 2016 either. BSL on me is approx at the level where I cropped the photos, or maybe at the level of the text. But, like someone said, no harm in trying.

November 2nd, 2015, 08:04 AM
No problems, with all the different goal and year threads floating around one gets mixed up eventually! Happy growing to you, too!

Here's my newest lengths photos in my blog: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/entry.php?b=123961 I posted two to demonstrate what happens every time I take length photos. I usually choose an avarage, but today decided to post 2 extremes. I believe I am closer to the short one in reality, and if that's the case, APL by the end of this year just won't happen, which also means I might not reach BSL by the end of 2016 either. BSL on me is approx at the level where I cropped the photos, or maybe at the level of the text. But, like someone said, no harm in trying.

Whether we make it to BSL or not, we will at least be a lot longer by this time next year, right?? Your hair is very nice, and I've really been enjoying your shoulder length updo ideas. Do you have a goal length in mind? Mine keeps getting longer the more I look around this forum! It was BSL, now it's TBL. Quite a difference!

November 2nd, 2015, 09:08 AM
What a great project! I'll check out eBay. What kind of paint do you use?

I have used anything from fingernail polish to spraypaint. Check out this fantastic clickable link (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=117234) to see what a lot of other LHCers have done with repainting and prettying up theirs!

November 2nd, 2015, 10:04 AM
I have used anything from fingernail polish to spraypaint. Check out this fantastic clickable link (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=117234) to see what a lot of other LHCers have done with repainting and prettying up theirs!

Just looked on eBay and there doesn't seem to be anything on the cheap right now, everything is $42 and up (seems to be the same price listed on the ficcare website). Will continue to look. Thanks!

November 2nd, 2015, 10:22 AM
Just looked on eBay and there doesn't seem to be anything on the cheap right now, everything is $42 and up (seems to be the same price listed on the ficcare website). Will continue to look. Thanks!

There is a Karina hair clip (I believe they call it a flamingo clip?) from Ulta that is a pretty good recreation. I think it is something like $7, but I can't remember. I repainted one and it came out well.

November 2nd, 2015, 01:29 PM
Whether we make it to BSL or not, we will at least be a lot longer by this time next year, right?? Your hair is very nice, and I've really been enjoying your shoulder length updo ideas. Do you have a goal length in mind? Mine keeps getting longer the more I look around this forum! It was BSL, now it's TBL. Quite a difference!

Yes, more length for us! (even if we wouldn't reach BSL during the time frame of this thread) :D I know that if I'd want to gain maximum length I could stop trimming, but I rather chooce to trim.

Thanks so much for feedback about the hair style project!

Sounds like you've gaught the lhc-itis, it's a severe disorder that causes your goal length to escelate at alarming rate. Unfortunately the prognosis doesn't seem very good and you are like to end up with knee length hair :( (;))

LOL! I don't have goal anymore myself. I used to, when I joined I wanted BSL, then waist and then hip-ish. Then other things became more important than length to me, and currently I'd my main goal is to regain my thickness. I was able to grow to BSL during my LHC time, and enjoyed that length a lot, so it might very well be my ultimate goal.

November 4th, 2015, 06:01 AM
Ooh, I want to join! I am currently in the SL-APL wilderness and it's nice to look ahead!
My current length: between SL and APL (I am rubbish at measuring), here is a starting pic:

Sorry for the terrible photo quality, it's really hard taking photos of yourself and I never seem to be home when it's light at the moment!

My ultimate goal is probably waist, but to be honest I want to see how long I can grow my hair whilst still maintaining a good quality (without loads of hassle). I like to wash it every day (otherwise it is just horrible), so I might find I reach a length where it doesn't become healthy to do so. We'll see! Anyway, it'll be great to have some company in 2016 and it looks like lots of people are hoping to hit BSL. I am hoping my hair will feel properly long to me by the end of next year!

November 4th, 2015, 06:06 AM
Question...my braid starts tapering about 4 inches from the bottom (much more so at about 3 inches from the ends of the braid), so I guess that would be about 5+ inches (more heavy tapering about 4ish inches) unbraided. Is the best way to thicken the ends, while continuing to grow, be microtrimming?

I've been looking at the microtrimming thread and the results are amazing! They seem to have greatly improved their taper without sacrificing growth, which is great. I am planning to microtrim next year, although will try to hold off starting until I've gained a bit more length. I love freshly trimmed ends (and my long layers are basically pointless at the moment, so trimming would help), but I don't really need to trim yet! I may be a scissor addict...

November 4th, 2015, 08:18 AM
Ooh, I want to join! I am currently in the SL-APL wilderness and it's nice to look ahead!
My current length: between SL and APL (I am rubbish at measuring), here is a starting pic:

Sorry for the terrible photo quality, it's really hard taking photos of yourself and I never seem to be home when it's light at the moment!

My ultimate goal is probably waist, but to be honest I want to see how long I can grow my hair whilst still maintaining a good quality (without loads of hassle). I like to wash it every day (otherwise it is just horrible), so I might find I reach a length where it doesn't become healthy to do so. We'll see! Anyway, it'll be great to have some company in 2016 and it looks like lots of people are hoping to hit BSL. I am hoping my hair will feel properly long to me by the end of next year!

Yay, I'm glad you joined. We have a lot in common. I want my hair around waist, but would like to see how long it might grow. I am really so much looking forward to seeing how far we all grow during this challenge.

Our hair type is close and I am awful at pictures. I do wash twice each week. Of course I have silvers and you do not, but your color is beautiful.

November 4th, 2015, 08:21 AM
Yay, I'm glad you joined. We have a lot in common. I want my hair around waist, but would like to see how long it might grow. I am really so much looking forward to seeing how far we all grow during this challenge.

It was seeing you and Arctic on this thread that decided me! It's great to have company during a challenge, particularly during the boring bits! We can cheer each other on to longer, healthy lengths!

November 4th, 2015, 08:29 AM
It was seeing you and Arctic on this thread that decided me! It's great to have company during a challenge, particularly during the boring bits! We can cheer each other on to longer, healthy lengths!

I know, it is one of the reasons I love LHC so much. The encouragement is as great as all the knowledge.

November 15th, 2015, 08:33 AM

It was seeing you and Arctic on this thread that decided me! It's great to have company during a challenge, particularly during the boring bits! We can cheer each other on to longer, healthy lengths!

That's so sweet from you :flowers:

I think I didn't yet write this here: I did a mini-dusting on my ends and layers a week-ish (?) ago. This was the first time I was trying to seperate my bad layering job layers from the rest of my hair, for a dusting. It worked better and easier than I had anticipated. And I hope that with each dusting it will become easier, as my freehand layers become more uniform (I needed to freehand and blend the bad layers quite a bit after the original layering job, so they are not as methodically done as a hairdresser would have done them.).

November 16th, 2015, 08:33 AM
I feel a bit discouraged lately about growth. When will it happen? Why can't I forget about it? Sigh

November 16th, 2015, 08:43 AM
My hair doesn't seem to be growing length either, hopefully it is gaining denseness though. Maybe yours is too?

November 16th, 2015, 08:50 AM
I feel the same VPatt, I am determined to be at BSL by October next year but this whole process is just taking forever/.

I think it’s because SL-APL is like the WORST stage, it seriously just takes forever. Once I’m properly at APL, I think it’ll zoom to BSL as there is only about 2 1/5 inches on me from APL to the top of my BSL (5’3)

TBH, I find coming on here doesn’t help. It makes it worse so I try and only visit 2-3 times a week now as otherwise I just get obsessed. I’m not thinking about hear and now either, I’ve got a summer holiday booked in July next year and invisible braces that come off in June next year. I’m determined to have almost BSL length hair for both those things, definitely the holiday. This is helping as it’s a ‘just forget about it until June/July next year’ type attitude rather than a weekly/ monthly ‘How much has it grown?’

November 16th, 2015, 08:59 AM
IDreamLong, it must be fun (in hair growing context) to have so short distance from APL to BSL. :)

November 16th, 2015, 09:04 AM
I won't know until I FINALLY reach APL :p

November 16th, 2015, 09:05 AM
LOL, you'll get there :D I am sure the avoiding LHC will also make it feel quicker. Hang in there!

November 16th, 2015, 09:59 AM
I know that I can streeeeeetch my ends to APL and I thought I would call it by now...but no it feels silly to me now. But when I look at letting it reach dry it will be MONTHS. So I am settling in to wait a while even tho I will not always be happy waiting.

November 16th, 2015, 03:32 PM
I am so looking forward to having more length! My updoes will look so much softer and un-skelped back. I hate pulling my hair back that harshly, as it pulls the roots at the front.

November 16th, 2015, 06:42 PM
I feel a bit discouraged lately about growth. When will it happen? Why can't I forget about it? Sigh

Sorry Vpatt. I feel like the gulf between shoulder and APL is the hardest. When I feel discouraged by my growth, sometimes it helps me to fix it nicely and wear it down, and sometimes it helps me to put it up and forget about it. It depends. Just a few days ago was a fix it nicely and wear it down day but last month I needed to wear it up and not look at it.

November 16th, 2015, 08:09 PM
I am so looking forward to having more length! My updoes will look so much softer and un-skelped back. I hate pulling my hair back that harshly, as it pulls the roots at the front.

Yes! I know just what you mean. This evening I pulled my hair up in a bun and my bangs actually stayed back. So I know it is growing, just that I'm watching it too closely, lol.

November 16th, 2015, 08:12 PM
Sorry Vpatt. I feel like the gulf between shoulder and APL is the hardest. When I feel discouraged by my growth, sometimes it helps me to fix it nicely and wear it down, and sometimes it helps me to put it up and forget about it. It depends. Just a few days ago was a fix it nicely and wear it down day but last month I needed to wear it up and not look at it.

Yes it is definitely an abyss. And being tall makes it take longer. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I will get there. I try to think how long it should be by our goal date.

November 17th, 2015, 05:40 AM
Yes it is definitely an abyss. And being tall makes it take longer. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I will get there. I try to think how long it should be by our goal date.

It seems a lot of us are getting downhearted at this length! It can be so hard I think when you feel you're not making progress. For me, banning myself from looking at my length (using two mirrors), let alone photographing and measuring, has really helped. I agree making the effort to enjoy my hair down (half ups help stop it flopping over my shoulders so much) helps too. I plan to check my length at Yule, and hope I should be close to APL then. It's nice to have banned myself from checking beforehand as I find I don't think about it. No point wondering when I can't check! I am also enjoying experimenting with my routine (ROO and LOC), it's really fun and doesn't rely on length. As Arctic says, we may not feel we're growing in length, but we can grow in hair health! You'll get there, and your hair will look stunning when you do because of all the care you're giving it :)

November 17th, 2015, 05:42 AM
I know that I can streeeeeetch my ends to APL and I thought I would call it by now...but no it feels silly to me now. But when I look at letting it reach dry it will be MONTHS. So I am settling in to wait a while even tho I will not always be happy waiting.

Also, how about measuring damp? Not necessarily stretched, but less reliant on that day's amount of wave. Just a thought!

November 17th, 2015, 05:47 AM

That's so sweet from you :flowers:

I think I didn't yet write this here: I did a mini-dusting on my ends and layers a week-ish (?) ago. This was the first time I was trying to seperate my bad layering job layers from the rest of my hair, for a dusting. It worked better and easier than I had anticipated. And I hope that with each dusting it will become easier, as my freehand layers become more uniform (I needed to freehand and blend the bad layers quite a bit after the original layering job, so they are not as methodically done as a hairdresser would have done them.).

I'm glad this worked out for you so well! I imagine it must have been a fair amount more tricky than just trimming the length. I think you wrote somewhere else that people often complain about the layered parts to hair becoming more damaged than the ends as they grow out layers, but they don't trim them. This made a lot of sense to me! My layers are pretty long, but I'm going to keep a close eye on them as I start microtrimming next year so I don't let them get too damaged.

November 17th, 2015, 09:34 AM
Yes, pol...I will try it wet and see how it looks. You are right some days it seems to be straighter and longer. I am not trimming my layers unless I see damage. But that longest layer is beginning to look thinner but I don't see damage. I guess just being longer would cause it to look different.

November 17th, 2015, 10:40 AM
I know that I can streeeeeetch my ends to APL and I thought I would call it by now...but no it feels silly to me now. But when I look at letting it reach dry it will be MONTHS. So I am settling in to wait a while even tho I will not always be happy waiting.

I have one advice and one comment for you, take them or leave them :D

1) Step away from mirrors, woman! Don't actively wait, enjoy "now"! The growth will happen!
2) Your hair looks great, enjoy it! I always stop to admire your voluminous hair in your siggy pic!

I am so looking forward to having more length! My updoes will look so much softer and un-skelped back. I hate pulling my hair back that harshly, as it pulls the roots at the front.

You could like making multiple buns, multiple braids, multiple twists - you get the idea. This way they won't have to be scraped back.

It seems a lot of us are getting downhearted at this length! It can be so hard I think when you feel you're not making progress. For me, banning myself from looking at my length (using two mirrors), let alone photographing and measuring, has really helped. I agree making the effort to enjoy my hair down (half ups help stop it flopping over my shoulders so much) helps too. I plan to check my length at Yule, and hope I should be close to APL then. It's nice to have banned myself from checking beforehand as I find I don't think about it. No point wondering when I can't check! I am also enjoying experimenting with my routine (ROO and LOC), it's really fun and doesn't rely on length. As Arctic says, we may not feel we're growing in length, but we can grow in hair health! You'll get there, and your hair will look stunning when you do because of all the care you're giving it :)

You seem to have a healthy attitude, good for you! I just wanted to add that not only will "your hair will look stunning when you [reach goal length]", it can and will also look great all the way on the journey :)

I'm glad this worked out for you so well! I imagine it must have been a fair amount more tricky than just trimming the length. I think you wrote somewhere else that people often complain about the layered parts to hair becoming more damaged than the ends as they grow out layers, but they don't trim them. This made a lot of sense to me! My layers are pretty long, but I'm going to keep a close eye on them as I start microtrimming next year so I don't let them get too damaged.

Thanks! Yes it was more tricky: lopping the layers in was easy, keeping them looking nice takes much more work, ha ha. Something every DIY layering tutorial should have posted as a disclaimer! I am a big believer in regular trims (ha ha, a bit too regular for someone growing their hair!) and it has always baffled me why people would leave their layers untouched for years on end, yet complain they are ugly, damaged, difficult to deal with. With little bit of snipping here and there, the layers will grow out nicely - that's my theory and I'm sticking to it unless my own experience will prove otherwise :D

November 17th, 2015, 11:51 AM
Yes it is definitely an abyss. And being tall makes it take longer. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I will get there. I try to think how long it should be by our goal date.

Yes I know, Im on the tall side too. 5"9" and I have a long neck, long back, but at least I have a high waist! waist is only about 3 inches past BSL for me so bonus! :)

It seems a lot of us are getting downhearted at this length! It can be so hard I think when you feel you're not making progress. For me, banning myself from looking at my length (using two mirrors), let alone photographing and measuring, has really helped. I agree making the effort to enjoy my hair down (half ups help stop it flopping over my shoulders so much) helps too. I plan to check my length at Yule, and hope I should be close to APL then. It's nice to have banned myself from checking beforehand as I find I don't think about it. No point wondering when I can't check! I am also enjoying experimenting with my routine (ROO and LOC), it's really fun and doesn't rely on length. As Arctic says, we may not feel we're growing in length, but we can grow in hair health! You'll get there, and your hair will look stunning when you do because of all the care you're giving it :)

I really like half ups too. I never like hair in my face and because of my shorter top layers, half ups make my hair look longer when the shorter layers are pulled up.

Also, how about measuring damp? Not necessarily stretched, but less reliant on that day's amount of wave. Just a thought!

I measure damp too, dry is too inconsistent with the waves, but with damp hair I always get the same measurements.

I'm glad this worked out for you so well! I imagine it must have been a fair amount more tricky than just trimming the length. I think you wrote somewhere else that people often complain about the layered parts to hair becoming more damaged than the ends as they grow out layers, but they don't trim them. This made a lot of sense to me! My layers are pretty long, but I'm going to keep a close eye on them as I start microtrimming next year so I don't let them get too damaged.

I don't think I could trim my own layers, I think that definitely takes skill.

Yes, pol...I will try it wet and see how it looks. You are right some days it seems to be straighter and longer. I am not trimming my layers unless I see damage. But that longest layer is beginning to look thinner but I don't see damage. I guess just being longer would cause it to look different.

I have noticed as my hair grows longer it seems to change shape all on its own. At first my front layered pieces looked really thin and long but after growing for a while, they looked thicker and the rest of my hair seemed to catch up. My hair grows so weird that I don't know if I will trim to shape my hemline for a long time because my hair shape seems to be constantly changing.

I have one advice and one comment for you, take them or leave them :D

1) Step away from mirrors, woman! Don't actively wait, enjoy "now"! The growth will happen!
2) Your hair looks great, enjoy it! I always stop to admire your voluminous hair in your siggy pic!

You could like making multiple buns, multiple braids, multiple twists - you get the idea. This way they won't have to be scraped back.

You seem to have a healthy attitude, good for you! I just wanted to add that not only will "your hair will look stunning when you [reach goal length]", it can and will also look great all the way on the journey :)

Thanks! Yes it was more tricky: lopping the layers in was easy, keeping them looking nice takes much more work, ha ha. Something every DIY layering tutorial should have posted as a disclaimer! I am a big believer in regular trims (ha ha, a bit too regular for someone growing their hair!) and it has always baffled me why people would leave their layers untouched for years on end, yet complain they are ugly, damaged, difficult to deal with. With little bit of snipping here and there, the layers will grow out nicely - that's my theory and I'm sticking to it unless my own experience will prove otherwise :D

I agree, this is great advice. I am not sure about trims for myself, last time I grew out my hair I had such severe bleach damage I could definitely tell I needed a trim. Using that as a basis as comparison, the ends of my hair are always great! :lol:

November 17th, 2015, 02:02 PM
Yes, I do ok for a few days and then suddenly begin obsessing again. Haha, wonder what hubby will say if I cover all the mirrors. Well, there aren't that many......I should be able to avoid them.

Arctic, that is bun waves making my hair seem fuller in this picture. Isn't it odd how different it can look from day to day? I wish bun waves would last longer.

November 21st, 2015, 03:23 AM
Bumping the thread for new members!

Renee isn't it great your hair is so healthy!!! Maybe something like small trim twice a year wpuld work for you.

VPatt, I love bun waves too! The good ol cinnabun gives really nice waves!

Ha ha, people have asked me how long my hair holds curls, and that left me amusingly baffled, because I don't know! It's typical for me to take my hair down and put it up again many times per day, and even if in the morning I would have waves, and would decide to wear my hair down, I would probably whip it up some hours later. And even if it would be down all day, I haven't really apyed attention to it :p I think mine holds curl quite well, I think it would hold curl all day or almost (I mean heatless curls from buns and braids), but it would relax somewhat with time.

November 24th, 2015, 10:36 AM
I might actually reach APL during 2015 after all! Especially if I can resist dusting. I am getting really close, see photographic prove in my blog:


If I really do reach APL during this year, I might have actual change to reach BSL by the ends of 2016!

(Sorry about cross posting... :flower: Nah, what the heck, I'm not sorry :p)

November 24th, 2015, 11:28 AM
I know, I am really wanting to get to BSL and I haven't even called it at APL. I know I am crazy. But it keeps me from going insane. Whoever said that? Waylin and Willie and the boys?

And Willie is 82 and still wearing the braids.

November 24th, 2015, 11:49 AM
Arctic- Congrats on the regrowth and the almost APL!

November 24th, 2015, 12:02 PM
Vpatt, I bet that this time next year, your hair is brushing BSL, or maybe even reached it (depending where your bra sits).

RavenRose, thanks! It's been feeling like my hair wouldn't have grown for a while, then suddenly I can see progress!

November 24th, 2015, 12:12 PM
Well, I am definitely at APL now, so I think I can join this thread. I am still undecided as to what to do w/ my layers. I think my hair looks better down w/ them, and layers bring out my waves nicely, but it definitely makes updos and braids a PAIN. Regardless, I am not cutting out any layers until I hit BSL, so I think I should be able to get there by next year.

November 24th, 2015, 12:21 PM
Welcome Turtle!

I have a bit of a dilemma too; I have been planning to changing my hemline into more V-shaped after APL, so that might end up slowing my length gaining a bit. And, I too would like to grow out some of my layers. I am going to trim regularly, but with a big trim like the V will be, I might get away with only dusting for the rest of the year, but that wouldn't help me closer to getting rid of those layers. But at this phase of my hair journey, I rather have good hemline and hair that I am happy with (i.e. without so much layering), than more length. That wasn't the case the last time I grew my hair out - then the length gaining was a priority.

November 24th, 2015, 12:39 PM
I also have layers I would like gone. But I am not trimming until I get more length.....unless I see damage. So far I don't see any splts. I have found one white spot. I hope it stays that healthy. And that I get more regrowth.

November 24th, 2015, 04:28 PM
I also have layers I would like gone. But I am not trimming until I get more length.....unless I see damage. So far I don't see any splts. I have found one white spot. I hope it stays that healthy. And that I get more regrowth.

This is my same situation right now. Two very blunt layers leftover from growing out a pixie, one at 15.5" brushing my shoulders, and another 5" shorter just brushing my jawline. I've been stuck with this obnoxious layered look for aaaaages because I couldn't stop chopping pixies over and over. Right now the idea of one-length hair is like a fantasy... but there's no way I'm chopping up to jaw just to get there. So more waiting... -_-

November 24th, 2015, 04:30 PM
This is my same situation right now. Two very blunt layers leftover from growing out a pixie, one at 15.5" brushing my shoulders, and another 5" shorter just brushing my jawline. I've been stuck with this obnoxious layered look for aaaaages because I couldn't stop chopping pixies over and over. Right now the idea of one-length hair is like a fantasy... but there's no way I'm chopping up to jaw just to get there. So more waiting... -_-

Maybe blending the short layer in would make the growing out more bearable?

November 24th, 2015, 04:48 PM
Maybe blending the short layer in would make the growing out more bearable?

It's a possibility, but I guess I have an unrealistic fear of scissors after all those haircuts and realizing how long it could be now if I'd left it alone =p

I'll probably go to my old favorite stylist after winters over and see what kind of blending she can do. It's not terrible, but it sure is a pain when the shorter layer doesn't even fit in a ponytail lol.

November 26th, 2015, 05:42 PM
I'm in the same situation. My hair at the front is Clrbn and my shortest layers at at jaw... Patience...

November 26th, 2015, 06:45 PM
Bumping the thread for new members!

Renee isn't it great your hair is so healthy!!! Maybe something like small trim twice a year wpuld work for you.

Thanks! But what I really meant is I just have low standards because I am used to mega damage, not that my hair is super healthy. :lol: And noooow... I dyed my hair yesterday (nothing drastic, just evening out the color)so I can tell the ends might need a tiny trim. It's kind of a bummer, but it has been a year since I last trimmed my hair so it's probably more than time for one.

I might actually reach APL during 2015 after all! Especially if I can resist dusting. I am getting really close, see photographic prove in my blog:


If I really do reach APL during this year, I might have actual change to reach BSL by the ends of 2016!

(Sorry about cross posting... :flower: Nah, what the heck, I'm not sorry :p)

Wooohoo! I checked out your pics and if you are not there, then you are almost there! Sooo exciting!

Well, I am definitely at APL now, so I think I can join this thread. I am still undecided as to what to do w/ my layers. I think my hair looks better down w/ them, and layers bring out my waves nicely, but it definitely makes updos and braids a PAIN. Regardless, I am not cutting out any layers until I hit BSL, so I think I should be able to get there by next year.

Hey turtlelover! I think my plan is to not cut any layers until at least BSL. As long as I manage to keep growing.

This is my same situation right now. Two very blunt layers leftover from growing out a pixie, one at 15.5" brushing my shoulders, and another 5" shorter just brushing my jawline. I've been stuck with this obnoxious layered look for aaaaages because I couldn't stop chopping pixies over and over. Right now the idea of one-length hair is like a fantasy... but there's no way I'm chopping up to jaw just to get there. So more waiting... -_-

I have those kind of layers too. grown out very thick bangs reaching to jaw, short layers shoulder length, (barely) and then the rest of my hair is APL.

November 27th, 2015, 01:31 AM
Yup, I too have layers at jawline around my face, layers just below that and then rest of my hair halfway to APL. I HATE my layers but until I get to just above waist I can't see me cutting my hair to make it all one length!

November 30th, 2015, 03:47 PM
This is my same situation right now. Two very blunt layers leftover from growing out a pixie, one at 15.5" brushing my shoulders, and another 5" shorter just brushing my jawline. I've been stuck with this obnoxious layered look for aaaaages because I couldn't stop chopping pixies over and over. Right now the idea of one-length hair is like a fantasy... but there's no way I'm chopping up to jaw just to get there. So more waiting... -_-

Me too. Every few years I lose my mind and get "face-framing layers," which really just means "annoying short pieces that won't stay back in my braid by themselves." I don't want to sacrifice length to make my hair all one length, so I will just take a deep breath and keep my cool. Benign neglect will be my friend on this one. :)

November 30th, 2015, 09:07 PM
I was planning on having another trim soon but alas, I might just save the money and wait to get it trimmed. In which case I think I will be BSL by end of December FOR SURE! This is the longest my hair has ever been and I'm so so happy.

November 30th, 2015, 10:02 PM
I think my layers would bug me soooo much less if they were long enough not to flop forward into my face all the time, and they could stay behind my shoulders with the rest of my hair! Then, I honestly think I'd be OK w/ them since my hemline is actually pretty thick and they look nice when my hair it is down. It'll be awhile before I reach that point, sadly! HAHA

November 30th, 2015, 10:04 PM
In here like swimwear! I wish to be bsl next december.

I am currently at shoulder length which isnt that far away from bsl we'll see how that goes

December 1st, 2015, 07:11 AM
I'm starting to think I'm going to be BSL WAY before december 2016. Not sure whether to withdraw from thread or not. :(

December 1st, 2015, 01:31 PM
OMG so many of you (us) is also growing out layers! Talking about some extra, awkward nuisance!

Thanks! But what I really meant is I just have low standards because I am used to mega damage, not that my hair is super healthy. :lol: And noooow... I dyed my hair yesterday (nothing drastic, just evening out the color)so I can tell the ends might need a tiny trim. It's kind of a bummer, but it has been a year since I last trimmed my hair so it's probably more than time for one.

Wooohoo! I checked out your pics and if you are not there, then you are almost there! Sooo exciting!

Thanks, it's pretty exciting, it's been over a year between shoulder and APL this time, but I have been trimming along the way more than would be necessary; it's my little vice (in the unspoken LHC rules context, if there would be such) and I'm willing to pay the slower growth for it. I love my fresh ends!

We'll be looking forward for the photos of your new colour, and hope the trim will go well!

In here like swimwear! I wish to be bsl next december.

I am currently at shoulder length which isnt that far away from bsl we'll see how that goes

Welcome! You must be shorter than me, and/or have very different body proportions, and/or have much faster growth rate - on my body shoulder to BSL is quite a huge distance. Good luck to your journey!!!

I'm starting to think I'm going to be BSL WAY before december 2016. Not sure whether to withdraw from thread or not. :(

Well that sounds like a good dilemma to have, and no need to :( sad face, right? You can hang with us as long as you want, or move to the one step higher challenge, which I think is the BSL to Waist by Christmas 2016. Or hang at the both threads :)

December 1st, 2015, 02:45 PM
I'm joining this thread because although I'm already close to BSL now (depending on how wavy my hair us) I will be maintaining there for a while to thicken up my hemline. So by the end of 2016, I want to be solid BSL with no straggly ends :)

December 1st, 2015, 02:48 PM
Welcome SarahTheGemini! I'll be trimming along as well, although I haven't even reached APL just yet :o

December 8th, 2015, 03:14 PM
I am still excited when I think of this challenge/goal. I hope my hair grows the same next year so I can reach BSL. Oh horrors, today I saw two splits on my hair. You know I have long vision so with my length where it is it is had to see all the ends with or without my glasses....lol. I think by BSL I will be able to pull the ends far enough away that I can see them better and maybe get obsessed with snipping them off. Some of you are on the same age adventure as me. And some of you are young enough to have no idea what I mean.

December 21st, 2015, 11:19 AM
Hi hi, I was on the BSL by Christmas 2015 thread but I can almost guarantee that I am not going to make it. I was holding out hope but I don't think I can grow a few inches in the next week lol. If all goes as planned I should be able to make BSL by May. I wish everyone good luck and lok forward to taking this journey with you :)

December 21st, 2015, 01:43 PM
It would be great if you do grow a few inches in that time frame as then you could tell us all the secret! :-)

The bulk of my hair is now APL but I have some layers that are only just passed my shoulders. Looking through the thread for what average growth might be it seems I have a good chance of being BSL in a year. Hopefully I will be able to trim so the gap between my layers and length will be less!

December 21st, 2015, 01:48 PM
It would be great if you do grow a few inches in that time frame as then you could tell us all the secret! :-)

The bulk of my hair is now APL but I have some layers that are only just passed my shoulders. Looking through the thread for what average growth might be it seems I have a good chance of being BSL in a year. Hopefully I will be able to trim so the gap between my layers and length will be less!

If what I'm trying right now works I promise to share. I just have to wait until the end of the month *cross fingers*

December 21st, 2015, 02:01 PM
Yes! I kind of wanted to start one of these, but I figured I was too new to organise one. So thank you!!

I'm just past collarbone, one my way to APL. Whether or not I'll actually make it to BSL in one year is a mystery. But you gotta have goals right?

I'll be defining BSL by literally any part of my hair reaching the top of my bra's band. Probably not what most people will be aiming for, but if I can get from collarbone to touching my bra in a year, I won't mind!! :happydance:

I haven't read through all the other posts yet, but hopefully there are some other above APL shorties taking the plunge with me!

December 21st, 2015, 02:01 PM
*crossing mine too*

Alma Petra
January 1st, 2016, 05:05 AM
Hello ladies and happy new year!

I think that this thread needs a bump. It's been inactive for quite a long period of time.

How about we post updates for the beginning of 2016?

Calling for following challenge members:

1. Arctic
2. Belle Paix
3. hopefullocks
4. Idreamlong
5. gustavonut
6. ReadingRenee
7. missrandie
8. Loveisaverb
9. LauraAlaina
10. RavenRose
11. sweetaj
12. RSunny
13. Alma Petra
14. HairPlease
15. poli
16. Vallena
17. vpatt
18. YvetteVarie
19. Amenahh
20. eshta
21. longhairjenny
22. curlylocks85
23. LegoCaltrops
24. Antrax23
25. Pol
26. turtlelover
27. Ashflower89
28. longhairvixen
29. sarahthegemini
30. ositarosita
31. vyki1033
32. CatsAndCoffee
33. AsphodelJones

How have you all been doing?

January 1st, 2016, 07:49 AM
May I join??? I've just recently become active again after a year off to cut out henna. I'm at collar bone length stretched and shoulder curly. I'm hoping to make it to bsl this year!

January 1st, 2016, 08:20 AM
Seems like a good goal. I count BSL as the measurement taken under my chest for a bra fitting. So it gives my about 6 inches to go. I'll do all I can to reach this goal. I'm also not trimming 2016.

January 1st, 2016, 09:30 AM
I finally decided to call APL after wobbling back and forth due to my hair shrinking when dry. I plan to micro trim with the seasons this year and do inversion massages to try and encourage growth and reach this goal by Christmas.

Good luck everyone!

January 1st, 2016, 01:19 PM
When my hair is pulled straight it reaches APL, I'd really like to straighten it to see what it looks like as my curls make everything so hard to judge but I'm resisting. I plan to wait until the end of Feb and then give it a quick straighten I think to see where it Is.

If I can call APL by Feb or non straightened/ curly APL by end of April/ May time then I should definitely be on track for BSL by Dec 2016.

Fingers crossed!

Happy New Year everyone!

January 1st, 2016, 01:26 PM
When my hair is in it's natural state my hair is about 6" away from solid BSL, when stretched it's 3". I count BSL as BSB (beyond shoulder blade), I don't know if I'm going to count it as my natural texture or stretched.

January 1st, 2016, 02:20 PM
I am now to collarbone, so I've still got a long ways to go. If I let it be and don't do much on the trimming side, I just might get there. Heck, I might even give some stuff a try.

January 1st, 2016, 02:26 PM
I'd like to join too. I reckon it's about 6" away for me, and I'm hopeful I'll be there or thereabouts in a year. I've just started to monitor my growth though, so I'm not totally confident this is a realistic goal for me.

January 1st, 2016, 04:31 PM
Good luck everyone!
Ositarosita, I count mine when it reaches the length straight. LOL I don't want to wait an extra six months or more to get there curly! HA

January 1st, 2016, 05:39 PM
Good luck everyone!
Ositarosita, I count mine when it reaches the length straight. LOL I don't want to wait an extra six months or more to get there curly! HA

That's what I was thinking lol If I count it when it's straight then I'll be there in no time, you have to love that 6" of shrinkage

January 1st, 2016, 06:55 PM
Hello! May I join or is it a bit too late?

Alma Petra
January 2nd, 2016, 02:58 PM
First of all, welcome to all the ladies who would like to join us. It's never too late, I guess.

You may want to start by answering the following questions about your hair

1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

And kindly post a starting photo if possible.

It is also suggested that you then report your progress (preferably also including new photos) at least once every 3 months.

Happy growing everybody!

I finally decided to call APL after wobbling back and forth due to my hair shrinking when dry. I plan to micro trim with the seasons this year and do inversion massages to try and encourage growth and reach this goal by Christmas.

Good luck everyone!
Congratulations, vpatt! Achieving APL makes you really close to nailing BSL by the end of the year!

I know what it is like to attempt to measure hair that shrinks so much. My hair is 3b/c and it does shrink a lot. But what makes measurements useless is the fact that the amount of shrinking varies every time I wash my hair. Sometimes the curls are tight. Sometimes they are loose. It also depends on how I style my hair and what products I put in it e.g. using gel or opting not to.

I attempted to make a progress photo but I think that it is rather useless and totally inaccurate.


I think that I will try to measure my hair straightened every 3 months. That might be more accurate. I took this photo


I have such straggly ends! I plan on microtrimming the bad ends off gradually, and hopefully I'll be able to get rid of the damage and thicken my ends up. But I don't know when to start microtrimming. When I reach BSL curly or when I reach WL straight??

Just like you, I plan to use the inversion method. I hope that I will be consistent with it this time!

When my hair is pulled straight it reaches APL, I'd really like to straighten it to see what it looks like as my curls make everything so hard to judge but I'm resisting. I plan to wait until the end of Feb and then give it a quick straighten I think to see where it Is.

If I can call APL by Feb or non straightened/ curly APL by end of April/ May time then I should definitely be on track for BSL by Dec 2016.

Fingers crossed!

Happy New Year everyone!

Good luck dear! As you can see I have the same problem caused by shrinkage. I went ahead and measured it straightened.

When my hair is in it's natural state my hair is about 6" away from solid BSL, when stretched it's 3". I count BSL as BSB (beyond shoulder blade), I don't know if I'm going to count it as my natural texture or stretched.

I would really love to reach BSL curly! I'm going to give it till Christmas this year. You are closer. I think that you have good chances to achieve it both curly and straight within this year.

I am now to collarbone, so I've still got a long ways to go. If I let it be and don't do much on the trimming side, I just might get there. Heck, I might even give some stuff a try.

What stuff? (one curious face) lol

January 2nd, 2016, 03:36 PM
My current length is:


I think I'm about 6 inches from bsl.

I think my ultimate length is waist but I'm not sure if it'll start getting in my way once it's passed bsl.

My hair has been much better since I stopped using a hairdryer so I will be continuing to keep the heat away from it.

The challenging I am facing is resisting the urge to trim. It's been a long while since it was trimmed and I keep thinking it must need it (sucker for the 'you must trim every six weeks' line) but when I look at pictures of my hair the ends seem fine. Also I have layers that I am trying to grow out and sometimes I just want to cut it all to the length of the shortest layers and be done with it, they layers are only shoulder length though :-(

Good luck to all of us, hope we can all get to bsl by the end of the year!

January 2nd, 2016, 04:18 PM
Alma Petra, I really like your hair, especially the January with curls. My hair is barely wavy so I have no idea why it shrinks so.

Vyki, your hair looks so smooth and silky.....mine is not smooth or curly, lol.

Good luck everyone.

January 2nd, 2016, 06:06 PM
OOOooohhh oh oh oh!! i wanna join in!. Im more so pretty much at BSL than anywhere else. You can see my most current picture in my avatar, and if its too dark to see well just go to my profile picture its the same one.
I havent measured my hair, and i usually just dont i just give a rough track by milestones on my body.
Im apart of the no trimming thread this year too.
I feel like by the next time i check in ill be there, and i dont wanna just pop in and then just leave so im gonna stay here until the challenge is over because i feel like its the right thing to do regardless of whatever length i get too ;)
Its about the journey after all right?

I wanna answer some of the questions that were asked

If I may suggest a few questions:
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

1. Im pretty much almost at BSL, im not even an entire inch away depending on how much skrinkage is going on.
2. my ultimate goal is Mid Thigh, but i might settle at classic
3. Herbal Essences line of products is my absolute fav, for deep conditioning, conditioning, leave-ins, etc.
4. The one thing i struggle with mostly is being patient, and i have been struggling to lower my shedding.

Alma Petra
January 3rd, 2016, 04:00 AM
My current length is:


I think I'm about 6 inches from bsl.

I think my ultimate length is waist but I'm not sure if it'll start getting in my way once it's passed bsl.

My hair has been much better since I stopped using a hairdryer so I will be continuing to keep the heat away from it.

The challenging I am facing is resisting the urge to trim. It's been a long while since it was trimmed and I keep thinking it must need it (sucker for the 'you must trim every six weeks' line) but when I look at pictures of my hair the ends seem fine. Also I have layers that I am trying to grow out and sometimes I just want to cut it all to the length of the shortest layers and be done with it, they layers are only shoulder length though :-(

Good luck to all of us, hope we can all get to bsl by the end of the year!

Welcome on board Vyki and happy growing!

Alma Petra, I really like your hair, especially the January with curls. My hair is barely wavy so I have no idea why it shrinks so.

Vyki, your hair looks so smooth and silky.....mine is not smooth or curly, lol.

Good luck everyone.

Thank you so much vpatt! I'm still working on perfecting my wash and go technique. I'm hoping to get my hair to curl all over, with well defined clumps. I'll be sharing my progress with the group.

I think that your wavy hair too has the tendency to defy gravity. But I think that it should be easier to straighten than curly hair without having to resort to extreme or damaging measures. Or is it not so?

OOOooohhh oh oh oh!! i wanna join in!. Im more so pretty much at BSL than anywhere else. You can see my most current picture in my avatar, and if its too dark to see well just go to my profile picture its the same one.
I havent measured my hair, and i usually just dont i just give a rough track by milestones on my body.
Im apart of the no trimming thread this year too.
I feel like by the next time i check in ill be there, and i dont wanna just pop in and then just leave so im gonna stay here until the challenge is over because i feel like its the right thing to do regardless of whatever length i get too ;)
Its about the journey after all right?

I wanna answer some of the questions that were asked

If I may suggest a few questions:
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

1. Im pretty much almost at BSL, im not even an entire inch away depending on how much skrinkage is going on.
2. my ultimate goal is Mid Thigh, but i might settle at classic
3. Herbal Essences line of products is my absolute fav, for deep conditioning, conditioning, leave-ins, etc.
4. The one thing i struggle with mostly is being patient, and i have been struggling to lower my shedding.

You are welcome to stay with us, Autobots! I like the thickness of your hair btw!
What herbal essences products do you use? We don't have many varieties here, but I use 2 herbal essences conditioners and I love them, specially the Bee Strong conditioner! I don't have a good DC and I'm wondering if they make any great DCs or leave-ins.

January 3rd, 2016, 04:13 AM
Alma Petra, I really like your hair, especially the January with curls. My hair is barely wavy so I have no idea why it shrinks so.

Vyki, your hair looks so smooth and silky.....mine is not smooth or curly, lol.

Good luck everyone.

Thank you. It's only so smooth when I have just brushed it :-)
I think it's so silky because I use macademia oil on it.

January 3rd, 2016, 11:20 AM
You are welcome to stay with us, Autobots! I like the thickness of your hair btw!
What herbal essences products do you use? We don't have many varieties here, but I use 2 herbal essences conditioners and I love them, specially the Bee Strong conditioner! I don't have a good DC and I'm wondering if they make any great DCs or leave-ins.[/QUOTE]

I use pretty much all of them.

These are all the shampoos and conditioners:
Honey I'm Strong
color me happy
moroccan my shine

Long Term relationship
hello hydration
tousle me softly
naked volume
blowout smooth
hydralicious damage boost
hydralicious silky boost
shine collection
volume collection
the sleeker the butter
wild naturals line
totally twisted
tea-lightfully clean

Deep treatments:
color me happy no fadin' way color treatment
wild naturals detoxifying treatment

Leave ins and serums:
Long term relationship ends on the mend leave in creme
long term relationship split end protector
bombshell babe blowout creme
moroccan me a miracle 7 in 1 serum
wild naturals oil elixir
the sleeker the butter hair milk

And then they have the typical mousses, gels, and hair sprays in various scents.

And they also have a ton of different hair dye options, lots of dark colors, brown, blonde, light red, black, blonde, etc.

As you can see i absolutely love herbal essences. their smells are just down right lovely :) if you go online you get more options vs. going to the store because some of them are only online.

January 3rd, 2016, 02:11 PM
Well hello!

1. What length are you at now?
I'm not carefully measuring length, but it seems to be midway between APL and BSL and growing quickly! :)
2. What is your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is a little past waist, and see where I want to go from there. I'm not interested in the longer hair lengths on myself, but I think they look beautiful on others. I may change my mind being on here though. ;)
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Currently it is not washing my hair more than twice a week and not playing with my hair too much. I'm going to be microtrimming every month due to my severely damaged bleached ends and since I'm pretty far along, I should be able to do so and still reach BSL by the end of the year.
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with wanting to leave my hair down and constantly play with it, which is my worst sin against my hair right now.

I only have one good length photo right now, it was taken December 27th.http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20696&d=1451677414

January 3rd, 2016, 03:56 PM
1. What length are you at now?
Right now I'm a little past collar bone stretched, shoulder curly.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
I really want to be at hip stretched, waist curly

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
I'm going to stick to what I'm doing. I use coconut and olive oil as a pre poo. Aussie Moist Shampoo and Conditioner to wash. it's a 10 leave in, another leave in conditioner, and deva curl gel. I am on a four day wash regime right now as well. I'll be glad when I can put my hair in a real bun.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Really at this point I just need to be patient! I'm enjoying staying away from the scissors. :)

January 3rd, 2016, 06:02 PM
1. What length are you at now?
Somewhere in the deadlands between APL and BSL, I am not big on measuring.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
100% virgin, BCL when my hair is left alone.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
What I'm doing right now I guess. My hair is bunned everyday, I use organix, hair chemist, and apHogee (the curlific line) products, I oil my scalp and hair on day 2 hair then wash a couple days later. Trim every 6 months.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with not just cutting all my lightened ends. Which would leave me around SL with a very short shag haircut. That is why I am restricting myself to trimming half an inch only every 6 months.

I am going to do something like Alma Petra and straighten my hair in order to measure it. So I'm going to straighten my hair every 6 months just to monitor my progress.

Alma Petra try the apHogee curlific line (yellow and white packaging), it makes my hair clump like crazy and improves elasticity.


Alma Petra
January 7th, 2016, 03:41 AM
I use pretty much all of them.

These are all the shampoos and conditioners:
Honey I'm Strong
color me happy
moroccan my shine

Long Term relationship
hello hydration
tousle me softly
naked volume
blowout smooth
hydralicious damage boost
hydralicious silky boost
shine collection
volume collection
the sleeker the butter
wild naturals line
totally twisted
tea-lightfully clean

Deep treatments:
color me happy no fadin' way color treatment
wild naturals detoxifying treatment

Leave ins and serums:
Long term relationship ends on the mend leave in creme
long term relationship split end protector
bombshell babe blowout creme
moroccan me a miracle 7 in 1 serum
wild naturals oil elixir
the sleeker the butter hair milk

And then they have the typical mousses, gels, and hair sprays in various scents.

And they also have a ton of different hair dye options, lots of dark colors, brown, blonde, light red, black, blonde, etc.

As you can see i absolutely love herbal essences. their smells are just down right lovely :) if you go online you get more options vs. going to the store because some of them are only online.

OMG herbal essences have the cutest names ever for their products! Lol I enjoyed going over that list. I will try to get my hands on some of the deep conditioners and the leave-ins. I wonder if your curl pattern and hair properties are similar to mine. I have 3b/3c highly porous hair that is very prone to drying.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Currently it is not washing my hair more than twice a week and not playing with my hair too much.

Hello and welcome!
I'm wondering in which ways you find that frequent washing might be detrimental to retention. I was trying to stretch my washes initially and then now I'm thinking of washing more frequently. I'm sort of confused lol

2. What is your ultimate goal?
I really want to be at hip stretched, waist curly

I have a silly question. Where exactly do we measure hip length? Above or below BCL?

1. What length are you at now?
Somewhere in the deadlands between APL and BSL, I am not big on measuring.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
100% virgin, BCL when my hair is left alone.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
What I'm doing right now I guess. My hair is bunned everyday, I use organix, hair chemist, and apHogee (the curlific line) products, I oil my scalp and hair on day 2 hair then wash a couple days later. Trim every 6 months.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
I struggle with not just cutting all my lightened ends. Which would leave me around SL with a very short shag haircut. That is why I am restricting myself to trimming half an inch only every 6 months.

I am going to do something like Alma Petra and straighten my hair in order to measure it. So I'm going to straighten my hair every 6 months just to monitor my progress.

Alma Petra try the apHogee curlific line (yellow and white packaging), it makes my hair clump like crazy and improves elasticity.


Hello Osita and thank you so much for the suggestion. I'm definitely going to try and get some of the curlific line products. I like big clumps and defined curls :D

So what is your curl pattern?

January 7th, 2016, 05:05 AM
Hello again everyone! Nice to see some more new joiners, it's great to have company on long journeys :D I have been mostly away from the threads for the last month or so, but now I've got the time to pay more attention to my hair I am pleased to report I am at APL (I think - need to get a length shot taken to be sure, but I absolutely suck at doing this myself!). This comes after what seems like forever with my hair not growing at all (at one point I was convinced it was shrinking!), so I am very pleased. This puts me at a much greater chance of achieving BSL this year, so yay! My current challenge is how to sort out my colour, which I'm not very happy with. I've been cassia-hennaing for years (my natural colour is an ashy dark blonde), but until LHC it had never, ever occurred to me to just do my roots (duh!). As a result, the ends of my hair are a pretty bright copper red (from hundreds of layers of henna!), and I'm not too keen on the difference between that colour and the roots (which are more light auburn? strawberry blonde? light copper? I also suck at colour typing). I really love vivid colours on other people, but find I feel much more comfortable with hair that looks like it could be natural (I'm exactly the same with make up too), so my colour definitely needs work. I'm going to do some experiments, but if I do have to dye over it and start again (which I've done several times before in the past decade, my hair seems to be pretty tolerant of such hideous treatment, thankfully!) I'd better do it sooner rather than later - the longer your hair the more damage! I'm even toying with the idea of dyeing it back to a near-natural colour and growing out virgin. I do love what henna does to my hair, but my current blend has so little henna in it, I wonder how much I'm benefiting? Anyway, that's my extremely wordy check-in finished. Glad to be growing with you all!

January 7th, 2016, 10:35 AM
Hello Osita and thank you so much for the suggestion. I'm definitely going to try and get some of the curlific line products. I like big clumps and defined curls :D
So what is your curl pattern?

I'm a botticelli girl. Let me know how you like it (this will be my 6th or 7th repurchase of the curlific texture treatment, and I need to order the leave in again)

January 7th, 2016, 04:45 PM
Hello again everyone! Nice to see some more new joiners, it's great to have company on long journeys :D I have been mostly away from the threads for the last month or so, but now I've got the time to pay more attention to my hair I am pleased to report I am at APL (I think - need to get a length shot taken to be sure, but I absolutely suck at doing this myself!). This comes after what seems like forever with my hair not growing at all (at one point I was convinced it was shrinking!), so I am very pleased. This puts me at a much greater chance of achieving BSL this year, so yay! My current challenge is how to sort out my colour, which I'm not very happy with. I've been cassia-hennaing for years (my natural colour is an ashy dark blonde), but until LHC it had never, ever occurred to me to just do my roots (duh!). As a result, the ends of my hair are a pretty bright copper red (from hundreds of layers of henna!), and I'm not too keen on the difference between that colour and the roots (which are more light auburn? strawberry blonde? light copper? I also suck at colour typing). I really love vivid colours on other people, but find I feel much more comfortable with hair that looks like it could be natural (I'm exactly the same with make up too), so my colour definitely needs work. I'm going to do some experiments, but if I do have to dye over it and start again (which I've done several times before in the past decade, my hair seems to be pretty tolerant of such hideous treatment, thankfully!) I'd better do it sooner rather than later - the longer your hair the more damage! I'm even toying with the idea of dyeing it back to a near-natural colour and growing out virgin. I do love what henna does to my hair, but my current blend has so little henna in it, I wonder how much I'm benefiting? Anyway, that's my extremely wordy check-in finished. Glad to be growing with you all!

Welcome back to the thread! Brighter ends are in right now, so you've lucked out there ;).

January 7th, 2016, 07:55 PM
Alma yes...yes i have pretty much the EXACT same curl pattern as you. 3a in the back, and 3b-3c in the front and crown area. And yes. dryness is always such a pain in the butt. And my porosity is normal during the fall and spring months, and shifts to high during the winter and summer months. It has been like that whether i was relaxed or natural, and ive come to just work with my hair as i see fit, instead of trying to fight it. I get build-up easily so i dilute everything, and my hair like dimethicones, and methicones, but nothing too heavy, and like behentrimonium methisulfate, and favors scattered protein treatments here and there. Holds color well when i dye it, and my hair is also rather baby fine, but very thick, and gets tangles easily. Is this something similar to how your hair behaves too?

January 7th, 2016, 11:58 PM
1. What length are you at now?
Just past Arm Pit Length
2. What is your ultimate goal?
Waist Length
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Washing less, and more conditioning treatments.
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Embrace my natural hair texture more, and put the heat tools down!!

January 8th, 2016, 12:14 AM
vyki1033: Your hair length looks so similar to mine! I wish my hair was all one length like yours!!

I forgot to post my picture.
This is my straightened hair on 1/2/16. My other goals are that my shorter (previously damaged) layers will be at shoulder length by December 2016.

January 8th, 2016, 09:31 AM
My tropical puffy, frizzy combed (opps) hair. Forget the measuring lines husband pulled shirt to straighten and lines are off
1. What length are you at now?
Arm Pit Length
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Benign Neglect, Hair in Updos-Ends Moisturized and Protected, Crushed Birth Control Pills in Shampoo
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Stop playing with my hair

January 8th, 2016, 02:31 PM
My tropical puffy, frizzy combed (opps) hair. Forget the measuring lines husband pulled shirt to straighten and lines are off
1. What length are you at now?
Arm Pit Length
2. What is your ultimate goal?
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Benign Neglect, Hair in Updos-Ends Moisturized and Protected, Crushed Birth Control Pills in Shampoo
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Stop playing with my hair

Very pretty.

January 9th, 2016, 01:17 AM
Re: BSL by December 31st, 2016
1. What length are you at now?
2. What is your ultimate goal?
Waist Length
3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Heat-free, stopped dying, oiling, minimal micro-trimming
4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
3 months dye-free and I'm struggling with the way the roots look. I have a brassy dyed portion and my roots are fairly grey. The contrast between the 2 is just horrible right now.

January 9th, 2016, 10:52 AM
I have a brassy dyed portion and my roots are fairly grey. The contrast between the 2 is just horrible right now.

After 1+ year of no dying my hair looks like that as well. My natural hair colour is cool toned silver dollar and my ends right now (after lightening) are warm toned and brassy. I am super excited to be free the brass and just have my natural colour. I feel more like myself and I must admit I look better and younger.

January 9th, 2016, 11:54 AM
After 1+ year of no dying my hair looks like that as well. My natural hair colour is cool toned silver dollar and my ends right now (after lightening) are warm toned and brassy. I am super excited to be free the brass and just have my natural colour. I feel more like myself and I must admit I look better and younger.

That's great, thanks for being so encouraging. It's always good to hear that what you are putting a lot of effort into is working for someone else.

January 9th, 2016, 12:32 PM
That's great, thanks for being so encouraging. It's always good to hear that what you are putting a lot of effort into is working for someone else.

I am so glad to hear that I helped. I am always here if you need anything. I found this woman on youtube who stopped dying her hair and was growing out her greys and I found that everything she said translated to growing out your natural hair colour. Once it gets to a certain length it's awesome because you pull your hair back and all you see if your roots you don't even see your ends.


January 9th, 2016, 02:33 PM
I am so glad to hear that I helped. I am always here if you need anything. I found this woman on youtube who stopped dying her hair and was growing out her greys and I found that everything she said translated to growing out your natural hair colour. Once it gets to a certain length it's awesome because you pull your hair back and all you see if your roots you don't even see your ends.


That was a great link, thank you for sharing. I think her natural roots made her dyed hair look brassy too, I guess that's normal. Either that or your hair is darker than the virgin hair, which I guess has a whole different set of problems.

Thanks so much for your kind words and offers of help, I really appreciate that.

January 9th, 2016, 02:49 PM
That was a great link, thank you for sharing. I think her natural roots made her dyed hair look brassy too, I guess that's normal. Either that or your hair is darker than the virgin hair, which I guess has a whole different set of problems.

Thanks so much for your kind words and offers of help, I really appreciate that.

You are very welcome :)

January 9th, 2016, 08:52 PM
vyki1033: Your hair length looks so similar to mine! I wish my hair was all one length like yours!!

I forgot to post my picture.
This is my straightened hair on 1/2/16. My other goals are that my shorter (previously damaged) layers will be at shoulder length by December 2016.

Your hair looks about the color of mine when it's been in the sun for a while, very beautiful!

January 9th, 2016, 09:12 PM
What are all of you doing with your hair while you sleep to prevent damage? At this length, braid waves just make my hair look lumpy and messy, and I have yet to find a sleep cap that fits my head, though I may order one online soon and try again.

January 9th, 2016, 11:34 PM
What are all of you doing with your hair while you sleep to prevent damage? At this length, braid waves just make my hair look lumpy and messy, and I have yet to find a sleep cap that fits my head, though I may order one online soon and try again.

I sleep with my hair loose, satin pillowcase.

January 10th, 2016, 05:08 AM
I go back and forth on this. Not long ago I wanted my hair up at night......spin pins are good for this....they are more comfortable for me. The past week or so with our weather turning cooler I have left it down. I do sleep on a satin pillowcase, also.

January 10th, 2016, 11:33 AM
What are all of you doing with your hair while you sleep to prevent damage? At this length, braid waves just make my hair look lumpy and messy, and I have yet to find a sleep cap that fits my head, though I may order one online soon and try again.

I use a very gentle scrunchie and put it in a very loose fan bun (or cinnabun) on top of my head. The waves I get are much looser than braid waves, and actually just define my natural curves.

January 10th, 2016, 05:42 PM
What are all of you doing with your hair while you sleep to prevent damage? At this length, braid waves just make my hair look lumpy and messy, and I have yet to find a sleep cap that fits my head, though I may order one online soon and try again.

Honestly as of right now, I just fluff it up above my head on my pillow. As it gets longer, I'll either pineapple or use a sleep cap.

January 10th, 2016, 11:57 PM
I'm in! I'm at SL now, and promised myself not to trim until the middle of the year. Who knows I might decide not to get a trim if I can last till then, and perhaps be at BSL?!


1. What length are you at now?
Shoulder length.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
Waist length

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Putting my hair up so I won't play with it, plus staying away from the salon and scissors. I'm also stretching washes to optimize my hair's condition. I don't feel like I'm ready to give up on bleaching/colouring my ends, so I'll do whatever I can to look after my hair.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Impulsively wanting to cut my hair off when I see the short layers. Checking into LHC is helping me lots!

January 11th, 2016, 08:10 AM
I'm in! I have shoulder length hair right now, so it'll be interesting to see if I can actually get to BSL.

January 11th, 2016, 09:15 AM
My biggest challenge is going to be my ends. They recently started giving me hell and acting all velcro-like, but it's not from splitting.

My ends have a tendency towards bending but not kinking. So all the little bends hang up on eachother, and it gets frustrating fast. Cowashing, then ROO, then more conditioner helped a lot the other day, but my scalp hated me. So I may just need to do SMTs on the ends with oil, just to help prevent the bending.

Since it sits directly on and around my shoulders, I've been really careful to put my hair up in a ficcare to get the ends up and away from my clothes. If I can deal with this all year and not cut them off, I might make it pretty close.

January 12th, 2016, 11:58 AM
I'm definitely in! I'm a touch past SL now, but not quite APL, either. I've got a couple inches of dyed hair left to trim away, but I've been putting it off as long as possible.

I've learned my lesson! I love having long hair. Unfortunately, it took gradually cutting my hair from waist to BSL to a chin length bob to realize I can't stand hair any shorter than BSL. I'm a year in to growing it all back. Who knows? Maybe I'll make something-close-to-BSL by Yule :)

January 12th, 2016, 04:52 PM
Well to protect my hair I just sleep in a satin bonnet. But I've done this since beginning my hair journey again, so its become a solid habit now. The bonnet is the only thing that stay on my head because I flip and flop and thrash in my sleep a lot lol . I just put NY hair in a loose donut bun and boom. All done lol

January 13th, 2016, 06:35 PM
I did some measuring today... I have 5 inches or so until I reach APL, and 9 inches until BSL. I wonder if I can somehow eke out an extra 2 inches of growth in the next 11.5 months on top of my usual 7 :)

January 14th, 2016, 09:46 AM
I'm in! New to this forum, and hopefully on the tail end of a major shed (post partum, hypothyroid AND low ferritin. quite a doozy). It seems to have slowed down now that baby is 10 months. I was loosing 100 hairs while washing alone a few months ago. Now I'm losing about 10 during washing, and another 20-30 while combing. I've always been a rather heavy shedder, though. I remember my parents getting on me about leaving the shower hairy when I was a teenager. :p Still...it's painful watching that hair fall, even if it is less than before.

1. What length are you at now? Between Shoulder and APL, about 22 inches.

2. What is your ultimate goal? Waist length. The longest I've ever had my hair was just past BSL 2 years ago. I chopped about 8 inches because I got bored. However due to a horrific layering job, had to go to a chin-length bob and start from scratch. It was painful.

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016? I'm hoping that scalp massage, stretching washes, no heat/blow drying and light oiling will help with growth and reducing shedding.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any? I have 2a/f/ii hair that tends to be very greasy. I've washed my hair every other day for years now, but stretching it past that is difficult. I'm hoping my scalp will adjust, though. I'm also hesitant to experiment too much with different methods and potentially trigger another heavy shed. That would just break my heart.

January 14th, 2016, 01:35 PM
3 months dye-free and I'm struggling with the way the roots look. I have a brassy dyed portion and my roots are fairly grey. The contrast between the 2 is just horrible right now.

I am trying something new when it comes to toning my ends and hair in general. I will let you know it goes :)

January 14th, 2016, 10:00 PM
I honestly hope I can grow past BSL in this time, but heck yes I'm in!

January 14th, 2016, 10:36 PM
DH eyeball measured my length today and according to him I am only about 2"-3" away from BSL. I don't know if that's right or not but I definitly feel better because I thought I was 4"-5" away

January 14th, 2016, 11:30 PM
DH eyeball measured my length today and according to him I am only about 2"-3" away from BSL. I don't know if that's right or night but I definitly feel better because I thought I was 4"-5" away

Yes! Congrats! I'm the exact same! I just took a picture of my hair and it looks like I'm also about 2-3" away!! I didn't realize I was so close! But I'm getting my hair trimmed this Saturday (Trying to get to a healthy, and relatively split-end free BSL), so it might be more like 4 inches after the trim....

January 15th, 2016, 12:30 AM
Yes! Congrats! I'm the exact same! I just took a picture of my hair and it looks like I'm also about 2-3" away!! I didn't realize I was so close! But I'm getting my hair trimmed this Saturday (Trying to get to a healthy, and relatively split-end free BSL), so it might be more like 4 inches after the trim....

That's AWESOME!!!!!!!! My next trim is scheduled for June 30th, I don't know if I'm going to take off 1" or .5" though. I'm really hoping that I can be around MBL by the end of year.

January 15th, 2016, 04:01 AM
I am trying something new when it comes to toning my ends and hair in general. I will let you know it goes :)

Ooh, interesting! I'm intrigued, I can't wait to hear about it.

January 23rd, 2016, 01:49 PM
I know I said that I was going to straighten my hair June 30th just to see my length progress but as I was decluttering and cleaning my house I decided to get rid of my flat iron (I still have 1 at my parents house but there's a country between us). So the next time I straigten my hair I will be HOME!!!

January 23rd, 2016, 01:51 PM
Ooh, interesting! I'm intrigued, I can't wait to hear about it.

I tried to apply purple shampoo to my dry hair as it's supposed to be a stronger toner. Yes, it did kind of work but it also dried my hair out (expected), so I think if I am going to try anything like that again I will chelate/clarify my hair wait for it to dry then apply a purple conditioner and leave it on for at least 2 hours.

January 23rd, 2016, 03:29 PM
I started with a shoulder length keratin-treated hair 10 month ago. My hair is 3b/3c, so the difference in the texture is sooooooooooooo obvious it the extent of being an embarrassment. I don't want to cut all the damaged hair. So here I am just past APL and aiming for BSL by the end of the year.

January 23rd, 2016, 10:14 PM
Replying to these questions:
1. What length are you at now?
Just past APL

2. What is your ultimate goal?
L classic curly hair

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Coconuct and olive oil as leave-in and pre washes. And any sulfate-free-silicon-free conditioner that I can find, we only have traditional shampoo and conditioner where I live.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Dealing with and styling my half virgin curly hair at the roots along with the keratin treated super straight ends. Also at that length and having a "i" thickness, the buns looks funny on me and the english braid is much funnier.

January 24th, 2016, 03:57 AM
I tried to apply purple shampoo to my dry hair as it's supposed to be a stronger toner. Yes, it did kind of work but it also dried my hair out (expected), so I think if I am going to try anything like that again I will chelate/clarify my hair wait for it to dry then apply a purple conditioner and leave it on for at least 2 hours.

A shame it dried your hair. I've heard purple shampoo can turn you hair purplish if you leave it on too long. I've used it myself, but only for 5 mins at a time. Maybe that isn't the case for the conditioner.

I got some of the Fanciful wash out colour. It did make a difference, but it's the kind of thing I would only use once in a while, as it's a bit too messy for regular use for me.

January 24th, 2016, 09:28 AM
A shame it dried your hair. I've heard purple shampoo can turn you hair purplish if you leave it on too long. I've used it myself, but only for 5 mins at a time. Maybe that isn't the case for the conditioner.

I got some of the Fanciful wash out colour. It did make a difference, but it's the kind of thing I would only use once in a while, as it's a bit too messy for regular use for me.

If you are trying to get your platinum and your hair is yellow (inside of a banana peel) than yes a purple shampoo can turn your hair purple but my hair is so brassy at this point and my virgin growth is a level 7/8 (and slowly getting darker) so it's never been a concern of mine. I'm thinking the purple conditioner will do the same thing if not better, use the same way I do the Manic Panic virgin snow.

January 27th, 2016, 09:41 PM
I'm still fighting with my hair, pleading with it to stay up. Today was the second in a row that I have just covered it with a scarf and forgotten about it. Fortunately, only ALL of the nape hairs made it out of my scarf. Sigh.

January 27th, 2016, 10:12 PM
I'm still fighting with my hair, pleading with it to stay up. Today was the second in a row that I have just covered it with a scarf and forgotten about it. Fortunately, only ALL of the nape hairs made it out of my scarf. Sigh.

How long are your nape hairs? You could quickly braid or twist them together and gently pin them underneath the scarf depending on the length

January 28th, 2016, 04:16 AM
How long are your nape hairs? You could quickly braid or twist them together and gently pin them underneath the scarf depending on the length

They are a little longer than collarbone. Funny thing about those darn hairs... They are little Houdini hairs. I can lock them up in a little braid and they will come busting out in a few hours. They laugh at twists. The only thing that keeps them in place in either style is hairspray, and I don't wanna use it on them.

But I do appreciate the suggestions!

January 31st, 2016, 06:46 AM
So I've been keeping some growth stats so I can figure out what's achievable for me. Today I measured at 20", which was a wee bit disappointing, as I thought I was growing 3/4" per month. However, I've grown 2" in the last 3 months, which seems OK.
8" of growth this year would be fantastic (if it stays constant). Even with a few micro trims I should reach BSL by the end of the year. Yay!

velvet orchid
January 31st, 2016, 01:53 PM
ooh I'm in. I've finally managed to get rid of my last layers so it's time for some serious growing!! :)

1. What length are you at now? Just past APL

2. What is your ultimate goal? At least Waist (but we'll see when we get there)

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016? aloe vera, jojoba oil, protective updos and lots of conditioner

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any? not playing with and brushing my hair so often

January 31st, 2016, 03:07 PM
Welcome velvet orchid. Good luck and good growing!

February 7th, 2016, 08:49 AM
Happy growing everyone. Has any one tried to measure or take monthly photo?
I took my first hair photo ever last week .... and I was a disaster :justy:. I had a strong feeling that I want to chop my hair of or even shave it. A week later I am back to my mind, but still thinking that I will need regular trims to outgrow the damage, which means I will be at APL by the end of the year ... so frustrating

February 7th, 2016, 09:07 AM
Well, I feel the need to cross-post this over here. Since Salwety suggested it..

I might not make it to BSL, but I'm sure trying my little hairy heart out! lol

I had damp hair on the left one because I was trying to measure it as straight as possible. As evidenced on the right, it doesn't really matter. The flippies will remain. That is the variation in how my hair takes photos as well.. it's a chameleon.


February 7th, 2016, 11:48 AM
Missrandie, I am at almost exactly the same length as your starting point! I love it when my hair gets to your longer length there as at that point I can put it up!
Your color is lovely and your hair looks like it's in really good condition.

February 7th, 2016, 11:58 AM
1. What length are you at now?
16 inches, with some light layers in the back. Bangs are at chin (YAY!!) Hair in back is just at collar of a t-shirt

2. What is your ultimate goal?
Waist, but maybe classic. Waist is the longest it has ever been

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Gentle shampoos, no cut, very occasional trims, once it's long enough, wearing it up mostly. Stretched washings.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
None really. My hair grows pretty fast and is fairly easy to care for. Mostly I get bored so I need to get it long enough to do some different updos.

22" will be BSL for me as I am very short and very short waisted. I should do just about that by Christmas if I don't cut. My long term goal is to be at waist length by my 60th birthday, so I have 3 years to get there.
Right now I am saying that I'm not coloring to see how much gray I have, but that probably won't last.

February 7th, 2016, 12:20 PM
Missrandie, I am at almost exactly the same length as your starting point! I love it when my hair gets to your longer length there as at that point I can put it up!
Your color is lovely and your hair looks like it's in really good condition.

Thanks, Mitzy! I baby it, though I really don't need to. it's pampering as much for me as it is for my hair :)

Thank goodness it's finally at the "up" length. I was beginning to have unhappy hair days.

Now, my next mini-milestone will be putting it all up without having to section it.

Good luck growing!!

February 7th, 2016, 12:22 PM
missrandi that's great growth! :applause your hair color is very pretty!

February 7th, 2016, 12:39 PM
I think I'll hop on the BSL wagon too :D

1. What length are you at now?
Maybe 2cm past APL or something.

2. What is your ultimate goal?
Waist... for now :)

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?
Microtrimming, updos, deep conditioning treatments, sleeping with silk cap, trying to be gentle and patient (easier said than done!).

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?
Breakage from perm curls I took year ago. I've been micro trimming the heck outta my hair because of that :D

February 7th, 2016, 12:50 PM
Welcome all! I was going to post a progress picture next month. I will probably hit it several months before Christmas, but if I keep trimming at this rate I might end up with less (but happier) hair!

February 7th, 2016, 01:11 PM
missrandi that's great growth! :applause your hair color is very pretty!

Thank you very much :) I never can peg what color it will look like in pictures. It's just too variable.

and, I don't remember if I did this or not. I might as well do it now/again, because my routine has changed!

1. What length are you at now?

comfortably collarbone length

2. What is your ultimate goal?

My ultimate goal I think is TBL. We shall see :)

3. What is the technique/product etc that you mostly depend on to reach BSL by Dec 2016?

Cowashing, Tangle Teezer for scalp stimulation during washes, claw clips (until I can use a stick or fork again), and patience. Oh, and exercise and good eating, with the occasional supplementation. Also, silk sleep bonnet and silk pillowcase.

4. What is the one thing that you struggle with or challenge yourself to do, if any?

The patience part. I feel like I will never make it to BSL, but when I look at my comparison pictures, I think I just might make it this year!

February 7th, 2016, 03:43 PM
Dear missrandie even if you didn't make it to BSL by the end of the year you have beautiful healthy hair ... very nice pictures.

February 7th, 2016, 03:46 PM
Dear missrandie even if you didn't make it to BSL by the end of the year you have beautiful healthy hair ... very nice pictures.

Thank you so much! I'm not too worried about if I make it or not.. After all, what's a challenge if there isn't a chance of failure? :P And it won't be true failure, because I'll reach BSL one way or another.

February 7th, 2016, 04:01 PM
Well said .... again the patience factor is the key