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September 13th, 2015, 06:43 AM
Guys im having a bad time with my hair. I have lots and lots of 1-2 inch broken hairs at my crown from the bleach disaster I suffered a month ago. They are unsightly and stick up obviously and just remind me of how damaged my hair is. How long did it take you to grow out this type of damage if you suffered from it? Did it get worse before it got better?I'm doing everything else to help my hair - no heat, coconut oil, deep conditioning etc. thanks x

September 13th, 2015, 07:17 AM
I'm about a year into the regrowth from an epic hormone-related shed, so I feel your pain.

As the short hairs grow longer they will start to blend in better. I wore mine up for months while it went through that stage, and still had a frizzy halo most of the time (I'm wavy/curly). Now most of the regrowth is about 5-6 inches long so my braid looks a bit odd (thick at the top then a sharp transition to skinny) but it's OK up and is fairly OK loose if I use some curl cream or gel to define the curls.

September 13th, 2015, 08:22 AM
I have a ton of breakage from too many high ponies. I wear a lot of french braids to cover it, but when they were really short they just wouldn't stay down. Just keep doing what you're doing, the hard part is waiting for it to grow.

September 13th, 2015, 08:29 AM
Patience is key. You probably still have a normal growth rate - around 1/2 inch per month - so it's going to take probably a year before those short hairs are long enough to flow. Try not to fuss over your hair too much; get busy with other things and time will seem to pass much quicker.

Upside Down
September 13th, 2015, 01:32 PM
Honestly, after my shed started to regrow I had an impossibly ridiculous halo around my head. I started to feel like an eagle hatchling or something.

I cut in bangs to hide it, and I love them!

September 13th, 2015, 02:56 PM
Miss Budget Beauty is doing a hair damage series on her channel. She has the same thing you do next to her parting. Might be useful, IDK:

hanne jensen
September 15th, 2015, 11:21 AM
Use a hair repair serum from the supermarket. The serum will glue the splits together and lay the halo hairs down. Any brand from the supermarket will do.

September 15th, 2015, 11:57 AM
Just remember that it is a lot more noticeable to you than to anyone else.

September 15th, 2015, 12:09 PM
^ This! :agree:

Also, I'd just keep hair up as much as possible during the growing out period, and use this opportunity to learn and experiment with multiple accent braids of different kinds. Braiding along the scalp with French/Dutch/lace/etc techniques really helps hide broken/uneven ends and other problems. Check out Braid-tionaray by Ladollyvita333:


On the conditioning front, try to do LOC, sealing with oil or pre-poo oilings (with coconut oil or other penetrating oils): http://science-yhairblog.blogspot.ca/2014/03/oil-pre-shampoo-or-pre-wash.html
And try some protein treatments periodically (always followed by moisturizing treatments), as they do help a bit with preventing breakage on bleached or otherwise damaged hair, for example, Aphogee 2-Step (it's very strong), K-Pak Reconstructor or gelatin mask, if you are into DIY: http://science-yhairblog.blogspot.ca/2014/04/gelatin-protein-treatment-recipe-update.html

Best of luck to you! :D I hope your hair will feel much better soon! :flower:

September 15th, 2015, 03:06 PM
Thanks everyone! And the miss budget beauty video was useful. She has a lot of damage too so it's good to see what products someone like that uses. I struggle as my hair is so thick and coarse naturally and porous/frizzy from the bleach so laying off the heat means I end up with a big frizzy mushroom of hair, not flattering at all! But I still won't be using the hairdryer unless for essential special occasions. I have bought the Aphogee 2 step but I'm scared to use it! It comes with the re moisture conditioner but I've heard I should use a really good quality moisturising masque afterwards instead? Oh and as for trying out hair up- that's another thing I'm going to be experimenting with. I had around 3 inches cut off the length and layers at the weekend so it's feeling quite short ATM which is another thing to get used to!