View Full Version : Help, I want to color the bottom of my hair overnight...

Upside Down
August 28th, 2015, 05:22 AM
...tonight! :)

I mean bottom layer, as in if you make a half up, color what's left in the bottom.

I am not sure how to go about it, though. I plan to sleep on it, but how do I make it at least semi comfortable??? :lol:

My best idea so far is to make a mini bun down there and secure with elastics, then make a bun out of the rest of my hair on top and wrap my whole head in saran wrap. And sleep on my side, I guess.

Any other suggestions? Anyone did this, and slept? :lol:

Thank you!!!

August 28th, 2015, 07:15 AM
What color are you going to use that you leave it on all night? Is that henna? I'm not familiar with how henna works...

August 28th, 2015, 07:20 AM
I used to pin sections of the dying hair to my scalp like in pin curls and then bun the rest, if that helps. Good luck!

eta: oh wait you aren't normally a side sleeper. in that case I'd do two mini buns such that you can lie flat and a top knot for the rest of the hair.

August 28th, 2015, 07:59 AM
Definitely wrapping your hair. Probably a shower cap. You may also want to try using the fluffy cotton strips that hair dressers sometimes use to protect edges. I bet they sell it at beauty supply stores.

Upside Down
August 28th, 2015, 08:20 AM
LauraAlaina, it is just a temp color lariche directions. I did my whole head overnight last time and it was great, it is non damaging so yey :)

Laceyfairy, pincurls are not a bad idea at all.

Bed head, don't worry, I sleep on old pillowcase in old t shirt when I color.

Yeah I did already do this overnight buuut I am used tonpiling all my hair on the top of my head so that is OK to sleep in. I am not a side sleeper, i am an all over sleeper :lol:

I might try pincurls minibuns thing. Thanks :)

Groovy Granny
August 28th, 2015, 10:40 AM
Hope to see pics of the end result ~ good luck :popcorn:

Upside Down
August 28th, 2015, 11:31 AM
Oh sure I will take pics :) might wait till I cut my bangs tomorrow as well.

Aaand I realized I halucinated a username :lol: sorry, bed_head, I was replying to you!

August 28th, 2015, 12:48 PM
I used to color like this all the time-- the bottom half of my hair. I would bun the hair I wasn't dying like a top knot and use claw clips to hold it in place, and then I'd dye the rest. When I had the dye in, I'd bun that too, closer to my nape, and hold it in place with clips as well. Then I'd cover with a shower cap and a turbie twist on top of that. ...I never tried sleeping in it, though I know loads of people who have. I'd use an old pillowcase for sure! Best of luck to you!

August 28th, 2015, 10:52 PM
I'd just put a plastic bag over the dyed part and put a ponytail holder over the bag to hold it in place. I do sleep on my side, though.

Upside Down
August 30th, 2015, 04:32 AM
Ok so I ended up doing it the next day. I was sooo down with a flu, forgot to buy gloves, so I did not sleep on it.

I made pin curls. The method is pretty great, actually, and I could have slept on it. I figured 6 hours would be enough buuuut I did not get enough color. Booo hooo.

It doesn't really show and I didn't take a pic, my hair is still wet and maybe I will get back with a pic when it dries.

HOWEVER, I did cut a fringe and some face framing whisps of hair, because I can not stand my post-postpartum shed regrowth halo anymore! That turned out pretty nice!
It obviously twisted out already, because it is zillion degrees and I am sweating. Yeah but with curly hair it ain't gonna be perfect. Maybe when I get to that keratine.

Anyhooo if interested, here they are, zi bangs:


August 30th, 2015, 05:18 AM
Those bangs really suit you! Really pretty :)

Upside Down
August 30th, 2015, 01:17 PM
Thank ypu, Johannah! :flowers:

I like them a lot too, and they hide the regrowth halo so I no longer feel like an eagle hatchling :lol:

Groovy Granny
August 30th, 2015, 02:16 PM
Very cute :)
Looking forward to seeing your ends colored :popcorn:
Not sure how old your baby is, but congrats and blessings :blossom:

Upside Down
August 31st, 2015, 05:15 AM
Thanks, groovy granny (love that user name btw :) )

I put one in the "put your hair photos here.." thread. It shows more in the sun, but I was hoping for a stronger red.

Anywhoo, when there's one hairselfie, there's two (ok, or five or so...)


August 31st, 2015, 05:18 AM
It looks gorgeous! :thud:
Also, ot, but yay for having the same phone XD

Upside Down
August 31st, 2015, 05:22 AM
Aww, thanks, parkmikii, and yey samsung is my favorite (not only because of their pole dance commercial :thud: )!
I had galaxy 3 as well, both are awesome. :)

Groovy Granny
August 31st, 2015, 12:10 PM
Thanks, groovy granny (love that user name btw :) )

I put one in the "put your hair photos here.." thread. It shows more in the sun, but I was hoping for a stronger red.

Anywhoo, when there's one hairselfie, there's two (ok, or five or so...)

Thanks ;)

That came out so pretty.....and such beautiful curls and texture :thud:
Enjoy! :)

Upside Down
August 31st, 2015, 02:03 PM
Nah, bunwaves. I don't see my curls much, we're taking some time away from each other ;)