View Full Version : Argan oil : what does it do for hair growth? ?

August 11th, 2015, 03:05 AM
I know a lot of LHCers use Argan oil. I was introduced to this oil as it makes hair soft and smooth...tames the frizz and flyaways. Does it help in the hair growth too in any whixh way ?? Can someone put some light on thjs?? And thank you in advance for your time...

August 11th, 2015, 03:17 AM
I only use it occasionally on my length and ends to add slip and softness, and to hopefully avoid damage via tangles and dryness, so I guess the way it helps my growth is by reducing the need to trim.

August 11th, 2015, 04:31 AM
No oil actually stimulates hair growth but oils help to prevent tangles and breakage. If you're just starting out growing after using a lot of dye/heat/bleach/rough brushing techniques/etc this effect may make it seem like it's growing faster than it did before.

Oils are just one tool in your belt, though. Oils are usually best used to seal moisture in your hair, rather than moisturizing the hair on their own. Some oils work better for some people than others. Argan is just one oil that seems to work well for a lot of people, but plenty of people use coconut or olive oil or commercial oil mixes (The Body Shop has a lot of these) with no ill effects to the hair and less of a hit to the wallet.

Jo Ann
August 11th, 2015, 09:59 AM
Like others here have said, I use it to help control frizz and soften my hair. I use cocoanut oil immediately after I shampoo and condition, but if my hair doesn't feel right within 24-48 hours after it's dried, I apply Argan oil.

If you notice and "extra" hair growth, it's because your hair isn't breaking as badly or tangling so badly you're literally pulling your hair out to get it brushed/combed.

August 11th, 2015, 10:31 AM
I have not noticed additional hair growth with Argon oil either although it helps with the condition of my hair. The only thing that works for me growth wise is Biotin but Biotin does not work for everyone.

August 11th, 2015, 12:23 PM
I think argan oil is OK, but I don't know of any components in it that could potentially increase growth. :hmm: It's a good occlusive and emollient (like any oil!). And its profile is a bit similar to olive oil but especially to sweet almond oil.

For growth-promoting oils, I'd look into 2 categories:
1) stimulant: some carrier oils (e.g. mustard) and/or essential oils (e.g. peppermint);
2) anti-fungal: some carrier oils (e.g. neem) and/or essential oils (e.g. tea tree).

If you do decide to go for argan oil, I highly recommend checking out food sections of Lebanese, Middle-Eastern stores - you can find huge bottles of 100% pure argan oil for very good prices there, since it's a cooking oil. Also beware of "Moroccan oil" products and always read ingredients lists: most cosmetic argan oil products are heavy on silicones and low on actual argan oil. HTH! :flower:

August 12th, 2015, 04:44 PM
Thank you all so much for cleaning that out. I actually had bought a bottle that I thought might help me out. I now use it on my roots when I do CWC as my roots come out dry after that. And argan calms them down. I didn't use it on length after CWC as they come out nice and soft. But on a regular s&c day I use it after wash..

August 12th, 2015, 05:35 PM
It helps to prevent my ends from breaking off and smells amazinggg