View Full Version : Caffeine question?

August 6th, 2015, 11:11 AM
Hey there, just had a question about caffeine for hair growth/shedding that I can't seem to find the answer to, forgive me if this has been asked already!!:p

I've looked through the caffeine rinse thread, but the majority of people seem to only use coffee/tea either as a rinse, leave on paste, mixed in with conditioner, etc. I've tried looking it up elsewhere but can only find information on people using coffee. Some (very few) talk about using caffeine pills on the scalp, which to me sounds like a better idea since I assumed the caffeine was the only ingredient people were trying to get out of coffee rinses and nothing else in the coffee:confused:. I was thinking of buying some caffeine pill capsules and breaking them open into a little water in a spray bottle and spraying it on my scalp before washing. As I'll be living in a dorm again soon, the spray bottle method sounds the least messy, but basically my question is what would work best? Are there benefits to spraying coffee on instead of just straight caffeine? And are caffeine pills usually the same dosage as a coffee rinse would give or are they too high? (not sure if I believe in the "too much caffeine stunting hair growth" but I'd rather not risk it, and too much of any drug on my scalp can't be good anyway!)

Thanks so much for any info guys!

August 6th, 2015, 12:50 PM
I'm going to follow this thread—I'm interested myself.

August 6th, 2015, 01:26 PM
I think I'd go with the coffee rinse, as that seems to "contain" the levels of caffeine to some "minimum". I mean, there's a little caffeine in there but not more than you'd normally consume by drinking it. So I'd think that would be safer.

August 6th, 2015, 02:08 PM
Lapushka, thats what I was thinking. Much less room for mistakes on the dosage. I am a little concerned about it darkening my roots, though, as I'm growing out past color and my roots are already darker than the rest of my hair and I'd like to not further that :hmm:

Madame J
August 6th, 2015, 02:50 PM
What about using instant coffee? You can mix that up as needed using hot tap water. And it seems like it would be roughly similar caffeine-wise to brewed coffee.

August 6th, 2015, 02:53 PM
A lot of people use coffee and tea rinses for the darkening effect from tannins as well, not for growth. I would also caution about caffeine pills. They would be a much higher concentration than a coffee rinse and it does absorb through the skin.

August 6th, 2015, 04:23 PM
I use alpecin in my hair and I think it does help growth a little. Of course the massaging helps there mostly but I'm going to stick with it :) just don't get it in your eyes lol.

August 7th, 2015, 12:05 PM
I may end up trying the instant coffee idea! And Neelie, do you happen to know how much caffeine is in alpecin? And how often do you use it?