View Full Version : Interview Hair??

March 20th, 2008, 06:09 PM
It's another period of unemployment for me. The older I get and the longer my hair gets, the more confused I am about what to do with it.

Waist and up, I kept it down. Waist to tail bone I either braided it back, or put it up in a bun. Now that I'm nearly 26 and it's nearing classic, I simply don't know what to do with it.

So my approach has been to research the company, figure out what products they sell (I work in the creative department in either entertainment, advertising, or fashion/accessories) to get a better idea of the company. If their products are geared towards a more mature market that tends to be conservative, it goes up in a bun and I play off of the classic intelligent librarian image. Younger and edgy, I'll have it half up or back in a braid. More new agey and metaphysical, I leave it down and flowing, after spoiling it rotten for a day so it looks amazing. :meditate:

What are your interview looks and how do you decide which is best???

March 20th, 2008, 06:19 PM
I'm just looking for temporary jobs at the moment to help me through college, but I tend to try and aim for looking as professional as possible. If I'm having a good day up into a bun or french twist it goes but if my hair isn't cooperating, I can leave it loose and style it.

March 20th, 2008, 06:56 PM
I was wanting to post a question about this the other day, but LHC was still down at the time. I got the job anyway! :cheese:

My hair is now waist-length (woohoo!), and I didn't know what to do with it either. I've heard that if it's past shoulder-length you should put it up for most jobs. So I bought a clip and put it up in a bun, but still made it look young.

I bet my new employer will be SHOCKED when they see how long my hair is LMAO. It would be a fun experiment to wear it up for the first couple of days of training, and then suddenly wear it down. I should get some interesting looks/comments (hopefully good). LOL.

Most people around here, especially my age (20s), have shoulder-length or shorter, so I am bound to be in the minority at my new job.

Good luck to both of you, though! Interviews can be nerve-wracking. I had to go through 3 interviews for this one job - crazy!

March 20th, 2008, 07:01 PM
I am self-employed, but when I am running a booth at a show or market, I am aware of what my hair looks like. It starts to drive me nuts if it is down and in the way, getting messy. I always have a brush with me in case I want to keep it down and I like to switch it up, braid, bun, etc. to keep it out of my face and to allow me to wear a sunhat when the weather requires. If you are confident in how you look then that gives a great impression.

March 20th, 2008, 08:42 PM
I think OGM just had a thread about this, but she's in a totally different vocation. My advice is go with something that is 'no fail' - if an updo, one that you know is solid and won't wobble (and distract you).

Pixel Gypsy
March 20th, 2008, 08:50 PM
I'm self-employed and my hair is only shoulder length at the moment, so I'm replying to this as a hypothetical, but unless I was interviewing for a position that involved hair products or something, I would wear my hair in an updo. Which updo I would chose would depend more on what type of job.....certain office positions would make me lean more toward buns or braided buns--something a little more neat and prim--if it was a more artistic position I would go for a softer, more carefree updo.:shrug:

March 21st, 2008, 10:12 AM
Wear it in some way so that you don't have to fuss with it--nothing looks worse to an interviewer than the interviewee playing with their hair (by this I mean, getting it caught on chairs, clothes, bags, earrings--I don't mean twirlying it!).

Good luck!

March 21st, 2008, 11:34 AM
I've had a few jobs, and for each interview I wore them differently, landed each job, but I'd like to think that had less to do with my hair and more to do with me :rolleyes:

Vet Assistant- Up, out of the way French braid with the braid tucked under. Medical professions seem to like the clean, pulled back no-nonsense look.

Jewelry Maker/Clerk- I worked for a store in which I made jewelry and also manned the store for the owner. Very Indian store, and so I wore my hair in a half-up with a pretty barette.

Industrial Instructor/Technical Writer- Hair up in a peacock twist type style (back in the day when I could still DO that style). Wanted to look professional, but also not too prim and fussy (I do weld for my job, yanno?)

KBF- It's so good that you're back :flowers: