View Full Version : For those of you who regularly measure your ponytail

July 19th, 2015, 11:09 PM
When I was going through insane threads, I would measure my hair frequently to keep myself sane, because even though I was shedding a lot, my ponytail measurement stayed the same. Now that I am shedding normally, it officially has gone down 1/4 inch in like five months, because I haven't measured it since February/March. My mother and husband are trying to give me calm, saying that maybe the weight of the "new length" (this is the longest I've had my hair, although I have layers that are still not super long) they're are saying that maybe the weight is pulling it down, so it's not "poofing" as much, lowering the circumference. Anyone who does this regularly or is scientific on the issue, does this sound like it could be the reason?? Otherwise I'm going to have to go to the doctor to do bloodwork. I feel like I always do (stress is my norm) but I'm shedding normally. . . so I'm totally up to as why the change. Like I said, I've measured fairly regulary for the last six years, and it's never done a drastic change like this to me. Just curious! And sad. . . .

July 19th, 2015, 11:33 PM
How is the condition of your hair compared to the past? Have you made any changes in your hair care routine?

If you had damaged hair and/or a raised cuticle and/or silicones/dye/stuff coating the hair before, that can give the apperance of a thicker ponytail. The weight of the new length wouldn't affect the "poofing" of the ponytail, unless you measured the ponytail loosely in the past.

July 19th, 2015, 11:39 PM
No i've always measured it the same, and no "old" damage or coating, I've been wtihout cones for years now. I guess I was hoping for a "positive" reason, something simple. I see my hair as the same, my part is the same, and I'm not shedding over 100. So I don't get it. I thought maybe since my hair is curly/wurly, maybe the curls being stretched . . no no just ignore me, I'm again looking for excuses, but it's the same sad story, it's dropped. period.In February it had dropped a teeny weeny bit, like 1/8' inch but everyone told me, it's just a margin or error, etc. but what I don't like is that it's dropped more. But with no extreme shedding.

July 20th, 2015, 02:18 AM
First of all, stop giving yourself a hard time. Obsessing over your ponytail circumfence and measuring it weekly won't make it go up again.
If you're truly worried about it, you'll have to go to the doctor and get your blood checked for deficiencies. I think everything else has been said already in one of your past started threads.

July 20th, 2015, 11:49 AM
Thanks. I haven't been measuring it weekly, but thanks.