View Full Version : The 90 Plus Club -Long Hair For Life!

July 19th, 2015, 05:46 PM
I have no idea if anyone here is in this age group, but there will be soon enough and this is the thread to get things rolling.

A few questions to get things started.

1. How did you manage to keep your lovely hair long until now?

2. How is caring for your hair different now, than it was when you were younger?

3. What advice would you give to the rest of us about having long hair at any age?

January 20th, 2016, 02:02 PM
1.Regular trims and always use conditioner.

2.Now use extra conditioner as it seems dryer but fullness still there.

3.Just have a good diet and and be sure to use correct shampoo and conditioner for your hair type,you can have long hair no matter your age if you take great care. :)

January 20th, 2016, 02:07 PM
Do we have any people here 90 years or older?

January 20th, 2016, 02:08 PM
Do we have any people here 90 years or older?

Lol i assumed she meant from the era 90s no wonder there was no other answers doh! :)

January 20th, 2016, 02:29 PM
Maybe I got it wrong :lol:

chen bao jun
January 20th, 2016, 07:15 PM
my grandmother still had her classic length hair in her 90's.

She got alzheimers at the very end of her life, last two years but my sister took care of her and took care of her hair. I was glad because she loved her long hair.

my sister did the same for her as she always had done herself, washed it with the gel from this plant called scotchineal in the back yard (similar to aloe vera), braided it with coconut oil on the ends and kept it in a bun. So she died with her long hair.

I think of the 90 year olds who are healthy and keep their long hair, there may not be a ton of them who are internet savvy. so this may not be a huge thread. My mom is the only person I know who is over 80 who uses the internet and she would not be doing a forum, she is happy to be able to read her email. Oh, I do know one other 87 who is online, but again, she is not really internet savvy, reads her email and her grandson posts for her on facebook sometimes. Both my mom and this other lady have short hair.

January 20th, 2016, 07:38 PM
While my grandmother is pretty internet savvy, she is only 80 :) and her hair has been short her whole life.

A small part of what made me start growing mine back out is that I realized that I have the same hair growth patterns as she does, and I looked like I was copycatting my grandmother's hair!

January 20th, 2016, 08:44 PM
What we're going to do with our hair once we're too old to take care of it has come up before on the forum and is always interesting to consider. That your grandmother had someone to take such good care of her hair for her is really sweet to read, chen bao jun, especially when you say your gma loved her hair long. What a lovely thing to do for another person.

January 20th, 2016, 08:50 PM
Well. I'm not in my 90s, but I'm probably older than the average longhair. So here it goes:

1. How did you manage to keep your lovely long hair until now?

Mostly by not cutting it much. And taking decent, if somewhat minimal care of it.

2. How is caring for your hair different now, than it was when you were younger?

It's really not much different. I don't wash as often, because it's not oily like it was "in my youth."

3. What advice would you give to the rest of us about having long hair at any age?

Take good care of it. Eat well, drink lots of water. ENJOY IT!

January 21st, 2016, 03:43 PM
My grandmother is approaching the triple digits and loves to keep her hair long, in bun and under a scarf. Unfortunately she does not know how to use a commputer at all so she can't post here.

January 21st, 2016, 05:10 PM
Why don't you ask your grandmother and post her response for her? ;)

January 21st, 2016, 05:14 PM
Why don't you ask your grandmother and post her response for her? ;)

I would like that too just to hear what she has to say in her own words :)

January 21st, 2016, 05:17 PM
I too would love to hear what she has to say :)

January 22nd, 2016, 10:29 PM

Her response to OP's questions:

1. How did you manage to keep your lovely hair long until now?

By not cutting it at all. Not even a trim. (I can attest to that. I have never seen her take a pair of scissors to her head even once. She freaks out at the mere mention of getting a cut trim. Hair ends are perfectly fine, however which amazes me.)

2. How is caring for your hair different now, than it was when you were younger?

The only difference is that she is "water only" now. (She used herbs to wash her hair in her youth, as my mother did. Other than that, nothing has changed.)

3. What advice would you give to the rest of us about having long hair at any age?

Baby your hair, do as little as possible, and do only what is neccessary. No more, no less. Low manipulation means less damage, eliminating the need for regular cuts and trims, which is the key to maximum length retention.

January 22nd, 2016, 10:54 PM

Her response to OP's questions:

1. How did you manage to keep your lovely hair long until now?

By not cutting it at all. Not even a trim. (I can attest to that. I have never seen her take a pair of scissors to her head even once. She freaks out at the mere mention of getting a cut trim. Hair ends are perfectly fine, however which amazes me.)

2. How is caring for your hair different now, than it was when you were younger?

The only difference is that she is "water only" now. (She used herbs to wash her hair in her youth, as my mother did. Other than that, nothing has changed.)

3. What advice would you give to the rest of us about having long hair at any age?

Baby your hair, do as little as possible, and do only what is neccessary. No more, no less. Low manipulation means less damage, eliminating the need for regular cuts and trims, which is the key to maximum length retention.

Tell her thanks! :)

January 23rd, 2016, 12:31 AM
This thread is for those who are in their nineties and older. I know there may not be many people of that age group who post on the internet, but us younger people will be technology savvy when we reach that age so this thread will be here when people start transitioning to this thread. I think it is great to hear stories of people's grandmothers having long hair and how they dealt with it. I am sure this thread could be a source for information, ideas and stories. I just wanted people to have a place to post when they reach that age. :)

January 23rd, 2016, 12:45 AM
This thread is for those who are in their nineties and older. I know there may not be many people of that age group who post on the internet, but us younger people will be technology savvy when we reach that age so this thread will be here when people start transitioning to this thread. I think it is great to hear stories of people's grandmothers having long hair and how they dealt with it. I am sure this thread could be a source for information, ideas and stories. I just wanted people to have a place to post when they reach that age. :)

And I think that it is a wonderful idea, curlylocks85. I look forward to seeing future posts in thread.

Groovy Granny
January 23rd, 2016, 12:15 PM
This thread is for those who are in their nineties and older. I know there may not be many people of that age group who post on the internet, but us younger people will be technology savvy when we reach that age so this thread will be here when people start transitioning to this thread. I think it is great to hear stories of people's grandmothers having long hair and how they dealt with it. I am sure this thread could be a source for information, ideas and stories. I just wanted people to have a place to post when they reach that age. :)Here's hoping - I just hit 64 :eyebrows:

January 23rd, 2016, 12:21 PM
I hope I'll be a longhair for life and eventually land in this thread :p