View Full Version : Between 40-50, and rockin' the long hair!

July 6th, 2015, 01:29 PM
Who's here and with me? I wanted to create a thread esp. for those ladies & gents in their forties. Consider this your home, no matter what color hair, no matter what texture, no matter what thickness, no matter the length.

Join me! :joy:

Tell us a bit about yourself, as well, if you like!

July 6th, 2015, 02:13 PM
YAY! I'm in! :)

July 6th, 2015, 02:48 PM
Hiya, Wusel! :D

July 6th, 2015, 02:53 PM
Not me, but I managed to convince my Mum to grow out her hair for 2-3 years (from a pixie), though she was over 50 (but looks young for her age) - and she had lovely chocolate brown thick hair, with thick strands too. I think it reached about APL - BSL on her, but looked very long compared to what I was used to seeing on her (and it was pin straight, 1a)
Sadly (well, 'sadly' - whatever makes her happy is most important :) ) she cut it back to pixie last Summer.

July 6th, 2015, 03:00 PM
DreamSheep, IKWYM. My mom had awesome red long hair (BSLish length) when she was in her forties, close to 50. I remember that vividly. She always used to wear it in a bee-butt bun at the top of her head, and she had thick-looking bangs (she's a i/ii), and she still rocked it! She's about to be 70 this year, and she has a shoulder length (between shoulder & APL) bob without bangs now, and blonde hair!

July 6th, 2015, 03:46 PM
I'm 45, and growing my hair for the first time since childhood - have spent the last 25 years sporting various bob-type hairstyles (and a pixie in my early twenties) so this is all new to me :)

July 6th, 2015, 04:02 PM
I'm 45, and growing my hair for the first time since childhood - have spent the last 25 years sporting various bob-type hairstyles (and a pixie in my early twenties) so this is all new to me :)

I'm going to be 43 soon, and never thought I'd get to classic, nevertheless here I am only half an inch to go. You'll get there too, I know you will. You just have to find that dedication and patience within you (and believe me I damaged, permed, dyed, and did awful things to it and it would never go past BSL; I even had to have 2 chin length bobs again due to damage on this journey). It's been 10 years for me. Truly.

July 6th, 2015, 04:47 PM
I'm in! At midback right now, four years into growing back out from bald following cancer treatments. By next summer I'll be hip or longer, at last!

Elly May
July 6th, 2015, 04:53 PM
Count me in! I am 48 and have the longest, healthiest, best hair of my life at waist, headed to tailbone, which is my goal for my 50th birthday in February 2017. I'm loving it!

July 6th, 2015, 05:26 PM
Here I am :) I will be 43 in October and have the longest hair I've had in nearly 20 years. When I turned 40, I chopped my APL hair to chin to make myself appear younger :rolleyes: and boy was that a mistake. I am now about 3 inches past APL and so far so good...I just have to persist and I know eventually I will hit my goal. I'm trying to enjoy the journey....trying!!! :meditate:

July 6th, 2015, 05:49 PM
Yes, please! :)

I'll be 49 this summer. I've been growing my pixie for 3+ years. I got the pixie around age 30, and loved it to pieces!
The last time it was "long", I was about 8, then Mom gave me a shag. (I was a young Carol Brady! lol!) I grew it to my shoulders a few times since then. I've never had it below APL. :)

July 6th, 2015, 08:11 PM
Not quite out of this thread yet. Still gaining length very slowly.

July 6th, 2015, 08:23 PM
I'm 46 and my hair is at tailbone. I'd love to get to classic with a thick hemline, but sadly this is where it seems to stall out and taper no matter how much I baby it, and I'm not fond of fairy tale ends on me (although they can look great on others).

July 6th, 2015, 09:13 PM
I'm not yet in that age range, but just wanted to stop in and say keep rocking that long hair ladies! :)

Wildcat Diva
July 6th, 2015, 11:26 PM
Ok, ok. I'm here and right in the middle of things at 45.

July 6th, 2015, 11:34 PM
Good to see so many in this thread! Am I too old to join you at 60?

July 7th, 2015, 02:42 AM
44 years old ... waist long hair, growing out old dye

July 7th, 2015, 02:59 AM
Hi, I am here! :) I´m 42 now and my hair is at MBL, I´m growing with no specific goal/purpose, I will just keep growing it as long as feels good and I can still keep my hemline reasonably blunt. Unfortunately I am in the middle of a stress shed right now so I am afraid that I may be forced to trim the longest lengths if they get too thin :( or otherwise keep it always up to hide the fairytale ends until the thicker lengths have caught up a bit, and then trim. (I am not fond of fairytales on myself, even though they can look really good on others!).

I have had below shoulder length since early teens, with the longest a bit below waist around 20, and the shortest at shoulder around five/six years ago maybe, after a post partum shed exarcerbated by a long stretch of CO washing which gradually thinned my hair out without me realizing it. At about the same time I transitioned from "straight, unruly" to "wait, I am wavy/spirally!" and I am still trying to find a really good routine for my waves. After that period (not fun, very triangle-head-y...) I have decided that I will not voluntarily go shorter than APL/BSL again.

July 7th, 2015, 03:48 AM
I'm in! At midback right now, four years into growing back out from bald following cancer treatments. By next summer I'll be hip or longer, at last!

Midback from bald in only 4 years!!!
That's incredibly fast!
I wish you healthy, shiny WL for Christmas :)

So, by now, I'm the youngest here. 40 exactly. I've cut to one+ inch below chin around my 40th birthday and I hated it. Many people said I looked like a teenager, which I didn't like because I look 20 years younger anyway and prefer to look a bit more mature. I thought the bob would make me look older, like Cleopatra or Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction...
WHAT A HUGE MISTAKE!!! (some of you know this stupid picture already, I think...)

July 7th, 2015, 03:51 AM
I just turned 40 this past spring. My fairytale ends are creeping down to waist. Can't wait to see how far they'll go.

July 7th, 2015, 04:22 AM
Gosh, I went to sleep, came back, and look at all the friendly faces that have joined! :D I'm so glad, you guys. :D Nothing wrong with being 30, or 50 and over, but I think every age group deserves its niche. I was inspired by the teen-group. ;) :p

July 7th, 2015, 04:46 AM
My mum is in her 50s and still has long hair (I would say something around APL+).
Long hair TOTALLY suits her, like, I can never ever imagine my mum with short hair, she knows that she must not cut it (it's not in her plans either, she loves her long hair, always has).
I would cry if my mum cut her hair, seriously, I would.

July 7th, 2015, 05:06 AM
Hi Lapushka ! :)

Lol. I saw your thread yesterday evening, when nobody had showed up yet and I hesitated : I am 50 since March, so is it worth joining ?... But better late than never, right ? :lol:

OK, I presently have MBL hair making its way down to waist. No precise goal for the moment being, but an old dream : push it to terminal once in my life, out of curiosity. I don't know if I will keep the motivation but thanks to LHC supporting spirit, I enjoy every single day of the journey ! :)

Presently, I'm looking forward to hit waist : the place where-it-starts-to-feel-long (not very long but long^^) and then TBL (I like that length : already amazing but not too yet bothering). And then I'll see. I was between TBL and classic several times in my life already, but I had nobody around to enjoy my length and to encourage me. And let's tell the truth : my hair was not among my priorities. It was there and grew mainly because I didn't cut it, lol. I kept it bunned or braided 98% of the time and everybody was wondering why I had long hair, until I finally asked myself the same question, lol.

My last cut was due to health problems that lead me to a heavy shed. In 2013 I cut my classic length thinned hair to a bob with a broken heart. I suffered from pain everywhere in my muscles and joints and it was just too much of a burden to care of. Now that my problem is on its way to be solved, my hair is more beautiful and healthy than ever ! The change was so dramatic that it caught my attention : I couldn't believe my own eyes every time I looked at it in the mirror ! So I started being interested about it and hair in general... and I found LHC. Actually, contrarily to the major part of the people, I found LHC because my hair was better than it had ever been, and not because it was bad at all !^^ And now I want to enjoy it before I'm too old.


July 7th, 2015, 05:41 AM
I'm in. I've just turned 45 and have been growing my hair for just over a year and a half.

I started at shoulder and am only just past apl. I joined whilst having a massive shed which was leaving some obvious scant parts on my scalp. I've chopped off 8 inches while I've been here which has peed me right off, I have maybe 2 inches left to get rid of then my shed ends will be gone. I'm not worried about about a couple of inches though.

I also have to admit that this is the first time in my life that I have considered the health of my hair!!! I have mistreated my hair all my life, from perms in the 80's to curling tongs in the 90's and early 2000's. Ripping though with brushes without a second thought lol

Lhc has been a great source of information for me, and has some fabulous people on who are always willing to help . My hair has never been past bsl but I'm hoping to get to waist with all the information and support I find here.

July 7th, 2015, 07:54 AM
Hi Lapushka ! :)

Lol. I saw your thread yesterday evening, when nobody had showed up yet and I hesitated : I am 50 since March, so is it worth joining ?... But better late than never, right ? :lol:

No worries. ;) It's not as strict here as in the no-trimming 2015 challenge. ;) :p

July 7th, 2015, 09:17 AM

I will be 47 in december :rolleyes:

I started growing from shoulder 4 years ago and I'm approaching hip now!! I hope to be there in another month or so!!!
I have VERY thick and wavy hair ...I just hope I will be able to handle it that long!!! One thing thats saves me- I'm required to waer it up at work everyday so a hairstick is my go to hair toy!!! :D:happydance:

July 7th, 2015, 10:29 AM
Yay! :joy: I am 48 (go 1967, EllyMay! :hifive:). I first started here and growing my hair long at 41.

Hello all.

July 7th, 2015, 11:01 AM
Hello everyone!

July 7th, 2015, 11:46 AM
I haven't been on here in ages and ages, but decided to check in today. Lo and behold, it's a thread for me! :). I'm 43 years old. I started growing it out (from an ill-advised a-line) when I was 39. It has been slow going since my hair is so fine. Lots of regular trims to keep the ends even. But it is just past BSL now.

July 7th, 2015, 12:13 PM
I'll be 40 in nine days so I am just sneaking in! My hair is currently MBL and I am slowly growing to waist. I did say I wanted to cut it all off at 40 but I've changed my mind now and think I will keep growing for as long as it looks healthy. LHC has encouraged me to stop being ageist towards long hair and also to embrace my greys as nature's sparkles. I'm almost looking forward to them as I'm hoping the greys may be less fine too.

I'm happy you started this thread Lapushka as I was wondering how many of us there were.

July 7th, 2015, 12:54 PM
Quite a few, Nettyx, as I'm happy to find out. Didn't know there were so many 40 somethings on this board.

Elly May
July 7th, 2015, 01:15 PM
Right back atcha, MsBubbles! We even have the same hair type, but yours is already my goal length!

I think that when I hit 40, I really stopped giving a flying flip about what other people thought, and if I want to be well into "middle aged" and have hair down to my behind, so what?!? Besides, since it is up 99% of the time, no one really knows how long it is except my husband and son. I plan to grow to BCL and maintain there, but unless it gets thin or to the point that it is not fun, I have NO intentions of going short ever again. I love that there are so many of you in my age group or older. :happydance:

July 7th, 2015, 01:21 PM
47 years old here! :waving:

I feel like I wasted my younger years of having wonderful hair! I wish I knew better...

If I had figured out that having long gorgeous hair was that much more attractive, I might not even be single right now!

Here is a picture of myself in my mid 30s when I was trying to date and being completely unusuccessful. Looking back, I think I should have used clothes that were more flattering for my chubby frame and a hair style that was more awesome! I thought I looked sexy here, or at least I tried :blushing::


That´s the hair style I kept getting over and over again...shoulder length with layers. That´s what they said was the way to style my hair.

Now I´m struggling to get it to BSL! I just hope to at least be a sexy older woman... :roll:

July 7th, 2015, 01:36 PM
Here is a picture of myself in my mid 30s when I was trying to date and being completely unusuccessful. Looking back, I think I should have used clothes that were more flattering for my chubby frame and a hair style that was more awesome! I thought I looked sexy here, or at least I tried :blushing::


That´s the hair style I kept getting over and over again...shoulder length with layers. That´s what they said was the way to style my hair.

Don't put yourself down. That is a stunning picture! :D I love your wild curls in it too. It looks lovely.

July 7th, 2015, 02:41 PM
I'm 45 and have the longest hair of my life--about tailbone (I got it trimmed just a little bit yesterday). Here are the two most recent pictures I can find:


I've always wanted to have hair so long I could sit on it. Now I think I want to go even longer than that :)

July 7th, 2015, 02:44 PM
Darn, I'm a year and a half too young, lol! See all of you soon though! Thanks for the inspiration.

July 7th, 2015, 02:48 PM
Don't worry about it, Laura. Hey, why not start a 30-40 thread? Why not? And I don't care about age, you can stay in here as much as you like. ;)

July 7th, 2015, 03:11 PM
47 years old here! :waving:

I feel like I wasted my younger years of having wonderful hair! I wish I knew better...

If I had figured out that having long gorgeous hair was that much more attractive, I might not even be single right now!

Here is a picture of myself in my mid 30s when I was trying to date and being completely unusuccessful. Looking back, I think I should have used clothes that were more flattering for my chubby frame and a hair style that was more awesome! I thought I looked sexy here, or at least I tried :blushing::


That´s the hair style I kept getting over and over again...shoulder length with layers. That´s what they said was the way to style my hair.

Now I´m struggling to get it to BSL! I just hope to at least be a sexy older woman... :roll:

IMHO, you look totally adorable! (Everyone our age--well, almost everyone!-- gets told to "cut your hair to SL, and wear it in the same 'style' every day.) All of my friends have their hair SL, layered and curly. One even gets a body-wave permanent wave put in! How else would hairdressers stay in business? lol!
Still, your picture is darling. I love the pretty top, and you've got a cute figure. *snaps* for Jennah!!!

July 7th, 2015, 03:12 PM
Quite a few, Nettyx, as I'm happy to find out. Didn't know there were so many 40 somethings on this board.

I know, right?
Yay for us! :cheese:

(psuedo-double post.)

July 7th, 2015, 06:15 PM
Don't put yourself down. That is a stunning picture! :D I love your wild curls in it too. It looks lovely.

Thanks! I just see so many things wrong with that picture. I kept dieting and wearing tight-fitting clothes meant for young girls. Now, I´ve gained more weight after I gave up on the diets. :?

IMHO, you look totally adorable! (Everyone our age--well, almost everyone!-- gets told to "cut your hair to SL, and wear it in the same 'style' every day.) All of my friends have their hair SL, layered and curly. One even gets a body-wave permanent wave put in! How else would hairdressers stay in business? lol!
Still, your picture is darling. I love the pretty top, and you've got a cute figure. *snaps* for Jennah!!!

Thank you :heart:. There is some of that.. I had an office job at the time and I´d go to the hair dressers and ask them to make me "look professional", so they´d give me that cut and tell me to come back in 6 weeks to give the hair shape again.

I remember I used to work in a company where most of the workers were men, and I´d go to the cafeteria that was full of people and nobody would ever look at me. Just invisible. And then I´d go with my Asian coworker to the cafeteria, who was my same age except that she was very skinny and had waist long straight black hair, and I could see all eyes turning around to look at her.

The sad part was that she was married and expecting a baby (but didn´t show yet), and I was the "available one"! :justy:

Maybe if I had waist long hair and cuter clothes I´d have given myself a chance? I´ll never know. In those days I really wanted to form a family.

But at least I´ll try and rock some long hair now, better late than never! :thumbsup:

July 7th, 2015, 07:23 PM
If someone really loves you, they should love you for YOU, not for how you wear your hair. When I met my husband, I was wearing a not too flattering almost pixie cut, but love won out, even though hubby much prefers my hair longer now. Edit: I just turned 40 in April, so I guess I can post here now!

July 7th, 2015, 09:43 PM
Yay, another thread of my people! I just turned 43 last month and I am happy to join in with so many other wonderful longhairs :) After many years of neglect my hair is the healthiest it has ever been and growth shows no signs of stopping. I can't even guess how many times people have suggested/told me I need to cut my hair shorter but I always have the same response--Why? So I can look like everyone else? Thank you but I think I will keep these tresses as long as I am able to take care of them myself. I chopped it off when I was 10 and have been letting it grow ever since, reaching classic when I was 20, knee when I was 30 and floor when I was 40. I wonder where I will be when I turn 50 :lol:

July 8th, 2015, 03:49 AM
Yay, another thread of my people! I just turned 43 last month and I am happy to join in with so many other wonderful longhairs :) After many years of neglect my hair is the healthiest it has ever been and growth shows no signs of stopping. I can't even guess how many times people have suggested/told me I need to cut my hair shorter but I always have the same response--Why? So I can look like everyone else? Thank you but I think I will keep these tresses as long as I am able to take care of them myself. I chopped it off when I was 10 and have been letting it grow ever since, reaching classic when I was 20, knee when I was 30 and floor when I was 40. I wonder where I will be when I turn 50 :lol:

HeavenlyTresses, I just had a glance at your profile, and... :thud: :thud: :thud:

Your hair is beyond amazing !!... The length, the thickness, the texture, the color, the hemline, the waves.... I feel so happy to know that ladies like you, who have such an amazing hair quality, come to realize it and push it to its full potential. Now, that's hair, folks !!!! :D

July 8th, 2015, 04:55 AM
Hiya! :waving: Another 67er here (I turn 48 in September, but have to think about what age I am because I lost count, and care factor, years ago). I'm just hanging out while my hair grows longer and whiter than it's ever been. :D I'm pretty much who I am, hair and all, and won't conform to the norm (whatever that actually is).

July 8th, 2015, 05:01 AM

Maybe if I had waist long hair and cuter clothes I´d have given myself a chance? I´ll never know. In those days I really wanted to form a family.

But at least I´ll try and rock some long hair now, better late than never! :thumbsup:

Hi Jennah ! :)

Do you really think we can catch a man with clothes and hair ?... Just look around you !^^

This just to tell you that the appearance is all very well (and sure, helps quite a lot to catch eyes) but it very superficial. Excuse me if I speak straightforward but... in bed, you have to take your nice clothes away (or your make-up, contact lenses, wig, etc.). So it's far better to work on being happy with ourselves in the most natural possible way. Who will love us if we don't love ourselves first ? Self esteem is the most powerful attraction tool ! Be your best friend, Jennah, and treat you so. Encourage yourself instead of looking at supposedly more favored people and feel pitiful and worthless. Everybody has well hidden problems and fears that they don't talk to us about. You don't know the ones of that beautiful Asian lady.

You are definitely lovely on that picture : your waist is small and well marked, enhancing your pulpous hips and breast. Yes : you ARE a sexy lady ! If only long slender women with long straight hair would find a companion, there would be a lot of lonely people around !

Now concerning being with a man and having children : I have divorced twice, out of despair from men selfishness, lack of involvement, lack of support, lack of courage ! :lol: I have never felt so alone than when I was with a man ! Sure, I had not chosen the good ones. But when you don't know the unconscious reasons of your acts and choices, you do the same mistakes again and again... Concerning the dream of kids, I thank God every day that I could not have any : I would die of anxiousness every day for them, and I would feel so bad to throw them into this crazy world and uncertain future, and especially I realize that I had never been ready for that. I had to solve too many personal issues first, from which my children would have immensely suffered. So... yeah, I go ahead in my life, step by step, and my consolation is to enjoy my freedom and to discover that I am a beautifully aging woman ! :) :wink:

July 8th, 2015, 05:03 AM
47 years old here! :waving:

I feel like I wasted my younger years of having wonderful hair! I wish I knew better...

If I had figured out that having long gorgeous hair was that much more attractive, I might not even be single right now!

Here is a picture of myself in my mid 30s when I was trying to date and being completely unusuccessful. Looking back, I think I should have used clothes that were more flattering for my chubby frame and a hair style that was more awesome! I thought I looked sexy here, or at least I tried :blushing::


That´s the hair style I kept getting over and over again...shoulder length with layers. That´s what they said was the way to style my hair.

Now I´m struggling to get it to BSL! I just hope to at least be a sexy older woman... :roll:
IMHO you looked fantastic! Wild hair which was just long enough to make you interesting, and a good figure and style making you look really fun to be with. Growing longer will definitely make you even more desirable!

July 8th, 2015, 07:59 AM
Hello! I guess I'll be hanging out here too :) I'll be 43 next month and growing, growing, growing. The hair lesson I've learned over the past year and a half is that layered inverted bobs are a lot of work to upkeep... wow if I had known what a pain it was going to be, I never would have cut off my mid-back length hair. Even though I did like the cut (it made me feel lighter if that makes any sense) growing it back out has become a test in self confidence (all those wonky hair days). My goal is knee, as I've never been that long, so I will be here awhile...

July 8th, 2015, 08:46 AM
HeavenlyTresses, I just had a glance at your profile, and... :thud: :thud: :thud:

Your hair is beyond amazing !!... The length, the thickness, the texture, the color, the hemline, the waves.... I feel so happy to know that ladies like you, who have such an amazing hair quality, come to realize it and push it to its full potential. Now, that's hair, folks !!!! :D

Ditto. I'm speechless.

July 8th, 2015, 01:03 PM

July 8th, 2015, 02:31 PM
I'm 45 and have the longest hair of my life--about tailbone (I got it trimmed just a little bit yesterday). Here are the two most recent pictures I can find:




I've always wanted to have hair so long I could sit on it. Now I think I want to go even longer than that :)

Very pretty hair, Amahaitz! Reminds me of Crystawni's because of the different colors! And oh cool, another Summer of Love baby. :meditate:

I'm encouraged that so many of us have fine hair and still decided to grow our hair just because that's what we want to do. I was told for forty years that my hair was useless and could never grow long or look good long.

Jennah you are being too hard on yourself! I like that pink top you are wearing in the photo. I think closer-fitting clothes are usually more flattering. I am one of those 'hide behind a massive T-shirt' people most of the time. It's just not a good look for me but I'm not brave enough any more to wear anything tighter.

July 9th, 2015, 03:10 AM
Ha, yeah, I'm with you on the long. fine hair front, MsBubbles. My younger sister was always encouraged to have her thick, dark mane long, while I was encouraged to have my hair layered so the curls could come out (via spiky curlers that ripped at my scalp and tore at my baby fine strands). I grew up not knowing I was adopted. Gah. It was after I guessed, at almost 19, that I started doing my own thing freely. Then I met my natural/birth mum when she was 55 (30 years older than me). Her hair had been my tawny colouring when she was younger, but had turned fully white over the years. That's when I embraced my future (I got my first white hairs 2 years after that meeting). :p

Yes, please! :)

I'll be 49 this summer. I've been growing my pixie for 3+ years. I got the pixie around age 30, and loved it to pieces!
The last time it was "long", I was about 8, then Mom gave me a shag. (I was a young Carol Brady! lol!) I grew it to my shoulders a few times since then. I've never had it below APL. :)

Hehe, I got the same Carol Brady do in the mid 70s, but it was called a Monkey Cut here in Australia. Looked fricken awful on me, so grow, grow again I did. Til the 80s when I succumbed to perms mixed with edgy punkish stuff... Then came marriage, and kids who yanked on my hair (had a long spiral perm with kiddo no. 1, but that didn't last long)... Then my late 20s, into my 30s with China Beach/Lois and Clark/Speed bobs (I loved neat-looking, slick hair), and later, bold bleached stripes on a longer, APL bob... I've actually behaved a lot in my 40s, with my hair no shorter than APL, but now I'm actually interested in leaving it be.

Thanks! I just see so many things wrong with that picture. I kept dieting and wearing tight-fitting clothes meant for young girls. Now, I´ve gained more weight after I gave up on the diets. :?

Thank you :heart:. There is some of that.. I had an office job at the time and I´d go to the hair dressers and ask them to make me "look professional", so they´d give me that cut and tell me to come back in 6 weeks to give the hair shape again.

I remember I used to work in a company where most of the workers were men, and I´d go to the cafeteria that was full of people and nobody would ever look at me. Just invisible. And then I´d go with my Asian coworker to the cafeteria, who was my same age except that she was very skinny and had waist long straight black hair, and I could see all eyes turning around to look at her.

The sad part was that she was married and expecting a baby (but didn´t show yet), and I was the "available one"! :justy:

Maybe if I had waist long hair and cuter clothes I´d have given myself a chance? I´ll never know. In those days I really wanted to form a family.

But at least I´ll try and rock some long hair now, better late than never! :thumbsup:

One thing that hit me over the years is how much people (e.g. the male coworkers) want what they can't have (e.g. the Asian coworker). When it comes to relationships, it always seems that those who are taken get the most attention. I wonder if it's because they're comfortable in their own skin, and aren't seeking anything that may put pressure on others. Years ago, I was actually celebrating being single with a few friends (after actually realising I didn't NEED a guy to complete me) and that night, my life changed. My now-husband of almost 25 years asked me to go out with him. So much for singledom...

July 9th, 2015, 04:15 AM
(...) Years ago, I was actually celebrating being single with a few friends (after actually realising I didn't NEED a guy to complete me) and that night, my life changed. My now-husband of almost 25 years asked me to go out with him. So much for singledom...

Ha ha ha ha ! :lol: Cristawni, you are as amazing as your hair !! It's like these people who are stuggling to have a child, and the lady gets pregnant when they finally decide to give up and go for adoption !... Self pressure can just block you for years becasue it puts you in such a stress !... :(

Good to see you here, Cristawni ! :) :) :flower:

July 9th, 2015, 06:56 AM
Ha ha ha ha ! :lol: Cristawni, you are as amazing as your hair !! It's like these people who are stuggling to have a child, and the lady gets pregnant when they finally decide to give up and go for adoption !... Self pressure can just block you for years becasue it puts you in such a stress !... :(

Good to see you here, Cristawni ! :) :) :flower:

HERE!!! HERE!!!!!!!
I had the adoption papers at home!!!
I gave up ever getting pregnant and then we went to Hurghada, Egypt and - BANG!
He is 8 now.

July 9th, 2015, 07:41 AM
Hehe, I got the same Carol Brady do in the mid 70s, but it was called a Monkey Cut here in Australia. Looked fricken awful on me, so grow, grow again I did. Til the 80s when I succumbed to perms mixed with edgy punkish stuff... Then came marriage, and kids who yanked on my hair (had a long spiral perm with kiddo no. 1, but that didn't last long)... Then my late 20s, into my 30s with China Beach/Lois and Clark/Speed bobs (I loved neat-looking, slick hair), and later, bold bleached stripes on a longer, APL bob... I've actually behaved a lot in my 40s, with my hair no shorter than APL, but now I'm actually interested in leaving it be.

Ya. I'll bet a bunch of us have similiar hair histories! I don't mention the frizzy, permed days much on the forum, because the younger ones are probably all : :shocked: "You actually wore your hair like that?!? What were you thinking?!??" Umm. Yeah. I wore it like that. Most girls did! Looking back, I suspect the reason I never grew it out, was that it was breaking off as fast as I could grow it!

I got the pixie when DD came along. I was working--teaching high school--, the kids were 17 months apart, and I couldn't be bothered with styling my hair. (Back then, I didn't know how easy it was to make a bun with a stick, either!) Those pixies saved my bacon! I could roll out of bed, wet down my hair, comb it into place, and by the time I had my makeup on, it was dry and looking great! It always looked good, never tangled, and I could just finger-comb it into place if I got rained on or it was windy out. (I also secretly enjoyed the 'shock and awe' I got from other women. I got compliments on it fairly often, and my female friends confessed that they didn't have the nerve to go that short. I once cut it down to 1", just for fun!) Now, I'm working down to the other end of 'shock and awe'--it's longer than all of my friends now, and longer than some teenage girls! lol!

It's nice to come out on the other side: middle age brings contentment, and understanding of oneself. I have time to focus more on things that matter to me now, not furthering my career, raising children, or setting up a household. This weekend will bring time with friends and DH, not watching the kids play a ball game or herding their friends around the house. (Even though that was super fun while it lasted!)

I am so deep and philosophical this morning! Better drink some more coffee!

July 9th, 2015, 07:56 AM
Oh yes. Being a teenager in the 80s or early 90s was a cruel, cruel trick to play on any of us with fine, straight hair. Boy did I torture my hair! About the only thing I didn't do to it in the 80s was put glue in it, as so many of my punk friends did.

The Carol Brady! I have just now realized I got one of those cuts when I was about 7 years old. Completely without my permission of course. Whoever thought that leaving a few fine wisps at the bottom would work on straight, fine hair?! :rolleyes: :pins: "Monkey Cut" is a far more apt name for it. Like a chimp was let loose on my hair with the scissors...

That's a cool story, Crystawni! I'm so glad you got to put the puzzle pieces together with your genetics, hair and family.

July 9th, 2015, 09:28 AM
I am 47 and have been here about 5 months. I was considering chopping my hair off after my stylist recommended that I was " at that age". i began researching " am I too old for long hair?", and came across this community, saw lots of women my age rocking their long hair and decided to embrace it. I don't think my hair has even been in better shape, largely due to the knowledge I have gained from this community. My hair is currently mid back and i would like to get to waist and possibly hip length. It has not been that long since i was a teenager. My hubby and family are all very supportive and i have had nothing but compliments on my hair so I am glad i didn't follow my stylists advice and instead, found a more supportive one. http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18075&d=1436454965

July 9th, 2015, 08:21 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a couple weeks shy of 41 and have hair just past WL. I've had bobbed hair almost all my life, with a few pixies (oy, did NOT suit me). So this is my first time long, and I'm glad to say it's healthy, shiny, pretty well-behaved, and I get a lot of nice compliments on it :) It also feels like an expression of my own style and individuality, and somehow of my sense of self. I think I will probably always keep it long. Not sure how long I'll go-- most important to me is having it be healthy and nice to touch.

July 10th, 2015, 12:23 AM
I'll join in 2 or 3 decades from now :P

July 10th, 2015, 04:52 AM
I'll join in 2 or 3 decades from now :PBy then we'll have threads for the 70s, 80s, 90s and those over 100!

July 10th, 2015, 05:31 AM
Copperlites...it's good to know that our debates here about being older with long hair (admittedly heavily skewed in favor of) are being read by non-LHCers! Glad you joined!

July 10th, 2015, 08:09 AM

Adverticing the 50 to 60 years young thread: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=132771

/end hijack

July 10th, 2015, 08:31 AM
My people!

I turn 47 in September.
I've had what others call long hair ( BSL or more) since the late 70s when my mom gave up the social abuse that pixies were for me. Pixies with badly placed cowlicks are child abuse.

My goals are knee/ upper calf or terminal minus two inches.

July 10th, 2015, 07:49 PM
It's so nice to see such a large group gathering here! I am 44 and my hair is tailbone length. I decided to grow it after a rather severe health issue about ten years ago as an affirmation of life. Long hair was something I always wanted but I had never thought I could really achieve, I spent most of my life wearing a bob and a few years with what my mother called long hair (around apl and one tiny amount of time at BSL.) Despite having long hair herself (about tailbone) when I was very young, she never let me grow my hair that long. She was always sure it was damaged and would trim it (significantly) when it got long. She cut her hair in a bob when my brother was born and never grew it much past her shoulders again. She has even tried to get me to cut my hair short again recently but I have been doing my own thing and pleasing myself--which is as it should be.

July 11th, 2015, 04:47 AM
Everyone has come such a long way, with so much more to encounter! It's lovely to be around you guys and reading your stories.

copperlites, your hair looks awesome! I'm glad you're not going for the chop, now!

Ha ha ha ha ! :lol: Cristawni, you are as amazing as your hair !! It's like these people who are stuggling to have a child, and the lady gets pregnant when they finally decide to give up and go for adoption !... Self pressure can just block you for years becasue it puts you in such a stress !... :(

Good to see you here, Cristawni ! :) :flower:

:flowers: I'm in great company, that's for sure!

HERE!!! HERE!!!!!!!
I had the adoption papers at home!!!
I gave up ever getting pregnant and then we went to Hurghada, Egypt and - BANG!
He is 8 now.

Oh, wow, that's one heck of a BANG, Wusel! :wink:

Ya. I'll bet a bunch of us have similiar hair histories! I don't mention the frizzy, permed days much on the forum, because the younger ones are probably all : :shocked: "You actually wore your hair like that?!? What were you thinking?!??" Umm. Yeah. I wore it like that. Most girls did! Looking back, I suspect the reason I never grew it out, was that it was breaking off as fast as I could grow it!

I got the pixie when DD came along. I was working--teaching high school--, the kids were 17 months apart, and I couldn't be bothered with styling my hair. (Back then, I didn't know how easy it was to make a bun with a stick, either!) Those pixies saved my bacon! I could roll out of bed, wet down my hair, comb it into place, and by the time I had my makeup on, it was dry and looking great! It always looked good, never tangled, and I could just finger-comb it into place if I got rained on or it was windy out. (I also secretly enjoyed the 'shock and awe' I got from other women. I got compliments on it fairly often, and my female friends confessed that they didn't have the nerve to go that short. I once cut it down to 1", just for fun!) Now, I'm working down to the other end of 'shock and awe'--it's longer than all of my friends now, and longer than some teenage girls! lol!

It's nice to come out on the other side: middle age brings contentment, and understanding of oneself. I have time to focus more on things that matter to me now, not furthering my career, raising children, or setting up a household. This weekend will bring time with friends and DH, not watching the kids play a ball game or herding their friends around the house. (Even though that was super fun while it lasted!)

I am so deep and philosophical this morning! Better drink some more coffee!

Bahahahaha, younger ones. Sad, but true that we're not the younger ones anymore, although I reckon many of us seem a lot younger than generations before us whose styles (hair, clothing, etc.,) prematurely aged them imo. I'm also loving the comfort factor, wisdom and, um, balls that this age brings. I miss raising the kids and their friends (hehe), but love the current freedom, mixing with friends without ties, and time re-acquainting with the hubster.

I envy your ability to rock the pixie. I tried it once or twice, but I have the dreaded cowlicks, plus some features that don't suit it. And, of course, one of those pixies had the permed upper part, with short back and sides. WTF was I thinking?

Oh yes. Being a teenager in the 80s or early 90s was a cruel, cruel trick to play on any of us with fine, straight hair. Boy did I torture my hair! About the only thing I didn't do to it in the 80s was put glue in it, as so many of my punk friends did.

The Carol Brady! I have just now realized I got one of those cuts when I was about 7 years old. Completely without my permission of course. Whoever thought that leaving a few fine wisps at the bottom would work on straight, fine hair?! :rolleyes: :pins: "Monkey Cut" is a far more apt name for it. Like a chimp was let loose on my hair with the scissors...

That's a cool story, Crystawni! I'm so glad you got to put the puzzle pieces together with your genetics, hair and family.

My ears made sure it looked like a monkey cut, too! Gah! :p I still cringe when I watch re-runs of the Brady Bunch.

My people!

I turn 47 in September.
I've had what others call long hair ( BSL or more) since the late 70s when my mom gave up the social abuse that pixies were for me. Pixies with badly placed cowlicks are child abuse.

My goals are knee/ upper calf or terminal minus two inches.

Oh, I'm hearing you! Cowlicks are not that pixie friendly, along with hair that kinks around ears while shooting out in all directions, and ears that encourage that to happen.

Agnes Hannah
July 11th, 2015, 03:37 PM
Hello everyone! I am 49 years young and pleased to be in good company. My hair is the longest it has ever been and is the most healthiest it has ever been too. I am currently sitting with a henna treatment on, second one I have done. Am doing small trims quarterly and am currently between hip and BCL. Can't wait to sit on it!

July 12th, 2015, 07:18 AM
Count me in. I'll be 43 next Saturday and my hair is nearing waist. Yesterday it was waist but that disaster might become its own thread...

July 13th, 2015, 08:55 AM
Hi, y'all! I'm 41 and my hair is creeping past TBL -- it seems to have arrived there when I wasn't looking. I've had my hair long before, but never as long as this; when I had it long in my 20s, I wasn't aware of and didn't know how to use hair sticks, and so had no good options for putting my very thick hair up at WL besides French or Dutch braid and a messy sort of bee-butt bun secured with a scrunchie. I've had very, very short pixies in the past as well, but I don't think they look good unless I'm really thin (my face gains weight before anything else, it seems like!).

I think I'm going to let my hair keep going to classic, and then assess whether my bun repertoire has expanded enough to justify the additional detangling required by the extra length. If not, I may consider a chop back to high hip, since I enjoyed wearing my hair down more at that length.

July 13th, 2015, 05:43 PM
Hiya! :waving: Another 67er here (I turn 48 in September, but have to think about what age I am because I lost count, and care factor, years ago).

:D I cancelled my birthday this year because "they" (whoever the birthday people are) got it wrong. There is NO way I am this old!!

I've always wanted long hair as an adult but it never seemed to happen. Then I divorced my husband. That's all I'm gonna say.

SO! Seven years later, my hair is pretty darn close to tailbone. It's healthy and happy. HA! Kinda like me.

I also have to give HUGE credit to this website. The support, humor and knowledge of this place definitely made a "wish" a reality.

July 14th, 2015, 03:44 PM
40 year old here as well. Currently hitting on APL (again) and my goal is to reach MBL. longer would be great but since i've never had hair that long before, aiming for MBL. the longest i've ever had my hair was slightly below APL. i had to cut it due to damage from heat and hairdressers. it grew pretty quickly, or on-track: i started with hair that was about an inch long all over and achieved APL in 3 years. and had to cut off a years worth of growth due to hair cockiness: i thought my hair could handle anything. now it is taking forever to grow back as that little setback happened about two years ago. i've been increasing my moisturization methods and am considering wetting / cowashing my hair again as i achieved major growth (APL in 3 years) when i did that. open to any other suggestions too.

anywho! nice to see all the 40+ year olds and learn your hair stories!

August 8th, 2015, 09:50 PM
I belong here too. I'll be 44 soon and my hair is at APL.

I've only ever had it to BSL once in my life when I was about 30, and I had 2 friends constantly telling me that long hair was 'dragging my face down' so I've kept it between chin and shoulder ever since.

I'll be maintaining between APL and BSL while I get my hair in better condition, but after that it will be the length I want it, not where others consider I should have it.

I'm not sure how I'll go growing it at this age, but from what I can gather, it is growing about 1cm a month, so I'm happy with that :)

August 8th, 2015, 10:24 PM
This thread popped up in my subscribed list, and I did a double-take wondering why I was involved in an oldies thread. Then I remembered... :doh: <<no, that's not an age-related memory lapse thingame. Nup! Nooooo. That's just pure denial.

As for the ol' dragging the face down snip--yeah, I've heard that one too many times over the years. Nothing a few face framers or other layers won't fix (if your hairtype/texture can handle it). I want long hair, but not at the expense of style/pretty, especially as my features start to change/lighten, so I feathered mine a bit with a compact cut at the start of the week. Instantly, the drape around my face, and back-blanket were gone without sacrificing length, replaced by movement, weightlessness and more ombreyness (is so a word :p ). Much more betters.

August 9th, 2015, 04:59 AM
Sounds like my kind of thread! Im 42 and def reached the age where I dont care what anybody thinks about my hair or dress sense...Im just going to please my own darned self from now on!
My hair is now hovering in the midback abyss but that was after I cut about 6ins of layers off and made the concious decision to really try growing it properly (as opposed to ignoring it and acting surprised at how long it had gotten).

August 9th, 2015, 09:24 AM
I'm going to be 43 within about a week or two, so I definitely don't care... although. My aunt just came to see us (she's still visiting) and she saw me with my hair down (wash day, so it's down for once), and she totally was amazed at how long it was (it's not down much). She said I should braid it! When I told her my dad (jokingly) always asks how much he should cut, her eyes went wide, "NOOO don't cut it" she said. Only the very ends, sometimes." Sometimes you gotta love 'em. ;)

August 9th, 2015, 12:24 PM
I am right in the middle of this decade. I keep getting older and my hair keeps growing. I am content to keep it between classic and fingertip, but it keeps sneaking beyond my comfort zone. Oh well, my hair has never quite cooperated with me and always done its own thing. Why should it change now?

August 9th, 2015, 04:04 PM
Hi! I'm a '70s girl ... 44 years old now, yikes, when did that happen? Like many others on this thread, my hair is its longest now. I have achieved "hold up ponytail to sit down or get whiplash" length ... about BSL. My hair is thick, a teeny bit wavy and blonde. I found LHC when googling how to deal with the frizz I get during humidity, and have been reading as close to non-stop as I can manage. I am the "short-hair" in my family. Both Geekboy (hubby type guy) and Tadpole (child of frog, get it?) have hair at or about waist length. Theirs behaves better, of course :roll eyes:

Anyway, it is bellydancing that has inspired me to keep growing my hair. (Hair is a great prop for some styles of dance! Much better than swords or snakes for this klutz.)

Looking forward to hanging out with you all!


August 9th, 2015, 04:05 PM
This thread was started exactly on my 44th birthday. :cool:
My hair is about hip length now, on its way to BCL, which seemed to be my terminal length 20 years ago. Next year I will see if it actually is or if I can stretch it out farther south.
It is wavy, dark brown with fat white strands on the temples and a fuzzy cloud of white above my forehead. I usually wear it open, except when it is too hot.

My hair has been noticably thinning since at least 2013 without any increase in the number of hairs in my brush (so where the heck did they go?), then on top of that, this march they DID increase. All in all I am left with half of my original hair or less. My doctor just said that the age at which hair mass naturally lessens varies. :confused:
Don't know if that is it. I am still in the process of testing what might have contributed to it resp. might help it. I would really like to restore my hair to more thickness again. :meditate:

August 12th, 2015, 10:02 PM
High school in the 80's taught me to love Van Halen and other rock and roll hair bands. At 46, this thread suits me just fine! I went 25 years without a trim and maintained my braid at TBL. I am now in the process of growing it back from the top of my neck and have gone almost 3 years without a trim, so I have a great start. But, this time, I am actually being considerate and kind to my hair! For the first time in my life, I am choosing not to wear it braided, but bunned up instead, thanks to an LHC challenge. In that challenge, I think I have gone three weeks now without seeing my length, other than on washing days. It is a strawberry blonde color that naturally streaks a bit lighter in the summer. Found a pre-cut picture that shows a bit of the summer color.

http://i639.photobucket.com/albums/uu119/kidso206/ok6b.jpg (http://s639.photobucket.com/user/kidso206/media/ok6b.jpg.html)

August 13th, 2015, 02:39 PM
I'll join in! I'm 46, and at tailbone length. My mom hated long hair, and always kept it chopped, with the occasionally old-lady-poodle-perm. Once I was on my own, I determined it was going to grow! I'm loving the threads of silver that are starting to appear.

August 13th, 2015, 07:01 PM
Hello everyone !!!!!

I am 41 but I don't have long hair .....yet... but that's why I joined lhc. So may...be... I belong...

The longest I've ever been is bsl for a few months after marriage but as soon as I came back here I lost it. I've always admired long hair. Now I'm consciously starting this journey so I can also enjoy it on me. My kids (8&10) on the other hand have hair grazing their knees.

I hope to join them with the support of this community..

August 14th, 2015, 01:04 AM
I am 40 this year, so please count me in! Although my hair is not ultra-long yet (I have only just hit waist with my longest layers). I have no plans to stop growing it anytime soon. My mum harasses me to cut it now and again, but generally I've had good feedback about having long hair at my age. So nice to see so many ladies over 40 still embracing their lovely long locks! :blossom:

August 14th, 2015, 01:51 AM
I'm 41 and it's inching past waist now. This is the longest my hair has ever been. I haven't let society dictate my style since the early '90s and I'm not going to start now!

August 14th, 2015, 01:57 AM
I am 47 and have been here about 5 months. I was considering chopping my hair off after my stylist recommended that I was " at that age". i began researching " am I too old for long hair?", and came across this community, saw lots of women my age rocking their long hair and decided to embrace it. I don't think my hair has even been in better shape, largely due to the knowledge I have gained from this community. My hair is currently mid back and i would like to get to waist and possibly hip length. It has not been that long since i was a teenager. My hubby and family are all very supportive and i have had nothing but compliments on my hair so I am glad i didn't follow my stylists advice and instead, found a more supportive one. http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18075&d=1436454965

My immediate reaction was "It's gorgeous! Why the heck would you cut that??" That hairstylist has no sense of aesthetics.

Groovy Granny
August 15th, 2015, 10:00 AM
Looking good :)
Keep fighting the 'curl up and dye' cause ;)

August 17th, 2015, 07:46 AM
I'm also in my forties and trying to grow my hair long (although I've fried it with L'Oreal Feria so there's a lot of damage at the ends).

I've heard all people over thirty should cut their hair short, but never quite understood why. I had a bob a few years ago and found it hideously impractical; long enough to blow in my face and blind me, but not long enough to tie back. Urgh. I'm also of an age where I don't care what other people think. :)

So, I'm growing it. Hopefully to BSL (shoulder length at the moment). My inspiration is my memories of my gran who had long silver hair when she died aged 87yrs.

August 17th, 2015, 08:01 AM
I believed that nonsense for years about 'older women' looking so much better with short hair. I finally came to my senses. I actually had someone tell me I needed to cut my hair because of my age once.......I was 18 at the time. I didn't cut for ten years after that.

August 17th, 2015, 02:46 PM
I belong here! :D Only started growing long at 35 (well, if not counting the teenage midback length) and oscillating between hip and classic in the last couple of years.

Thanks for the thread, Lapushka! :)

August 17th, 2015, 03:25 PM
Thanks for the thread, Lapushka! :)

Oh not at all! No worries. :D

August 17th, 2015, 07:39 PM
Ha ha ha ha ! :lol: Cristawni, you are as amazing as your hair !! It's like these people who are stuggling to have a child, and the lady gets pregnant when they finally decide to give up and go for adoption !... Self pressure can just block you for years becasue it puts you in such a stress !... :(

Good to see you here, Cristawni ! :) :) :flower:

Oh gosh, I had to comment on this :p my aunt and uncle tried for years to get pregnant before adopting a little boy from Khabarovsk, Russia (he's 11 now). 2 years later she was pregnant with twins, and a further 2 years later they had another little boy :lol: Funny how those things work!

Wildcat Diva
August 17th, 2015, 09:18 PM
I've just measured. I'm about 32 inches. Won't it be nice when someday my inches long of hair surpasses my age?

August 18th, 2015, 02:22 AM
I've just measured. I'm about 32 inches. Won't it be nice when someday my inches long of hair surpasses my age?

In cm you're more than already there (81-82 cm). :p

August 18th, 2015, 02:31 PM
In cm you're more than already there (81-82 cm). :p

Yay for the metric system!

August 20th, 2015, 08:53 AM
Hi ... well, according to my boyfriend and almost all his friends long hair is always a good thing on a woman. So, I will stay on the path of longer hair lol

August 20th, 2015, 09:02 PM
Hi ... well, according to my boyfriend and almost all his friends long hair is always a good thing on a woman. So, I will stay on the path of longer hair lol

Make sure you are growing your hair because YOU enjoy it! Others can support your decision, but you have to want the longer hair for yourself first. Happy growing!

August 20th, 2015, 11:03 PM
I'll be 45 this winter, and started my hair growing journey at 41. I've actually met my goal, and then cut back some to that nebulous mid back length which is why I don't check in much here anymore. But I'm the happiest I've been with my hair ever and find it much easier to manage than when it was shorter.

April 11th, 2016, 06:41 AM
Any new members here between the ages of 40 & 50. Please join us! :D

April 11th, 2016, 08:36 AM
Not such a new member anymore, but it's time for me to come join this thread :)

April 11th, 2016, 08:38 AM
And I'd like to add that at 40 I have the longest hair of my life!

April 11th, 2016, 08:43 AM
And I'd like to add that at 40 I have the longest hair of my life!

Yay, congrats to you! :cheer:

April 11th, 2016, 09:17 AM
hello everybody and thank you for this thread lapushka :)
I am 40 and my hair is longest it has ever been, which is BSL. I started from APL at 39. All my life i was between SL and APL and believed that was how my hair was. Aw.
My dream is to get to waist. ;)

April 11th, 2016, 09:58 AM
Thanks Lapushka!
And Mirabele, congratulations on getting to BSL and your longest ever! It's fun to grow on into the unknown.

April 11th, 2016, 10:30 AM
hello everybody and thank you for this thread lapushka :)
I am 40 and my hair is longest it has ever been, which is BSL. I started from APL at 39. All my life i was between SL and APL and believed that was how my hair was. Aw.
My dream is to get to waist. ;)

Congrats! You'll get there!!! :D

Thanks Lapushka!
And Mirabele, congratulations on getting to BSL and your longest ever! It's fun to grow on into the unknown.

You're welcome. :)

I grew to classic in my 40s too. I kept puttering around with dyes before that (constantly changing my mind), and that was just not beneficial to growth.

April 11th, 2016, 10:32 AM
I'm just a kid but I wanna say, you guys are badasses. Keep on keepin on.

April 11th, 2016, 11:50 AM
I'm just a kid but I wanna say, you guys are badasses. Keep on keepin on.

You're about half my age (OMG I never thought I would say that to anyone), wouldn't say you're a kid, though. You're almost 20, that's "getting up there". ;)

April 11th, 2016, 12:28 PM
I guess I should be here too. I'm late 40's, but I'm not a long hair, I'm pre-APL. I've still got a couple of inches to go.

April 11th, 2016, 02:23 PM
Count me in. I am 49 and happy to join in with so many other wonderful members.
My hair is the longest it has ever been, I am pretty darn close to FTL. :D
Thank you for this thread, Lapushka!

April 11th, 2016, 02:32 PM
I belong here - until next week when I turn 51! :p

April 11th, 2016, 02:39 PM
I belong here - until next week when I turn 51! :p

Onto the next thread, then, eh? :) Happy birthday wishes (I know I'm a little early). :D

April 11th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Count me in. I am 49 and happy to join in with so many other wonderful members.
My hair is the longest it has ever been, I am pretty darn close to FTL. :D
Thank you for this thread, Lapushka!

Oooh FTL, congrats! :D

No worries! :)

April 11th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Onto the next thread, then, eh? :) Happy birthday wishes (I know I'm a little early). :D

Thanks! Is there a next thread?

April 11th, 2016, 03:05 PM
I have no idea. I searched but couldn't find anything.

April 11th, 2016, 06:48 PM
I was looking for this thread a couple of days ago and could NOT find it for the life of me, and then there it was! YAY!

I turned forty in January. My hair hasn't been short in a long time because I just look silly with short hair. My hair is just wavy enough to get an attitude problem when it's cut short. It was classic in my early 30s, and I got aggravated with it being that long and cut it back to waist and then to shoulder-ish for a while, and then I decided I missed my long hair and I'm growing it back out, to waist at least.

My mom kind of gave me the side-eye about aiming for waist-length hair "at my age" and I more or less told her (politely) that I'm too old to let anyone tell me what to do with my own hair! :D (She did respect that. She's not a pain in the neck or anything.)

I am going gray but I henna my hair because I like the henna color and my facial skin isn't really aging that much yet so I feel like the gray makes me look older than I otherwise would. Maybe I'll quit with the henna when my face starts to wrinkle up more and it looks silly NOT to be going gray. :D

April 11th, 2016, 07:04 PM
I turned 44 in january and my hair has been many lengths over the years longest was almost knee length in my teens then i had it cut....then grew again then cut again due to struggling to care for it with a disability...oh hey i grew it again but it fell out due to major stress in my life in my 20's and at the time it was hip length then in my 30's it grew but not that well...so now hair recovered and growing well so i have decided age is not going to stand in my way of my dream of growing my hair long its what i have always wanted! :)

so 40 to 50 will be a rocking groovy time of growing hair!!

April 11th, 2016, 07:14 PM
I've decided it is definitely easier to do my hair and actually keep it looking good all day if it is long. So, I've had enough of short hair. I'm just going to enjoy my hair instead of fighting it.

April 12th, 2016, 05:53 AM
@Sarahlabyrinth: make a thread! I'll join you there next year!

My hair is as long as I can remember now. The taper seems to be increasing, though. I don't know if it will get much longer. :)

April 12th, 2016, 06:27 AM
I just turned 48 in March. My hair is the longest it has been since my teens. I do have a lot of taper, enhanced by a major shed over summer. I'm insure if the ship taper is due to aging or the fact I have damage from chemical straightening and flat ironing in my pre LHC days. I prefer it straight as it is easier to manage and I get a lot less tanhpgles and breakage than when I leave it curly... And it only looks "nicely curly" like this photo for about 5 minutes until the waves and curls drop or go frizzy due to wind/ humidity etc.
I'm not ready to embrace my advancing silvers but my hairdresser does a good job of blending them into my natural colour. I wish I had the guts to switch to henna ....
No one believes my age so I now just say I'm 38 if people ask. I'm pretty much wrinkle free ... Bless my English skin... And People still baulk at that ... I'm sure the long hair is part of making me more youthful. I definitely look older when it's up so I guess I'd also look older with it short. My husband loves it long and likes helping to look after it, brushing it and playing with it so I don't see any reason to cut it off at present.

April 12th, 2016, 09:06 AM
I'm in! I'm 41 this year and growing it out again. I've had it mostly long through my late teens into adulthood. I've cut it shorter a few times throughout the years - like when I had my daughter - just to make caring for it easier. Cut it really short when I filed for divorce and enjoyed the sassy short curls for a bit. My current husband loves my long hair, gives me plenty of leeway to care for it properly and is the first guy I've ever been with that plays with and braids my hair. He's the best!

I'm not an expert on the acronyms here yet but my hair has grown down to the middle of my back thus far. I love this forum too because it's given me the tools to properly care for my hair for once! My hair has never been healthier and I am enjoying hair toys like never before.

You ladies rock!

April 14th, 2016, 01:03 PM
Hey all, great to know there are so many of us! I turned 41 in February (how the heck did that happen?!) and I started seriously trying to grow my hair last summer for the first time since my early 20's, when I was APL.

In 2008 I dyed it brunette which was a disaster so cut that out into a short bob. That's when I started straightening every day. Kept that for a few years whilst fading/growing out the colour. Once dark blonde again started growing to SL, and that's where I stuck as my fine hair would break as much as it grew. Thanks to this lovely place, I stopped heat styling 7½ months ago and am just scraping APL when brushed out straight. Would like my natural waves to be BSL eventually. I've also been getting blonder and blonder, but sick of the roots, I've gone back to a slightly darker strawberry blonde and I'm hoping I may be able to stop colouring and just use a colour shampoo. Pics of my hair lengths and colours in my album :)

April 14th, 2016, 01:17 PM
Hey all, great to know there are so many of us! I turned 41 in February (how the heck did that happen?!) and I started seriously trying to grow my hair last summer for the first time since my early 20's, when I was APL.

In 2008 I dyed it brunette which was a disaster so cut that out into a short bob. That's when I started straightening every day. Kept that for a few years whilst fading/growing out the colour. Once dark blonde again started growing to SL, and that's where I stuck as my fine hair would break as much as it grew. Thanks to this lovely place, I stopped heat styling 7½ months ago and am just scraping APL when brushed out straight. Would like my natural waves to be BSL eventually. I've also been getting blonder and blonder, but sick of the roots, I've gone back to a slightly darker strawberry blonde and I'm hoping I may be able to stop colouring and just use a colour shampoo. Pics of my hair lengths and colours in my album :)

Your hair looks great and I love the wavy texture! :)

April 16th, 2016, 07:52 AM
Thank you Lapushka! It's still very short, but I've learned so much here, I hope to grow my longest ever hair in my 40s!

July 16th, 2016, 09:30 AM
Thanks! Is there a next thread?
50 is not the end. :D
Here is the next thread: The half a century crowd (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=132771)

July 16th, 2016, 10:00 AM
41 here, but I still feel 21! I actually forgot that this thread existed! HaHa

July 16th, 2016, 10:45 AM
For 2 1/2 weeks, I can still post here! :D

July 16th, 2016, 01:33 PM
For 2 1/2 weeks, I can still post here! :D

Happy birthday, already! :D :cheer:

Hang out here as much as you want!

July 17th, 2016, 12:14 AM
41 here and growing for the first time since my mid 20s. Even then I never got much past APL, which is where I am (just about) now. No heat styling or hairdressers since end of August last year, just the occasional cool blow dry, regular S&D and one tiny micro trim. Very happy with the results and looking forward to reaching new lengths throughout my 40s ☺️

July 17th, 2016, 12:15 AM
Oh, also, wanted to mention that there are some names here which surprise me. People I've seen pictures of on other threads and assumed were much younger than me. You all look flipping awesome 👍

July 17th, 2016, 06:46 AM
I'm going to be 44 next month, precisely this day. :D

July 17th, 2016, 06:48 AM
I'm 48, and rockin the " just passing bsl length". My sister at times tells me I should cut it but I say NOOOOO, teehee, feels so good to say no to anything finally, so liberating. Sissy I still love ya!

July 19th, 2016, 02:06 AM
I'm 46 and have classic in few weeks (about 3cm) :o

July 19th, 2016, 11:22 AM
For 2 1/2 weeks, I can still post here! :D

Happy birthday!!!!!

July 19th, 2016, 11:23 AM
I'm going to be 44 next month, precisely this day. :D

Happy birthday!!!!!! ( sometimes I have a Dory moments I will forget, teehee)

July 22nd, 2016, 12:59 AM
I'm going to be 50 in Sept. 2016 and loving, rocking almost tailbone length hair. proud of my age and length.

July 22nd, 2016, 02:11 PM
I'm going to be 50 in Sept. 2016 and loving, rocking almost tailbone length hair. proud of my age and length.

You go girl! :thumbsup:

February 7th, 2017, 05:07 PM
I'm joining you, checking in at 46. At Waist, going for Hip. No trimming. Never thought I'd say that at 46. Such a rebel.

February 7th, 2017, 09:18 PM
I better jump in quick; I turn 50 later this month. Almost classic; no trims except for s&d.

Wildcat Diva
February 7th, 2017, 10:51 PM
Whoooooo hooooooooo

February 8th, 2017, 02:19 AM
I'm joining you, checking in at 46. At Waist, going for Hip. No trimming. Never thought I'd say that at 46. Such a rebel.

Good for you :) i am 45 and have hit classic!

February 8th, 2017, 03:34 AM
I can join you guys in less than 2 months!

February 8th, 2017, 06:54 AM
I can join you guys in less than 2 months!

You're counting the days until you reach 40? :lol: ;) :p

February 8th, 2017, 07:29 AM
Right here too, 46 and finally getting my long hair from my 20s back, thanks to LHC tips and new routines. When people give me the "curl up and dye" talk, I just shut down. Lalala I can't hear you...happy place.

Ive never done anything I was expected to in order to fit societal norms before, why start now with my hair? :p

February 8th, 2017, 07:49 AM
You're counting the days until you reach 40? :lol: ;) :p

Not really, no lol! But it's approaching fast!

February 8th, 2017, 07:56 AM
When people give me the "curl up and dye" talk, I just shut down. Lalala I can't hear you...happy place.

I curl up and dye. :(

February 8th, 2017, 08:37 AM
Not really, no lol! But it's approaching fast!

I get it! :D :flower: Happy birthday to you (maybe I'm a little early).

February 8th, 2017, 10:28 AM
I couldn't join this thread when it was created, but now I have been 40 for almost a whole year now! My hair is still not too unusually long, I work with a bunch of 20 year old girls and my hair is probably about their length or a little shorter. I can't wait for my hair to be more on the unusually long spectrum. :)

I had short hair my whole late teens and twenties, as my mom wouldn't ever let me cut my hair until I was a junior in high school. I had very long hair as a kid. I started really growing my hair before I got pregnant with my now 13 year old daughter but after every baby I end up cutting my hair short due to the shedding. My last "baby" is 4 now so I think I am good to grow! :)

February 8th, 2017, 10:41 AM
How did I miss seeing this thread? I'm jumping in too!

I'll be 42 in a week and a half. I have wanted super long hair my whole life, as far back as I can remember. I was told at first I couldn't have it if I didn't "set" it to take out the curls, so my mom cut it all off. My avatar is just before that cut. I finally took over my hair and managed it (badly) starting in fifth grade. I had the wild crazy hair to pull off the 80s look, but since I had been told all my life that my curl was undesirable I dry brushed and abused it so it never grew past shoulder length. I've written about my hair-image struggles and insecurities elsewhere, so I won't regale y'all again.

Now, I love my wild and crazy curls. In my 40s I really appreciate the mass and volume. My mom (and others) continue to urge me to cut it, but I want to die with a long silver braid. I am only now starting to get a few sparklies, and I have a sister that tells my mom to step off when she gets on me about cutting and a hubby that said I should shoot for terminal. :D

February 8th, 2017, 11:51 AM
I will be 50 in July...my hair is more or less waist, with racers reaching tailbone

I am maybe 20% grey? Can't really say an exact amount, but there's a nice streak on one side (that I adore!) and it's virgin hair

There is someone in my life (75 year old female) who takes every opportunity possible to "explain" how I :

NEED to color my hair this year (I have So Much grey, you see)
I HAVE to cut my hair this year (I will be 50, so therefore, can NOT have LONG hair)
I SHOULD do something with my hair (those sticks!)

um...yeah...all the nopes lady

I am happy with my length, my color and my age

I have come by all of them honestly

I doubt I will ever color again, it has been liberating giving it up (but I admit to being strongly enamored of the chocolate mauve trend ~swoon~)

I may or may not cut it one day (I can't decide if I love or hate my fairytale ends)

I just bought some new Flexi-8's...so, you know...that's something else to do with my hair ;)

February 8th, 2017, 02:06 PM
Cool, a thread for me! I'm 40 and have BSL hair, the longest it's been since I was a kid.

February 8th, 2017, 06:40 PM
We won't be bound to old silly stereo-types. There is nothing wrong with aging and KEEPING our hair.

Here are a few older Long Hairs. Some Who are gray. We salute you.

Chrystal Gale, 66 and growing. :joy:

February 8th, 2017, 07:07 PM
I will be 45 this year. I'm enjoying my long hair and I don't plan on changing it. People constantly tell me to cut it, so it makes me a little self conscious about wearing it down. Regardless... I won't ever go much shorter!

February 8th, 2017, 09:22 PM
Count me in! I'm 45, and have been growing my hair since 2010 when I LHC. I'm at BSL now on my way to MBL.

February 8th, 2017, 10:31 PM
What, no pictures? I was really looking forward to seeing all the 40's and 50's hairs. I'd super love to see 60's too!

Ok google search it is. Random streaked plus long silver and gray hair is awesome.

February 8th, 2017, 11:42 PM
I curl up and dye. :(
M apologies if I offended. :flower: What I meant instead was the notion that at age 40, women should cut their hair, perm it, and dye it. The cultural norm is what I rebel against, not the personal genetics of having curly hair. Actually I always wanted long ringlets and your hair is gorgeous. :) I damaged mine extensively in the 80s trying to make mine do what is naturally yours.

February 9th, 2017, 05:07 AM
What, no pictures? I was really looking forward to seeing all the 40's and 50's hairs. I'd super love to see 60's too!

Ok google search it is. Random streaked plus long silver and gray hair is awesome.

You mean face pictures? It's a little too non-private to do this here. ;) For me, at least.

school of fish
February 9th, 2017, 06:11 AM
I'll be 45 this year and no plans to chop this mop ;)

I seem to be one of the lucky ones who's never felt any outside pressure to cut it back to 'reasonable' at a certain age - my family is made up of VERY individualistic personalities and my work/social circle is made up of live-and-let-live creative types, so there's no great pull to aesthetic conformity.

It's funny - my mother does practically nothing decorative for her appearance (has worn a natural pixie her whole life, no makeup besides occasional lipstick, sensible pants/tops/flat shoes, etc.) and I've always been rather 'done' (long hair, full makeup, skirts/dresses/heels, jewelry, perfume, etc.) and I don't think either of us has ever once suggested to the other to change our habits. We respect each others' personal choices to adorn ourselves, or not, as we please :)

Who knows, I never say never, and may at some point choose to chop back to chin as I've done a few times over the years, but it's not happening anytime soon. Maybe for my 100th birthday? :p

February 9th, 2017, 07:53 AM
I'll be 45 this year and no plans to chop this mop ;)

That should be a motto on a banner. :D

February 9th, 2017, 07:57 AM
M apologies if I offended. :flower: What I meant instead was the notion that at age 40, women should cut their hair, perm it, and dye it. The cultural norm is what I rebel against, not the personal genetics of having curly hair. Actually I always wanted long ringlets and your hair is gorgeous. :) I damaged mine extensively in the 80s trying to make mine do what is naturally yours.

That's what I thought you meant, the Q-Tip look, I call it CUDS (Curl Up & Dye Syndrome). :D My sister-in-law at 48 has had this for 2 years. I ask her, can you delay this until you are at least 55? I think the last powers misinterpreted a younger person getting a basic perm with hair coloring, VS. CUDS.

February 9th, 2017, 07:58 AM
That's what I thought you meant, the Q-Tip look, I call it CUDS (Curl Up & Dye Syndrome). :D My sister-in-law at 48 has had this for 2 years. I ask her, can you delay this until you are at least 55? I think the last powers misinterpreted a younger person getting a basic perm with hair coloring, VS. CUDS.

Sorry, I meant "last poster." I don't have permission to edit my posts yet.

February 9th, 2017, 08:14 AM
You mean face pictures? It's a little too non-private to do this here. ;) For me, at least.

I haven't seen too many back shots. I wish there were just a few more at least. I completely agree with you on the face shots though, that's a little too exposed. I imagine there are people that come onto this site to steal pictures n' such. That's why I took my face shots off. Better safe. As for the gray/ silvers, just wow they are awesome! There really aren't enough on here.

I'm going to rock my grays later on. I only have a few right now.

February 9th, 2017, 08:23 AM
I haven't seen too many back shots. I wish there were just a few more at least. I completely agree with you on the face shots though, that's a little too exposed. I imagine there are people that come onto this site to steal pictures n' such. That's why I took my face shots off. Better safe. As for the gray/ silvers, just wow they are awesome! There really aren't enough on here.

I'm going to rock my grays later on. I only have a few right now.

Have you seen the Salt and Pepper thread? Lot of silver and sparkly white hair on ladies and gents there (or hair in between, on its way there!).

I have started to get more and more whites lately, I am looking onwards with curiosity how they will continue to develop!

school of fish
February 9th, 2017, 08:43 AM
That should be a motto on a banner. :D

Haha, we should make one up and edit it into the first page of this thread!

February 9th, 2017, 09:17 AM
M apologies if I offended. :flower: What I meant instead was the notion that at age 40, women should cut their hair, perm it, and dye it. The cultural norm is what I rebel against, not the personal genetics of having curly hair. Actually I always wanted long ringlets and your hair is gorgeous. :) I damaged mine extensively in the 80s trying to make mine do what is naturally yours.

Thank you! I knew what you meant. It´s just that I feel kind of odd in this group because I do have grey hairs, and I actually dye it. I´m not quite ready to go renegray yet!

school of fish
February 9th, 2017, 09:27 AM
Thank you! I knew what you meant. It´s just that I feel kind of odd in this group because I do have grey hairs, and I actually dye it. I´m not quite ready to go renegray yet!

Don't feel alone, I dye mine too! :p

February 9th, 2017, 10:08 AM
I'll be chatting with you guys in about 5 years - (Bout the time it'll take to qualify both in length and age!)

February 9th, 2017, 11:29 AM
Who knows, I never say never, and may at some point choose to chop back to chin as I've done a few times over the years, but it's not happening anytime soon. Maybe for my 100th birthday? :p
Good timing! ;) I can easily say, I will do that on my 100th bd, too. (I don't believe I will stay on earth that long anyway.)

I am 45 now and getting close to what I think is my terminal length. Did it in my twenties (cut short at 20 and then let it grow without any cuts) and have wanted to repeat it in my forties (this time with several cuts and trims in between). Will reach it within the next year, I assume. Only this time it is with only half the hair of 20 years ago. At age 42 they started getting thinner, even before premenopause started. The amount of hair seems to be stable now, on a low level though.

I had never wasted a thought about a possible thinning of hair, it just wasn't in the picture for me, at all. I was used to having hair with much volume and didn't think this would change. My mother had full (short) hair when she died at age 67. Unfortunately I didn't inherit her hair genes, but my father's.:rant:

The morals of the story: If you want really long hair, do it NOW. You never know what will happen in the next decades.

Agnes Hannah
February 10th, 2017, 10:39 AM
I'm 51 in March so will have to leave this thread. I'm almost Classic and henna to hide my grey roots. I am really very grey now but am not ready to go renegray just yet, so henna is my friend. It helps with thickness too as Im a super finey, always have been and probably always will. I have my mother's genes.

Gaelic Girl
February 10th, 2017, 10:46 AM
Great idea for a thread, lapushka!! 45 here, 3 inches below TB, and use Light Mountain organic henna in dark brown to cover my greys.:)

February 11th, 2017, 12:06 AM
I've daydreamed of this plan...

I hennaed my hair red age 25-45, now I use indigo for black until I'm somewhere in my 60s, then pixie and renegray to terminal...

It's like a hair lifetime plan. Who knows if I'll actually feel that way as time progresses though. Buts it's kinda fun to consider.

February 11th, 2017, 05:36 AM
So far my plan is to allow the sparklies (whites in my case) to come. I reserve freedom to change my mind at any point, of course. I dyed my hair from early teens to 30 (ish) years old, then for the first time in my adult life got to know my real colour and I liked what I saw. It was a big thing because I had hated what I had thought (by seeing roots against vibrant dye) was my own colour. I have gotten very comfortable with not having to dye all the time, it has been so freeing not to mention saves lot of money and lot of stuff down the drain. This makes is difficult to even consider going back to regular dyeing (I have occasionally used temp. fun colours).

Lately I've been having lot of new whites and it has brought lot of questions and emotions to my mind. Aging, youth that is forever gone, how people will perceive my sparklies. Maybe in academic world white stripes will give me intellectual vibe! :D I chalk it up to having a 40 years old crisis and plan to ride it out. :) It looks like I might be developing stripes at my both temples, but time will tell. White hair seems to run in my family, my sister started to go white relatively early. Compared to her I am a late bloomer, ha ha!

February 11th, 2017, 03:00 PM
So far my plan is to allow the sparklies (whites in my case) to come. I reserve freedom to change my mind at any point, of course. I dyed my hair from early teens to 30 (ish) years old, then for the first time in my adult life got to know my real colour and I liked what I saw. It was a big thing because I had hated what I had thought (by seeing roots against vibrant dye) was my own colour. I have gotten very comfortable with not having to dye all the time, it has been so freeing not to mention saves lot of money and lot of stuff down the drain. This makes is difficult to even consider going back to regular dyeing (I have occasionally used temp. fun colours).

Lately I've been having lot of new whites and it has brought lot of questions and emotions to my mind. Aging, youth that is forever gone, how people will perceive my sparklies. Maybe in academic world white stripes will give me intellectual vibe! :D I chalk it up to having a 40 years old crisis and plan to ride it out. :) It looks like I might be developing stripes at my both temples, but time will tell. White hair seems to run in my family, my sister started to go white relatively early. Compared to her I am a late bloomer, ha ha!

That's my plan too. So far I have sprinkling of fine white hairs throughout, and that's quite OK with me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once they are going to come in in streaks (if they ever do). My dad is 70 and still has sprinkling throughout; he's still got about 40% color on his head. If I go gray like that, I'm totally fine with it.

February 11th, 2017, 06:44 PM
So far my plan is to allow the sparklies (whites in my case) to come. I reserve freedom to change my mind at any point, of course. I dyed my hair from early teens to 30 (ish) years old, then for the first time in my adult life got to know my real colour and I liked what I saw. It was a big thing because I had hated what I had thought (by seeing roots against vibrant dye) was my own colour. I have gotten very comfortable with not having to dye all the time, it has been so freeing not to mention saves lot of money and lot of stuff down the drain. This makes is difficult to even consider going back to regular dyeing (I have occasionally used temp. fun colours).

Lately I've been having lot of new whites and it has brought lot of questions and emotions to my mind. Aging, youth that is forever gone, how people will perceive my sparklies. Maybe in academic world white stripes will give me intellectual vibe! :D I chalk it up to having a 40 years old crisis and plan to ride it out. :) It looks like I might be developing stripes at my both temples, but time will tell. White hair seems to run in my family, my sister started to go white relatively early. Compared to her I am a late bloomer, ha ha!

To me, whites have never been a sign of ageing. My sister was with a guy for years who was peppered by the age of 18, and white in his 20s, so to me he was ageless, really. Kinda like Richard Gere, I guess. I like to think white and silver are just more colours to add to the mix of life, regardless of age. My own hair has changed hues over the years, with blacks and browns adding to the mix of reds and blondes just before the whites in my 20s. Did it age me? Naaaaaaaaaaaah. :wink:

February 12th, 2017, 02:45 PM
I'm going to be 45 this year, halfway through this thread then. My, time goes fast...

February 12th, 2017, 08:45 PM
Have just turned 45 in Jan and to date not found a single white hair..not that i would mind.

February 14th, 2017, 11:15 AM
I'm turning 51 in 2 months and no greys or whites in my head. My late grandma was 101 when she passed away and she had natural brown hair. Not awfully lot of hair, but sure it had colour. My father is snow white with grazy amount of hair. Hmmm, it seems I'm following my grandmas paths.

February 14th, 2017, 07:07 PM
49 here! Yea!

February 15th, 2017, 12:02 PM
Have you seen the Salt and Pepper thread? Lot of silver and sparkly white hair on ladies and gents there (or hair in between, on its way there!).

I have started to get more and more whites lately, I am looking onwards with curiosity how they will continue to develop!

I'm not sure. My memory is shot. I'm going to go check it out. Thank you.
Like you I am also curious. Our hair is going to look awesome later!

February 16th, 2017, 01:50 PM
My people! Im surprised there are so many of us in this age group. I'm a few months away from 41. My poor hair has been through so much. It's just past cbl at the moment, I've never managed to grow past mbl before. Even as a kid it was basically chop to shoulder, grow to mbl, rinse and repeat. I got my first white hair (on my dark brown hair) at 16 and started dying it. In my 20s i had a patchy streak that hair dressers always told me looked cool and that i should embrace it...perhaps if it was solid i could. At 27 I lost my hair (chemo) and I had pipe dreams of letting in grow in virgin but the silver streak made its appearance and so i dyed again. I grew to bsl before i chopped and began the cycle again.

It's funny, at exactly 40 I decided to stop caring what others thought and bleached my hair and coloured it purple. Of course I continued straightening and that damage led me here. So here i am at 40 trying to grow long hair for the first time in my life. I find the more I focus on growth and just maintaining the healthiest hair I can and doing my best to treat it gently, and the more i accept my hair the way nature intended it, the more I accept myself in general. It's done wonders for my self esteem. I don't regret bleaching, even though i had to cut off a bunch of damage. I've wanted to go crazy colours for a long time and I'm really happy that i had the guts to try it. I'll continue to play with colour on the lengths...I haven't decided quite what im going to do about all the silvers. I think once I've completely chopped the bleach (virgin reaches bsl?) I might give henna a go.

February 16th, 2017, 03:15 PM
It's funny, at exactly 40 I decided to stop caring what others thought and bleached my hair and coloured it purple. Of course I continued straightening and that damage led me here. So here i am at 40 trying to grow long hair for the first time in my life. I find the more I focus on growth and just maintaining the healthiest hair I can and doing my best to treat it gently, and the more i accept my hair the way nature intended it, the more I accept myself in general. It's done wonders for my self esteem. I don't regret bleaching, even though i had to cut off a bunch of damage. I've wanted to go crazy colours for a long time and I'm really happy that i had the guts to try it. I'll continue to play with colour on the lengths...I haven't decided quite what im going to do about all the silvers. I think once I've completely chopped the bleach (virgin reaches bsl?) I might give henna a go.

Same here. I don't regret my experimental phases either, I do regret the damage it's done, though. I could have had long hair for longer already, but oh well... I had to chop back to chin twice due to damage. I reached classic September 2015, maintained it until November 2016, then went back to hip, and now I'm growing it back out - at least to TBL!

April 27th, 2017, 10:22 AM
I completely agree with you. If you like your look, you shoudn't change it only because someone believes in the stereotype that the older women should cut their hair. Speaking about coloring, there are a lot of examples of grey hairstyles that look really gorgeous, I've found some of them on http://therighthairstyles.com/20-gorgeous-hairstyles-for-gray-hair/, I liked this one the most

April 27th, 2017, 10:35 AM
Aright, now I am officially in this age group!

April 27th, 2017, 10:46 AM
Aright, now I am officially in this age group!

Congrats! :D

April 27th, 2017, 10:52 AM
Thanks! It's been over a month already but it still hasn't really sinked in (too busy!)! It's nice to be officially chronologically mature (I mean that in a good way!)! And have some sparklies to proof it!

April 28th, 2017, 09:51 PM
I turned 40 in December. I guess some people would say I should cut my hair, but my response to that is, F*** off... it's my hair. I know that's a bit bold, but so is telling someone that just because the calendar says they are a certain age they need to curtail or curb something they love.

April 28th, 2017, 09:55 PM
I turned 40 in December. I guess some people would say I should cut my hair, but my response to that is, F*** off... it's my hair. I know that's a bit bold, but so is telling someone that just because the calendar says they are a certain age they need to curtail or curb something they love.

Oh yeah? Well, I'm in my 50s now and no way am I chopping! :D :p

April 28th, 2017, 10:11 PM
Oh yeah? Well, I'm in my 50s now and no way am I chopping! :D :p

Good for you! I rather think the "teased q-tip" look isn't very appealing on all the silver/white/gray haired ladies I see wearing it.

April 28th, 2017, 10:28 PM
Good for you! I rather think the "teased q-tip" look isn't very appealing on all the silver/white/gray haired ladies I see wearing it.

No, I'm not overly keen on it. It's like a uniform, or something.... they all wear it :p Still, they must like it. When they were young, short hair was all the thing, after all.

The Maple Leaf
April 28th, 2017, 11:45 PM
I turned 40 in December. I guess some people would say I should cut my hair, but my response to that is, F*** off... it's my hair. I know that's a bit bold, but so is telling someone that just because the calendar says they are a certain age they need to curtail or curb something they love.

There's nothing in the least bit bold about telling people who express such opinions to F*** off. They're very bold to be telling other people how to wear their hair.

April 29th, 2017, 10:08 AM
There's nothing in the least bit bold about telling people who express such opinions to F*** off. They're very bold to be telling other people how to wear their hair.

Exactly. I (age 41) had a chat with my mom (Baby Boomer generation) recently about all the silly rules about what "mature women shouldn't do," particularly as pertains to fashion and beauty, and we were both of the opinion that we are both far too old to let anyone else tell us how to wear our hair or what colors of clothing/makeup to wear (I hardly wear makeup at all anyway) or anything else of the sort, that we will wear what we darn well please. The phrase "what mature women are is too old for this sh*t" may have been uttered during that chat. ;)

April 29th, 2017, 02:07 PM
No, I'm not overly keen on it. It's like a uniform, or something.... they all wear it :p Still, they must like it. When they were young, short hair was all the thing, after all. Yes, it looks way too "uniform" to me. I don't want any part of it, thank you very much.

There's nothing in the least bit bold about telling people who express such opinions to F*** off. They're very bold to be telling other people how to wear their hair. Well thanks for the validation!

Exactly. I (age 41) had a chat with my mom (Baby Boomer generation) recently about all the silly rules about what "mature women shouldn't do," particularly as pertains to fashion and beauty, and we were both of the opinion that we are both far too old to let anyone else tell us how to wear our hair or what colors of clothing/makeup to wear (I hardly wear makeup at all anyway) or anything else of the sort, that we will wear what we darn well please. The phrase "what mature women are is too old for this sh*t" may have been uttered during that chat. ;)

Precisely this. You said it so succinctly here. :)

April 29th, 2017, 07:34 PM
Some seem to think age is a barrier not to grow hair long...my eldest sister has lectured me since my mid twenties to cut my hair she says she is embarrassed to have a sister my age (i am 45) with long hair...but then again she was feeling this way about my hair 20 years ago too!

when others tell me to cut it only makes me want to grow all the more anyway...my mum by the way wants me to grow it as long as it will get and i agree...live and let live i say...grow as long as you want not what others tell you to..embrace your long hair whatever our age! :)

Wildcat Diva
April 30th, 2017, 12:00 AM
I can really dig this rebellious trend. No matter the age, this is so 'me!' Hahah.

Wildcat Diva
April 30th, 2017, 12:05 AM
I also wear clothes styles that I'm "too old" for too! Hahah take that!

April 30th, 2017, 03:06 AM
^ you look great. Wear/do what you want. How else are you going to be happy?

It's so strange to me that people think it's OK to tell other people what to do.

April 30th, 2017, 04:29 AM
I also wear clothes styles that I'm "too old" for too! Hahah take that!

That is such a pretty way to dress!!! I used to dress like that all the time in my early 20s. These days I can't, but I would if I could. The leggings are too tight around my legs (nerve pain, so can't wear tight fitting things).

I dress in bootcut jeans and shirts + hoodie these days.

April 30th, 2017, 06:08 AM
I have noticed my tastes have "naturally" changed as I've gotten older. I no longer feel good in what I felt good in 15-20 years ago. I can't deconstruct the change in my mind to components like this percentage came from societal messages, this percentage came from myself, this percentage is what kind of image I want to project to the world... and so on - and I don't feel the change is a negative thing for me either. Right now I am at phase in my life where I want to get rid of last bits of student style and adopt a professional style. This has been happening over the past several years and I have enjoyed the process.

Now for hair length, I don't think it's tied to age at all, but there are certail styles I wouldn't be comfortable wearing. In academic surroundings I see adult women and men with longer hair all the time, although "LHC long" is not so common. I also see very cool dye jobs and short cuts, and very flattering bobs and some men sport completely bald head with great confidence. I don't really care what the person's hair length is, but what I do like to observe is if it suits them. If it doesn't it's not big deal either, I know I've had some unflattering cuts in the past too.

I agree with you all, everyone can wear their hair and use the kind of clothes they want to and which suit their lifestyle. No matter of the age.

April 30th, 2023, 02:57 AM
Same here. I don't regret my experimental phases either, I do regret the damage it's done, though. I could have had long hair for longer already, but oh well... I had to chop back to chin twice due to damage. I reached classic September 2015, maintained it until November 2016, then went back to hip, and now I'm growing it back out - at least to TBL!

Hi, I'm almost 42 and also had my fare share of bleaching and coloring. My curly hair is really damaged and I have lots of grey hair already. I had to cut it and now it's shoulder length. I'm thinking about going all grey or maybe mixing grey and bold colors such as super black or brown. Might look really awesome, even for curly hair.:)
What do you think about this combo of black and grey? I found this pic and really like it.


April 30th, 2023, 05:11 AM
Hi, I'm almost 42 and also had my fare share of bleaching and coloring. My curly hair is really damaged and I have lots of grey hair already. I had to cut it and now it's shoulder length. I'm thinking about going all grey or maybe mixing grey and bold colors such as super black or brown. Might look really awesome, even for curly hair.:)
What do you think about this combo of black and grey? I found this pic and really like it.


Is that you, though? And my post was an old one.

I have had classic since March 2018 (following that message), hence my signature picture.

I recently cut back to BSL due to breakage (bunning too tightly). Lost 70% of mid-lengths to ends. So I'm stuck with hair that's about nape length thick and the rest is... well, it needs to grow back out.

May 1st, 2023, 08:07 AM
Hi, I'm almost 42 and also had my fare share of bleaching and coloring. My curly hair is really damaged and I have lots of grey hair already. I had to cut it and now it's shoulder length. I'm thinking about going all grey or maybe mixing grey and bold colors such as super black or brown. Might look really awesome, even for curly hair.:)
What do you think about this combo of black and grey? I found this pic and really like it.


That looks so COOL, with a Cruella de Vil vibe that I adore!