View Full Version : Good ways to make use of these ingredients? Aloe vera, Shea butter?

June 21st, 2015, 03:17 AM
So I have aloe vera, coconut oil, olive oil, and shea butter. I am new to using the aloe vera and shea butter. I am looking to add some moisture to my hair. I have heard the oil and shea butter only seal in moisture that's already there? Maybe I could put aloe vera on first and then use shea butter over the aloe vera? Any good ideas?

June 21st, 2015, 10:01 AM
Yumm, Aloe vera and shea butter are my two favorite things for beauty. I have never used tham simultaneosly on my hair though. I use aloa vera gel mixed with water and a few drops of almond and jojoba oils in a mister bottle both on damp hair after washing and to dampen second and third day hair to tame frizzies. I haven't used shea butter in a while, but last summer and the one before I used a little bit on damp hair as a leave in when I was spending a lot of time outdoors in sun and wind, and it seemed to be fairly protective. I guess some aloe vera first and shea butter on top in damp hair could work!

June 21st, 2015, 10:10 AM
For me,

Coconut oil works best as a pre-shampoo treatment.
Olive oil works best as a stand alone hot oil treatment (although it can be mixed into anything for conditioning if your hair likes it).

I used to use shea butter as a sealant to style. You would probably only need a very small amount of it. I've stopped using it because it's hard to remove with mud washes.

I now use it on my skin.

I also use aloe vera as a standalone and as a mix-in. I always leave it in my hair. I think it's something you need to see if you like before you jump into it though.

And yes, oils and butters can only seal in existing moisture.

Lady Mary
June 21st, 2015, 10:33 AM
I use the shea butter on my skin, works wonders.

June 21st, 2015, 11:05 AM
Maybe try mixing the oils and the shea butter together and use a tiny bit on the ends daily, or as a pre-poo treatment.

Or mixing the oils + shea butter + aloe gel in with some conditioner you have, like a modified SMT and see how your hair reacts. Really, though, the only way you will know how your hair responds is to actually try the stuff out on your hair. :)