View Full Version : T/Gel Henna?

June 19th, 2015, 06:46 PM
Hello, I have henna'd my hair last year with light Mountain light red henna. I had golden brown hair that turned into a golden red color. I kind of want it out now, I also found out that I may have sebhorettic dermatitis. I get thick crusty stuff on the sides of my head near my temples, then pinkish skin colored blisters, that itch and sting. I use T/gel and dermarest. Will this help me get out any of my henna or fade it enough that it wont be too noticeable of a color change?

June 19th, 2015, 07:08 PM
If something like T-gel took out henna, there are a lot of folks here who will be all over the stuff.

Fact is, henna is notoriously difficult to fade. A few people who want to manage it. More end up bleaching their hair to near the point of crumbling and still have to tone to fight the orange, or just bite the bullet and grow it out to they can cut it off. I wouldn't worry about it fading.

June 19th, 2015, 07:38 PM
I henna and use t-gel for psoriasis. I guess it's possible the t-gel causes a little bit of fading but my henna is still bright and definitely noticeable.

June 19th, 2015, 08:38 PM
If something like T-gel took out henna, there are a lot of folks here who will be all over the stuff.

Fact is, henna is notoriously difficult to fade. A few people who want to manage it. More end up bleaching their hair to near the point of crumbling and still have to tone to fight the orange, or just bite the bullet and grow it out to they can cut it off. I wouldn't worry about it fading.

Oh yes! :agree:
Dandruff shampoos generally do have a reputation for fading chemical dyes somewhat faster than "color-safe" shampoos, but henna is a lot more permanent than that anyway. If you notice color change (less fiery coppery) on fresh henna, it's probably due to oxidation, which happens with time anyway.

ETA: some people get henna to fade a bit with a few applications of color removers like Color Oops/Color B4, bleach, even vitamin C..., but it's probably best just to grow it out and keep the hair from getting damaged with these color-stripping treatments... henna is just that permanent. :flower:

June 19th, 2015, 10:10 PM
Henna is a little too permanent to make it fade like those chemical dyes. You might have to grow it out and cope with it.

June 20th, 2015, 07:23 AM
If your T/gel should fail getting rid of the SD, I use Nizoral 2%. It may or may not be prescription where you are. It's the best thing I've tried for my SD. I'm going to be 43 and believe me, having this since I was a wee one, I've tried my fair share of things.

It's not going to get rid of the henna, though. I used this even when I was still doing henna, and it never faded it one bit!