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June 3rd, 2015, 03:33 PM
Does anyone go on Pinterest for hair ideas? I do!

June 3rd, 2015, 03:37 PM
Me too! Here's my board, if you're interested: https://www.pinterest.com/sofiabia/hair/

June 3rd, 2015, 03:41 PM
I do! Especially when I have an event and need a new hair cut or style. Its nice to see some different ways to style.

June 3rd, 2015, 04:03 PM
Here's mine. :)
Pardon if anyone recognizes themselves. I sometimes pin forum pictures. :scared:

June 3rd, 2015, 04:05 PM

This is my hair board, with styles i want to try as well as some random pics of beautiful hair. I'll be watching this thread and repin some pins :thumbsup:

June 3rd, 2015, 04:33 PM
For inspiration on keeping my hair healthy i drool over a couple boards with ultra long black hair, but i hardly look at the styles and coloring ideas and whatever. When i go to a really fancy event the maximum effort im willing to make is perfectly fresh and straight hair in a middle part or all taken to one side and slightly bouncy waves.

June 3rd, 2015, 04:53 PM
Sorry I was so rude! I will put up my board... http://www.pinterest.com/truthorderrah

June 3rd, 2015, 05:48 PM
As a non-Pintrest user with an Android device, honestly... I kinda hate that site! I can't see anything on it before giant "Join us! Download our app!" ads obliterate anything I meant to look at. Not exactly a good marketing tactic.

June 3rd, 2015, 05:50 PM
As a non-Pintrest user with an Android device, honestly... I kinda hate that site! I can't see anything on it before giant "Join us! Download our app!" ads obliterate anything I meant to look at. Not exactly a good marketing tactic.

Argh! I'm so irritated Pintrest did that. My MIL sends me Pintrest links constantly and I can't see anything because I refuse to join.

June 3rd, 2015, 06:20 PM
Here's mine. :)
Pardon if anyone recognizes themselves. I sometimes pin forum pictures. :scared:

If I understand well, you have been posting other LHC members' pictures without their consent ?...


I'm sorry missblueeyes, but even if the pictures are more or less visible by all the visitors on our forum, they are still personal pictures ! A respectful attitude would have been to ask these people first. I mean, I could have understood this from a mere lurker (and nevertheless disapproved it), but I find it particularly disrespectful from the part of an active member with whom I have shared some "hair intimacy" in confidence.

If my hair (or my posts) should one day appear on Pinterest or anywhere else, I wish I can be the one to decide to pin it there first !

June 3rd, 2015, 07:00 PM
I see the point that you are making Mimha, but personally i do not mind. I always think of the internet as a whole and basically anything i upload anywhere, i do not truly consider personal anymore, unless it is in private messages of course. Pinterest only redirects to the page where the picture is showing, much like google images, just more specific and there are plenty of LHC pictures popping up in along with thousands of search terms people use every day. We got to be aware of that and mindful about the content we upload in the first place. If someone else likes a picture i liked myself enough to put it up, i dont see anything wrong with that.

June 4th, 2015, 01:35 AM
I love Pinterest! Here is my hair board :) https://www.pinterest.com/pilleriink/hair-color-inspirationstylesbraid-tutorials/

June 4th, 2015, 01:51 AM
Jesus, I know I shouldn't have posted my board... Isn't it common knowledge on the board that photos you upload on the 'Mane Board' are free for everyone on the internet to see? If it's truly this intimate to you, you shouldn't upload it to the internet anyway, it's as simple as that. Besides, why does it make a difference whether I'm an active member or a lurker? What does my post count have to do with anything on here? Jesus, some of the other members have some members of the Long Hair Network on their boards and nobody bats an eye, but I pin a handful of pictures from the 'put your hair pictures here' thread and everyone loses their minds.

Besides, if you've posted them on the Mane Forum, chances are good that they're on google by now. See? (https://www.google.at/search?q=long+hair+community&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=952&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=PQNwVcnsEobnUqGVgtAF&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ)

June 4th, 2015, 02:09 AM
Dont worry missblueeyes, i think that the majority of members is aware of the exposure on here spreading over to other pages as well and theres nothing wrong with that. After all our message is to spread to people that almost everyone can have gorgeous long hair if you learn how to treat it the right way. So sharing that spirit somewhere else is only increasing the popularity of the forum. The only problem that could occur is someone uploading pictures in a private album, where only friends can see the pictures or something, but these pictures are most likely not posted in a general thread a second time anyways. Lets keep in mind that this is not a private living rooms with a handful of people, but probably the best known platform for extremely long hair. Everyone and their brother can see 99% of pics on here without even signing up. :shrug:

June 4th, 2015, 02:46 AM
I started following everyones' boards listed. :D I love Pinterest, it is great for saving pictures for inspiration (currently I am on a sewing search spree for regency/victorian era type clothing). :) I myself normally try to avoid pinning from forums I visit, so I think that all of my pictures are re-pins from Pinterest, then from photography sites and some different blogs/articles I come by (that I am aware of anyway), but really, anything you post publicly can easily get spread around, so that's why I normally don't share pictures and if I do I try to post my pictures privately in an album, or with Flickr (since they have good privacy options). :)

This is my board: https://www.pinterest.com/littlenorthwind/lovely-hair/

June 4th, 2015, 04:59 AM
I know what I do when I post something on internet. I am not naive enough to imagine that everybody will have the necessary respect and education to ask me first, so I usually don't post anything that I absolutely don't want to be spread around.


But, as you can only have noticed, internet is becoming more and more intrusive. Today, anybody can take a picture of you in the street and post it right away on internet, in a totally innocent way or with the meanest intention. People do not have boundaries anymore. I personally do think that I have the right to say no to that. The fact that I walk in a public place doesn't mean that somebody can deliberately take a picture of me and freely dispose of it. The fact that somebody shows a picture to you doesn't mean he gives you this picture for you to show it further. Period.

The fact that some people do not understand that simple thing shows to which extend we have lost boundaries consciousness and respect for each others with the electronic media. Internet is an amazingly wonderful place to exchange things, but it blurs the boundaries. People on pictures are becoming anonymous images. We have to be careful not only about protecting ourselves against this, but also not to become a user of this anonymousness to forget basic society behaviour that we would not have with IRL persons.

Let me put it differently : If we met IRL, we would not need pictures to exchange hair tips and fun. And we would ask before we take a picture of a friend. (Oh you wouldn't ?? Gosh, I must have been born in another world, soooo long ago !... :lol:) Is the fact that my door is not locked a valid reason for anybody to enter and help themselves ? Well, I'm not crazy enough to let my door opened anymore. But in the past I did. It's unfortunately no longer possible because of this belief that "what is visible/accessible is in free access". NO. It is NOT... Well, I mean : "it should not be" !...

Understand me well : I am not ranting for the sake of ranting. I'm just trying to make you see things from a different point of view. Because let's admit it : I am just extremely disappointed to see that this basic notion of respect is not even considered among ourselves in here ! :( If we consider that our image is a free accessible stuff whatsoever, we shall not be in a position to defend our rights when somebody will really use it against our interests. You are young. You can make things be better or be worst. The way how internet will develop depends only on its users. I may be an old dreamer but I strongly think that we do have the world that we deserve. So let's make it as respectful as possible. "Just asking" is not a big deal !

OK, missblueeyes, I'm not furious against you or deadly offended (you did not even use my own pictures^^), but I had to put things as per my own conscience and understanding. If you felt free to dispose of other person's pictures, I must feel free to react to it, right ? That's only fair game^^. I have said what I wanted to say and I don't expect a debate on the question. It's not the place for it anyway. OK my lovelies ? :blossom:

June 4th, 2015, 05:26 AM
Well I read missblueeyes explanation and my head was like :agree::agree:

but then I read Mimha's very well thought out and well-written post and was also :agree::agree:

So what I'm saying is I think you both have valid and true points on this matter! :blossom:

But what I really want to know is: when is my hair going to be awesome enough to pin??? LOL :bigtongue:

June 4th, 2015, 06:23 AM
Mimha, I totally get what you're saying and I can see your point, too. And if someone discovers themselves on my pinterest and doesn't want to be there, feel free to send me a PM and I'll remove your picture. :) I don't have a problem with that at all. The thing is just... I mean... Pinterest gives credit to the content creator, unlike some other websites. I'm not "taking" the picture. I do not 'post' it. I simply share it. The problem here is that pictures work differently online than they do in real life.

ANYWAY, fact is that I did not want to start a discussion on this topic AT ALL and that my sentence was merely meant as a disclaimer for all those who might view my board and disagree with my opinion.

Back to the topic, are there more hair boards out there that I can follow? :blossom:

June 4th, 2015, 09:40 AM
If I understand well, you have been posting other LHC members' pictures without their consent ?...


I'm sorry missblueeyes, but even if the pictures are more or less visible by all the visitors on our forum, they are still personal pictures ! A respectful attitude would have been to ask these people first. I mean, I could have understood this from a mere lurker (and nevertheless disapproved it), but I find it particularly disrespectful from the part of an active member with whom I have shared some "hair intimacy" in confidence.

If my hair (or my posts) should one day appear on Pinterest or anywhere else, I wish I can be the one to decide to pin it there first !

Completely agree with you. Pinning pictures from the forum isn't nice. Pictures aren't even visible unless you are a member here, but would be visible if you stole them and pinned them to Pinterest... I remember a few years ago I had a problem with several male stalkers joining and stealing my pictures... Not fun, and I did not feel safe because of it. One of the main reasons I don't post pictures anymore here.

June 4th, 2015, 10:03 AM
I just wish I had the arm strength and ability to replicate all those awesome hairstyles :)

June 4th, 2015, 10:03 AM
Completely agree with you. Pinning pictures from the forum isn't nice. Pictures aren't even visible unless you are a member here, but would be visible if you stole them and pinned them to Pinterest... I remember a few years ago I had a problem with several male stalkers joining and stealing my pictures... Not fun, and I did not feel safe because of it. One of the main reasons I don't post pictures anymore here.

That's not true. When I wasn't a member about one year ago I could still see most of the pictures that were posted. If it's supposed to work like that, then the forum is not working as intended. I think what you're referring to only works for the personal albums and blogs, not for the Mane forum, which is (mostly?) public. If everything were invisible for non-members, there wouldn't be any pictures on google image search if you typed in 'long hair community' except for avatars and sig pics but there are plenty others, too.

But it seems like some of you like my boards! Thanks for the follows. :) :flower:

June 4th, 2015, 10:11 AM
My pinterest link is in my signature line line.

Regarding the sharing, people do need to realise that whatever they put on the main board is accessible to google therefore there world. This is why I've only ever posted a back of the head shots, with the acceptance that it may or may not end up elsewhere at some point.

A couple of people have regarded my pic as (re)pinworthy. I was rather flattered... :D


June 4th, 2015, 10:11 AM
I think pictures on the Mane Forum are visible to absolutely anyone. I remember seeing red writing on several posts saying such. I never post anything on here that I wouldn't want spread around, since, well, it's hair, and hair is popular to share pictures of.

I can very much understand that other people would feel differently, but if so I urge you to keep your pictures more private. I'm sure active members are caring and understanding, but lurkers may not be, sadly. :(

June 4th, 2015, 10:54 AM
Me too! Here's my board, if you're interested: https://www.pinterest.com/sofiabia/hair/

Those are beautiful styles! I hadn't thought of Pinterest for hair styles, that's a great idea.

June 4th, 2015, 11:41 AM
A bit off topic but....
Pinterest itself is quite clear in its Terms of Service, acceptable use policy etc.
just check the about Pinterest page https://about.pinterest.com/en/terms-service
Noticeably parts

Copies of content shared with others may remain even after you delete the content from your account.

We respect copyrights. You should, too.

Stuff you can’t post

You aren’t allowed to post anything that:
Infringes anyone's intellectual property, privacy or other rights (Show explanation)
Seems very clear to me.
Seeing pictures on a forum does not give you any copy right to the image hence you are only allowed to pin it if the owner is cool with it. If they are not, then you must take it down or Pinterest will delete it. ( if someone opens a complaint with them . )
So I don't really see a lot of room for discussion. If you are active in the same forum as the people who post the pics, how hard is it to find out if they would agree with pining it?

June 4th, 2015, 12:10 PM
A bit off topic but....
Pinterest itself is quite clear in its Terms of Service, acceptable use policy etc.
just check the about Pinterest page https://about.pinterest.com/en/terms-service
Noticeably parts

Seems very clear to me.
Seeing pictures on a forum does not give you any copy right to the image hence you are only allowed to pin it if the owner is cool with it. If they are not, then you must take it down or Pinterest will delete it. ( if someone opens a complaint with them . )
So I don't really see a lot of room for discussion. If you are active in the same forum as the people who post the pics, how hard is it to find out if they would agree with pining it?

Except that the entire point of Pinterest is to grab images from around the web, and put them in one place for inspiration/fun. It's not really copyright infringement unless you save the image as your own and upload it. If a photo is found on XYZ Photography's website, the pin will link back to XYZ Photography. If that IS considered copyright infringement then why is Pinterest still up?

When I pin a photo of a living room or someone's nails, I may not know the history of that specific pin, but I don't feel bad over pinning it because it's presumably something that was uploaded by the user for the internet to see. I guess I never thought that was bad. Now as for this forum, I've never pinned anyone's pictures directly from this site, but there may be photos on my hair board that originally were, and I repinned them. I guess I never thought it was a big deal. I mean, I won't pin things that look like creep shots in public, but if I see a cool photo of someone modelling their hair, or showing off a hairstyle I assume it was something they wanted uploaded. I'm not sure what to think of this. Again, like I said before, the Mane Forum is public, and even if all members don't pin anything, someone might come in looking for styles and pin things without thinking or intending to be malicious.

June 4th, 2015, 12:16 PM
A lot of people are cool with it and even encourage pining their pictures and sites.
That's why there are so many pictures.
However if they are not, they can contact Pinterest and have it deleted, after proving it's theirs.
If you reAd Pinterest TOS, they assume you have copyright to image or permission of the owner when you pin something of the web to your board. That applies to non forum members and members alike.

Duchess Fuzzy Buns
June 4th, 2015, 01:09 PM
I know what I do when I post something on internet. I am not naive enough to imagine that everybody will have the necessary respect and education to ask me first, so I usually don't post anything that I absolutely don't want to be spread around.


But, as you can only have noticed, internet is becoming more and more intrusive. Today, anybody can take a picture of you in the street and post it right away on internet, in a totally innocent way or with the meanest intention. People do not have boundaries anymore. I personally do think that I have the right to say no to that. The fact that I walk in a public place doesn't mean that somebody can deliberately take a picture of me and freely dispose of it. The fact that somebody shows a picture to you doesn't mean he gives you this picture for you to show it further. Period.

The fact that some people do not understand that simple thing shows to which extend we have lost boundaries consciousness and respect for each others with the electronic media. Internet is an amazingly wonderful place to exchange things, but it blurs the boundaries. People on pictures are becoming anonymous images. We have to be careful not only about protecting ourselves against this, but also not to become a user of this anonymousness to forget basic society behaviour that we would not have with IRL persons.

Let me put it differently : If we met IRL, we would not need pictures to exchange hair tips and fun. And we would ask before we take a picture of a friend. (Oh you wouldn't ?? Gosh, I must have been born in another world, soooo long ago !... :lol:) Is the fact that my door is not locked a valid reason for anybody to enter and help themselves ? Well, I'm not crazy enough to let my door opened anymore. But in the past I did. It's unfortunately no longer possible because of this belief that "what is visible/accessible is in free access". NO. It is NOT... Well, I mean : "it should not be" !...

Understand me well : I am not ranting for the sake of ranting. I'm just trying to make you see things from a different point of view. Because let's admit it : I am just extremely disappointed to see that this basic notion of respect is not even considered among ourselves in here ! :( If we consider that our image is a free accessible stuff whatsoever, we shall not be in a position to defend our rights when somebody will really use it against our interests. You are young. You can make things be better or be worst. The way how internet will develop depends only on its users. I may be an old dreamer but I strongly think that we do have the world that we deserve. So let's make it as respectful as possible. "Just asking" is not a big deal !

OK, missblueeyes, I'm not furious against you or deadly offended (you did not even use my own pictures^^), but I had to put things as per my own conscience and understanding. If you felt free to dispose of other person's pictures, I must feel free to react to it, right ? That's only fair game^^. I have said what I wanted to say and I don't expect a debate on the question. It's not the place for it anyway. OK my lovelies ? :blossom:
(green part mine) I think this analogy makes sense if you show someone a picture privately (via pm or email or something) and then they pin it or stick it up somewhere on the internet. But pictures posted on the mane forum are not shared privately. When you post it here, you aren't just sharing it with friends, you are sharing it with the world. You're posting it on a public board. If you want to compare it to something in real life, it's not like you showing the picture to a friend, it's more like you tacking that picture up on a public bulletin board like the ones you see on college campuses or something.
Also... if anyone ever feels like pinning one of my pictures I put up here, feel free- I'm officially giving you permission. ;)

June 4th, 2015, 02:14 PM
Those are beautiful styles! I hadn't thought of Pinterest for hair styles, that's a great idea.

There are thousands of hair photos there. You can run a search on particular hair types such as updos, long hair, short hair buns etc. and you see a whole slew of that type. The downside is you have to join in order to see them properly.


June 4th, 2015, 02:21 PM
So, a bit of technical junk.

If you post on the public parts of LHC (and no, I don't know which they are off the top of my head) what you post is public and searchable on Google et al. However, what you put in your LHC album with the privacy settings on is NOT visible to non-members or Google. All fine and dandy, right? You control your access. The problem is that Pintrest makes a copy of the image you pin. So, if you see something on LHC you probably aren't paying attention to if that images is being hosted on LHC or a public image server. You pin that LHC photo that you have permission to see because you are a member, or even because you are friends with the poster who has stricter LHC photo permissions. Suddenly, Pintrest has made its magic copy of the original and the OP no longer has control over access. OP could ask the original pinner to remove the pin, but if it has been repinned, they would have to track down each repinner and make that request.

Basically, control over access to internet content is a matter of trust. Pintrest also works on trust, they trust that you have copyright or permission to share the pinned material. (Obviously, most don't bother which is why I don't participate in Pintrest.) So, if you see something you like on LHC, ask for permission to pin!

June 4th, 2015, 05:36 PM
Wow happened to stumble across this thread and I have to say that I'm glad it has come to light. I have my pics set that they can only be see by members here, in my mind that implies some trust with the members here.

I would most definitely mind if someone who is a member here put my photo on another site by using the access they have as members here and allowing access for it to be splashed all across the internet. This happened to a member here, who's profile pic ended up splashed all over the internet. Since she also has silver hair, the silver and long hair bias that is so common kicked in and some sites had posted it with some really awful and unkind comments, not fun to go through and a situation I'm sure she would have rather avoided.

I understand that this wasn't anyone's intent and that internet privacy is practically nonexistent and really only an illusion. My intent with this is really just to voice my opinion and leave it at that. I don't need to derail this thread or spark any further comment regarding it. Just needed to be heard.

June 4th, 2015, 06:20 PM
Decided to go through my Pinterest page and check to see if I inadvertently pinned some people's pics and deleted. Thanks for the reminder?

June 4th, 2015, 07:39 PM
I love to use pinterest to find new hairstyles, especially intricate braids. :D
Here's my board if anyone is interested! http://www.pinterest.com/Luyue37/long-hairstyles/

June 7th, 2015, 03:51 PM
A bit off topic but....
Pinterest itself is quite clear in its Terms of Service, acceptable use policy etc.
just check the about Pinterest page https://about.pinterest.com/en/terms-service
Noticeably parts

Seems very clear to me.
Seeing pictures on a forum does not give you any copy right to the image hence you are only allowed to pin it if the owner is cool with it. If they are not, then you must take it down or Pinterest will delete it. ( if someone opens a complaint with them . )
So I don't really see a lot of room for discussion. If you are active in the same forum as the people who post the pics, how hard is it to find out if they would agree with pining it?

A photo of the back of someones head does not infringe on intellectual property or privacy. Considering this is a free site, I wouldn't even consider albums and other 'private' sections really off limits. You aren't paying for this membership, and anyone who wants to see your photos can very easily do so.

June 7th, 2015, 05:52 PM
I'm just gonna leave my board here

June 7th, 2015, 06:43 PM
A photo of the back of someones head does not infringe on intellectual property or privacy. Considering this is a free site, I wouldn't even consider albums and other 'private' sections really off limits. You aren't paying for this membership, and anyone who wants to see your photos can very easily do so.

I don't have a problem with a member here looking at my pics. I would have a problem if someone copied my photos and put them on pinterest, where they can then go anywhere. Looking and copying are two different things in my mind. Any pics I post here are for looking, not copying and transfering somewhere else.

I am not sure how to take your statement, yes you are free to look as a member, but are you saying that you feel it is fine to copy pics of members here because the site is free and it wouldn't violate privacy? I'm not sure what you mean by "off limits"? I surely hope that I misunderstood you.......

June 7th, 2015, 07:32 PM
A photo of the back of someones head does not infringe on intellectual property or privacy. Considering this is a free site, I wouldn't even consider albums and other 'private' sections really off limits. You aren't paying for this membership, and anyone who wants to see your photos can very easily do so.

Here is some basic information on copyright (http://copyright.columbia.edu/copyright/copyright-in-general/copyright-quickguide/), at least as it exists in the United States. Please read this.

Basically any picture a person takes belongs to the person who took the photo. It does not matter where the photo exists or how publicly it is posted. Copyright is automatic and the protection exists for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years.

Should people think about what they post? Absolutely.

June 7th, 2015, 07:48 PM
A photo of the back of someones head does not infringe on intellectual property or privacy. Considering this is a free site, I wouldn't even consider albums and other 'private' sections really off limits. You aren't paying for this membership, and anyone who wants to see your photos can very easily do so.

Just because this is a free site does not imply that it is a free-for-all. The moderators take copyright infringement very seriously, and all users here have agreed not to infringe on copyrights when they signed up. It is in our Terms of Service (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=4005) and really isn't a matter of opinion.

June 7th, 2015, 07:49 PM
Huh, i think this thread has really gotten out of hand. What about inspirational pictures, avatars, signature images or memes that we post here of someone else who isnt even a member. Nobody complains about how their copyright is violated as long as the pics are reuploaded to photobucket. I feel its a bit childish to pull that card in a move of self protection while disregarding the topic in any other aspect. No matter how cozy it feels in our community, and how well you think you know the people and their morals, this isnt somebodys private living room where we can all meet for tea and close the door. want to make sure your pictures are protected? Keep them on your hard drive... :shrug: welcome to the internet. No copyright law or guideline will ever chamge that and internationally the story is a whole different one anyways.

June 7th, 2015, 07:54 PM
Um, how many times have the moderators asked people to post links rather than hotlinking images? Surely by now you've noticed that we take down the "inspirational pictures" rather quickly.

June 7th, 2015, 08:02 PM
ok, but as you can see people are still willing to distribute someone elses images on their pinterest or their photobucket or whatsoever. I dont think it makes a difference in that case if its "only a hotlink" instead of the actual image in that case. The mindset is the same and nobody cares as long as they are not personally affected. I doubt theres a single person on here who is absolutely in the position to say they have never done such a thing as uploading or sharing a picture somewhere else that wasnt their own property.

June 7th, 2015, 08:15 PM
Willingness and legality are two different things.

It appears that if the owner of an image used without permission goes after Pintrest for damages, the individuals who have pinned the image will be held responsible (http://www.blogher.com/bloggers-beware-you-can-get-sued-using-photos-your-blog-my-story?page=0,1). Remember Napster and how we all thought that sharing music was fantastic, until we learned that it wasn't? Think of this as a moment to learn something.

And another link on the subject that may fill in some information gaps. (http://greekgeek.hubpages.com/hub/Is-Pinterest-a-Haven-for-Copyright-Violations)

June 7th, 2015, 08:23 PM
I would have thought it is clear that the point i was trying to make has hardly anything to do with laws that dont apply internationally anyways, but rather the unavoidable dynamics of the internet in its own sense.
in any case, im too lazyto pin and just like certain pictures i stumble across on that site, i guess that still makes me an enabler for certain criminal individual, cause by all means i dont google image check every single image i see for its rightful owner.

June 7th, 2015, 08:32 PM
There are international treaties covering copyright, it isn't necessarily a free for all. Check to see if your country has signed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berne_Convention) the Berne Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_parties_to_international_copyright_agreeme nts).

The dynamics of the internet are a lovely mix of flux between anarchy and understanding of consequences and the subsequent adoption of new laws and conventions. It is great fun to watch, and makes even better fiction. (Another shameless plug for Alif The Unseen! (http://aliftheunseen.com/) Little Brother (http://craphound.com/category/littlebrother/) I'm sure is old news, but an excellent example of the successful use of creative commons licensing.)

June 8th, 2015, 07:34 PM
I was just saying that, if you as a member feel your photos are 'safer' because they are posted in member only sections, if people want to view/pin/post those elsewhere, they are still technically able to. Not saying its right or legal, but users should know that. Its very easy to sign up for a membership, so if someone for some bizzare reason REALLY wanted to view and take them, its not difficult.