View Full Version : Too old for pigtails? (thanks to diggem)

May 29th, 2015, 04:49 PM
Inspired by diggem's thread "Too old for long hair" - I've realized that this question in the title was hanging around in my head for a while now.

I really love pigtails, bows and similar cute and artistic hairstyles that are sometimes considered "schoolgirl", or anime hairstyles... I look younger than my age (people usually think I'm 23-24) so for now I am able to pull such off.

I'm aware that there might come a time when maybe I shouldnt wear these styles and I'm really sad about it. Did anyone ever tell you that you're too old for pigtails or a similar style?
Is there a limit to cute hairstyles or are we obliged to look "womanly" or "serious" instead of "cute" at a certain age and what age would that be?
Do cute hairstyles look wrong on women unless they're young? I think that genuine personality/eccentricity of the particular woman also comes into the equation, but...

...your opinions?

May 29th, 2015, 05:17 PM
I am in my 40's now and have had a daughter since I was 19. I stopped the whole pig-tail and cutesy thing way before I even had a daughter. It wasn't my style. Imagine old school Salt n Pepa and TLC. That is how me and all my friends dressed. Nowadays, as a mom and career woman, my concerns are about being taken serious in the workplace and being respected as a smart woman so I dress the part. I don't think pig-tails and cosplay fashions would help me achieve those goals. I don't judge other people for it. If it makes you happy, go for it!

May 29th, 2015, 05:25 PM
I'm 31, and my go-to style is two buns at the back of my head. If I position them higher or further forward it gets pretty anime-ish (think Temari or Usagi-sans-the-long-bits). It's a pretty fun style but it also holds well and stays neat. Now, I am a manager at a science center, so I have a "fun" job, and a good deal of lee-way. If I were meeting partners though, I go with something more conservative.
Know your goals and workplace environment, and pick something within that that makes you happy! If it's pigtails, and you are allowed to wear them, then carpe pigtail. :)

May 29th, 2015, 05:33 PM
Shoot, I still wear mine in pigtails sometimes and I'm almost 40.

But, I work from home so I have no particular need to look professional, and I am also one of those people who largely dressed and styles my hair to please myself.

Robot Ninja
May 29th, 2015, 05:35 PM
I think I was too old for pigtails and bows around age ten or so. Meanwhile, my friend who recently turned 40 wears twin braids and bows in her hair all the time, and nobody says a thing. It's all down to your personal style and what you feel confident in.

When you are supposed to look serious is determined by your situation, not your age. You probably can't get away with pigtails at a conservative office even if you're in your 20s.

May 29th, 2015, 05:36 PM
I'm going to wear a pigtails right now. Weekends I can do whatever I want. Own it.

May 29th, 2015, 05:37 PM
My hair is too long to be practical as pigtails (aside from the little problem I have with making any style anchored with bands comfortable) but I think I could rock them as an anime style these days!

If you like them, wear them.

May 29th, 2015, 05:42 PM
I think it would be inappropriate in a professional office environment (or other time/place issue other than age). But in your own spare time or in your own home? You are never too old for any style!

May 29th, 2015, 05:44 PM
I dont work in office kind of environment so job's not an issue. Of course sound mind is to go with whatever the dress code is. It doesnt matter how I look like for my job though and in the future I plan on working from home :)

But I was wondering if there was an "age limit" or something... lol... because people seem to act like there is... not with me because fun/eccentric hairstyles suit me well, but yeah I've seen such comments...

May 29th, 2015, 05:45 PM
I'm 29 as well and I still wear pigtail braids pretty often. I wouldn't wear them in a professional work environment but everywhere else is fair game as far as I'm concerned.

May 29th, 2015, 06:01 PM
I am 19 and wear two braids very often, probably three times a week. I also love doing double buns. I agree that they're not something to wear to work but otherwise I like the way they make me look cutesy and keep my hair in view from the front. It's probably the most comfortable way I wear my hair aside from having it down. I don't see myself giving the pigtails up ever, even if it turned out that I just wear them around the house and not out.

May 29th, 2015, 06:03 PM
I think it would be inappropriate in a professional office environment (or other time/place issue other than age). But in your own spare time or in your own home? You are never too old for any style!

I agree with this! :)

May 29th, 2015, 06:05 PM
There is no age limit. You can wear pigtails when you're 99 years of age, if you've got hair and elastics. The question I think I would ask myself is 'how much do I care what other people think?'. Nobody can write you a ticket for wearing your hair in pigtails. After about the age of...oh....maybe 30, they might stop thinking 'oh she looks so cute' and start thinking 'hmmmmm....she probably should stop doing that'. After about 40, some people might (either internally or openly) roll their eyes, and think 'that looks silly, she should know better'. After 50, they'd probably shake their heads and think 'poor thing'. After about 60, though, they probably would just smile and think 'eccentric old gramma! will you look at that??'

The point being - if you care a lot what other people think, you probably would want to leave pigtails behind after the age of 25 or so. If you don't really care, then you can wear them for as long as you want. People will judge. You decide if you care.

Personally, I wouldn't wear them to work, ever (I'm 54). But I wore my hair in lifted pigtails (you know....not banded at ear level, but combed up and banded so they fan and sway like cocker spaniel ears!!) at home just the other day, because it's comfy and I like it. :)

May 29th, 2015, 06:19 PM
I love pigtails but would never wear them to work. Running errands, staying at home or going to class, though, who cares?

But I wore my hair in lifted pigtails (you know....not banded at ear level, but combed up and banded so they fan and sway like cocker spaniel ears!!)
What is this? Do you have a picture?

May 29th, 2015, 06:23 PM
I'm probably one of the youngest members on this board (17), and I never wear normal pigtails, not even at home, but that's because I personally just don't like them. I didn't even like them as a young child. :p Pigtail braids/twin braids, pulled over the shoulders, on the other hand, I personally think look cute with long hair, so I have no problem wearing those. :)

May 29th, 2015, 06:32 PM
I dont wear cutsie pigtails but I do wear braided pigtails with a bandana over my head when I go foraging in the woods for mushrooms,plants berries etc. and I think I look pretty darn cute ha! I'm 55 and people tell me I look early 40's so I'll take it!

May 29th, 2015, 06:42 PM
I thought I was too old for pigtails for a while, but fortunately I grew out of it :D

At the supermarket at couple of weeks ago, I got congratulated for being 30 and getting ID'ed by the checkout woman and a couple of customers behind me. They seemed quite surprised, it was embarrassing. I think half blue hair and tying braids off with ribbons might give the impression of being younger than I am :shrug: Was a change from having white hair and people mistaking me for an OAP!

Maybe don't tie your pigtails off with ribbons if it bothers you! :)

May 29th, 2015, 07:48 PM
Thank you for all the encouraging replies so far.

I'm 29 and that means I'm soon to hit 30. And that's according to unwritten lore a magical number when you become instantly old or something and you can wear only certain stuff or so it seems :( Of course nobody is going to forbid you but it might look stupid on you. I'm not coping very well with ageing and all the seriousness that seems to be expected is just not in my personality, either. Although I look younger than my age I'm panicking and I've been feeling seriously depressed since my last birthday. Hairstyle is just one small aspect of how I feel.

I prefer my hair just down or in sock bun because I get pain in the roots pretty much of any pull. I dont even wear braids or regular ponytails for this reason. I like fun hairstyles though and I used to wear them much more when I was a few years younger, I rarely have pigtails nowadays at all, although I like them for fun look. I dont have a burning desire to have pigtails or anything like it. I just dont like limitations. I'm basically freaking out at the thought of being limited and thought of being old. :( Also, it's kinda I need to change in a snap I'm trying to prepare myself for being 30 and that transition is just not happening I still feel like a child I've always been, I definitely need more time to catch up with that dredful age. :(

May 29th, 2015, 08:00 PM
30 isn't as bad as you think it will be, it's more of a relief when you get it that birthday out of the way :) It won't change who you are and you don't have to stop doing anything if you don't want to!

RavennaNight said this to me just before my birthday, it cheer me right up. I think it's true :)

The 3-0 is actually fun. It's true what they say, you nail all the things when you're in your 30's that you missed in the 20s. Just think smarter, stronger and faster 20's.

May 29th, 2015, 08:04 PM
My wife is 33 and lets me put her hair up in high braided pigtails. Single braids are ok but I like braiding each tail into three to five mini braids. As said, not really a professional hairstyle but she wears them outside of work. She's funny about her hair. For instance, she'll let me do the braided pigtails but won't wear a half-up, at all. But I can't complain :)

May 29th, 2015, 08:07 PM
Braided pigtails are, in my mind, a more socially acceptable style for older people than loose ones are. Plus, they don't get in the ways as much. Other than that, I would say just mind your setting and you should be fine. I saw a ren faire braided with the most gorgeous silver Dutch braided pigtails. The look suited her.
So, two ponytails? You might get weird stares. Braided ones? Less so.

Robot Ninja
May 29th, 2015, 08:20 PM
I'm 29 and that means I'm soon to hit 30. And that's according to unwritten lore a magical number when you become instantly old or something and you can wear only certain stuff or so it seems :( Of course nobody is going to forbid you but it might look stupid on you. I'm not coping very well with ageing and all the seriousness that seems to be expected is just not in my personality, either. Although I look younger than my age I'm panicking and I've been feeling seriously depressed since my last birthday. Hairstyle is just one small aspect of how I feel.

Only wear certain stuff? Seriousness? I must have missed that memo...
It's just a number. Honest and for true. You don't have to change your style or your personality just because you have been alive for some arbitrary number of years.

Nadine <3
May 29th, 2015, 08:21 PM
I'm 22 and I wear dutch braided pigtails and low pig tails all the time. I just don't wear them to work (desk job at a church) and they're only worn high above my ears in uh...the bedroom with my boyfriend...

Wear what you want, just as long as it's appropriate to where you're going. Just like you probably wouldn't wear a tube top for a business meeting.

May 29th, 2015, 08:31 PM
Whenever I've seen makeover-type shows on TV, if a woman of any age wore pigtails, she was always absolutely blasted and shamed because it came across like she was trying to hard to hang onto her youth, or some other such nonsense. I wear my hair in French-braided pigtails all the time because it's comfortable and yes, sometimes I like to look cute. Like you, I don't necessarily look my age (I'm 26, but often am confused for someone under 21), so I think for the time being, I can pretty much get away with any hairstyle I want. I haven't really heard anything about not being able to wear certain hairstyles - once I was told I was too old to have a braid, but then the lady said only young girls should wear long braids, so I'm assuming it was a comment on the length not the style. I guess it's tough to say. When I commented on the "Too old for long hair" thread, I said something along the lines of "you only live once, so do whatever makes you happy" and if that happens to be wearing pigtails when you're 80, go for it. To each their own.

May 29th, 2015, 09:33 PM
Thank you for all the encouraging replies so far.

I'm 29 and that means I'm soon to hit 30. And that's according to unwritten lore a magical number when you become instantly old or something and you can wear only certain stuff or so it seems :( Of course nobody is going to forbid you but it might look stupid on you. I'm not coping very well with ageing and all the seriousness that seems to be expected is just not in my personality, either. Although I look younger than my age I'm panicking and I've been feeling seriously depressed since my last birthday. Hairstyle is just one small aspect of how I feel.

I prefer my hair just down or in sock bun because I get pain in the roots pretty much of any pull. I dont even wear braids or regular ponytails for this reason. I like fun hairstyles though and I used to wear them much more when I was a few years younger, I rarely have pigtails nowadays at all, although I like them for fun look. I dont have a burning desire to have pigtails or anything like it. I just dont like limitations. I'm basically freaking out at the thought of being limited and thought of being old. :( Also, it's kinda I need to change in a snap I'm trying to prepare myself for being 30 and that transition is just not happening I still feel like a child I've always been, I definitely need more time to catch up with that dredful age. :(

Honestly, the main thing I remember happening upon my thirtieth birthday (which is almost ten years in the past now; I'll see the big 4-0 in January) is that my tolerance for stupid crap went right out the window. (Stupid crap, to me, is things like people not treating other people [including me but not exclusive to me] decently, straight-up rudeness, drama, and general bull like that.) I've talked to a lot of people my age and older, and this is apparently pretty common around age thirty to lose your tolerance for things you really ought not to have tolerated to begin with, and it's not a bad thing at all. It's quite liberating to realize that you don't have to put up with some things.

I'm personally vain enough about aging to henna the gray out of my hair, largely because I like being an auburn-head, and my face isn't aging much yet, so I feel like the gray makes me look older than I feel. I'm actually contemplating letting the henna grow out and going purple with Manic Panic or something similar, because I have no one to please but myself with my hair and purple is my favorite color.

I really wouldn't panic about being thirty. My thirties have been way better than my twenties were (especially the last five or six years), and I'm rather looking forward to turning forty. A friend of mine who is already forty (he'll be forty-one in August) told me that I'm way younger in attitude than he is, despite being only about a year and a half younger in actual time, and I laughed and said I'm younger at thirty-nine than I was at twenty-nine.

And yes, I will rock pigtails (usually English or French braided), either henna-auburn or purple-over-dark-brown-going-gray at age forty. Might wear French-braided pigtails tomorrow, actually. :D

(Of course, I realize there are occasions when pigtails are not particularly appropriate, but if I'm just working [I work from home] or otherwise bumming around my house or not going anywhere special, why not?)

Lady Katherine
May 29th, 2015, 09:49 PM
I'm 18, and I love wearing pigtailed hair! As a matter of fact, I think I'll wear twin Dutch braids tomorrow. I vote to do whatever makes you happy, since it's your hair anyways.

June 5th, 2015, 03:35 PM
DW, 33 years young

http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y522/DakarNick/Kari/20141113_135240_zpsohdkniot.jpg (http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/DakarNick/media/Kari/20141113_135240_zpsohdkniot.jpg.html)

http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y522/DakarNick/Kari/20150526_120504_zpsuuxfr3ex.jpg (http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/DakarNick/media/Kari/20150526_120504_zpsuuxfr3ex.jpg.html)

http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y522/DakarNick/Kari/20140823_094029_zpsyor7n4ug.jpg (http://s1279.photobucket.com/user/DakarNick/media/Kari/20140823_094029_zpsyor7n4ug.jpg.html)

June 5th, 2015, 03:48 PM
She looks awesome, DakarNick, you're one lucky guy! Love her hair :)
Yeah, the more I'm thinking, it really is just a "norm" of society. You cant classify something like hairstyle to age. Just like they want all women over 40 to cut their hair and do a perm. I dont think I'll ever be confined to these things.

June 5th, 2015, 04:43 PM
I am in my late 20's and I wear pigtails because I don't like wearing my hair up and my hair feels too thick for single ponies. It's just an easy way to keep my hair off my neck.

June 6th, 2015, 02:34 AM
I totally get what you're saying. I'm 30 (turning 31 next month) and I sorta dread the fact that with each passing year, society expects me to look and behave more "mature" and "serious". I obviously don't live my life according to everyone's expectations, but I can't pretend being judged wouldn't affect me at all. I do believe that your personality comes into the equation as well and people sort of get used to it. For example, apart from my research work, I'm also a teaching assistant at university and when I first got the job, I considered whether I should start changing my wardrobe a little; most of my female colleagues dress in that sort of professional/business-like manner at work, with suits (a shirt with either dress pants or skirts) and high heels, but I don't really have many of those types of clothes. I dress in jeans and T-shirts/blouses and when I wear a skirt or a dress, it's either a skater skirt or a more girly dress (sometimes in a bright colour). I also wear ribbons, bows, flowers in my hair and have the longest hair by far in the department, so people probably got used to it by now. Last month, when I dyed my hair dark pink, someone told me that it doesn't really look edgy or rebel-like on me, like it would on other people. It actually makes me look like a fairy, with my small stature and the long hair, the flower crown and the blue dress I was wearing that day. Haha, I like that image, because I'm very much into fantasy hairstyles.

So, anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I do sometimes wonder if certain hairstyles look silly on me, so I don't wear them everywhere, but at the same time, I think it's really sad to stop wearing things that you love, just so that people won't frown at you. In regards to pigtails specifically, I have worn twin dutch braids or twin rope braids in the last year and nobody commented on it negatively, at least not to my face, lol.

June 7th, 2015, 12:13 AM
I wear pigtails/pigtail braids all the time, including to work (office setting). It's not weird or childish looking in my opinion. I wear mine low and kinda messy.
My favorite style is fishtail pigtail braids. So cute/boho. :)

June 7th, 2015, 12:24 AM
There are no age restrestrictions on any hairstyles. Wear your hair how you want and hopefully the naysayers will focus on their own lives, instead of your hair. :)