View Full Version : How to buy a hair toy

May 29th, 2015, 11:47 AM
Hello all,

I have been a LHC member for 4 years now but have only purchased single wooden hair sticks. I can manage with them now, but now at classic its quiet difficult to maintain a bun with them. I usually use clips, but they are straining my scalp.

I want to ask is how do I purchase a hair fork? What should I look into? I have heard they have a strong grip, but I am not sure if a 2,3,4 etc prong would work with my hair?
I have thick, classic, 3a/3b curly hair.

If anyone has had a similar experience please do share.

**PS: if this is in the wrong section please move, I was not sure where to put it!**

May 29th, 2015, 11:50 AM
I have no help, but :agape: YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!

May 29th, 2015, 12:21 PM
I think that the more prongs, the tighter the hold. A two prong fork, for example, is basically a double hair stick. It all depends what you're wanting, but if you want something really snug and firm holding I'd go for three or four prong.

May 29th, 2015, 01:51 PM
Wow, your hair is AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!!! I use 2 prong fork but the tines are about .75" apart and they hold really well, but I can imagine your hair is weighty so I would go for 3-4 prongs at around 5-5.5" fl.

May 29th, 2015, 02:02 PM
The more prong, the tighter the grip so the loose you should make your buns. The more it has prongs, the shorter they should. For example, I use:

5.5/6" sticks
5" two prongs
4/4.5" three prongs
4" four prongs

Hope it helps!

May 29th, 2015, 02:03 PM
I don't have your texture but at your length i needed to start transitioning to 6 inches functional so that's my input. I would go with four prongs or more as well.

May 29th, 2015, 02:07 PM
I have iii hair about 2 inches away from classic, and wear my hair in a standard LWB with a 2-prong aluminum fork, either a Ravenslair one or a Quattro one.

May 29th, 2015, 03:25 PM
Thank you everyone for your input. I am looking for a snug fit but nothing too too tight!

I might consider a 3 prong to start and if i see I want/need a tighter grip I will go for a four prong.

Lastly, anyone want to recommend their favorite place to shop for forks? Affordability would be a plus, but I can adjust.

May 29th, 2015, 03:40 PM
i'd start with the swap board! i'd guess you'd be happiest with a thinner-tined fork, like a 60th Street or a Good Village Woodcraft. Both have etsy pages, but I think there are a few forks from both shops up on swap right now :)

chen bao jun
May 29th, 2015, 08:34 PM
Jeterforks on etsy

Wildcat Diva
May 30th, 2015, 12:23 AM
I saw the title and thought, LOL, I can help here.

Start with swap board.

May 30th, 2015, 09:21 AM
i didn't try hair forks out until i was around TBL, it took some experimentation to figure out what would work best for me. This is where the swap board is such a great resource, not only for getting new things to try but also for unloading the things that don't work out! My hair is definitely a iii, very coarse with varying degrees of waviness, and somewhere past classic. I've found my biggest problem to be finding things that can get through my hair and that can handle the weight. Things that can't get through my hair include Jeterforks, Crockett Mountain acrylic forks, and Grahtoe Studio forks. 60th Street can get through my hair but they are quite delicate feeling, i can totally see my hair breaking one. I do highly recommend trying a Goodvillage Woodcraft fork, i would suggest you try a 4 prong, and there's always some available in the shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoodVillageWoodcraft?ref=shopsection_shophome_left nav (plus i think there's a couple on swap right now). The tines are sharp enough to pass through hair easily and they stay put. I also recommend trying 2 pronged forks, singly or in pairs. I never thought they'd work for me but i was pleasantly surprised when i tried them, i really like metal ones. If you want a nice, low cost one to try out i recommend Over the Hawaiian Moon 2 pronged aluminum forks https://www.etsy.com/shop/OverTheHawaiianMoon?section_id=16667645&ref=shopsection_leftnav_1..lots of colors, and super comfortable worn either solo or as pairs. 3 prongs don't work for me other than with Elymwold forks, and that's just because they're wider than average. Definitely get a few forks, they're so much easier than sticks on crazy hair days! For sizes, i normally shoot for 6 inches total length/5 functional, for the 2 prongers i pair i can go a little shorter. For reference i need 7-8 inches with wooden sticks, otherwise the stick either can't support my hair at all or breaks from the weight. In summary, forks are just awesome.

May 30th, 2015, 09:30 AM
So many vendors. If you want snug I suggest metal. Affordability-wise anything hy a member of the Spehar family. Shops. On etsy include northwest goods, speharb,& sky designs.

You might also like bronzesmith.

June 4th, 2015, 01:34 PM
I'm on my way to etsy.

June 4th, 2015, 01:49 PM
What Hele said!

June 4th, 2015, 02:04 PM
Thank you everyone for your input. I am looking for a snug fit but nothing too too tight!

I might consider a 3 prong to start and if i see I want/need a tighter grip I will go for a four prong.

Lastly, anyone want to recommend their favorite place to shop for forks? Affordability would be a plus, but I can adjust.

4 prongs for sure. Jeterforks are the best.