View Full Version : Never cutting hair ever

May 12th, 2015, 02:04 PM
Dear fellow LHC-ers,

I was wondering if there is anyone here who does not cut their hair ever (for spiritual reason or any other reason).

I am really interested in hearing your stories and experiences. How do you keep strong when most people don't share these same ideas?

I feel very strong connected to growing my hair and the idea of cutting it (even my kids hair) sounds and feels awful to me.

Looking forward to hearing your stories.


May 12th, 2015, 03:10 PM
I've been refreshing the page... waiting for some posts. I've always been curious about this too. I personally could never do it. I didn't trim for almost a year once and the damage was :thud:shudder::shocked:
I also know people who never cut their hair. They're not the kind of people that I feel comfortable asking them about it, although we are close, so I don't know why they do it.

May 12th, 2015, 08:19 PM
I haven't cut my hair in around three years, and plan to keep it that way indefinitely. I like the idea of being human in my most natural state. The hair is just one area of life where I'm making that a priority.

People don't comment on my hair at all, but it's only waist-length now and I live in a very small village. We'll see how it works out, but for now, it's an easygoing process. Started a couple of dreadlocks too!

May 13th, 2015, 12:51 PM
Thank you so much for the replies. I don't know anyone in real life who has really long hair and doens't cut it. Where I life shoulder length is already considered long.

Hopefully some more will visit this thread and tell their stories :)

May 13th, 2015, 01:03 PM
Even for teenagers? Up north the majority of the teenagers girls have below bsl to WL and I've seen a few with HL and some with classic length.

May 13th, 2015, 01:06 PM
I do agree many teenagers have bsl and/or waistlength hair, some even hip. But I don't meet up with teenagers hehe.

I was more referring to adults.

May 13th, 2015, 01:10 PM
Even for teenagers? Up north the majority of the teenagers girls have below bsl to WL and I've seen a few with HL and some with classic length.
most in my area don't.. Its usually APL. Im 16 and had classic lenght hair ( I miss it! ) and I was considered a freak.. I had onlh met one girl with really long hair besides me- she had it to tailbone and cut it shorter (similar story to mine, dumb hairdresser who doesn't know what a TRIM is). I'm around waist now, she's close enough (though she's 8 inches shorter than I am..), and besides us, I've never seen long haired teens. Everyone else has it shorter than waist! Apl-bsl are considered long, midback is "SO LONG" over here...

May 13th, 2015, 01:16 PM
I like the idea, but in practice thinned out, uneven ends upset me. So I get trims pretty regularly.

May 13th, 2015, 01:27 PM
I don't belong to that group, as I trim regularly now, but before that I used to trim about once in a year and a half - two years, sometimes even less often... The only reason I decided to trim often is in an attempt to thicken up the hemline, so depending on your hair-type there might be no or almost no necessity to trim / cut...

I think there's a "no trim" thread somewhere on the forum, maybe the members there can give you more info or share their stories :)

May 13th, 2015, 01:40 PM
I do agree many teenagers have bsl and/or waistlength hair, some even hip. But I don't meet up with teenagers hehe.

I was more referring to adults.

Ok. I was just wondering if there was such a regional difference in the netherlands.

May 14th, 2015, 12:08 AM
I had a trim in 1994 in the hope that it would make my hair grow faster. It didn't, of course. So I decided that I would never cut or trim again. It's now coming up to 21 years in June, and I plan not to cut or trim ever again.

My hair grows slowly, but even if I had managed to grow to extreme lengths, I would have kept my promise to myself. I don't care what others think - some like my hair, others don't. They can do what they want with theirs, after all. So here's someone who never cuts ever - because I want things that way!

May 14th, 2015, 01:04 AM
I wish I could do this, bit my ends rebel and go all velcro-y after a few months. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't bother.

May 14th, 2015, 06:00 AM
Last time I cut was 2005, right before I joined LHC. Since then, no. No plans to. Every once in a while I do a split-end search, but only maybe twice a year?

Why no trims? Don't like going to the salon, don't like people messing with my hair. I like fairytale ends, they work better in my updo.

May 14th, 2015, 06:28 AM
Thank you so much for the replies. I don't know anyone in real life who has really long hair and doens't cut it. Where I life shoulder length is already considered long.

Hopefully some more will visit this thread and tell their stories :)

Same for me. Where I live and the people who surround me consider shoulder length hair as long.
Short is pixie, middle is chin and shoulder is long... strange, isn't it?

May 14th, 2015, 06:30 AM
The last time my mom cut my hair i'm sure i was around 6 or 7. After that no more of scissors for me. I had really long healthy hair in high school before i started dying it black (which i continued to do for the next 6 years). And just a month and a half ago i decided i have had enough of my hair being the same length because of breakage. I went to the salon for the first time in my life. Now i wish i'd done it sooner.

I never paid any attention to my hair at all. The only thing i used on it was shampoo. No conditioner, no masks, no leave-ins, nothing. I never considered it untill it was so damaged that i had to do something. To be honest, if i didn't want longer hair i wouldn't have cut it. I ignored my hair all my life and that's the only reason for it.

May 14th, 2015, 07:31 AM
Same for me. Where I live and the people who surround me consider shoulder length hair as long.
Short is pixie, middle is chin and shoulder is long... strange, isn't it?

Some hairdressers around here even think that, because they charge 10€ extra to "deal with" hair that is long (longer than shoulder).

May 14th, 2015, 07:52 AM
Dear fellow LHC-ers,

I was wondering if there is anyone here who does not cut their hair ever (for spiritual reason or any other reason).

I am really interested in hearing your stories and experiences. How do you keep strong when most people don't share these same ideas?

I feel very strong connected to growing my hair and the idea of cutting it (even my kids hair) sounds and feels awful to me.

Looking forward to hearing your stories.


Growing long hair without cutting it at some time was never feasible for me. The longest period of time I grew my hair was 21 years..but I trimmed it every six months or so. Also, aesthetically speaking, I also did S and D frequently as I dislike the ratty look of damaged ends.

Never cutting one's hair would certainly call for real dedication...dealing with shampooing/drying/styling requires tons of patience...not to mention bucking the trend towards short hair.

I never had any problems with people telling me to cut my hair. Wouldn't have cared anyway because it is MY hair and no one's concern but mine. I don't wear my hair to suit other people's taste. My hat is off to those who can grow extremely long, healthy hair.

May 14th, 2015, 09:45 AM
My older sister and her eldest daughter never trim. Both of them have TBL and, IMO, it looks awful! They don't take care of it at all and their ends are dry and ratty. When we were growing up, my gramma (who raised all 3 of us), wouldnt let them have hair longer than collarbone length. Her saying was always "if you don't take care of your long hair, you don't deserve to have it". I think she just got tired of fighting the horrible knots in their hair. I think the only reason they have such length now is out of utter laziness (which, I'm sorry to say, is the most dominant trait in both of them).

Anyway, sorry for the mini-rant there but seeing/talking about their hair just irks me. It could be so pretty if they would just care for it. As for me, I trim pretty regularly. My ends have a lot of heat damage and I'm trying to get rid of them before taking another long break from trimming. If I go too long between trims, my hair just breaks off. Sad. :cry:

May 14th, 2015, 09:52 AM
There is a thread on not cutting for religious reasons, somewhere.

May 14th, 2015, 10:06 AM
Not trimming the hair for very long periods of time is a luxury that, in my opinion, very few people can afford.
It all depends on what you're wanting your hair to look like... some people don't care or like their ends to look fairytalish, and not trimming works fine in that case... but if someone's planning to grow his/her hair long (and healthy, especially at the ends), trims are unavoidable.
I've always wanted long hair, but it had to be healthy and with thick ends, so I had to do regular trims.
In the past I used to trim my hair once a year, and my ends were just terrible, unhealthy, wispy and sparse (and my hair is not fine nor weak), and also, when it is in that condition, I notice a huge slowing down in my growth, so not cutting is not an option.

May 14th, 2015, 11:59 AM
I've often wondered when you hear the phrase 'her hair has never been cut'....do they really mean that?

May 14th, 2015, 12:12 PM
There is a thread on not cutting for religious reasons, somewhere.

I did the search for anybody who is interested, and turned up these

Is Your Hair Long for Religious/Spiritual Reasons

The Christian Woman's Long Hair Thread

Christian Headcovering/veiling thread

May 14th, 2015, 12:22 PM
I can't stand it when my ends get even the teeniest bit tangly. I like to sweep my fingers from the scalp right to the bottom in one motion and feel the softness and sleekness. So I trim three times a year or so. I would hate my hair if I never trimmed. (Plus, I quite like playing with my hair in terms of bleaching, perming, etc., so I *definitely* can't go without trimming!)

May 14th, 2015, 12:25 PM
Would those people's hair even get long? I mean.. wouldn't it splir like crazy?

May 14th, 2015, 12:33 PM
Merlin, awesome search! I knew we had a pretty recent thread on it somewhere!

I think if your hair is virgin (no dye, no nothing) it can go pretty amazingly long without trimming. There are people on here who haven't trimmed in ages!

May 14th, 2015, 12:41 PM
If I'm honest, it's been mostly laziness. I just couldn't and can't be bothered. I actually sat down for a few minutes this week and did some S&D on the ends after not having done so for a couple of years. I did a half-arsed job of it, too :lol: didn't even finish the job. I stopped getting salon cuts in 2008 (after my hairdresser moved across the continent) and after that I got a trim about once a year for a couple of years... then even that stopped. I like fairytale ends - they work well for my hair type and, as embee says, they work well for updos.

Again, if I'm honest, the last 8 or so inches of my hair could probably go. It's the last of the damaged hair from when I was still using heat to style. I always have some splits regardless of whether I trim or S&D or not - that's just how my hair is. It's not particularly tangly, though... in fact, based on its prior treatment, I would have expected it to tangle more than it does.

At some point along the way, laziness and/or apathy gave way to just... no. I'm not cutting my hair because... no.

May 14th, 2015, 12:47 PM
After I have trimmed out all damage (colour) I could go no scissors, my ends have never really fair tailed, I never really get splits. I think the only reason I wouldn't go no scissors is because I'm kind of afraid of reaching my terminal length as anything beyond classic is just wayyyyy too much hair for me to handle.

May 16th, 2015, 04:51 AM
I think a lot of the recent discussion shows the difference between those who feel the need to trim (to avoid damaged hair, for neatness) and who regard complete benign neglect as a luxury thy can't afford; and on the other hand those who regard trimming, especially frequent trimming, as in the luxury category (because their hair grows slowly or they feel they might lose length). I don't think either viewpoint will ever win over the other, because it's a personal viewpoint based on personal experience. I am in the latter category: my hair has grown 3 inches this year after not growing for about 17 years s, and being wavy looks uneven and did even days after I had a trim in the past. So I think the "never, ever" rule works for me. And as I will never win competitions for length, I must be well ahead in the "how long since last tirm/cut" race which will be 21 years on 24th June. Good luck to anyone else who has decided never, ever to cut or trim, whatever the reason!

May 16th, 2015, 05:14 AM
Finding parts of this thread a bit rude to be honest. Especially the parts about being lazy, lack of care and not caring about ones appearance because that simply isn't true. Not going to go through it point by point though, I would just expect better here.

Coming up to six years with no trims this summer. I have grown from just below shoulder to around tailbone this way, after not being able to understand why I was stuck at the shorter length for many years.

Was planning to maintain for a year when I get to classic, to see what happens. But comments like this make me want to stick to not cutting ever. We'll see when I get there.

May 16th, 2015, 06:11 AM
Where I live, Maryland in USA, its not exactly common but I do see people with classic length hair, more commonly (but still not really common) TBL hair and hip length hair. My area is rural and growing up my best freind always and still does have BCL hair. She doesnt do annything to it even trim it and it just stays that length from rubbing on stuff. It's always been present in my area but is considered really long. Short is pixie to collar medium is collar to bsl and longer than BSL is long :) Id say at hip people would call it "really long".. like "Oh that girl with the really long pretty hair"

I would be down to not "cut cut" forever, but not to never trim. I dislike the way ends get when not maintained, like many others. I plan on growing until i can no longer maintain decent hem and stopping there. But many people with microtrimming can have very thick blunt ends at knee so I think i will be more than satisfied.

I know a lot of people, especially offline dont consider trimmed hair to have been cut, per se. They would say I never cut my hair even if maybe they do do little trims

Cathair, you shouldn't make decisions based on the rudeness of others. You know your motivations and the rest just aint nobodys business

Not cutting has all different motivations people should be aware of... some like my freind truly are lazy and do not care about it. Some like yourself do it as a method to grow fast. Some for religious purposes... I think everybody should use the phrase "some" when they describe people doing or not doing something because everybody's motivation is different...

May 16th, 2015, 12:40 PM
I only trim my hair because I dislike the look of uneven, see-through ends. I started taking a couple centimetres off every 3 months since January, so I don't really consider that "cutting" because the loss of length is hardly noticeable. If I see that my ends are not too bad I'll just leave them alone. :)

May 16th, 2015, 02:03 PM
I'm not interested in never cutting my hair ever because I'm not planning to grow to terminal length, so clearly I would have to cut to maintain. However, I see no reason why anyone would ever have to cut if they didn't want to. It seems to me all one would have to do is S&D the splits and let it turn into beautiful fairytale ends.

May 16th, 2015, 05:50 PM
I too think that some comments in this thread are a bit rude, sorry. I did not cut my hair for around 10 years due to religious reasons. This meant no trimming splits - nothing. No scissors near my hair. We had women in that church with hair that had never been touched with scissors - and NO it did not always look ratty and unkempt. Of course some people's did, because they liked to tease it and do damaging styles or else wear it down a lot.

But my Sister in Law had ankle length hair with only slight taper, very beautiful, almost no split ends. My MIL's was also quite long before she got ill. And I know a couple of older women with beyond floor length hair there, though I don't know what their ends look like - as I've never seen their hair down.

Those who took care of it, kept it up, were gentle with it (SIL wore hers in a braided bun most days or a cinnabun others) had pretty hair. My hair stayed at TB, which appears to be terminal for me, and it did have some splits - but not tons and it didn't look bad. As a matter of fact, I got complimented on it a fair amount before I became ill and lost over half of it.

I no longer belong to that church, but I see nothing at all wrong with growing without trims, and the only reason I do now is that my hair is so very thin that it will break off when the hemline gets too thin. But that's because I'm taking a medication that has really made my hair bad (it cause hair to become brittle, break and fall out). Otherwise I probably wouldn't be trimming mine except maybe once a year or so.

May 17th, 2015, 02:42 PM
Ofcours I cannot speak about the entire Nehterlands. I live close to Amsterdam and don't see dutch women with long hair (iit is usually short especially on women over 40).

Perhaps in more rural settings there are more women with long hair. I do know a few who have had long hair but they were also on a hairforum.

May 17th, 2015, 02:46 PM
Long hair is a rarity in Belgium as well, except perhaps on teens and some young children.

May 17th, 2015, 02:55 PM
I wasn't trying to make people feel bad about this thread. I don't see not cutting as lazy or neglect. This view might say that women who cut all the time do take care of their hair but also this is not always the case.

I am not sure wether to cut or not. My hair is massively tapered due to fourpost partum loss sheds which were all really bad. This means I have a few hairs at classic. A layer (thin one) at almost waist, one about 2 inch from BSL, one at shoulderand one layer that is only 8 inch or so.

I feel the urge to cut all the time but it is not in a bad condition. I don't know what terminal length is. I am now not cutting and thinking (logic wise) in the end it must thicken up when more hairs reach terminal (whatever that length is). I did trim once a month last year but it did not thicken up a lot. The layers however do grow and don't seem to thin while they grow.

I'd like to come in peace with my hair and just letting it grow they way it will go naturally. Perhaps it will not work and maybe I do give in maybe not.

May 17th, 2015, 03:09 PM
I'm sure it will continue to thicken up and grow, Boukje, whether you decide to keep growing or trim & maintain. The decision is yours.

May 17th, 2015, 04:04 PM
Not me. I don't like the look of hair that never gets trimmed.

May 17th, 2015, 04:10 PM
As far as the heavy layering is concerned, if you're not bothered by it - then leave it be. My hair was cut in a compact cut style with the shortest layering. My hair is TBL+ now and my shortest layer is BSL+ and I love my hair that way. I say enjoy the "free" layers while you still have them. ;)

May 17th, 2015, 05:27 PM
I hope you don't mind me butting in, boukje, but I just wanted to say that you shouldn't ever feel like you have to cut your beautiful locks to make other people happy (or grow them - if you want short hair.). I'm sure that your hair is beautiful - who cares if it isn't all one uniform length. If you love it then that's all that matters.

Personally, I've trimmed once in the last year and a half that I've been growing my hair, but that's just because that was what I wanted. I'm a couple of inches off of waist length, and my short bits are too short for the 'long hair styles' and my long bits are too long for the 'short hair styles'. So I'd love to not have that problem anymore! :lol:
If you want to cut it - cut it. If you don't want to cut it - don't cut it. At the end of the day, the hair is on your head so you do what you want!

May 17th, 2015, 11:49 PM
I rarely see non-cutters get past waist, but there are exceptions.

May 18th, 2015, 12:21 AM
I've been growing my hair for about three years since I wanted very long hair. I don't see myself cutting my hair anytime soon. I get trims every few months but that's about it. The idea seems good for some time, but not forever.

May 18th, 2015, 12:22 AM
I had a trim in 1994 in the hope that it would make my hair grow faster. It didn't, of course. So I decided that I would never cut or trim again. It's now coming up to 21 years in June, and I plan not to cut or trim ever again.

Trims aren't about making your hair grow. They're about protecting it. If you never trim, the hair splits and then breaks off, which makes you lose hair.

Incidentally, I understand never cutting hair for religious reasons. I understand that 120%. But otherwise, I could never do that to my hair.

May 18th, 2015, 12:48 AM
This girl never cuts her hair:

These girls (Parousia band) do not cut their hair either:

I have also come by other religious gals who do not cut their hair and they have some very lovely lengths, so they must take good care of their hair for it to grow so well.

May 18th, 2015, 02:48 AM
I only have friends with dreadlocks that never cut their hair. Longest is knee, it was longer but so many broke over time (wrapping dreads always the same way, they rub at one place that gets thinner and too thin), he tore the remaining to knee. No cuts for 15 years.
Others "normal" long hair, the longest being men actually, need a trim now and again because of split ends. I do not know hair that never ever split.

May 18th, 2015, 03:46 AM
I grew up without having hair trimmed. The only thing I'd do is my habit of biting and pulling off split ends sort of a rough s & d. I think I've trimmed a less than 5 times after that.

May 18th, 2015, 04:46 AM
I rarely see non-cutters get past waist, but there are exceptions.

I'm TBL+, 2 inches or thereabouts away from classic, and I haven't trimmed since November 2013.

May 18th, 2015, 07:18 AM
Trims aren't about making your hair grow. They're about protecting it. If you never trim, the hair splits and then breaks off, which makes you lose hair.

Incidentally, I understand never cutting hair for religious reasons. I understand that 120%. But otherwise, I could never do that to my hair.

I'm not sure about this breaking thing. I am sure that's true for people with a degree of brittle hair, but I have a friend (not on LHC, unfortunately) who has not cut or trimmed for even longer than my 21 years. Her hair is almost knee length and i can't detect any splits or breakage. Mine isn'y anything like that long, but I have not found broken pieces on the pillow or in the bath.

May 18th, 2015, 07:41 AM
I rarely see non-cutters get past waist, but there are exceptions.

The church I attended was quite large, and I'd say average was around tailbone. And as I say, many, many had longer hair than that. I don't think it's that rare, more in how you take care of it. This who permed their hair (some of them still do, as the younger set like to wear it in half-ups, not up at all and the volume the curls give is considered prettier) tended to stay around waist to hip. Of course, that was curly, so..........

May 18th, 2015, 10:10 AM
Wow! Okay.

May 18th, 2015, 01:02 PM
If I've offended anyone, I'm sorry! :flower:

May 18th, 2015, 02:17 PM
From when I was about 6 to 14, i did not cut my hair at all, not even trims. My mum got a really bad short haircut when I was 7 and from that I developed a real phobia of scissors. Needless to say my ends were a mess! Got it cut from between tbl and classic back up to just below waist, regretted it for a few weeks but ended up loving it and the highlights I got done at the same time.

I have a friend who didn't cut her hair for several years because she couldn't be bothered. She recently had a fair amount cut off, she uses heat a lot and that combined with the lack of trims and care made for some pretty bad ends. She has really thick coarse hair though, which prevented a lot of potential damage.

May 18th, 2015, 03:43 PM
I decided at this time last year not to cut my hair anymore. I have two friends who have hip length hair and both said their secret was just that they didn't cut their hair for six years. If I want long hair I have to not cut it so that is actually what I stopped doing. I don't cut my kids hair unless they ask me too. If it was up to me they would all have long hair but I know sometimes they don't want that so I don't make them.

May 19th, 2015, 10:45 PM
I could bite my tongue later but my goal right now is that I am never trimming my hair! I love the look of tapered, wild ends. Fairy tale witch hair.