View Full Version : I want to share my new favorite shampoo/conditioner

May 10th, 2015, 10:26 AM
I've recently started using a new brand of shampoo/conditioner and I just want to climb up on a mountain and shout about how amazing it is.

I'm a daily washer - my hair is oily and my scalp tends to sweat a lot, so I'm miserable if I don't wash every day. In the past, shampoos and conditioners that I've used start out giving me nice results, but after about a week or so, my hair would start getting dry and tangly. I would have to constantly switch up the products I use to keep my hair happy, and I never found anything that I could consistently get good results from.

The new product I'm so excited about is Renpure Originals Argan Oil shampoo and conditioner. It looks like this - http://www.renpure.com/hair-care-products/argan-oil

I'm a few days away from finishing off my first bottles, and I can't even believe how glorious my hair is. My texture is naturally very fine and wavy. It's always been a bit fluffy and would start feeling coarse within a day or so of washing. Now, however, since I started using this new brand, my hair is soft and smooth, it doesn't tangle, it looks so much healthier and of course the best part is how it feels. I'm madly in love with this Renpure stuff!

I can't promise anyone else will have the same result as me, but of course I would recommend this brand for anyone who has a similar hair type to mine and is in the same boat I used to be in - constantly on the hunt for something that consistently works for your hair.

May 10th, 2015, 11:02 AM
My hair loves this product also. Good stuff!

May 10th, 2015, 03:05 PM
I'm glad you guys are so enthusiastic about this stuff, however ;) I'm doing just fine with my own products, which is Pantene for a shampoo, whatever cheap conditioner I can find as a first C and my Herbal Essences Hello Hydration as a second C. Looove this. Pantene is great, BTW. I've never had bad effects from it.

Maybe you didn't clarify your hair enough? I don't know what could be the cause of your issues, but I'm glad you found a way to resolve them. That's the most important.

May 10th, 2015, 04:24 PM
I remember many years ago I used to use one of their leave ins/oils/re-constructors from the argan oil line and I liked it well enough.
I'm like lapushka though and currently hanging onto Pantene because it's the first product I've found in a really long time that's worked for me so I'm not about to start experimenting. The pantene conditioner is a dream come true, I'm indifferent to the shampoo (works well, but not a miracle like the condish) but pantene ice shine shampoo is next on my list...maybe if it doesnt don't do anything magical, then I'll try this shampoo out. That being said, I don't expect much from shampoos as long as they clean well, smell nice, and dont cause breakage or damage.

ETA: I believe this is the product I liked http://www.renpure.com/hair-care-products/argan-oil/deep-penetrating-reconstructor

May 12th, 2015, 11:43 AM
Can I share mine as well?

It's by a Canadian brand called Calia and I've already posted about them a few times. I simply cannot help myself! Like you, afinemess, I just want to tell the world about these products. Their shampoo and conditioners have done wonders for my hair. After the first wash, I found that I no longer needed any heat styling to make my hair look decent. The real miracle, however is my hubs reaction to their products.

Quick background: My DH and I are both Native American. While my hair is more "caucasion-like", his is very coarse and very thick. He's been no-poo his entire life (he's alternates between NW/SO and WO) because any and all conventional products cause his hair to become a frizzy mess. I've tried to get him to try CO but he said he doesn't see the point when he's been WO his whole life.

After listening to me rave about my new shampoo and conditioner for weeks on end, he decided to give it a try. I think his intent was to prove it wasn't really that special. Instead, he came out of the shower with a look on his face as if he had witnessed a minor miracle. The Calia left his hair clean but not at all frizzed up. He still doesn't use it regularly but about once every 2 weeks or so, I notice his hair will smell like my yummy vanilla products!

Anyway, to put an end to this long post that sounds like a commercial or something, I'll just post the link. Let me know if anyone else has tried this stuff.
