View Full Version : Anyone else out there's hair love everything!

May 8th, 2015, 03:05 PM
Hi Guys!

I've tried loads of things to do with hair, no poo, Cwc, C only, lately I switched back to using sulfates and my scalp loves them and doesn't hurt anymore! But I didn't use cones at all but instead used almond oil.
Well I ran out of everything last week and I've been using my finances sister left over stuff, it's full of cones! And my hair is still exactly the same as it is when I don't use Cones!

So I was wondering does anyone else's hair just agree with everything, my hair is the same using cones or no cones!

May 8th, 2015, 03:14 PM
My hair also doesn't care about cones vs. no cones. I switch between them regularly with no changes.

May 8th, 2015, 03:31 PM
My hair also doesn't care about cones vs. no cones. I switch between them regularly with no changes.

Did you notice any change? I'm considering having a break.from no cones and switching to a coney conditioner and a different shampoo! What do you use?

May 8th, 2015, 03:53 PM
I just switched from 'cones and sulfates about a month ago. At first I didn't notice much of a difference. My hair felt exactly the same as when I used sulfates and cones. However, once I went heat-free I noticed a big change. I could never just let my hair air dry when using sulfates and cones. I needed a leave-in conditioner and if I didn't at least blow dry, my hair was a big frizzy mess. I usually used a dryer and then a flat iron on top of that. I was being lazy one day after using my all natural, sulfate and cone free COwash, and I realized my hair didn't really need any type of styling. It air dried into smooth perfection!

So, while I didn't notice any change right away, I can now say my hair behaves better without sulfates/cones.

May 8th, 2015, 04:06 PM
I've never really noticed a difference in anything shampoo or conditioner-related. I've done CWC, normal order, WCC, cones, no cones, sulphates and non-sulfates. I really only notice very subtle changes when I use vinegar (but that's my favorite part of washing, so it's staying). My one noticeable thing? I needed to clarify a few weeks ago, and I tried it and it worked! That was nice to feel. It seems like my hair doesn't respond to much, but at least it can respond to SOMETHING. Egg washing also got my hair clean, but no noticeable improvement over shampoo, so I don't do those much. SMTs make no difference.

The only other thing for me that made a difference was CO- washing, which made my hair incredibly soft, shiny...and greasier faster. Or at least clumpier faster. ( which I don't want, because my hair already looks dirty enough halfway through day two!)

May 8th, 2015, 04:10 PM
My hair does care. No cones is too "light" for me and makes my hair a tangly mess. No thank you.

May 8th, 2015, 06:49 PM
I just switched from 'cones and sulfates about a month ago. At first I didn't notice much of a difference. My hair felt exactly the same as when I used sulfates and cones. However, once I went heat-free I noticed a big change. I could never just let my hair air dry when using sulfates and cones. I needed a leave-in conditioner and if I didn't at least blow dry, my hair was a big frizzy mess. I usually used a dryer and then a flat iron on top of that. I was being lazy one day after using my all natural, sulfate and cone free COwash, and I realized my hair didn't really need any type of styling. It air dried into smooth perfection!

So, while I didn't notice any change right away, I can now say my hair behaves better without sulfates/cones.

I don't use heat anyway and haven't since I shaved my hair and stayed regrowing it, only have it blow dried once every four months when it's cut. Is made my haor super shiney! But where my hair is super healthy now, I've got loads of regrowth that looks like breakage and its so annoying

May 8th, 2015, 06:51 PM
@entangled when I Co washed out made my hair so slippy I couldn't do anything with it. Glad someone else understands hair that loves everything. I might try a coney conditioner and see west happens

May 8th, 2015, 06:57 PM
Did you notice any change? I'm considering having a break.from no cones and switching to a coney conditioner and a different shampoo! What do you use?

No changes at all! Normally, I cowash with Suave Naturals (cone-free), but sometimes I use Wen (contains amodimethicone, which isn't supposed to build up), and when I go home I cowash with a variety of random conditioners my mom has. ;) All of them have cones of some sort or another. It makes no difference to my hair. What does matter, though, is not using shampoo! I've been cowashing for a year now and my hair is so much sleeker and less frizzy than it was when I used shampoo and conditioner like a normal person. :p Shampoo dries my hair out like crazy, even though I was only using it on my scalp, not my whole length.

May 8th, 2015, 07:46 PM
Cones ARE nice for the actual detangling process; I use a coney detangler/leave in conditioner (joico) that really helps with the actual tangled. As for conditioner, I think I might switch back to herbal essences(I'm using suave naturals) for a while because I like the smell and I'm not really noticing any difference no matter what I use.

Nadine <3
May 8th, 2015, 10:23 PM
I wish my hair didn't care. The only thing my hair likes is itself lol

May 9th, 2015, 01:45 AM
No, my hair isnt bothered at all by cones and/ or sulfates, it looks and acts pretty much the same regardless. I cut out on cones as an experiment during my early LHC days, but they´ve made their way back to my stash with time and it works for me.

CO-washes on the other hand...! A heavy, greasy disaster :blueeek:

May 9th, 2015, 09:08 AM
I notice differences, but not so much between cones and no cones. If you have good no cone products, its fine. Some do fall REALLY short though. I used to use cone detangler, jonsons baby oil (worked great and left hair shiny) but then switched to using oil to detngle. Equal results.

I like the results cones give me but hate thinking about my hair being covered in plastic :/ I find good oils and cream leave ins give equal results.

Co washes my hair LOVES and I notice a huge difference- but only when using co wash products- love palmers olive oil (yeah, Im constantly upping palmers. theyre my fave and I use ALOT of their olive oil line) not actual conditioner. the conditioner leaves gross build up for me- fine hair strands, thick hair.

Sulphates I noticed a huge difference when I cut them out- at least SLS. I have a shampoo with a milder form of sulphate (also palmers lol) that I rotate in with Shea moisture moisture retention shampoo and sometimes cut with conditioner. Or add water to it. Or mix the two shamppos-that works really well cause the shea moisture makes my hair feel ike its been conditioned

If you dont notice results itsd one of three things: 1.) your routine was already perfect
2.) you havent found the right thing yet
3.) your method of using/applying is "off"

May 9th, 2015, 09:13 AM
Technically, no. My hair doesn't care between cones/no cones. I can use them fine without any tangles or dryness. My curls just don't pop as much if I use cones, so I tend to avoid them.

Sulfates on the other hand is something my hair cares a little about. It's not much of a difference, but my hair gets a little drier and my scalp starts getting oilier, sooner. I've been cowashing and using very very mild SLS free shampoos and I'm thinking I can start stretching one more day (currently wash every other day). That was unheard of when I used sulfates not too long ago.

May 9th, 2015, 09:42 AM
My hair couldn't really care less so long as I clarify everything is dandy with sulphates and cones. Honestly I think it is just the hair type. If you look at the responders there is a definite trend of some less than curlies and some wavies.

May 9th, 2015, 09:44 AM
I do like cones, especially Pantene conditioner.

However I can't use sulfates :( sigh..... I suffer very bad eczema on my back, hands and legs. Sulfates, while my hair likes them, my eczema doesn't.

Also sulfates appear in Patene conditioners and a lot of other drugstore coney conditioners. It hurts on my hands.

So I now use shampoo bars which give me good results and help with eczema. :)

The only difference apart from eczema issues is sulfates/cones detangle hair better.

May 9th, 2015, 10:29 AM
I notice differences, but not so much between cones and no cones. If you have good no cone products, its fine. Some do fall REALLY short though. I used to use cone detangler, jonsons baby oil (worked great and left hair shiny) but then switched to using oil to detngle. Equal results.

I like the results cones give me but hate thinking about my hair being covered in plastic :/ I find good oils and cream leave ins give equal results.

Co washes my hair LOVES and I notice a huge difference- but only when using co wash products- love palmers olive oil (yeah, Im constantly upping palmers. theyre my fave and I use ALOT of their olive oil line) not actual conditioner. the conditioner leaves gross build up for me- fine hair strands, thick hair.

Sulphates I noticed a huge difference when I cut them out- at least SLS. I have a shampoo with a milder form of sulphate (also palmers lol) that I rotate in with Shea moisture moisture retention shampoo and sometimes cut with conditioner. Or add water to it. Or mix the two shamppos-that works really well cause the shea moisture makes my hair feel ike its been conditioned

If you dont notice results itsd one of three things: 1.) your routine was already perfect
2.) you havent found the right thing yet
3.) your method of using/applying is "off"
What cowash products do you use? I can't use conditioners. I've tried and my scalp does not like them! I'm using the pantene one right now, but it has cones and I can totally tell a difference when I use it. :( (My hair does still look nice though :p)

May 9th, 2015, 10:59 AM
Hi Guys!

I've tried loads of things to do with hair, no poo, Cwc, C only, lately I switched back to using sulfates and my scalp loves them and doesn't hurt anymore! But I didn't use cones at all but instead used almond oil.
Well I ran out of everything last week and I've been using my finances sister left over stuff, it's full of cones! And my hair is still exactly the same as it is when I don't use Cones!

So I was wondering does anyone else's hair just agree with everything, my hair is the same using cones or no cones!

No. My hair hates everything, actually. My skin hates most things too.

SLS shampoo? Dry frizzy hair, dandruff like crazy, and cystic acne.

Any other commercial shampoo? Still dry frizzy hair and dandruff. No acne though.

Cones? Grease ball, unless I'm using SLS shampoo. Some coney condish actually makes me greasy even WITH an SLS shampoo.

No cones? Hair still dry -- it does nothing.

Hard water? Hair is brittle and stays forever in a realm of "almost clean, but not quite."

Baking soda? Fried, shrieking mad hair.

Shampoo bars or castile? Dry hair that is simultaneously waxy.

BBB? Broken hair and frizz.

Regular paddle brush? Tangles are worse. Also, poofiness.

Cleaning with shikakai, soapwort, eggs, lemon juice, tea rinses (doesn't matter what kind), beer, you name it, because I've tried it? IT DOES NOTHING.

Conditioning with yogurt, catnip, honey, coconut milk, you name it, because I've tried it? GREASE BALL.

So what are my options?

Mostly WO with soft water only, occasionally washed with a combo of soap nut and flaxseed (making a gel), and very VERY lightly oiled on a weekly basis. Combed on wash day only, or when it is absolutely necessary in order to avoid dreads. Hair is shiny, relatively fly-away-free, and went from 2a to 2c. I wish it were slightly more conditioned, but see above: I've tried everything. This is good enough. Hair is mostly happy. Mostly.

That is it. That is the only consistently good combination I've been able to find after a good 5 years or so of tinkering with my hair care on-and-off. For most of my life, I just dealt with having kind of screwed up tresses (and since puberty, also kind of screwed up skin thanks to SLS).

Insanely jelly of your agreeable hair. :D

May 9th, 2015, 11:29 AM
I haven't tried a lot of products, but so far nothing has been bad! :D

May 9th, 2015, 11:31 AM
My hair also doesn't care about cones vs. no cones. I switch between them regularly with no changes.

What are cones? (I'm new)

May 9th, 2015, 11:36 AM
What are cones? (I'm new)

Silicones! http://www.schwarzkopf.international/sk/en/home/hair_care/shampooing_conditioning/care_tips/hair-care-silicones.html