View Full Version : Mom is growing out her hair!

May 7th, 2015, 09:23 AM
And I didn't even know it.

I live but 18 hours away ad only get to see her once or twice a year. We were just talking on the phone, and mentioned my new (to me) ficcare and how I thought she might like it if her hair was long enough to put up.

She started laughing and told me that she no longer had a bob; her hair is at least APL and gaining, and she likes how much easier it is to work with again! And she has no intention of cutting it back to the bob, but needed a trim due to tangy ends.

To that, I responded with advice to come aboard here and learn how to moisturize the ends instead of cutting them :)

Grow, Mama, grow!

May 7th, 2015, 10:20 AM
Ooh! She's probably about my age!
Hi, missrandie's mom! :waving:
I had a bob before the pixie, but that was a LONG time ago. lol! FWIW: I've never had hair longer than SL, unless you count when I was 8. :)

Nadine <3
May 7th, 2015, 10:24 AM
YAY! Gosh, I wish my mom would grow her hair out! Well, I mean she hasn't cut it in a year, but it's not growing because of how she brushes through tangles (and because she has curly hair it makes MORE tangles and she breaks off more hair. It's a terrifying cycle...)

May 7th, 2015, 10:34 AM
She and I were hair twins for almost my entire childhood.. we both had beautiful long hair, both about a 1b, but her hair was the color mine is now, while I had the childhood blonde going on. Same bangs, same build, same everything. Of course we dressed the same as well :) She might as well be my older sister!

I should have known she was growing out. Whenever I have an idea of something I want to do, she is already in the midst of doing it!

May 7th, 2015, 10:46 AM
My mom doesn't like her hair much longer than shoulder length, although I think she'd look fantastic with longer hair, especially in some elegant sort of updo. I would be so stoked if Mom decided to try longer hair. Her hairstylist talked her into growing her bangs/fringe out to the rest of it, which is presently a little longer than chin length, and she was skeptical about losing the bangs because she has a long narrow face and felt that the bangs made her face look a little less angular. (I look atrocious with bangs/fringe because I got facial bone genes from the other side of the family and have a broad round face.) But it actually looks quite cute in the blunt bob she's sporting now.

Mom and I have never been hair twins (in terms of style choices) because of the facial bone structure difference, although we have about the same color and texture of hair, but I would think it was super cool if my mom decided to grow longer. Go missrandie's mom! :)

May 7th, 2015, 10:47 AM
That's so sweet, you're growing out together. :D

I wish my mom would grow her hair. She had waist-hip but cut it off when she had me. She's kept it pretty short since then and won't believe it when I tell her long hair is much easier.

May 7th, 2015, 11:54 AM
My mom, who I dont see often, has classic length when it's straight but she's been getting perms for my entire life so it only seems super long right before it's time to re-perm.

My gramma (who raised me, btw so she's more like my mom than my actual mom is), had gorgeous waist length hair while I was growing up. I got my hair from her. Both of my parents are Native American and have very thick, straight, jet black hair. My gramma used to be a dark blonde as a kid and then had a pretty auburn color. Her hair also used to be rather thin but she had a lot of it (nearly identical to mine). Well, as she got older and her hair grey-ed, it because crazy corse and thick. She chopped it all off about 10 years ago and had it pixie-short since then. I've constantly told her she would look good with longer hair since she chopped it off. This past autumn she decided she would finally give in to my badgering and began growing it out. It's currently a bob and she looks years younger! (Even with a full head of grey)

So now we can grow together. Isn't it much nicer when you can do something with your mom/gramma?

May 7th, 2015, 12:08 PM
My mom grew out and chopped her hair for years and years, but last year after maintaining a pixie for over 3 years she saw how much easier my hair was getting to wash and to style and decided to grow hers out, too. She kept colouring it for a few months longer, but then got fed up with the expense and has discovered that she actually LOVES her greys and whites showing through, especially since she's getting a distinguished streak at the front. I think that was the last deciding factor for her because she's gotten really excited and happy with her hair, especially since she isn't colour treating it anymore and it's so soft and shiny and it doesn't need any special products to deal with.

It's so cool when LHC rubs off and helps other people around us to embrace the idea of sticking to it and doing what you really want for your own hair. I hope your mom is as happy with her hair as mine is!

May 7th, 2015, 12:28 PM
Oh that's nice! You two can grow together. :D

May 7th, 2015, 12:34 PM
That's awesome! I've been trying to train my mom into properly taking care of her hip length hair lol. Good luck to your mom, I bet her hair is going to look amazing very soon!

May 7th, 2015, 12:39 PM
That's so awesome, you have the ultimate grow out buddy now!

My mom will never grow her hair out, the longest I have seen it was chin length and that must have been around 18 years ago. She always has a pixie. She has however decided to stop using chemical dyes (even asked me about henna, but didn't like the time involved). She has embraced her greys and silvers now and uses SLS free shampoo, go mom!