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View Full Version : Summer/Bangs-related issues

May 1st, 2015, 12:43 PM
I can tell summer is fast approaching because my hair is absolutely awful right now. It's fluffy and frizzy, but dry, flat, and oily all at the same time - I really just wish it would make up its mind!

Currently, my bangs are becoming oily much faster than the rest of my hair, which I know is pretty normal, but I've had to increase how frequently I wash, which in turn, is making the rest of my length dry and frizzy. My routine is pretty simple: shampoo the roots, then condition the length, apply a leave-in moisturizer on the ends, and air dry. I used to do this 1-2 times per week, but now it's every 2-3 days. I also typically do a treatment every 2 weeks, too and it's either an ACV rinse or a hair mask.

The problem is that my ends can't seem to get enough moisture, but the more I give, the faster my roots become oily, so it's a never-ending problem. I even tried to just wash my bangs, but that didn't stand up for more than a day. I even went so far as to purchase a dry shampoo to use specifically on my bangs and roots, but I'm either not using enough or it just doesn't seem to work with my hair.

This is my first summer with bangs in about 20 years, so I'm really at a loss for what else I can try. I've been told repeatedly that this is pretty normal and it's just an unfortunate downside associated with bangs, but perhaps someone out there has any other helpful tips that have worked for them?

May 1st, 2015, 12:45 PM
What about using dry shampoo on them between washes?

May 1st, 2015, 12:55 PM
Having lived through several Texas summers with bangs, I can tell you that I resigned myself to washing my bangs every day. It's the only way to make them look good, and if they don't look good than why have them, right? I clip all my hair up except the bangs and wash them while I'm in the shower or at the sink. Then give them a quick blow dry and you're good to go. It seems like a hassle but you get used to it, like brushing your teeth. This should have no effect on the rest of your hair or your dry ends or your roots. I literally only wash the bangs and little face framing wisps. Its actually a great way to always look like you have clean hair while the rest could be soaking in coconut oil, and no one would ever know.

May 1st, 2015, 01:34 PM
I've had bangs for well over a decade, and I agree with arr that you'll probably have to just wash your bangs every day. Besides that, I haven't had much luck with commercial dry shampoo, but I really like regular old cocoa powder for this purpose, applied with a fluffy makeup brush. I've found that I get better results doing this at night before I go to sleep than in the morning, for whatever reason. You can also just pin them back in a poof or a lace braid of some kind. It adds some versatility to your look while also keeping them off your face on particularly hot and muggy days.

Nadine <3
May 1st, 2015, 01:38 PM
I either wash mine (scalp only washes work great for this, I can do those daily/every other day if I need it without getting the length wet.) or I take some bobby pins and clip them back if I do't care to wash them.

May 1st, 2015, 02:16 PM
I cover the rest of my hair with a shower cap and leave my bangs out if I need to wash them. Or I find a way to clip them back. I wonder how moisturizer applied to your ends manages to travel to your scalp? Does hair wick substances? I seem to be managing my ends by coconut oiling the night before washing, then applying a small amount of coney serum after washing once every week or two.

I hope you find a solution. Washing bangs every day doesn't seem to be too much of a hassle. It takes about a minute to wash them, then about another minute to blow-dry them.

May 1st, 2015, 04:36 PM
Yeah, I finally got bangs that I like and I'm struggling with the same issue. I haven't gotten the trick of washing my bangs in the sink either, but I haven't tried more than a few times.

This post has become a monster so I've added sub-headings. :rolleyes:


I use dry shampoo, which extends their life another day or so. You may have to experiment with different kinds of dry shampoo--in my experience, brands differ wildly in how effective they are. I started using Batiste instead of TreSemme and the difference was astonishing. I have heard good things about the non-aerosol Lush dry shampoo (although I despise their marketing).

For those of you who use cocoa powder in the bang area, do you find that the powder gets on your face during the day? From my experience with hair dye, it seems like it would?


The quick-and-easy lazy person method is definitely pinning the hair back. I moisturize my face daily, so this is very important. I basically keep the bangs clipped back when I'm alone, and only unclip them when I will be in public or want to look nice for my SO. I keep them clipped up at night, too (not that they ever stay that way, usually the pins/clips have slipped by morning). This (in conjuction with dry shampoo) keeps them presentable for the first two-three days after washing, and after that until I wash they stay permanently clipped/pinned up. Since this creates variety in how the hair around my face looks, it keeps me from getting bored, so I don't mind at all.

French/Dutch braiding my bangs back would *never* work, because my hair is too slippery, straight, and fine for short pieces to hold in a braid (and I'm a good braider! I've been braiding since I was a kid!). It works for other people though!


Yeah, it's going to make your bangs piecey and greasy. Just remember it's worth it. Exercise is healthy and good for you! (says the woman who hasn't left her couch since she got up.)

May 1st, 2015, 05:16 PM
I had straight across bangs with naturally oily skin for years (15-19) and when they got oily I would just shampoo them seperately my leaning over into the sink. Very easy. Serparate the rest of the hair by putting it into a bun! My hair is wavy/curly so I would just keep pulling on it while it dried to make them dry straight, or flip them under with a round brush. Short bangs can tolerate those things :)

I would regularly do this before I left for high school. Towel dry em in a t shirt and then blow dry for a sec (like I used to) or if you dont wanna blow dry just touching em and combing them will make them dry before you know it. Short hair dries so quick. Thats the only thing I miss. Being able to shake and go when it got wet, like at waterparks and stuff...

May 1st, 2015, 05:49 PM
For those of you who use cocoa powder in the bang area, do you find that the powder gets on your face during the day? From my experience with hair dye, it seems like it would?

No, I've never had this problem. I have very pale skin and very dark hair, fwiw.

May 1st, 2015, 06:19 PM
In the winter, I was my hair twice a week. In the summer, my head perspires. I shampoo every second day. My bangs need attention everyday, or they look horrible. I wash them in the shower (with the rest of my hair under a shower cap) on non-hair washing days. I blow my bangs dry with cold air. It takes under five minutes.

May 1st, 2015, 06:33 PM
i guess i never thought about it too much. i tend to let my bangs grow from April till August. so theyre more of a side bang. then from september to march i do a blunt bang.

May 1st, 2015, 07:58 PM
I have thick blunt bangs and I used to have to wash every other day, but with dry shampoo I can stretch to twice a week. I use a cupcake scented one from Etsy, it's made out of clay and cornstarch.

May 2nd, 2015, 02:33 AM
I've never had much luck with dry shampoo and tend to fall into the category of just washing the bangs by themselves. Even if it doesn't last for more than a day, the difference in how refreshed it makes me look/feel is significant. If you get into a routine of washing only the bangs it will not seem like such a hassle. Good luck!