View Full Version : 1 step process to black

April 30th, 2015, 01:13 PM
I can't find if there is a thread already answering this. Is there a way to do a 1 step process to henna your hair blacK? I see that people make and use the henna and then make and use the indigo. Is that the only way?

April 30th, 2015, 02:20 PM
On the majority of the threads about Indigo, there are examples of one step and two step methods for Hendigo.

JellyBene explains her one step Indigo process on the second comment of this thread, although I'm sure there are many others where you can find a good one step process that suit*s* you. :o

April 30th, 2015, 02:32 PM
I think you can go pretty much the darkest possible with 3/4 indigo 1/4 henna. More and you'll only be doing indigo and that's not really recommended, I don't think. But do, *do* check out the link LadyLorien gave you and do some research as well.

April 30th, 2015, 06:34 PM
Ok thank u ladies.