View Full Version : Hairstick causing growth spurt?

April 27th, 2015, 12:52 AM
Just starting putting my hair up and had a sudden growth spurt. Is this normal? Scalp tension?

April 27th, 2015, 02:06 AM
You're giving me a lot of high hopes for this hair stick.

I'm thinking it may be just that your hair already grew quickly but having your hair up reduced your breakage. I don't think you should be having a lot of scalp tension on your head at all, though.

April 27th, 2015, 02:13 AM
There may be a slight increase in follicle stimulation from the daily manipulation and daily putting your hair up, or it could be from improved diet/exercise, or warmer weather. it could be any number of things, really. It may be retaining more length with keeping it up. It may be that you are noticing growth more now that you are concentrating on your hair more than you used to. I doubt that you could find out precisely what is causing your growth.

Just celebrate it:)

April 27th, 2015, 02:22 AM
I did just recently get my annual token day of sun, could be the D.

I use the stick to twist my hair up, and poke through to hold, so there is plenty of tension actually. But it's very even since the hairs can slide a little to share to pull.

April 27th, 2015, 07:28 AM
I'd blame spring, not the hair stick.

April 27th, 2015, 07:52 AM
I'm thinking length retention, too, if you're just noticing that it's getting longer. Wearing hair up makes a surprising amount of difference for a lot of folks.

April 27th, 2015, 07:57 AM
Maybe your hair was breaking before without your noticing, and now that you put it up more, you seemingly have more growth? Or maybe it's the spring, or the inversion method. Anyway congrats on getting nice spurt!!!

April 27th, 2015, 08:44 AM
Were you wearing your hair up at all before the hairstick? Or were you just wearing it down, or maybe in a pony? If you were not wearing it up at all before, then perhaps it is the hairstick.

When I first started growing my hair, I didn't realize I was doing that. I had simply found this ribbon with a hairnet under it, and started wearing my hair up in that hair net. Not that much time later, I suddenly realized it was down to my waist... and *then* I started purposely growing it. Protecting the ends made all the difference for me. Maybe it does for you too.

April 27th, 2015, 08:46 AM
Get me a hair stick! :run:

April 27th, 2015, 09:28 AM
Did you measure? How much growth is it?

chen bao jun
April 27th, 2015, 09:31 AM
Weighing in with those who say it was breaking off before and is now protected.

This is so common you wouldn't believe it, including among those of us (I was one) who did not notice any breakage and thought they had none.

I just thought my terminal length was bra strap.

A lot of people think their terminal length is brastrap, I notice, and that's actually rare, so I believe breakage is rife.

I know you are male but don't know the correct body marker to use for bra strap.
,which obviously in your case does not apply.

April 27th, 2015, 09:54 AM
Did you get your hairstick at Ollivanders? ;) I need a magic hair stick!

April 27th, 2015, 10:24 AM
I don't know why but since I put my hair up I've noticed growth too... Maybe it's because you don't see the length always? I somehow see that there is more when I let my hair fall in the evening... Then I think, wow... It's LOONG...

April 27th, 2015, 11:14 AM
Did you get your hairstick at Ollivanders? ;) I need a magic hair stick!
lol I was going to make this joke! i like how you think! :magic:

April 27th, 2015, 12:16 PM
Well, correlation does not equal causation. ;)

Assuming you measured your growth rates before and after beginning to use that hair stick correctly, there are still a few things that would need to be accounted for:
- Growth rate (going back around 3 months maybe?): seasonal changes, dietary changes, all health-related issues, scalp massages, etc.
- Length retention: recently beginning to put hair up, protect ends, changes in routine, like more conditioning/oiling, smooth pillowcases/sleep caps, smoother, better quality tools, like combs/brushes, etc.

In short, I'd probably first consider other factors that could be responsible for faster growth rate or better length retention. :flower:

April 27th, 2015, 12:22 PM
If a hairstick could do that, with the amount my hair is up, I'd need to have double my normal growth, right? Ya, I don't think so. I also think it's a coincidence. Just a fluke.