View Full Version : Help taming side hair!

April 10th, 2015, 12:13 PM
I have to admit it; I need help. I wear my hair up every single day. I have bangs which are intentionally cut short but I also have a relatively large (given how thin my hair is overall) patch of hairs above each ear that never seem to get any longer than chin length at the very longest. When I pull my hair back these inevitably pop out. I like the look of sideburn-type-things on a lot of people. But. Not. On. Me. Sadly, the difference between sideburns-popped-out and sideburns-slicked-back on me is like the difference between "Do we need to help that confused, disheveled-looking old lady find her way back to the nursing home" and "Maybe we should ask that wise-looking older lady for directions". Seriously. I kid you not. It's that bad.

So, I'm searching for a way to keep those side hairs down. DOWN! I used to use hairspray but I've given that up because I have thin fragile hair and putting the equivalent of glue on it causes damage. I've tried oil but it just pops out looking greasy. Less than attractive. I've also tried products with aloe but these tend to make it look dirty really fast and I only wash my hair every 5 days. If I wet it and slick it back it just frizzes and then pops out when it's dry. Agggh! :justy::brickwall:justy:

Help! Any suggestions would be appreciated!

April 10th, 2015, 01:02 PM
Mousse, some kind of styling paste (non-greasy), hair powder...? Side combs, waterfall braids, vintage style side styling (take hairs from one side, twist once, push forwad a little, pin)...?

April 10th, 2015, 01:17 PM
Braiding the sides into the rest of the hair? Good ol' bobby pins.

April 10th, 2015, 01:19 PM
Doesn't most mousse have alcohol? I only use amish pins 'cause the other kind tend to rip my hair out. Usually don't have time for braids in the morning. Haven't tried powder....Maybe....Are you talking dry shampoo?

April 10th, 2015, 01:26 PM
Pure Aloe Vera or flaxseed gel?
Wet combing?
One of these old styling pomades? Though they could contain bit alcohol, I'm not sure.

April 10th, 2015, 01:27 PM
Hair powder is similar to dry shampoo, but they are different products. Hair powder is more like a styling product.

It's weightless, and thus suits fine hair really well. It also gives lot of volume and makes hair look/feel thicker. You also only need very little, so it's cost effective (especially if you buy a cheaper brand - all price ranges has the same active ingredient and are more or less the same, I've read, so opt for cheaper).

It helps styles to stay, even on slippery hair, and also beefs up braids and buns, and can give volume at roots too. You can use it all of your hair or just at roots, or just at sides, or just at braid, etc. Fast to use too, and one application stays until hair is being shampooed: you'll just re-fluff the hair.

Only minus: you can defintely feel it in your hair. It makes hair feel producty and grippy, that's where it's effect is based upon. But it's not cemented feeling, and doesn't bother me even though I usually don't like to feel products in my hair.

Mousses come in different ingredients, there are alcohol free mousses too.

April 10th, 2015, 01:31 PM
Doesn't most mousse have alcohol? I only use amish pins 'cause the other kind tend to rip my hair out. Usually don't have time for braids in the morning. Haven't tried powder....Maybe....Are you talking dry shampoo?

Styling powder and dry shampoo are kind of similar, but styling powder (usually advertised as "volume-enhancing" or "texturizing") is a different product. You can sprinkle it on braids so that they don't fall apart when you "pancake" them. Occasionally I use it to help fluff my hair over my scalp cleavage. I'm not certain it would help you with the side hairs, but it might! It seems to make hairs want to stick to each other more, but without the glueing effect of hairspray.

April 10th, 2015, 01:40 PM
I'm going to have to check out that styling powder. I've never heard of it. I'm starting to feel hope here!!!!

April 10th, 2015, 02:15 PM
Seconding flax seed gel, plus a small goat hair brush to smooth hair back evenly. Its much gentler than a BBB.

April 10th, 2015, 02:17 PM
Hair powder is also called texturizing powder. Comes with many names, like gwenaly already said. Look for "Silica Silylate" in the inci list, that's the magic ingredient.

April 10th, 2015, 02:23 PM
Pure Aloe Vera or flaxseed gel?
Wet combing?

:agree: ^This.^
Find something that gives enough hold without leaving too much residue. I'd use heavily diluted aloe vera gel, flaxseed gel or okra gel, if you need a natural option.

April 10th, 2015, 02:32 PM
If you can find mini sized bobby pins, they might be handy!

First of all they are not as sturdy and stiff as the bigger ones, so they don't have as much squeezing power between the upper and lower parts. They are also easy to hide.

I don't know if it's the same thing for you as it's for me, but I've noticed bobby pins are most likely to snag my hair when I remove them. If I remove them in certain way, they come off easily without ripping or making a sound. I have previously described the method in detail, you can search my older posts if you want to read it (it was in a crown braid thread, can't remember exact title).

April 10th, 2015, 03:04 PM
I've seen videos for making flax seed gel and thought about trying it. How long does it last?

April 10th, 2015, 04:02 PM
Click-clack type toys, like these:

April 10th, 2015, 05:12 PM
I've seen videos for making flax seed gel and thought about trying it. How long does it last?

It lasted me a few days, then I tossed it... It kind of depends a bit on the temperature of your fridge and how much product you make, how watery it is, if you add vitamin E, preservatives, etc... It's not a long-lasting product, so I wouldn't make too much... But some people freeze it successfully, without texture problems on thawing... if I'm not mistaken, Wildcat Diva had success with freezing it. :)

I like this recipe (but I made a lot less and more watery): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWaH8GIbLrM

Here's a recent thread on flaxseed gel: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=130357

April 10th, 2015, 05:40 PM
:agree: ^This.^
Find something that gives enough hold without leaving too much residue. I'd use heavily diluted aloe vera gel, flaxseed gel or okra gel, if you need a natural option.

Hah, okra gel is new to me, but it totally does make sense. Hopping onto the search to find how it is made. :D

April 10th, 2015, 05:48 PM
Okay, thanx meteor! I'm definitely going to have to try this. I like the idea of making a bunch and freezing it in ice cube trays too.

April 10th, 2015, 06:00 PM
I've been using this headband (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/headband-child-adult) and a few other types I've knitted up lately to help with taming escapee fly-aways.

April 10th, 2015, 06:31 PM
Thanks. For starting this thread lunasea. I have the exact same issue with crazy side hairs. I just bought some styling powder this week to try and add volume to my fine hair no day three and try and extend washes out so will give it a go on the crazies!! Thanks for everyone's thoughts.

April 11th, 2015, 03:16 PM
OK. I made the flax seed gel today. It went a lot easier than I expected. Other than a mishap at the end when my nylon started to break it was pretty smooth. I added some rosemary and yling-ylang oil since that's what I had in the house. It smelled really good when I was done and I was surprised by the texture. I expected it to be heavier and more gooey than it was but it was light and seemed to disappear into my hair. I'll report later on how it held. I just left a little in the fridge (about a tablespoon) 'cause I don't have much hair so I don't need much product. I froze the rest as was suggested on the thread meteor provided the link to (thanx). I kinda like this stuff so much I can see making it even if it doesn't have great hold. I really like natural products and this came out way better than I expected. :thumbsup:

April 11th, 2015, 03:34 PM
I got some side combs from Walgreens that work for me.

April 11th, 2015, 07:05 PM
Since I have fine wavy hair I have those things too..

I use this stuff called "blue magic" which is an olive oil and ect mix, which is actually pastel green. It really is magic and leaves the hair soft. I take a small amount rub it in my palms so they have some on it but its very thin, and SLOWLY (its very important to do it slowly) slide it back before my bun is secure (when youre making the base pony. ) Its important to do it first and not after your done too, or else it still has a poofed look no matter what you do if you do it after. There will ineveitable be some teensy bits that dont wanna stay, instead of forcing these, use the same blue magicked hands to slowly tuck them behind your ears. Doing everything slow with hair makes it come out smoother...