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April 9th, 2015, 02:10 AM
Hey guys I'm having great success with detangling with fingers starting from bottom to top, this way no breakage , with plenty of conditioner Im pleased with this method thought I'd share

April 9th, 2015, 06:20 AM
I have been finger detangling for a year or so. It has worked well. I've noticed less damage as well. I sometimes twist the hair while finger detangling when dealing with more tangled areas.

April 9th, 2015, 07:27 AM
I've finger detangled for years. I guess I thought everyone did. I sleep with my hair down most of the time and finger detangle when I get up. I also do it after washing. After finger detangling I use a very wide tooth comb to finish off.

April 9th, 2015, 07:44 AM
Finger detangling always frustrated me... I was always one who was just very patient with my comb. Even when not using a wide tooth comb, I always worked very slow to detangle my hair. I have never understood how people could rip brushes or combs through their hair!

April 9th, 2015, 07:53 AM
I started finger detangling 9 months ago and I'm loving it. Especially when I do it relaxing in the tub. I was never fond of those spikey brushes. They felt as if someone was grasping my hair in their fist and pulling so it was painful. I'd try years ago when someone would gift me one of them then discard it in seconds.

April 9th, 2015, 08:56 AM
This method increased mechanical damage because my hair matts so easily. So I forego it.

April 9th, 2015, 10:36 AM
Finger detangling always frustrated me... I was always one who was just very patient with my comb. Even when not using a wide tooth comb, I always worked very slow to detangle my hair. I have never understood how people could rip brushes or combs through their hair!

I detangle using both my fingers and a wide tooth comb.... I cringe every time I watch my 13 year old daughter brush her hair because she's the kind that just rips a brush through her hair and doesn't care. I've tried explaining how detangling will help prevent damage but I may as well be talking to the wall. :brickwall

April 9th, 2015, 10:36 AM
I wish I could solely use this method for detangling my hair, but my hair loves itself a bit too much and my hands alone are not patient nor strong enough to un-knot it. However, after braiding, finger combing does wonders and I agree, no breakage!

April 9th, 2015, 10:43 AM
Finger detangling squiks me. I've seen too many friends do this ... in the car, at the table, in the kitchen, wherever they happen to be, leaving shed hairs everywhere.

I work from the ends up with my widetooth comb and then my brush.

April 9th, 2015, 11:19 AM
I finger detangle before and during refreshing my waves with water. I do detangle with a wide toothed comb in the shower still. It helps to remove shed hairs better.

April 9th, 2015, 07:38 PM
This detangling has minimised any damage and my hair feels its best I never thought much of finger detangling but u must try I love it

April 9th, 2015, 07:48 PM
Finger combing is my BEST FRIEND EVER.

Since my hair's wavy, normal combs pull my waves out really fast and also tend to make my hair frizz. Finger-combing? Godsend. Better waves, less frizz, AND less tangling due to the first two!

April 10th, 2015, 02:03 AM
I only detangle with my fingers when my hair is really knotty and I'm too tired/lazy to reach for my wide-toothed comb. It's not very effective for my hair but it does help a bit. My hair just loves combs so much more.

April 10th, 2015, 03:13 AM
I personally hate finger detangling. Sometimes rake through my dry hair, but a full thourough detangling session needs a comb in my case. Also i cant stand wet strands coated in conditioner between my fingers and then shedhairs clinging all over my hands. It grosses me out for some reason. :/

April 10th, 2015, 03:31 AM
I like to brush with my wet brush but before using any form of brush I'm saving some many knotted hairs patience is req but it's worth it x

April 10th, 2015, 11:47 AM
I use my horn comb with normal teeth for detangling just before a shower, and then after a shower to comb my leave-ins through it. Wide toothed combs don't do enough for my scalp, and I use Dutch braids to keep my hair wavy after a shower anyway.

April 10th, 2015, 01:31 PM
I finger combed with nothing else for about 5 years (long hair), when it was short I dont even remember owing a comb or a brush .... I have just started with a bamboo brush and a regular paddle brush just to make my hair smoother and nice straight (aka avoid clumps and stringiness).
So yeah great it works for a lot of people its easier and very hard to get breakage this way.

April 10th, 2015, 02:21 PM
I'm convinced that if you can get away with only finger-detangling (i.e., your hair doesn't tangle much), it reduces damage. I only use a brush for styling purposes.

April 10th, 2015, 02:34 PM
I wish I could solely finger-comb, but a wide-tooth comb is really necessary for me (at least for my face-framing canopy hair that likes to tangle)... I think I like a wide-tooth comb because the teeth are thinner than my fingers so they can detangle dense areas better.
But the good news is that a wide-tooth comb is literally all I ever need for detangling & styling.

Lady Katherine
April 10th, 2015, 03:53 PM
I use both finger combing and regular combing. Finger combing is gentler, but it seems to take me longer. So yes to finger detangling!

April 10th, 2015, 07:40 PM
...I cant stand wet strands coated in conditioner between my fingers and then shedhairs clinging all over my hands. It grosses me out for some reason. :/

I only finger detangle with my hair wet. My curly hair tangles just looking at it. Not sure if I'm doing it right, but I hardly get any snaps of broken hair. I just try to be as gentle as possible.

Washing my hair in the shower is chore for me & the hair everywhere is annoying. I wash my hair 2-3 times a week & have lot of sheds. I still haven't fully gotten used to the feeling of shampoo or conditioner coated hair trapped in my facial hair & parts "down there". I've got a bit of long hair OCD and can't use my bar soap or hands, until I clean them off. Can't stand them stuck to my feet also. I toss and kick sheds to the shower wall. I have to wait for them to dry to clean them up, or use a paper towel.

April 11th, 2015, 01:30 AM
I finger detangle 99% of the time. I occasionally go in with a seamless wide tooth comb after deep conditioning (conditioner still in hair). When I finger detangle, I put a small amount of conditioner on each little section and steam it in dry with a handheld steamer. Then I pull out all the shed hairs.

It's greatly reduced breakage.

April 11th, 2015, 06:34 AM
I personally don't like finger detangling, as I feel it doesn't really detangle anything (to my taste). I mainly use it to separate my hair and facilitate air drying after I wash, so it doesn't "keep together" and make thick agglomerated strands, which I hate. To me, detangle mean "total detangling", lol. I.e. all single strand of hair moves free from its companions, and the full mass of hair looks like one single piece of soft cloth. To my taste, my hair is perfect when it looks like our Sarahlabyrinth's : perfectly brushed look, giving the air that so soft incomparable silky fluidity. I don't like at all how my hair looks messy and untamed when I wake up : with lots of thick wave strands, separated one from another (even if other people love it). Actually, I think that it is very difficult to achieve the clean look I want, only by finger combing. That's why finger detangling has been for me just a mere drying tool until now^^... but who knows... I may not have perceived all the secret sides of it yet...! ^^

April 11th, 2015, 09:47 AM
I use finger detangling along with a wide-tooth comb.

Finger detangling can get out stubborn tangles (usually caused by lint). The comb handles the rest.

April 13th, 2015, 01:35 AM
Finger detangling does not work for me. Whenever I use this method somehow my knots get worse and worse until I can take a comb or brush to it. Baffling.

April 13th, 2015, 07:01 AM
Timely thread for me, as I've just washed my hair and spent a ridiculous amount of time detangling and airdrying it.

Finger detangling always frustrated me... I was always one who was just very patient with my comb. Even when not using a wide tooth comb, I always worked very slow to detangle my hair. I have never understood how people could rip brushes or combs through their hair!

Maybe you are like me, very scalp-sensitive? I absolutely can't understand how anyone can use a comb or a brush without holding the hair so it doesn't pull on the scalp if it hits a snag.

And holding your hair so the detangling/combing/brushing motion isn't transmitted all the way to the scalp is somehow more difficult if you are using your fingers to detangle - or at least it is for me, because I like to use both hands for the actual combing motion.

This method increased mechanical damage because my hair matts so easily. So I forego it.

I fear my hair is similar, I actually *like* finger detangling, but it just doesn't work very well. My hair instantly wants to tangle again. So I mainly just use it when drying my hair, to get air to different parts of it, and a little bit to prepare it for proper detangling (with a tangle teezer), and for

I wish I could solely use this method for detangling my hair, but my hair loves itself a bit too much and my hands alone are not patient nor strong enough to un-knot it. However, after braiding, finger combing does wonders and I agree, no breakage!

I seldom braid, but when I do I've noticed that I if I unbraid carefully I only need to detangle the last bit with a comb and can do the rest with my fingers. But chaos ensues if I try to run my fingers through my unbraided hair before I work a fair bit on the ends. If I haven't used cones on my hair I actually need to detangle the ends many times while unbraiding - my hair just wants to tangle as soon as it is moved in any way:mad:

BTW, when you all write about finger detangling, you mean running your hands through your hair, right? Not working on knots, separating out one hair at a time? I have to do quite a lot of that unless I more or less cover my hair in cones and keep it as still as possible. Seriously, moving the part from left to right is sometimes enough for knots like that to form.

April 13th, 2015, 07:15 AM
This method increased mechanical damage because my hair matts so easily. So I forego it.

Finger detangling squiks me. I've seen too many friends do this ... in the car, at the table, in the kitchen, wherever they happen to be, leaving shed hairs everywhere.

I work from the ends up with my widetooth comb and then my brush.

I only detangle with my fingers when my hair is really knotty and I'm too tired/lazy to reach for my wide-toothed comb. It's not very effective for my hair but it does help a bit. My hair just loves combs so much more.

I personally hate finger detangling. Sometimes rake through my dry hair, but a full thourough detangling session needs a comb in my case. Also i cant stand wet strands coated in conditioner between my fingers and then shedhairs clinging all over my hands. It grosses me out for some reason. :/

I wish I could solely finger-comb, but a wide-tooth comb is really necessary for me (at least for my face-framing canopy hair that likes to tangle)... I think I like a wide-tooth comb because the teeth are thinner than my fingers so they can detangle dense areas better.
But the good news is that a wide-tooth comb is literally all I ever need for detangling & styling.

I personally don't like finger detangling, as I feel it doesn't really detangle anything (to my taste). I mainly use it to separate my hair and facilitate air drying after I wash, so it doesn't "keep together" and make thick agglomerated strands, which I hate. To me, detangle mean "total detangling", lol. I.e. all single strand of hair moves free from its companions, and the full mass of hair looks like one single piece of soft cloth. To my taste, my hair is perfect when it looks like our Sarahlabyrinth's : perfectly brushed look, giving the air that so soft incomparable silky fluidity. I don't like at all how my hair looks messy and untamed when I wake up : with lots of thick wave strands, separated one from another (even if other people love it). Actually, I think that it is very difficult to achieve the clean look I want, only by finger combing. That's why finger detangling has been for me just a mere drying tool until now^^... but who knows... I may not have perceived all the secret sides of it yet...! ^^

Finger detangling does not work for me. Whenever I use this method somehow my knots get worse and worse until I can take a comb or brush to it. Baffling.

I'm with these people. Finger combing just doesn't cut it for me. I need to use a real comb otherwise my hair turns into a matted dangled mess that's far from pretty.

April 13th, 2015, 09:18 AM
I finger detangle 99% of the time. I occasionally go in with a seamless wide tooth comb after deep conditioning (conditioner still in hair). When I finger detangle, I put a small amount of conditioner on each little section and steam it in dry with a handheld steamer. Then I pull out all the shed hairs.

It's greatly reduced breakage.

This is very interesting! :D I'm very curious about steamers. :) So the steamer helps you reduce breakage? Is it by softening the hair with steam and helping conditioner penetrate and spread over hair better? Can one overdo it? What temperature setting are you using?

I seldom braid, but when I do I've noticed that I if I unbraid carefully I only need to detangle the last bit with a comb and can do the rest with my fingers. But chaos ensues if I try to run my fingers through my unbraided hair before I work a fair bit on the ends. If I haven't used cones on my hair I actually need to detangle the ends many times while unbraiding - my hair just wants to tangle as soon as it is moved in any way:mad:

BTW, when you all write about finger detangling, you mean running your hands through your hair, right? Not working on knots, separating out one hair at a time? I have to do quite a lot of that unless I more or less cover my hair in cones and keep it as still as possible. Seriously, moving the part from left to right is sometimes enough for knots like that to form.

Yes, that's what I assumed too :agree: : the raking motion with fingers rather than just working out knots. I'm sure many people have to do the latter even if they don't finger-detangle.

As for braiding, I think I use it as a way of preventing tangles by sectioning hair. After all, if you only do just one English braid, that's already sectioning hair into 3 parts! :) I pretty much live in braids. All my updos are braided (they prevent tangles beautifully!), I sleep with hair braided, and I even wash my hair in braids - I'm afraid of dealing with my tangle-prone hair when it's not orderly and not forced into sections at this length. :lol:

April 13th, 2015, 11:35 AM
I am all about that finger combing. I haven't owned a comb in years:bigeyes:

April 13th, 2015, 11:40 AM
Timely thread for me, as I've just washed my hair and spent a ridiculous amount of time detangling and airdrying it.

Maybe you are like me, very scalp-sensitive? I absolutely can't understand how anyone can use a comb or a brush without holding the hair so it doesn't pull on the scalp if it hits a snag.

And holding your hair so the detangling/combing/brushing motion isn't transmitted all the way to the scalp is somehow more difficult if you are using your fingers to detangle - or at least it is for me, because I like to use both hands for the actual combing motion.

I fear my hair is similar, I actually *like* finger detangling, but it just doesn't work very well. My hair instantly wants to tangle again. So I mainly just use it when drying my hair, to get air to different parts of it, and a little bit to prepare it for proper detangling (with a tangle teezer), and for

I seldom braid, but when I do I've noticed that I if I unbraid carefully I only need to detangle the last bit with a comb and can do the rest with my fingers. But chaos ensues if I try to run my fingers through my unbraided hair before I work a fair bit on the ends. If I haven't used cones on my hair I actually need to detangle the ends many times while unbraiding - my hair just wants to tangle as soon as it is moved in any way:mad:

BTW, when you all write about finger detangling, you mean running your hands through your hair, right? Not working on knots, separating out one hair at a time? I have to do quite a lot of that unless I more or less cover my hair in cones and keep it as still as possible. Seriously, moving the part from left to right is sometimes enough for knots like that to form.

For me it's separating out the tangles one at a time including working on knots. I don't run my hands through the hair because that could cause breakage on my damp hair with my tight curls.

April 13th, 2015, 12:09 PM
Yes this is how I detangle, almost unconsciously--my steps of cowash automatically lead to detangled hair without much thinking on my part. I do a final run through with a comb but that is mostly to ensure hair falls natually and remove any sheds that are still clinging.

April 13th, 2015, 04:41 PM
BTW, when you all write about finger detangling, you mean running your hands through your hair, right? Not working on knots, separating out one hair at a time? I have to do quite a lot of that unless I more or less cover my hair in cones and keep it as still as possible. Seriously, moving the part from left to right is sometimes enough for knots like that to form.

Yes, this is what I do, when I'm washing/conditioning and afterward to help it dry, and also randomly during the day. I get knots that need to be detangled very, very rarely, but when I do I still use my fingers to untie them.

I get that it doesn't work for everyone, but I think if you *can* only finger-detangle, it's less damaging. And also it helps me get in touch with my hair, in a funny way. It just keeps me very familiar with what's going on with it.

April 13th, 2015, 07:46 PM
I'm not a big fan of finger detangling. I feel like I pull out a lot more hair when using my fingers even if I get less breakage. And no matter how well I detangle with my fingers, I always find tangles when I go over it afterward with a comb.

April 13th, 2015, 07:51 PM
I do massage and finger-comb a small amount of conditioner through my hair after washing, but otherwise I don't like finger detangling because my hair seems to cling to my fingers.

April 16th, 2015, 12:38 PM
fingers is my best friends... I do use a wide tooth comb once a day...
I try thought to not finger comb my hair when other people can see... And it bugs me when other girls do that and throw their hair all other the place...