View Full Version : Big chop

March 6th, 2015, 08:50 AM
Last week I had quite a bit of length chopped off. It's sad but my hair was in such a state I couldn't bear people seeing it loose. Even around my boyfriend I would rush to get it combed out to put it back in a bun as I felt it looked so awful.
My hair is fine and breaks easily. I had really abused it with neglect, just wearing it in a onytail every day letting that get blown around by the wind etc and ripping tangles out with a brush, all hings we know are awful to do. I also had neglected oiling it for a long time.

It was not long by LHC standards but was mid back length, not that far from waist. The thing is the length was so thin and broken it didn't really feel that length. It's now cut back to a little below my shoulders, my main stipulation was that it needed to be long enough to tie back into a bun. Growing has not been a fun journey for me. When I first joined here over 10 years ago my main issue was growing out chemical damage but thickness wasn't an issue. It required a lot of care and TLH and god how I moaned about it but I had no idea how lucky I was. It grew to just past my waist with decent enough thickness that I got comments and compliments on it.
Since then things changed, I lost a lot of hair in 2007 due to medical issues and since then getting my old hair back has been at best an uphill struggle but mostly an impossible task.

My hair hates benign neglect, if I want it to grow nicely it seems I have to work at it every day. Oiling my scalp, massage, BBBing, treatments etc. Even then it's not guaranteed I'll get the results I'm hoping for. That is why I keep not bothering but I'm hoping this recent chop combined with renewed motivation to do the things that have worked in the past will allow me to grow at least a bit longer before my hair starts to look bad.
The annoying thing is my hair is actually quite nice, it's shiny and very silky feeling.

Anyway I just figured I'd share that and vent a little but I'm also interested to hear how others stay motivated when it feels like their hair just will not improve?

March 6th, 2015, 09:02 AM
Honestly, when my hair gets to a certain length, it becomes so coarse and unmanageable that I always end up cutting it. My hairtype recently changed, so I am hoping this time it will be easier to manage, but I'm only at ear/longish pixie and the coarseness is already starting to show. That being said, I have weathered the frustrations before, usually in trying to remind myself that it's a long journey, but it will be much longer if I keep quitting.

March 6th, 2015, 10:00 AM
Ah yes, I can imagine growing out coarse thicker hair from short must be difficult. I hope you find ways to make the transition phases easier.