View Full Version : Central Florida barber/salon recommendations?

February 11th, 2015, 02:05 PM
It's time for my annual trim for my birthday! I'm about to be 30 this year, wow.

I'm back in Florida, so I can't go to the fantastic lady in Colorado that I saw last year (Jess at Cuttin' Up in Longmont, CO). She was a recommendation from a co-worker, and she was so fantastic, I figured I'd ask for another recommendation.
Jess knew how to deal with long hair- she washed it gently and combed it, she asked about my routine and didn't bat an eye when I told her I wash it once a week, and she suggested techniques I'd only learned on this forum- shampooing the scalp area and conditioning the length, CWC, all kinds of things. She was able to fix the issue I'd had since last year's cut of my ends never staying in a braid anymore, and told me to request "feathering" in the future- apparently every stylist I'd ever had in my life automatically did that except for that one guy before I met Jess!

Anyway, please recommend your best stylist to me for my special Birthday Haircut!
Eastern central Florida- So Palatka, Deland, Daytona, Orlando, maybe as far north as Jacksonville if they are really truly amazing. I don't really know what is out West but I'll go that way too.

February 11th, 2015, 06:37 PM
Anyone? I tried to make the title as clear as possible but 47 people viewed and have nothing to share? :(

Wildcat Diva
February 11th, 2015, 08:09 PM
Sorry dear, I'm in Texas. Good luck!

February 11th, 2015, 10:10 PM
I'm not any where near Florida, but maybe you can get in touch with Jess and see if she knows anyone down there?

February 12th, 2015, 09:50 AM
Hehe, if I remember right, she's never left Colorado.
So far, the plan is to go to A Cut Above (if they are still there). My husband had a stylist he loved that went to a Hair Cutter in WalMart, then moved to another state. Her mom owns another little shop. I don't know anything other than that, but no one else seems to either.

My Aunt has a stylist she said was "pricey" and has to book 6 months in advance. I can't even imagine...

I suppose I'll learn to cut it myself for next year, and just have my husband wash my hair in the sink for me for the pampering effect.