View Full Version : Cut Your Own, or Stylist?

January 31st, 2015, 01:18 AM
Do you prefer to cut your own hair, or do you prefer to go to a stylist? Why?

I'm a little traumatized after I went to a stylist the better part of a decade ago for a roughly up to BSL cut and she chopped above shoulder by grabbing my ponytail and lopping it off. Since I can pull my hair forward I just tug it over my shoulders for trims, and recently tried out the ponytail layer trick -- didn't really see any layers but I did get a couple of inches of damage trimmed off with great trepidation. I also recently tried cutting my own side-swept bangs and was really, really pleased with the result.

So what about you? :toast:

January 31st, 2015, 01:52 AM
I prefer cutting my own hair. Hairdressers always want to give me layers, so that updos and braids become more difficult. And I also like doing things myself when possible.

Right no I'm only at SL, so benign neglect and no-trim it is :meditate:

January 31st, 2015, 02:01 AM
I prefer cutting my hair myself as much as possible. Usually I shave the sides and neck myself, with a bit of help from mom with trimming the hair closest to the longer portion of my hair. But when I want my hair evened out I go to my hairdresser and have a cut. I might need one soon since I cut a bit of my longer hair off when I cut my hair last time...

January 31st, 2015, 02:53 AM
I will cut my hair for simple things like trims or blocky layers and face framing. But if I want it styled and to look good from all perspectives...I'd go to a good stylist.

When I'm done growing my length, I plan to go to a stylist and get some layers professionally put in, especially around the face and sides.

January 31st, 2015, 03:01 AM
I trim it myself because hairdressers have many times failed to cut it the way I've asked. Plus, they're a little too happy with their scissors and eager to chop things off. I once agreed to getting layers because I was told it would help "frame my face"... let's just say it didn't turn out that way at all. :( I don't like them constantly trying to tell me everything that's "wrong" with my hair.

January 31st, 2015, 03:37 AM
I do it myself with feye's method. Maybe I'll go to a hair stylist in the future when I've reached my goal... But for now, no thank you. They always cut too much.

January 31st, 2015, 03:44 AM
I agree with the others about hairstylists being too eager to cut. It has happened to many times to me too. I've told them I want it a certain way, like cutting off the split ends (say 1-2cm) but they cut almost 10cm. I refused to go to a hairstylist in my teens against my mothers wishes. "Your hair is too long" etc. Well, mom, my hair, my choice. Nowadays I do what I wrote in my first post above.

January 31st, 2015, 04:05 AM
my professional haircuts ALWAYS turned out wonky, not really shorter than expected at first, but eventually they needed to be evened out... by myself. sooo nearest conclusion for me was that if they can mess up for me to correct it, i can do that to myself for free. i have not been for a cut in years, and before the last big chop which i didnt dare to do myself it also has been years before that.
center part > pull each side to the front > comb out > stand straight and hack off horizontally.
thats really all i do. i have some shorter pieces in the front where my bangs grew out, so i grab them individually and snip off the wispies at an angle, so they blend from waist down to the ends.
i dont see how anyone would do that and make it look better, so i dont think i will waste money on salons in the future, unless i want a comlicated updo or something.

January 31st, 2015, 04:10 AM
I cut it myself, and I love doing it! I also tend to cut some of my family members' hair and my DBF's. I've been cutting my family members' hair since I was ~12 (when I made a not very good cut on my baby sister, but luckily I got much better with practice).

That's one reason to why I'm in the no trimming challenge this year, otherwise I might cut off too much as it's so much fun to cut hair. ^o^

January 31st, 2015, 04:25 AM
Haven't been to a hair dresser in well over a year, although I do plan on visiting one by the end of this year; I've been doing my own trims. I have never had a bad trim experience at a salon because I usually REALLY emphasize that I literally only want quarter to half an inch taken off. One time I did get one woman who irritatingly tried to get me to let her cut more, but I firmly told her no. Ain't nobody got time fo that!

January 31st, 2015, 04:39 AM
I have mainly good experiences with hair stylists so I would prefer to have a stylist do the trimming. But sometimes I'll do it myself using Faye's method. Couple of days ago I cut just a tiny bit off, less than an inch.

January 31st, 2015, 04:54 AM
Hairdressers try to convince me that my hair needs to be thinned out and/or layered a particular way based on what's in style instead of what I want. I've never had an issue with one cutting off too much, but I also haven't been to one since I started growing my hair out for real. I've been home-trimming with help from my mom since my hair was long enough to put in a low ponytail for trims at shoulder/collarbone length.

January 31st, 2015, 05:18 AM
Haven't trimmed since November 2013 when my mom cut layers into my waist-length hair with the compact cut method for layers (one-snip off of a ponytail that's on your forehead no less :lol:).

I don't go to a stylist, use the methods that exist but have my mom trim it for me for evenness (and because of disability).

Chamomile betty
January 31st, 2015, 05:23 AM
I admire anyone who can do their own hair. I go to a barber. She knows exactly what I mean by the word 'trim'. I don't know where I'd go if she closed up shop.

January 31st, 2015, 05:48 AM
I have never had a bad experience with a hairdresser, still I prefer to cut my own hair. It's more convenient. I can do it whenever I want, in my own bathroom. I never have to worry about loosing too much length, and I never have to worry about rough treatment. And it is so easy.

January 31st, 2015, 05:50 AM
I've had bad stylist experiences like most of us. I've been fortunate to have had some great stylists in recent years. I'm capable of taking care of my face framing layers and doing a Feye trim but I'd rather go to a salon and have it done. I'm going for color every 2-3 months so I have her trim it at that time. She's never cut too much and always does exactly what I want. We always have a good talk about any hair issues I've been having and my future hair goals. I think it turns out much better than when I was trimming my own hair. Besides I always get an awesome blow dry. I seem to be incapable of blow drying my hair like they do in a salon so it's a real treat to have it done for me.

January 31st, 2015, 05:59 AM
I'm too stingy to go to the salon. I do miss going but I'm able to self trim and save money. I do love saving money.

January 31st, 2015, 06:12 AM
theres is only one hair stylist in this world i have seen and find totally fascinating. his name is kenneth siu, are salon is in ausrralia though, i found it through youtube. omg, just watching you can tell he got skills and precision, but also an understanding and much respect for the client.

but still... meh!! i would much prefer a longhair crazy "amateur" friend who woul like to help me with treatment or henndigo amd i do theirs and them we have coffee and talk about all the nasty results other people had at the salon, lol.

January 31st, 2015, 06:40 AM
I have had good experiences and bad with hairdressers. Over the last few years, I have found a few stylists I like. I also don't like going to chain and trendy salons, but somewhere I know they have a more varied clientele. Funny you should bring this up now, I am actually going today to get my hair cut; nothing major just a few inches off to get back to WL and to even out the hemline. I have had layers for a few years now and love them, but I also miss not having so many ends stick out of my buns. Last time around, he cut too many layers in so this time, the effect will be softer. I am looking to maintain somewhere around WL and HL, but closer to WL. My hair becomes too heavy if I were to maintain it's full length at this marker. Been there, done that...not too pragmatic for ME. I only go to get my hair trimmed or cut maybe 1-2 times of year max (kind of averages out every 8-9 mos or so).

I used to cut my own hair when I was a teen, but working in an office, I can't afford to look unkempt and unprofessional so I would rather have a stylist do something for me that will not make my hair draw unwanted attention.

January 31st, 2015, 06:44 AM
I do it myself with feye's method or get a family member to do it occasionally. Its a simple cut I'm after but if i wanted something more complicated i would probably go to a salon.

January 31st, 2015, 07:12 AM
I can't wait for my first self-trim in January 2016. I always used to go to the salon and most of the times I wasn't happy with a cut or blow dry and had to fix it myself ;-) I might give it a go and visit George Michael long hair salon in London one day when my hair is actually long :-)

January 31st, 2015, 07:19 AM
I cut my hair myself, have been doing so for years. I mostly use the ponytail method, but I may try some other methods later. I have no traumas from hairdressers, since the one I used to go is AMAZING and always listened what I wanted and if she did something else, she always had a very good reason for doing so. I'm just lazy and want to save money (and I live in another city now, and didn't want to change my hairdresser). Besides, the longer my hair gets, the easier it is to cut.

January 31st, 2015, 07:22 AM
I do my own, but it's really more out of laziness than past trauma. I never liked going in to get it cut, all the funny smells, whatever. When I was living at home, I pretty much didn't do it till my mom declared that I was due for a cut, made an appointment, and trundled me off to the hairdresser. After I moved out, I got a couple cuts, maybe annually or so. Then I stumbled across LHC, decided to grow my hair out longer, and learned how to trim my own. Funnily, my hair is probably getting more trims now than it used to. They just aren't lopping off inches and inches each time.

ETA: It's worth saying: I find having some stranger touching my hair -- washing it, whatever -- to be weird rather than relaxing. Don't see much point in paying for that.

January 31st, 2015, 07:56 AM
I like trimming my own hair. It's free and easy, so why not. I also cut my husband's hair--his hair has never looked better. There was once we went shopping, and someone was like oh, you hair looks great(to my husband), and he was like yea, my wife cuts it for me!

January 31st, 2015, 08:31 AM
Mix of both, I guess? If I need a trim, I'll do it myself, but my mom is a cosmetologist, so she does the actual cut, if I want to cut a few inches off.

January 31st, 2015, 08:40 AM
I prefer going to a stylist when I can afford it. I've had good luck so far. And a good friend of mine is a cosmetologist, so I go to her for all my beauty needs. Except my bangs. She won't do them, so I did those myself.

January 31st, 2015, 09:22 AM
I prefer cutting it myself because if I mess up I can only blame myself and I do have some trust issues when it comes to my hair :blush: though my step-aunt (not officially because my mom and her boyfriend aren't married, but I consider him my step-dad) has a salon and I trust her. So both I guess, but I am picky. :p

January 31st, 2015, 10:33 AM
I've been trimming my hair myself for over 3 years now; I doubt I'll go back to the hairdresser for this, since I can do it myself with good results. Besides, I know how much I want to cut and I don't end up with something else.

January 31st, 2015, 10:41 AM
Hairdresser. I've never had a problem that wasn't created by my own idiocy at the time. I've done a few self-trims and have a hard time getting it even...which annoys me to no end. So, stylist every time. They do exactly what I want, every time. (I'm pretty assertive, and am explicit in my instructions. Probably helps that I teach 8th grade, so getting people to do what I want when they may have other ideas is pretty standard for me.)

January 31st, 2015, 10:43 AM
I do both, mostly self-cut in the past year+. I'm a poor college student now; no money for the extras like salon visits.

January 31st, 2015, 10:50 AM
Currently I'm trying to grow out all my layers and fringe parts (I used to have a fairly complicated hairstyle) and I would be reluctant to go to a hairdresser as they would most likely want to trim them back in. I also plan on doing my own microtrims/S&Ding as my hair grows. My old hairdresser is lovely and always tried her best to do what I wanted, buuuuut she's a family friend and honestly I wouldn't trust her with long hair as she tends to only deal with shorter hair.

January 31st, 2015, 11:39 AM
Most of the time I trim my own bangs, since I can keep the length just where I want it by taking off a small amount whenever I like. I have a cowlick in the front, and unless my bangs are trimmed dry, it shows up. Most hairdressers balk at that because they say it dulls their shears. I do go to a salon to get the scragglies trimmed off the bottom of my hair a few times a year.

January 31st, 2015, 11:42 AM
I cut my own.

January 31st, 2015, 11:46 AM
Trim it myself. Had a HORRIBLE experience in October 2013 and I just trimmed mine yesterday, including layers. It's at waist length so I can easily do it myself.

January 31st, 2015, 12:01 PM
Whenever I've gotten a haircut it's been by a stylist. I usually go to cheap places like SuperCuts and they seem to do what I say rather than having their own stubborn, fashionable ideas of what I should look like.

I like the idea of trimming it myself, but most of the methods I've seen either give a V hemline, or need longer hair to be doable. I'm not trimming this year, so I don't have to worry about it for a while thankfully!

January 31st, 2015, 12:18 PM
I was thinking to get my only trim this year this month by my hairdresser. But the agien i want to cut/trim it my self so i feel i have more control. It havent been till now that my hair starts te feel "long" for me that is;) So i just orderd the Creaclip thing so i can get help from my hubby to trim it. I think i have BSL now, but i don`t know if i can do a good job by trimming it by my self.

Has anyone tried the Creaclip?

Five of Five
January 31st, 2015, 12:23 PM
I wish I could cut my own, but unfortunately despite a lot of effort, my own hair-cutting skills leave a lot to be desired. I think part of the problem is that it is ultra-fine and blonde, so small sections of hair can be almost invisible, especially combined with bad eye sight.

Thankfully, the lady I go to who cuts my hair is very professional! She has been helping me with my hair since it was around APL, so she appreciates exactly how long I've been set on growing it! For reference, I'll show you the photos I posted in the "waist - tailbone" thread.

Photo 1 - Self Trim. I left it looking like this for a long time because I thought I'd butcher my hair trying to even it out:


Photo 2 - Salon Trim. She fixed my prior mistake while salvaging as much of my ends as possible:


January 31st, 2015, 12:38 PM
I haven't had a professional cut in something like 7 years. The cheap salons always messed up my hair, and I would just have to fix it myself anyway. I'm too stingy to pay for high end salons ;)

4 years ago when I wanted to go from BSL to SL I did it myself. That way I could cut it dry, and cut each curl separately. The results were fantastic! Then after I had my first child I was too busy to spend that much time, and started using the high ponytail method to maintain at APL with layers. Now that I've decided to grow there's no trimming for 2015, but at some point the idea is to start micro trimming with Faye's method to get rid of the layers and get a deep v hemline.

January 31st, 2015, 12:48 PM
I do cut my own hair to be able to choose how much I cut and to save money. Admittedly I'm not very skilled. I like layers but I can't cut them myself, haha, my hair is pretty wonky now because I tried.. but I don't mind as long as it doesn't look horrible. Waves and braidwaves hide a lot.
I trim 1-2 cm when I feel my ends are too tangly and scraggly and split (bleach damage!). I think I will try to trim out my "layers" over the year and then I might go to a hairdresser to get them cut back in professionally.

January 31st, 2015, 03:28 PM
I used to get my hair cut by a stylist. Over time, it made me increasingly anxious though. Why should I have to correct a haircut that I just paid for? I would much rather have it be wonky because I cut it myself than because someone I went to who was trained did a poor job. Over time, having it turn out weird often made me uncomfortable. I find it kind of fun to do myself. Creative, almost. It doesn't help that one time, when I was younger, a woman cut off an extra 6-8 inches because she just "couldn't get it straight." She was talking the whole time to a friend and it ended up much shorter that the "lob" type cut I had come in for. She said: next time, I'll take finer parts. And I was thinking: you expect me to come back? I had to call my Mom on my cell to warn her that it would be way short! That, and constant uneven or bad cuts, cutting not how I had asked until part way through. I find that the longer it is, the easier for me to cut myself. Fun!

January 31st, 2015, 03:39 PM
I cut it myself. Saves time, saves money, and if it gets screwed up, I can only blame myself. :agree:

January 31st, 2015, 03:52 PM
I've been cutting my own for years. Mostly because I'm cheap. I can't see paying $35-$50 to have someone trim 1/2 of hair off my ends when I can do it myself in just a couple of minutes.

January 31st, 2015, 04:09 PM
According to my Mom and Sister's I run a salon in Mom's kitchen. I never get paid or tipped but I cut every ones hair including my own.

January 31st, 2015, 04:15 PM
I was thinking to get my only trim this year this month by my hairdresser. But the agien i want to cut/trim it my self so i feel i have more control. It havent been till now that my hair starts te feel "long" for me that is;) So i just orderd the Creaclip thing so i can get help from my hubby to trim it. I think i have BSL now, but i don`t know if i can do a good job by trimming it by my self.

Has anyone tried the Creaclip?

Yes, I have a Creaclip and it is very easy to use. However I an currently using Spidermom's method of the ponytail under the chin, which I find even easier to do. I love being able to trim my own hair - that way there is never too much cut off and I can do it at my own convenience, don't have to make an appointment and best of all, it's free!

Also I can avoid hair stylists who mysteriously seem to get weird ideas in their head that my hair needs - some crazy thing usually involving the loss of 8 or more inches of hair. No thank you.

January 31st, 2015, 04:17 PM
My go-to method is the compact cut method. Ponytail on the top of the forehead for shorter layers and *snip*. And there you go. Layers all the way from BSL+ to TBL+ and I couldn't be happier!

January 31st, 2015, 06:11 PM
I do my own trimming. I couldn't wait for it to get long enough again where I could do that. I let it go for two years and then trimmed in December. I know how to make layers if I want them, so at the moment I have one layer, just to make it look better. In my experience, I am the only one who consistently cuts the amount that I want and it's free. I hate how they charge so much for women's hair. Even when it was 1-2 inches and boy cut, they charged me extra $15 everywhere I went because it's "women's hair". Lame. I'll do it myself.

January 31st, 2015, 06:35 PM
I have my husband cut my hair. He actually enjoys it, he likes to say he is my personal stylist. I cut his hair too so no more salons for us. I got tired of paying someone to ruin my hair and my husband got tired of trying to comfort me afterwards.

January 31st, 2015, 06:37 PM
The last few months before I joined LHC I tried to self-trim using Feye's method and ended up fraying my ends enough to be noticeable.

I usually go to a local salon when I notice lots of splits or my hemline is uneven and needs straightening. They have a pretty varied clientele, from seniors to men and entire families. I have never had any problems with them cutting off more length than I ask for, or changing the style or adding layers. I usually go in with wet hair to save myself the washing charge, so a trim/cut is only $13. I only go two or three times a year at the most, so that's less than the cost of a good pair of shears.

January 31st, 2015, 06:42 PM
I cut it myself. Last time I went somewhere was several years ago now and while they did listen to me on how much to trim, as my hair got longer and I learned how to self trim, I didn't see the point in paying for something I could do so easily.

Honestly, in hindsight I think half the reason I went and got so many hair cuts and messed with my hair and kept it in various lengths of short for so long was partly not even about cutting my hair - it was loving a warm shampoo and scalp massage and the nice smelling salon conditioners. haha. I just always loved that part and I never would have considered paying for just that part, seemed silly...but pairing it with a haircut or trim seemed okay.

January 31st, 2015, 06:55 PM
I goto a salon for most things. I don't mind keeping up my bangs myself, but I've never tried cutting my hair. I'd rather just not get it cut lol. I do attend to my own splits though.

February 5th, 2015, 08:48 PM
I always go to a salon to get my hair cut. I have layers and I don't trust myself to cut my own, even with a crea clip. I also really love the salon experience: having someone wash my hair, trim it and then blow dry it into this silky beautiful style. It's an indulgence.

I know of all the horror stories but frankly, I would rather do the research and sifting to find a trustworthy hairdresser than miss out.

I do get irritated when I post any question having to do with going to the hairdresser and I always get an answer that suggests that I cut my own hair. I've been on LHC for several years now with well over a thousand posts. I know I can cut my own hair. I'm aware of how popular it is here. If it were something I wanted to do, I would be doing it. But I don't, so that's that.

Kinda wish people would respect that and answer in kind.

For what it's worth, I've rarely had a bad salon experience where they've cut off too much and been jerks about my growing my hair long. So I know it's not impossible to find someone who will do what I ask. It just takes a little more hunting than average.

February 5th, 2015, 09:15 PM
Trim it myself.

February 5th, 2015, 09:51 PM
I trim my own. For a while I was letting a friend of mine from beauty school do it occasionally, and then despite their knowing that I am microtrimming and maintaining currently they started up with the "You know, it would really be better to cut off like 4 inches..." so I stopped letting them cut it. Clearly they are not worthy of touching my hair :p

February 5th, 2015, 10:09 PM
My husband cuts mine. I haven't been to a salon in 15 years, but I'm not opposed to going. It's just that he cuts my hair real good and straight, just exactly how I want it.

February 5th, 2015, 11:42 PM
I was traumatized by all the short haircuts from mushrooms, spiky razored strings to really ugly buzz cuts. From here it was a nightmare to sit and let someone mess with my strands.

Growing super choppy layers was a nightime but my hairdresser helped me out alot triming those bastads and it was the first and last time that I made up my relationship with a stylist but stil no big pleasure.

But nowadays I love to do it myself even I cant get a straight acroos a soft U shaped Ive been mastering its quite neat.
Also the lack of good manipulation stylist often have when washing hair and ripping off tangles is just a huge no no. Finaly I save a lot of my money because I trim my hair monthly so I dont know much I have saved..... :run:

February 6th, 2015, 08:09 AM
I have a George Michael stylist, London, and get my hair trimmed there. The maintaining trim, which I used for two years to grow out over ten inches of very mangled fine hair, just removes the growth, never any more and the " growing" trim is 1/4 inch. I am growing from shoulder length to waist length, and four years on I am just below BSL and my hair is happy, not split at the ends, and the hemline is very full. he S&Ds, and trims and like @ HintOfMint I know that I can cut my hair myself. I also know my hair would grow faster if I never trimmed it. It would unravel, but be longer (-; Ask me how I know.........

Sadly I am not good at it. Plenty of experience of that. I get obsessed over S&D left to my own devices. I know it costs an unbelievable fortune, but heck, I can budget for it.

It's never happened, but if my stylist said I needed to cut off an inch I would believe him. I am very lucky to be able to go there, it's the only one in the UK.

February 6th, 2015, 09:17 AM
I've almost always just cut my own hair, I am a hairstylist now so that hasn't changed I just know how to do it more accurately now ;)

February 6th, 2015, 09:41 AM
I can cut my own hair and have even done pretty decent curly cuts, but I prefer to have my stylist cut it because she does an amazing job. I go about every three months to have it shaped, and it's worth every penny to me because it always looks good and saves me time and effort. She knows exactly how to cut curly hair.

February 6th, 2015, 11:08 AM
After a series of terrible haircuts from "professionals", I only trim my own. It always seemed that they were far too eager to cut more than I wanted or give me the style they thought I should have versus what I had asked for.

About four years ago, I had a particularly nasty chop job where the "stylist" (and I use that term loosely) sectioned my hair to start trimming the back (or so I thought) and instead mistakenly cut the top portion up to my shoulders. I looked up when I heard her say, "Oops, well, I can fix this", but she pushed my head back down and told me "not to look until everything was evened out". In the end, I was left with a very blunt layer of hair just above my shoulders, then the rest of my hair cut to waist length. She didn't even try to fix it, just told me the amount I owed her and that "hair grows back". Long story short, I was in tears and had to wear my hair in an up-do for six months before I had to go in again in order to try to even it out. And yes, sadly, even when I said that I shouldn't have to pay for this girl's obvious mistake, her manager backed her up and demanded I pay or else she would have me arrested. I did file a formal complaint with the company and was sent a few "free haircut" coupons, but I went to a different salon to have it evened out and while I wasn't happy that I had to have it cut to BSL back then, the result was much easier to grow out.

In the end, I learned my lesson to never trust anyone near my hair with a pair of scissors except myself and considering my hair is extremely healthy and near knee length, I think I've done a pretty decent job!

February 6th, 2015, 11:47 AM
After a couple of tentative self trims which I did curl by curl my hair looks far curlier so much so people who have been seeing me for a long time have noticed. I am not against salon cuts but I feel traditional salons cannot do justice to my hair and deva salons are about an hour away so until I feel my hair needs professional shaping, I will continue with my home cuts as they look good anyway.

February 6th, 2015, 12:01 PM
After a series of terrible haircuts from "professionals", I only trim my own. It always seemed that they were far too eager to cut more than I wanted or give me the style they thought I should have versus what I had asked for.

About four years ago, I had a particularly nasty chop job where the "stylist" (and I use that term loosely) sectioned my hair to start trimming the back (or so I thought) and instead mistakenly cut the top portion up to my shoulders. I looked up when I heard her say, "Oops, well, I can fix this", but she pushed my head back down and told me "not to look until everything was evened out". In the end, I was left with a very blunt layer of hair just above my shoulders, then the rest of my hair cut to waist length. She didn't even try to fix it, just told me the amount I owed her and that "hair grows back". Long story short, I was in tears and had to wear my hair in an up-do for six months before I had to go in again in order to try to even it out. And yes, sadly, even when I said that I shouldn't have to pay for this girl's obvious mistake, her manager backed her up and demanded I pay or else she would have me arrested. I did file a formal complaint with the company and was sent a few "free haircut" coupons, but I went to a different salon to have it evened out and while I wasn't happy that I had to have it cut to BSL back then, the result was much easier to grow out.

In the end, I learned my lesson to never trust anyone near my hair with a pair of scissors except myself and considering my hair is extremely healthy and near knee length, I think I've done a pretty decent job!

so sorry you went through that, i am upset just reading about it.

in my 30 odd years i have been to a hair dresser twice (maybe thrice, not sure about this one time when i was very little) and both times i came out hugely disappointed and angered. After paying them i let them know i would never go back there because they were incapable of listening to their clients. i had asked and underlined several times that i did not want any more than 2 inches taken off even if *they* thought it needed more. oh well, learned my lesson. When i am done growing out my longest layers i will have a friend even my hemline for me.

February 6th, 2015, 12:38 PM
I've never actually been to a salon. Obviously they can't all be bad but the horror stories I've read are enough to make me never want to set foot in one! :run: I've been cutting my own and I'm really happy with it. If I make a mistake it wouldn't be nearly as traumatizing, nor would I be out a bunch of $$, so it's a win-win for me.

February 6th, 2015, 06:45 PM
I've only been to a salon once, maybe twice in my life. My hairdresser was a family friend who would come to our house and cut all of our hair, "under the table," so to speak.

I live elsewhere now so I just cut my own hair. It's easy and free. 8)

February 6th, 2015, 06:52 PM
I've only been to a salon once, maybe twice in my life. My hairdresser was a family friend who would come to our house and cut all of our hair, "under the table," so to speak.

I live elsewhere now so I just cut my own hair. It's easy and free. 8)

Like the Wheel of time sig ;)

February 6th, 2015, 06:57 PM
Like the Wheel of time sig ;)

Thanks! I totally say it in real life, too, haha. It's cool to run into a WOT fan.

February 6th, 2015, 07:13 PM
When I was a kid, I spend most of my time with my grandmother, who went to the salon every week and I went with her. When I got in college, I realized how much better it was to cut my own hair. It's saved me so much time and money and I've had way fewer opportunities to get talked into cutting my hair short. That happened way too many times at the salon when I was younger. Way too many times.

February 6th, 2015, 07:20 PM
Doesn't it feel so good after going?

February 6th, 2015, 08:17 PM
I don't have any horror stories from salons, I just hate haircuts. When I was young, I wouldn't get a hair cut until my mom told me to and I just went along with what she said. When I went to college, I got a hair cut about twice a year because I thought I was 'supposed' to. I had a big chop and got it touched up once before giving up on short hair and salons. (My mom refuses to believe any salon that costs less than $60 is any good) It's been less than a year, but I can't imagine going back to a salon without a really good reason.

Plus, the whole experience has always been really upsetting for me. I don't like strangers touching me, my hair never felt clean after their weird shampoos and scratching the heck out of my scalp, they pulled and brushed my hair too hard, I always would cringe and try not to cry the whole time. I keep hearing other people say they find the experience relaxing, but I can't stand it.

February 7th, 2015, 12:53 AM
I prefer cutting my hair myself as much as possible. Usually I shave the sides and neck myself, with a bit of help from mom with trimming the hair closest to the longer portion of my hair. But when I want my hair evened out I go to my hairdresser and have a cut. I might need one soon since I cut a bit of my longer hair off when I cut my hair last time...

You're a guy or a girl?

February 7th, 2015, 12:55 AM
I get a straight across blunt and I'm growing out fringe with face framing layers. So it's really just a 1/4" trim every 3-4 months.
I cut my own when it was short and I often ended up with hair bobbed off just below my ears. Not pretty. It was a bit addicting cutting my own and keeping a fresh cut.

Now I have a trusted stylist at Super Cuts. She's wonderful! If she ever left I'd have my mom do it or even my hubby.

February 7th, 2015, 12:59 AM
I suppose the idea of cutting your own hair is way much better, but you have to consider the ramifications. I'm thinking seriously if I were going to cut or trim my hair ''IF'', I'll probably do it myself. No more salons for me!!!!!!

February 7th, 2015, 01:00 AM
Oh and yes I have horror stories. Last March I went in for a body wave. Hair was almost to my bra strap with layers. Stylist gave me super tight curls and fried my hair. Like an idiot I went back for her to fix it. She used another perm solution to straighten it then chopped my hair clean up to my shoulders. If that wasn't enough she added in horrible choppy layers that looked like a kid cut my hair. Huge holes. This was at a pricey salon too with great yelp reviews.

February 7th, 2015, 01:16 AM
my professional haircuts ALWAYS turned out wonky, not really shorter than expected at first, but eventually they needed to be evened out... by myself. sooo nearest conclusion for me was that if they can mess up for me to correct it, i can do that to myself for free. i have not been for a cut in years, and before the last big chop which i didnt dare to do myself it also has been years before that.
center part > pull each side to the front > comb out > stand straight and hack off horizontally.
thats really all i do. i have some shorter pieces in the front where my bangs grew out, so i grab them individually and snip off the wispies at an angle, so they blend from waist down to the ends.
i dont see how anyone would do that and make it look better, so i dont think i will waste money on salons in the future, unless i want a comlicated updo or something.

LOL so true spot-on!!!!

February 7th, 2015, 07:22 PM
I cut my own hair. It saves money AND I can make peace with the fact that my botched haircut was because I messed up, not because a hairdresser pushed a chop on me. I'm also terrified that a hairdresser might SECRETLY chop/layer/whatever my hair, because so many people have gone through that it makes me shudder.

Once I finished a subtle U-hem with Feye's self-trim method, I never looked back. Now I've got a very deep u-hem with fairy-tale ends, and it's staying that way. No matter how much Mom says I have witch-hair/old-lady-hair and I need a more stylish cut. :P

February 7th, 2015, 09:05 PM
I haven't had a "professional" haircut in just about 8 years, simply because it was literally NEVER what I asked for. Because of this fact, the mental anxiety eventually became more than it was worth. The peace-of-mind alone is enough to make me never look back.

February 8th, 2015, 07:02 AM
No one else has been able to cut my hair the way I like it besides myself. I have tried going to salons, but they cut too much, and it's always uneven!

February 8th, 2015, 12:11 PM
I haven't had a salon cut for about two years, the last time the hairdresser cut probably a couple of inches more than I wanted. It's just easier (and cheaper) to do it myself now. I will go to a salon eventually as when I've reached a length I'm happy with I plan to have a gentle v hemline and maybe a few face-framing layers.

February 8th, 2015, 04:33 PM
When I do micro trim I have a friend who is a stylist trim it for me. She knows if she takes more than a few centimeters off I will have to hurt her ;) But I've trimmed my hair in the past and prefer that than going to a salon. I just do S & D myself now ;)

February 9th, 2015, 02:01 AM
I recently discovered Feye's self-trimming methods and I will never go to the salon again if I can help it! I've only had one cut in my whole life that suited me and they always cut off way too much hair. I love being completely in control of what happens to my hair!

February 9th, 2015, 06:17 AM
I cut my own hair with Feye's method. I used to let my mom cut my hair, but then I wanted to go for a slight U-shape, because my hair tends to grow like that already anyway. She didn't want to try that, So I went to the hairdresser and they did a good job but they didn't quite know what to charge me as I did the pre washing of my hair myself. Every time I went, either for a trim or for a trim of my bangs they made up another price on the spot :confused:, and it got to a point where they charged me the same amount for just one little snip as they did for people who got their hair washed, cut and colored. I thought that was crazy, and also they didn't do a good job at the cutting anymore either. So I decided to try Feye's method and just doing my own thing with my bangs (as they never cut those the way I wanted anyway) and been doing that ever since and have been quite happy with the results! :)

February 9th, 2015, 07:34 AM
The horror of trusting your hair to a stranger!
I just started cutting my own hair about 6 months ago and I love it!

My mom used to trim for me, but she moved out of state (and also took off twice as much as I asked her to last time... *grumble*). The bathroom was the family salon for my entire life. None of us girls have ever been to a salon before, but my brother has been to a barber a few times (now he cuts his own, too!). I clearly remember the first time my mom (and younger sister) trusted me to do a straight across trim on my sister, and how proud I was when it was perfect! Nowadays I trim for my sisters and mom when they want me to, but they all maintain short styles with straight across hems, so not much for me to mess up. :)

February 9th, 2015, 06:35 PM
I cut my own hair with Feye's method.

Same here. As a guy, I'm terrified of salons and barber shops. It was a life-changing moment when mine was finally long enough to trim using Feye's method!

I've only done it twice now (second time just today!), just enough to keep it blunt across at the bottom to fill in the hemline.

February 9th, 2015, 06:43 PM
I did self-trims for about a decade before stopping trims altogether.

February 9th, 2015, 07:01 PM
I've had my hair professionally cut a dozen times and am almost always disappointed. They seem to always grab the thinning scissors while I'm not paying attention and, once started, it's hard to stop them from hacking away. Even my last cut I asked for a blunt angled bob and she managed to get me with the thinning scissors twice before I stopped her. I still like going when I'm planning a major change but if I just need a trim I've always had my mother cut it or used Feye's method. I've never given myself a bad haircut and my mom is so cautious that if I ask for half an inch she'll take off a quarter inch. Not sure what I'll do now that my hair is short but I'm counting down the years until I can cut it myself again!

February 10th, 2015, 01:31 AM
shudder: The horror of trusting your hair to a stranger!
This! ;) And the amount of unwanted blowfrying and brushing they subject your hair to (among other things)! shudder:

I've cut my hair myself for years; can't remember the last time I was at hairdresser's, actually... But it must have been over 10 years ago.

Elizabeth E
May 12th, 2018, 02:29 PM
I don't trust a stylist near my hair. I gave myself a neat trim for the first time before I started growing out and have been doing a few microtrims on the way with great success. Before that my mum used to trim my hair (I still trim hers) and I remember how terrified I was when I was little! I would go hide under the table whenever I saw her taking the hair scissors out, but was usually consoled when she only trimmed off a centimeter or two.
And when it comes to styling, it's not that hard to learn to style your hair yourself. I once did a seven-strand Dutch braid behind my head with great success - though I never did it again, as it's so much effort! Like I always say: a little bit of practice always wins over getting your hair ruined by someone else.

May 12th, 2018, 02:47 PM
I don't trust a stylist near my hair. I gave myself a neat trim for the first time before I started growing out and have been doing a few microtrims on the way with great success. Before that my mum used to trim my hair (I still trim hers) and I remember how terrified I was when I was little! I would go hide under the table whenever I saw her taking the hair scissors out, but was usually consoled when she only trimmed off a centimeter or two.
And when it comes to styling, it's not that hard to learn to style your hair yourself. I once did a seven-strand Dutch braid behind my head with great success - though I never did it again, as it's so much effort! Like I always say: a little bit of practice always wins over getting your hair ruined by someone else.

I layer my hair myself (see signature). My shortest layer is currently almost waist, and the longest layer almost classic. I like this layering method. You just make a ponytail on the top of your forehead and snip a tiny bit off. However, if your hair is shorter than BSL, you might end up with an 80s rocker vibe. I would not use this method on hair shorter than waist/BSL at the shortest.

But I love it... really I do! It takes so much weight off.

May 12th, 2018, 03:01 PM
I layer my hair myself (see signature). My shortest layer is currently almost waist, and the longest layer almost classic. I like this layering method. You just make a ponytail on the top of your forehead and snip a tiny bit off. However, if your hair is shorter than BSL, you might end up with an 80s rocker vibe. I would not use this method on hair shorter than waist/BSL at the shortest.

But I love it... really I do! It takes so much weight off.

This is basically what I was taught by my mom. Her version was bend over, brush your hair, and cut a straight line upside down... Layers!

I see where you have said that you are alterabled, so I love the idea of using a pony tail instead. That is brilliant.

I always have a family member cut it for me. If I want less than I ask for removed, my husband is the guy. If I want an exact measurement, like 100cm of hair, my oldest boy was great for that. If I just want it cut to tbl or iliac, or etc. I ask my second boy, he great at that. I haven't asked my girls for help yet, however they are old enough now, so I may next time.

May 12th, 2018, 03:20 PM
I cut my hair myself using Spidermom's method, ponytail under chin. I used to have my mom do it, but I've been cutting it myself for about two years.

May 12th, 2018, 03:48 PM
I go to a stylist. Don't trust myself, don't even want to try.

But I trust her completely, and know she won't cut more than I ask. Plus, I just enjoy the experience.

May 12th, 2018, 04:07 PM
This is basically what I was taught by my mom. Her version was bend over, brush your hair, and cut a straight line upside down... Layers!

I see where you have said that you are alterabled, so I love the idea of using a pony tail instead. That is brilliant.

I always have a family member cut it for me. If I want less than I ask for removed, my husband is the guy. If I want an exact measurement, like 100cm of hair, my oldest boy was great for that. If I just want it cut to tbl or iliac, or etc. I ask my second boy, he great at that. I haven't asked my girls for help yet, however they are old enough now, so I may next time.

Yep my mom always helps me with this. She cuts it for me; even helps with the ponytail. Because I hate having to brush it out and tie it up - in fact, I don't much like the trimming process. Which is probably why I cut it back from classic (which I was maintaining) to hip, and I haven't had to trim for over a year - awesome, if there's anything positive to such a big chop.

Groovy Granny
May 12th, 2018, 05:11 PM
My last salon visit was in January 2013 when I began growing out from chin length.

LHC taught me how to self trim and I love it; I will never use a salon as long as I have long hair (until death do us part) ;)

Lady Stardust
May 12th, 2018, 05:24 PM
My last salon visit was in January 2013 when I began growing out from chin length.

LHC taught me how to self trim and I love it; I will never use a salon as long as I have long hair (until death do us part) ;)

Hi Groovy Granny! So you started self trimming at chin length? Or did you do no trims until it was long enough to trim yourself? I know people who cut their own hair at around chin level but I just can’t work out how they do it.

My hair is very unforgiving if it’s cut badly so I’m wary of doing it myself. I’m currently about shoulder length. My hairdresser is a genius and very trustworthy, I enjoy going to her. I would enjoy saving the cost though!

May 12th, 2018, 05:26 PM
I don't really want to trust anyone cutting my hair and since I learned to trim it myself I feel no need to. I think I'm using Feyes method more or less and it gets kinda V shaped. Most important is I can cut it the same way every time which enables me to cut as little as possible - getting it 100% straight is less of a priority because it's supposed to look a bit "wild" when it's out anyway.

May 12th, 2018, 05:35 PM
I'm significantly more skilled than most stylists, though not all. And I'm learning as I go.

I rely on others to do things I cannot, S/D in the back for instance. But otherwise, self styling.

May 13th, 2018, 01:41 AM
I always S&D, microtrim and trim by myself. More or less gives me an even hemline! I'm not that talented with it, but am a perfectionist for sure :doh: For more "serious" hair cuts, I would definitely go to a stylist before I screw it all up :laugh:

May 13th, 2018, 01:50 AM
I simply did not grow up with salons as part of my life. Then there's the problems I have with allergies. It would be very difficult to get a salon to accommodate this plus my wishes on how my hair should be treated. I'm not after the latest haircut, layers, straightening hair, latest hair products, hair colouring, braiding with extensions etc. I just don't have a use for a salon. I can self trim and I also do S & D in between. That suits me fine.

May 13th, 2018, 01:58 AM
My last trim in a salon was in December 2016; I've been S&D and trimming myself since then. I couldn't be grateful enough to the LHC for it!!! :cheese:

May 13th, 2018, 02:02 AM
No no no no no. No hairdressers. I cut my hair with the ponytail under the chin method and I'm quite happy with it.

I've never had hairdresser horror stories before, but hey, I stopped going to salons at the age of 16. I didn't have much time for a horror story to happen.

The reason I stopped going was because my hairdresser had a horrible habit of voicing her opinion about what I should do. She always did exactly what I had asked, but she just couldn't shut up. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I tried to grow my hair past BSL, I reached waist, and my hair was tapered af. I somehow understood that I just needed to wait for the taper to grow out, and if I was to cut it all off my dream of long hair would be unreachable. I asked her for just a 1 cm trim. She gave me a 1 cm trim, along with a 40-minute long lecture about how shoulder length hair would look great on me, and how absolutely horrendous my hair really is.

Thanks, lady. I won't be giving my money to you anymore.

Two years ago I did a makeup course, where I was taught that saying anything bad to the client is a taboo. Do not mention their pimples, or double chin, or overplucked eyebrows, because they know their imperfections already. Bringing stuff like that up is unprofessional and unethical.

May 13th, 2018, 02:15 AM
The reason I stopped going was because my hairdresser had a horrible habit of voicing her opinion about what I should do. She always did exactly what I had asked, but she just couldn't shut up. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I tried to grow my hair past BSL, I reached waist, and my hair was tapered af. I somehow understood that I just needed to wait for the taper to grow out, and if I was to cut it all off my dream of long hair would be unreachable. I asked her for just a 1 cm trim. She gave me a 1 cm trim, along with a 40-minute long lecture about how shoulder length hair would look great on me, and how absolutely horrendous my hair really is.

Thanks, lady. I won't be giving my money to you anymore.

Two years ago I did a makeup course, where I was taught that saying anything bad to the client is a taboo. Do not mention their pimples, or double chin, or overplucked eyebrows, because they know their imperfections already. Bringing stuff like that up is unprofessional and unethical.

Sounds terrible to me >_< I guess you don't need to take a course not to do THAT anyway lol, it's like COMMON SENSE. Good for you to leave that gal behind :run:

In the salon I used to go there was 2 hairdressers: one is a very nice woman that always did just what I asked (that's why I could grow up to BCL years ago), so cute that we even follow each other on Instagram lol. She also adored my hair and liked how long it was back then. And the other is a very VOCAL and nasty woman that not just pass the time talking about what you should do with your hair: she also do what she pleases. Years ago she cut my WL hair back to BSL on my 1cm trim. That second one was also the one that destroyed my hair when I decided to dye it, as the other girl was on vacation; left me neon ORANGE and I had to dye again at home to a more reddish/brown color, as I asked. The other girl would have probably told meto think again and again about dying it. So... it totally depends. I might return to the salon to ask my Olga (the nice one) for a trim once I'd be at TBL, but won't trust any other near to my hair anymore :slap:

May 13th, 2018, 03:33 AM
I started cutting my hair on my own about a year ago. I wanted to get rid of my layers and I was surprised how neat one can actually cut a blunt hemline by oneself (after watching a few tutorials from youtube) with a good pair of professional scissors. Now I have complete control and I love it. I actually had found a good salon too, no problem there, but still. At the moment I do S&D mostly, but I can always do a trim If I feel I need to.

May 13th, 2018, 08:41 AM
I actually really enjoy a visit to the salon. For me it feels like a treat to just relax and have someone cut my hair. I've also had some really good stylists. My most recent one, that I love, tends to cut less than I ask, and make sure I'm good with the length before cutting more. Granted, I have a habit of cutting off lots of hair, I just enjoy the change.

I haven't been since I decided to grow to waist though, been a little over 6 months. I don't feel like I have very many splits though, and no real urgency for a trim. I probably will get a trim in before July so that I can get through the no trim second half of 2018 challenge. Anyway, I like having a professional do it. I do trim my own bangs though. It's just too much to go in every 4 weeks to keep them the length I like.

Groovy Granny
May 13th, 2018, 11:30 AM
There is nothing like the feel of freshly dusted ends, and the assurance that what is being cut is what YOU want removed (and remove it yourself), even to the fraction of an inch :cheer:

May 13th, 2018, 11:41 AM
I actually really enjoy a visit to the salon. For me it feels like a treat to just relax and have someone cut my hair. I've also had some really good stylists.

I enjoy barbershop trips. Barbershops are, particularly the old fashioned single chair shops, the masculine analog to a spa, and it is well worth every penny to be pampered.

There is a definite appeal to being barbered on.

Having said that, when I used to maintain short and coiffed hair I took it upon myself to train a friend as a personal barber. Twice weekly. He cut my hair exactly as I wished, and if he messed up I have the skills to fix it.

But there are other considerations, too. Pampering. Being worked on. Taken care of. For those like me the pleasure of haircuts rises almost to a ****** level, yes that's a real thing, and the styling of my hair is only one element of the total experience.

May 13th, 2018, 11:50 AM
I trim my hair myself and have been doing so for 7 years now. I can cut it exactly how I want and nobody's there telling me what I should or not do with my hair. Also I have been experimenting with dry/Deva-type cuts on my hair, since it's curly. I couldn't find any salons that specialises in curly hair in my area, and there are like only 3 in Italy which are super expensive, like asking for 100-140€ for a haircut, when you can get one for 20-40€ in a regular salon. I'm a student, so paying that much for a haircut is not an option. I got my hair-cutting scissors for 10-15€ and that'll last me up to a lifetime. It's also so easy to trim my own hair, I can simply incorporate it into my routine, it takes 5 minutes to do and I'm ready to go. I also don't like the amount and type of products plus the excessive manipulation and heat they are going to use on my hair. No thank you I don't need my hair to be blown out and flat ironed, I don't need your alcohol-laden hair sprays and mousses, I don't need heavy products that will make me need to wash my hair out the next day.

May 13th, 2018, 01:57 PM
I guess I'm officially in the cut your own category now. I trimmed about 2 inches last month. My hair is heavily fairytailed so only a pinch of hair qualified for the cut. When I decide to go for a bigger cut I'll do some research to get it straight.

Prior to that I had salon cuts, or had my mom trim the length when I traveled home. Last salon cut was over 2 years ago.

May 13th, 2018, 02:14 PM
I go to a stylist since I just feel it's easier for me personally. They also happen to be a friend of mine so I enjoy the visit for social purposes as well. She has cut my hair for years and years, well before I decided to grow it long, and was really helpful when I decided to grow it out so i don't have any fear she'd betray me or my hair.

May 13th, 2018, 02:15 PM
Trim my own. just never been able to find the right stylist and it saves me $30

Groovy Granny
May 13th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Trim my own. just never been able to find the right stylist and it saves me $30
:agree: Oh yes....how could I have forgotten the saved money :doh:

May 13th, 2018, 02:59 PM
:agree: Oh yes....how could I have forgotten the saved money :doh:

Put that to a nice hair jewel!

Groovy Granny
May 13th, 2018, 03:01 PM
Put that to a nice hair jewel!
My thoughts exactly....and I have over the past 5 years :lol:

May 13th, 2018, 03:05 PM
:hifive: Groovy Granny

May 13th, 2018, 06:45 PM
I’ve never really liked a haircut I’ve received at a salon, so I’ve been cutting mine for a few years! I just trim it in very small sections and try to trim the same amount off in each section. Somehow it works out, lol!

May 13th, 2018, 07:22 PM
I normally trim and cut my own hair. Luckily for me, my mother is a licensed cosmetologist who isn't scissor happy. Most of the long haired women in my family trust my mom to trim and maintain their hair. :)

May 13th, 2018, 07:23 PM
I know I just commented but I felt like adding I don't like going to hair salons because when I was a child a hair stylist cut my long waist length hair into a pixie cut. I was so mad that I cried and my nana cursed her out and didn't pay her. :(

Groovy Granny
May 13th, 2018, 09:47 PM
:hifive: Groovy Granny


I like your new siggie too :thumbsup:

May 13th, 2018, 10:22 PM


I like your new siggie too :thumbsup:

Thanks every little bit helps in the world of hair is what i am learning!