View Full Version : Question about different shower settings

January 28th, 2015, 12:03 AM
In my showerhead, there are like 8 settings and lately I've been using the "powerjet" or whatever you call it, that spurts out the water harder, like for a massage, I've been using that setting close to my scalp (I take the shower hose off and put it close) to rinse out the shampoo and henna from my scalp. No problems, but I just wonder, can that "water pressure" pull hairs out, or does anyone else use this setting to do the same??

January 28th, 2015, 05:05 AM
I have to use the pulse/power/massage setting on my showerhead just for the water to penetrate all my hair for rinsing, a piffly little stream just doesn't cut it. If anything, I'm probably shedding less because it's massaging the scalp some and stimulating stronger follicles over time. I don't think the pressure or speed of the water in a commercial shower head is going to be dangerous to hair, or they'd have a big old lawsuit on their hands and change the setting anyway.

January 28th, 2015, 05:15 AM
Agreed, I also think it's better to get all shampoo lather off your scalp and the harder/stronger water setting is very good for this.

January 28th, 2015, 11:29 AM
Yes, I'm curious about this, too. I find that really strong powerjet setting hurts my skin, so I have to wonder about what it can do to scalp and hair over the long run.
I would guess that it should be totally safe, as otherwise there would be lawsuits, like Nique1202 said. But then, why would they even bother to have weaker settings? Maybe people with thinning hair need to be careful and should stick to gentler settings? :hmm: I really don't know...

January 28th, 2015, 11:54 AM
good to know others use it. For me, it doesn't hurt, but it 's strong and blasts my hair in many directions, and like I said, I hold it close to my scalp, like an inch from my scalp, don't know if you all do that too.

January 28th, 2015, 01:05 PM
Had to get a cheap shower head recently because the other one broke. Now my shower is pitifully weak and narrow. Amazed at how quickly I got use to it though. Don't really need more pressure. Maybe it's a bonus for my hair, I don't know.