View Full Version : Too old for long hair

January 27th, 2015, 10:26 PM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

i'm a bit crushed by this, what are some of the experiences that some of you longer haired ladies have had in your professionals? Can you be too old for waist lengh hair? I personally think women generally are at their peak from 25-35 and some women look even better as they go up. What Do you guys think?

January 27th, 2015, 10:33 PM
My grandmother died with her tbl braid and my Mother maintains her hair at waist. There is no such thing as to old for long hair. People have this idea short hair is so much easier and in some cases that may be so but in my case it is not.

January 27th, 2015, 10:45 PM
It's nonsense. There are no rules or regulations on age and hair length. I wouldn't worry about such nonsense.

January 27th, 2015, 10:54 PM
I interviewed at a major investment bank and my interviewer was the head of the North America group. She was 40 years old, had previously been counsel at one of the most prestigious law firms in the country before becoming corporate counsel with this bank, and was an ivy league graduate. She wore very expensive jewelry and had a Cartier watch.

She also had hair down to her hips. Loose.

January 27th, 2015, 11:02 PM
Ignore it. As long as you can wear your hair in a professional enough manner (for most jobs, buns will do this) who is to say? Plus, so few people experience long hair that unless they see it down they might see a big bun and think there's one of those inserts/bun rings/bump its in there.

January 28th, 2015, 12:02 AM
I'm 26. My hair is down to my tailbone. It has never ONCE affected my professional life. Now to be fair I most often wear it up, partly because it looks more professional and partly because it frizzes towards the bottom due to the chemical damage I did to it a year ago. But no. They are wrong and they suck. You rock ANY hair YOU want.

January 28th, 2015, 12:05 AM
All of the above... Truth be told, you could point out to your friend how ageist they are being! There are no rules that way, you have your hair the way that suits you best... As long as you take good care of it, and can put it out of the road when needed, then no one can comment on it... In fact, for many professions, long hair could well be better than short because it is easier to put it out of the way.

January 28th, 2015, 12:08 AM
It doesn't even make sense. Like ????

January 28th, 2015, 12:50 AM
What a load of absolute tripe. If your hair is up in a bun, a very professional-looking style, there is no way to tell how long it is, so people like this twerp you were talking to won't be able to start applying their twisted ageist logic to its length. If she cut off her waist-length hair because she was worried it was socially unacceptable (wtf?!) then that's her loss, and if she doesn't have the strength of character to let her hair grow longer than dictated by fashion then that's her loss too.

Also, what is 'appropriate' for you and your hair, at any age, is whatever the flip you deem appropriate.

ETA: My Mum is in her sixties and has beautiful virgin thigh-length silver 1a/f/i hair, and she doesn't give a single **** what other people think. She's my idol :crush:

January 28th, 2015, 12:51 AM
My mother told me I was too old for long hair at the ripe old age of 18 and I was silly enough to listen and chop it off. She has been telling me the same thing right up until about a year ago. Lucky me I learned to ignore that piece of advice.... Growing long hair has to go side by side with growing a thick skin, I believe...

Anyone can have long hair at any age. My neighbour wore her hair long and up in a bun until she was 90...

hanne jensen
January 28th, 2015, 01:10 AM
I'm 55 years old, have BSL hair and am planning on growing to ankle. I wear my hair up every day so nobody can see how long or short it really is.

This sounds to me like a case of sour grapes.

If you really want long hair, you have to accept that you're not in fashion a lot of the time. Some of the time you are. You also have to realize that there are always people who will make ignorant nasty comments. The longer your hair gets and the more dedicated you are to long hair, the tougher your hide becomes.

Please don't let such uninformed comments shape your life. If you want long hair, it's your head and your hair.

January 28th, 2015, 01:20 AM
Agree with everyone above! There is no age limit. Professionally, as long as it is well maintained, there shouldn't be a problem. An updo would work for most places.

January 28th, 2015, 01:50 AM
You are only too old for long hair when you can no longer physically take care of it, and even then if someone else can look after it for you you are fine.
And the idea of 24 being too old for anything is kinda funny!

January 28th, 2015, 03:04 AM
No that is false. My personal experience is that women in senior roles tend to have very neatly trimmed, groomed long hair and they look very polished. Or the other extreme and very short.

But that is just people in my industry- honestly no one is too old for long hair and you can put it up if it makes you self conscious at work.

And it depends by what you mean by "at their peak". Most fertile, following adolescence, yes but women have various peaks that are not dictated by their ability to reproduce easily. We don't need to define ourselves by how sexually attractive others think we are.

January 28th, 2015, 03:37 AM
Mom's 45 with mid-back hair ..

January 28th, 2015, 03:37 AM
What a load of absolute tripe.

Also, what is 'appropriate' for you and your hair, at any age, is whatever the flip you deem appropriate.

My thoughts exactly ;) The narrow-mindedness of some people never ceases to amaze me...

You are only too old for long hair when you can no longer physically take care of it, and even then if someone else can look after it for you you are fine.
And the idea of 24 being too old for anything is kinda funny!
So true (emphasis mine), though to me it's more horrifying than funny, tbh...

And it depends by what you mean by "at their peak". Most fertile, following adolescence, yes but women have various peaks that are not dictated by their ability to reproduce easily. We don't need to define ourselves by how sexually attractive others think we are.
Not to mention fertility and sexual attractiveness are two quite different things...

January 28th, 2015, 04:24 AM
I'm 48, and not having it. That is a big,fat, lie. :lala:

January 28th, 2015, 04:52 AM
what kind of rubbish is this? just tell your friend to shut up, theres no use having an argument with an ignorant person. if she want to limit her own person according to these "standard" fine, but that doesnt mean everyone else has to agree on them.
im 26 and never had anyone complaining about my hair bein inappropriate for my age, but then again i often get mistaken for 16 or so. anyways i get the exotic stamp so i can probably get away with it being extra long until they put me six feet deep. seriously, i like to literally keep it class(y)ic and not even get into ridiculous conversations like that on what othe people think i should or should not to with my appearance. i know what i like and thats all that matters!

ETA: most likely your friend is just bitchin because she regrets cutting her own or it wasnt healthy, didnt suit her... potato potato. none of that is your problem.

January 28th, 2015, 05:00 AM
There are a lot of myths that society loves to spread about hair. Trimming makes it grow, you have to wash your hair every day, and that there are completely arbitrary lengths that are "appropriate" for a given age.

I'll admit that for someone who's old enough or in poor enough health to be in a nursing home, short hair is probably easier for everyone there to manage. It's easier to wash, uses less shampoo, less detangling and styling, etc. But, that also goes for anyone who's receiving assistance with washing and styling their hair, even people with physical disabilities at much younger ages or at home. And, that still depends on the people helping and their willingness to care for the hair. But, 24 is too old for waist length hair? :bs:

I think your friend is listening to the opinions and prejudices that they've heard, and not thinking for themself as much. Older hair doesn't grow any slower, it's not necessarily any weaker (though some grey and white hairs are much coarser than the hairs they replace, and may act more like curly hair than straight for damage and breakage), and long hair in a bun is more professional than a short style on hair that won't behave itself. There is absolutely, positively no reason why someone at 24 or 40 or 60 shouldn't have hair down to the floor if they have the means to take care of it, let alone waist!

January 28th, 2015, 05:05 AM
Well i havent read all of the comments. But i must say that ive never heard long hair being unprofessional. I mean you wouldnt want to walk in to your high paying desk job with "Sexy beach photo shoot " hair. But around here a lot of like teachers,bank tellers, ect have long hair. And some are older. I think if your worried about professionalism id say sleek buns. Nothing fancy. As for being to old for long hair. thats poppycock and dont really know what to say to that mess of thinking. Btw i do love short hair and long hair equally. But i think it comes down to what makes someone happy. My friend Maddy is a die hard short haired girl. (Think long bobs, asymmetrical bobs and punky hair) im sure shed be lovely with long hair. But it wouldn't make her happy. Me on the other hand i love it long or short....its this in between business im not enjoying.

January 28th, 2015, 05:51 AM
I am 51 years old and my hair is past Classic. I have worked for the same insurance company for over 20 years and no one, ever, either personally or professionally, has said anything about my hair being too long for my age. I wear it loose sometimes, mainly on Mondays when I wash it but otherwise it's always in a bun or a braid. Don't pay any attention to what other people say you should do.

January 28th, 2015, 05:53 AM
Isn't the forum yet filled with threads like this? :) It's always the same. We disagree fervently. ;)

January 28th, 2015, 05:54 AM
It's total nonsense. It would be nonsense at every age but, really? twenty-four?
At 24 you may be too old to play with dolls, maybe.
Oh, and, btw, yesterday I went to the bank and speaked with the director. He is around 45 yo, dressed formally as you would expect from his position, and he had a very nice and shiny salt and pepper low ponytail at bsl.
The way you keep your hair, as long as it's clean and doesn't interfere with your job, is only your business.

January 28th, 2015, 06:06 AM
As far as professionalism goes, I have seen women with all sorts of length in my career (technical field, male dominated). There was a younger woman with waist-hip length blonde hair and she was extremely well respected. She had some extensions even. But she was great at her job and that is what mattered. I think the important part is to keep it professional. If you have super long hair and take lots of breaks to readjust your updo, spend tons of time fussing with your hair on company time while sitting at your desk, etc, that might draw negative attention. (ETA: Actually, that would also draw negative attention if you had short hair ;)) If you keep your hair well groomed and out of the way, nobody will care. "Out of the way" will mean different things in different jobs of course. In a machine shop, of course it has to be up at all times. In an office environment you might have more options, depending on dress code anything between wearing it down and an updo. I really think what matters the most is your professional conduct. That, and your work of course!

And it depends by what you mean by "at their peak". Most fertile, following adolescence, yes but women have various peaks that are not dictated by their ability to reproduce easily. We don't need to define ourselves by how sexually attractive others think we are.
THIS! Wonderfully put.

chen bao jun
January 28th, 2015, 06:34 AM
Too old is nonsense. Your friend is right that there are some corporate environments where they have a strong preference for short, groomed hair on women. It is best to interview, if you have long hair, in a bun or french roll or some hairstyle like that and look very 'polished ' especially in the current poor job market. Once on the job, you can look around and see if it's possible to wear loose hair there.

The nice thing about long hair is that nobody has to know you have it, if you don't want them to.

Caldonia Sun
January 28th, 2015, 07:38 AM
Not true. My hair is not quite BSL and it is silver/white. I'm 60 and have had two job offers in the administrative field this year, the most recent this past weekend. I wore it in a french twist for the interview. I would not have been comfortable wearing it loose.

January 28th, 2015, 08:04 AM
You know, people have funny ideas, but I don't think I've heard that 24 is too old for anything but ballpits and trick-or-treating.

Long hair (waist to tailbone or so) is practically the norm around here, and relatively few women have hair north of shoulder-length. That varies a lot regionally, but no one would think twice about a 20- or 30-something with waist-length hair, except maybe to note how pretty it is.

Personally, I intend to have long white hair someday, and I don't really care who thinks that's not appropriate.

January 28th, 2015, 08:05 AM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

i'm a bit crushed by this, what are some of the experiences that some of you longer haired ladies have had in your professionals? Can you be too old for waist lengh hair? I personally think women generally are at their peak from 25-35 and some women look even better as they go up. What Do you guys think?

Since when is "X" age the time when you HAVE to cut your long hair? Fiddlesticks! I'm of the opinion that as long as you keep your hair clean and neat and well groomed you can have hair down to HERE. I was a legal secretary for 25 years and had long hair for most of that time. Never had any complaints from anyone. It was always up and braided. I don't know about the rest of you ladies (and gents) but if you are professional in your dealings with others, and do your job proficiently, long hair has nothing to do with anything. It's what's between your ears that is important.

January 28th, 2015, 08:11 AM
Since when is "X" age the time when you HAVE to cut your long hair? Fiddlesticks! I'm of the opinion that as long as you keep your hair clean and neat and well groomed you can have hair down to HERE.

I plan to keep growing for a while yet. And I'm in my early forties. I deserve that long hair, as I spent all this time growing it long. Why should anyone tell me to cut it just because of age? And why should I listen, anyhow?

January 28th, 2015, 08:17 AM
You know, people have funny ideas, but I don't think I've heard that 24 is too old for anything but ballpits and trick-or-treating.
I'm too old for ballpits? No way! :p

January 28th, 2015, 08:25 AM
i always find myself laughing at social conditioning and "fashion" media, i don't get it how and why people get brain washed into these things because society dictates it to be the norm or "appropriate" but then i never gave a flying **** about what others thought of my looks and how i chose to express my individuality. One's appearance has got zero impact on their professional skills, abilities and gifts, full stop. As a whole you'd think we'd be a little bit more open minded and wiser by now.
My grandma is 96 and has mid thigh hair by the way :)

January 28th, 2015, 08:58 AM
At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.

Wildcat Diva
January 28th, 2015, 09:04 AM
I'm too old for ballpits? No way! :p

That and it seems no one at my house understands that no one is under 10 anymore and they are all planning elaborate Halloween costumes for next year. I think they will host a haunted house garage carnival rather than full on door to door trick or treating though.

January 28th, 2015, 09:06 AM
At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.

^^^ this^^^ could not have put it any better :)

January 28th, 2015, 09:18 AM
All individualism aside, if you were my daughter I would ask you to discuss such things with mentors in your field and geographical area--these things vary wildly by profession, geographical area and your own talent.

Robot Ninja
January 28th, 2015, 09:29 AM
Well you know, once you hit 24 you become a wrinkled old hag and you're not allowed to be pretty anymore, so you have to get an unstylish mom haircut and just fade away into the background where nobody has to look at you. Having long hair makes you a delusional old lady who doesn't realize she's not a teenager anymore, how embarrassing.

At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.


January 28th, 2015, 09:41 AM
ROTFL! 24 old... was the person that told you that also not that old either, but feeling ever so mature, perchance?

January 28th, 2015, 09:43 AM
Well you know, once you hit 24 you become a wrinkled old hag and you're not allowed to be pretty anymore, so you have to get an unstylish mom haircut and just fade away into the background where nobody has to look at you. Having long hair makes you a delusional old lady who doesn't realize she's not a teenager anymore, how embarrassing.

:laugh: I was actually thinking that it's the same with moms, somehow people think they shouldn't have long hair anymore, because they can't possibly take care of their kid while having long hair at the same time. :rolleyes:

I'm 30 years old (so yeah, pretty young) and I have hip length hair now. Nobody at work ever said I should cut it (I work in a research lab). I also have a part time job at med school, so you would expect the standards to be more strict there, as far as dress code and hairstyle. But again, nobody has had any issues with my hair and I keep it more often in a braid than a bun and I wear it loose as well sometimes, so everyone is aware of how long it is.

January 28th, 2015, 09:50 AM
Absolute rubbish! I don't think anyone is too old for long hair, and one of the many things about long hair that I love is it's so much easier to look neat and polished! Just put it up in a bun, and you'll look very sophisticated and lovely. If someone has shedding hairs all over their business clothes, or it's interfering with the job, that's a problem, but easily remedied by keeping it out of the way.

January 28th, 2015, 10:02 AM
I'm too old for ballpits? No way! :p

Ha ha! Fair enough, but don't complain to me if the mommies give you funny looks. :D

January 28th, 2015, 11:04 AM
...24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

I think I'd have asked what line of work she's in that the length of her hair is a reasonable determining factor of her worth as an employee? :rolleyes:

Seriously, you've got a lot of real-life examples of folks here telling you her "rules" are bunk. I'll add to that chorus. As long as your hair is clean, cared for, and out of your way for the purposes of your work (i.e. no long hair left down around the heavy equipment!), your hair is "professional". And I'd wager your skills and talents will matter a lot more to your career than your hair.

January 28th, 2015, 11:26 AM
THankyou for the support everyone. I was really upset over that. Not because it hurt my feelings, but because i worried, "by the time my hair is beautiful I will be past my peak age and it will look ridiculous"

I suppose that idea is ridiculous I am just doing my notorious worrying. I am going to keep growing. and hopefully by the ripe age of 27 I will have my waist length hair. And i am happy that hair length isnt an issue in professional settings as well, I am looking forward to my hair journey and I wont let anyone tell me otherwise :)

January 28th, 2015, 11:46 AM
I think anyone of any age can wear long hair. I agree how can people judge the length of your hair when it's up. People like the person who told you not to grow your hair out seems like they're dictated by the stereo type older we get the shorter out hair gets.

January 28th, 2015, 11:52 AM
Ask them how old they are and say, "Aren't you a bit old to breathe air?"
No such thing as too long.

Agnes Hannah
January 28th, 2015, 12:42 PM
Poppycock! Long hair don't care! I'm 49 and currently at waist. Daily I wear it up in a french pleat with a small ficcare, safe, secure and nobody knows! Stealth hair!
No one has said to me that I must cut it for my job (I'm a teacher). And if they did I'd ignore them anyway. My hair my rules. I'm going to keep growing it until I can sit on it.

Tea Lady
January 28th, 2015, 12:57 PM
I'm 56 with tailbone length hair. I wear it up mostly when at work, although occasionally I wear a braid. You are never too old for long hair. Who came up with the magic number 24 anyway?! So arbitrary. Why is 24 the cut-off? Does something happen to the body or mind once one hits that age?!

Tea Lady

January 28th, 2015, 01:22 PM
Of course you can have long hair after 24 years of age. I'm very confused where that particular number came from. And I agree with the poster above that as far as your hair looks clean and professional, your skills will matter a lot more then the length of your hair. Recently I also heard such comment that long hair is not suitable for my age. Where I come from short trendy hair styles are the game of the young and all older ladies have long beautiful braids that they wrap around their heads! It looks stunning. And some do cut their hair short but only if they are not able to care for it when it's long.

January 28th, 2015, 01:27 PM
...Please don't let such uninformed comments shape your life. If you want long hair, it's your head and your hair.
I agree with this. If you want long hair then have long hair, if you don't want it then don't have it*

January 28th, 2015, 01:30 PM
At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.

Preach it, Sister!

January 28th, 2015, 01:46 PM
What hogwash. I will snort in the face of anyone who thinks it's okay to say that to me, and I'm certain that it will happen.

January 28th, 2015, 02:16 PM
I suppose that idea is ridiculous I am just doing my notorious worrying. I am going to keep growing. and hopefully by the ripe age of 27 I will have my waist length hair. And i am happy that hair length isnt an issue in professional settings as well, I am looking forward to my hair journey and I wont let anyone tell me otherwise :)

That's good to hear! :thumbsup:

January 28th, 2015, 02:24 PM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate.

:lol: This kind of reminds me of this story (http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-26747649), sorry :lol:

Your body, your rules!

And I've never seen a law that after a certain age you are supposed to get a mandatory bob/pixie haircut. :lol:

Unless we are talking N.Korea or somewhere else with strict rules regarding hair, you get to wear your hair any way you want.

Of course, wearing hair up or otherwise contained may feel more comfortable or even be a requirement for *some* jobs, but there are certainly no rules for length.

January 28th, 2015, 02:28 PM
Interesting...when I was 24 I had midback length hair, which is as long as it ever was. I loved that hair and I enjoyed it. However, I kept getting this feeling of pressure to "Do something with it". cut it shorter, dye or highlight or style it. So I eventually caved and I haven't been happy about it until recently when I realised I like longer hair, and I don't like "doing things with it." And it's ok. It really is your hair and you can do what you want with it. There really is no obligation to keep it any way that you don't want to.
Some years back I found that quote, " I'm not here to decorate your world." and I keep that firmly in my mind. So empowering.

chen bao jun
January 28th, 2015, 03:53 PM
All individualism aside, if you were my daughter I would ask you to discuss such things with mentors in your field and geographical area--these things vary wildly by profession, geographical area and your own talent.

Don't want this to get lost. Most sensible statement here.

There are definitely jobs where you can't wear long loose hair just as there are definitely restaurants where you can't wear flip flops.

Learn some polished updos and invest in a plain ficcare for interviews.

January 28th, 2015, 03:59 PM
I'll be 45 in a couple of weeks and my hair is the longest it's ever been--about tailbone. I wear it in a bun, braid, or ponytail to work and down on the weekends. The only people who ever criticize me ("Too long," "not professional," etc.) are my mother and the lady at work who is basically my mother's twin. :) I don't care! I'm letting it grow at least until I can sit on it.

January 28th, 2015, 04:39 PM
Don't want this to get lost. Most sensible statement here.

There are definitely jobs where you can't wear long loose hair just as there are definitely restaurants where you can't wear flip flops.

Learn some polished updos and invest in a plain ficcare for interviews.

You should also consider the safety required for your job. I have to wear a hard hat sometimes and keep my hair pulled back because it is unsafe to leave it loose while visiting an industrial site.

January 28th, 2015, 07:39 PM
Ridiculous. I actually find it the contrary. Many women look younger with long hair! My mom, who turned sixty this year, has gorgeous hair that she keeps mid back though she coukd grow much longer if she wanted. She wears it loose 99% of the time and she looks decades younger.

January 28th, 2015, 08:27 PM
24 is not 'too old' for anything! Seriously, who says that? Rude.

January 28th, 2015, 09:27 PM
24 and old shouldn't even be in the same sentence. I had TB length at that age . Now I'm 55 with WL hair.
Its all just :bull:
Maybe your friend who had long hair and cut it wants you to do the same cause she wished she didn't and seeing you with yours now makes her jealous. :shrug:

January 28th, 2015, 10:01 PM
I'm 63 now and till recently had butt length hair[not long compared to most here but longer than most ladies my age in my area]I just cut back to waist due to temporary medical problems.If your hair is still thick enough why not wear long hair when older,so many lovely,elegant age apropropiate updos such as buns,french twist,french braid,topsy tail etc Anyone who is a naysayer,just ignore ..Your hair,your head,your business.. No -one elses business.End of story.

January 28th, 2015, 10:02 PM
I have a communication studies degree, it's a very very broad. I'm still not exactly sure where I want to go with it but I know that it will likely be in an office setting.

January 28th, 2015, 10:02 PM
It is a very old fashioned idea that really has fallen out of fashion. Have no worries. As long is your hair is neat and orderly, there should be no problems in nearly any job...unless, let's say you, IDK, pull flaming taffy over your head for a living. ;) my gram had just past shoulder length hair till her death. It was very becoming and youthful, imho. Let your friend chop off her hair if she wishes and Grow yours till your hearts content!!! :D

January 29th, 2015, 04:42 AM
My mother always said that. Forget it. My hair is ankle length and I am 43!

January 29th, 2015, 04:53 AM
There are professions where it is best to have your hair up and out of the way, but to be honest longer hair is better for updos anyway.

Personally I always hated the idea that at a certain age a woman has to cut her hair off, I love seeing older women with long silvery white hair, that's me dream in life.

Also it's a lot easier to play in ball pits if you're "supervising" a child...

January 29th, 2015, 05:29 AM
24 is so incredibly young, it can't possibly be too young for anything. 24 is when you should be experimenting and enjoying being young and gorgeous with few responsibilities, not worrying about being too old for a certain hairstyle!

Is the person who said this a lot younger than 24? If so, I guess it can seem very 'old' and grown up someone younger... but I bet she changes her mind when she gets there! ;-)

January 29th, 2015, 06:17 AM
At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.

Couldn't have said better ! Thank you Spidermom ! :thumbsup:

Belle Paix
January 29th, 2015, 07:31 AM
HA!! So the DJ's on my local station were talking about this on the radio today, and I thought of this thread! The DJ was talking about how she wore her hair SHORT when she was young, and now that she was older, she needed to grow it out more. See? Different strokes for different folks! Her reasoning was that shorter hair made her look older, so she ought to grow it out to look younger. The guy DJ just kept reiterating that almost all men like long hair.

January 29th, 2015, 07:34 AM
Well, I do wish there were more "older" women with long hair.

January 29th, 2015, 07:49 AM
HA!! So the DJ's on my local station were talking about this on the radio today, and I thought of this thread! The DJ was talking about how she wore her hair SHORT when she was young, and now that she was older, she needed to grow it out more. See? Different strokes for different folks! Her reasoning was that shorter hair made her look older, so she ought to grow it out to look younger. The guy DJ just kept reiterating that almost all men like long hair.

Must have been talking about me? lol!
(SL until age 30, then pixied until 45...)

January 29th, 2015, 08:16 AM
I don't even listen to this too old/too young nonsense.
Or "women in their prime" noise... that kind of stuff is meant to keep you down.
a woman is in her prime her entire life when she takes care of herself, loves herself, and is kind to the people around her.

January 29th, 2015, 08:29 AM
Yes, I am a thread dominator! (I'll quit after this. Really.)

A customer at work was sharing about his son (5yrs), and I shared that I had a son. He asked how old, and I told him 19. His eyeballs about popped out! He said I looked much younger--my hair was down. I thanked him for the compliment, and didn't have the heart to tell him that I was 29 when I delivered DS. :spitting:

January 29th, 2015, 09:10 AM
My Mother used to tell me my hair was too long when it reached classic length. I agreed for a while when raising kids. I decided to grow to knees later when they were grown. The love of long hair outweighs anything that anyone says after a while. Its my hair, my journey, and I have so many ways to wear it up. Peoples comments about my length are easily ignored because they just don't get it and I do.
:) Great comments in this thread. There can't be enough threads like this to get the person to realize their inner love for long hair.

January 29th, 2015, 09:26 AM
I like your comment LadyLongLocks! There can never be too many supportive comments on this thread! That was probably wise to keep your hair at classic when your kids were young. I also totally agree that my love for long hair outweighs anything critical anyone might say to me. I get it too! We are in good company here! :beerchug:

January 29th, 2015, 10:06 AM
That phrase has no real meaning. You do what you like for as long as you like and ROCK IT! I'm 23 and I plan on growing my hair for many more years. Do what makes you feel beautiful and don't worry about anyone else.

January 29th, 2015, 11:29 AM
You can have a thousand compliments in a day but it only takes one negative comment to make you rethink everything. I see too many women get sucked into the fashion standards and I wonder.....do they really like their hair that way or did they do it because that what they saw in magazine this month and that's what everyone else is doing. I absolutely fell into that a long time ago when all the other girls in school cut their hair short so I had to have the same thing. And I liked it for about 5 minutes and haven't had a cut since. Like others have said, you do have to find a way to deal with those negative comments when you go against the norm but for me it's all about confidence. I wanted long, flowing princess hair since I was a little girl and now I have it! And I'm sure this will sound vain but I love it and I think it's awesome :D Not to mention coming here to LHC and seeing everyone, men and women alike, who share the same love of long hair. So I say grow it til your hearts content!

And for those people out there who take pictures of me & put them on facebook, instagram & twitter with less than complimentary comments, I'll keep this quote in mind:

"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
Dita Von Teese

January 29th, 2015, 11:35 AM
"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
Dita Von Teese

What a genius quote!

January 29th, 2015, 11:55 AM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

i'm a bit crushed by this, what are some of the experiences that some of you longer haired ladies have had in your professionals? Can you be too old for waist lengh hair? I personally think women generally are at their peak from 25-35 and some women look even better as they go up. What Do you guys think?

That's ludicrous, regarding 24 is the start of being to old for waist length hair. First of all it wasn't that long ago that the "norm" was for girls and women of any age to have long hair. Society makes up a lot of so called rules but we are the true rulers. If a lot of women would not cave in and cut short just because society is leaning that way, which might be very temporary, we would be better off.
Some jobs, professionally speaking do not want long hair on women. To get around this, you could wear your hair up while at work. You can look extremely professional with many up-dos. It's a shame they don't base professionalism on how you preform your job rather that the length of your hair but where I live that seems to be the case, as well.
What if the rule was everyone should dye their hair or they must let it go gray after a certain age to appear professional.
It is all ridiculous.
I think we all have to come to terms that we make our own decisions, do what makes us feel good and give that right to other people as well.
That is then true freedom to me.:)

January 29th, 2015, 12:01 PM
24 and old shouldn't even be in the same sentence. I had TB length at that age . Now I'm 55 with WL hair.
Its all just :bull:
Maybe your friend who had long hair and cut it wants you to do the same cause she wished she didn't and seeing you with yours now makes her jealous. :shrug:

Hi! Just want to ask, (I turned 57 a couple of days ago! ;) Anyways, are you maintaining at waist length now? Our hair is very similar in thickness and texture, and mine is just reaching hip length but I can tell as it gets longer, it tangles more and gets harder to care for. So, my question for you is, are you trimming and just maintaining your length now? I can totally understand why with our type of hair. Thanks for your help. Your hair is sooo pretty. :blossom:

And yes, jealous "friends" do say dumb things, that's for sure! :poot:

I sincerely think that when others (women with shorter hair usually) make rude comments about women with longer hair, it is purely from jealousy, especially if they have shorter hair! Women can be so mean and competitive towards each other. How sad this is! We need to support each other! ;)

January 29th, 2015, 02:06 PM
My mother always said that. Forget it. My hair is ankle length and I am 43!

I'm going to be 43 this year. I'm growing to classic this year (and have plans to grow further).

24? Please. You're still a baby then. ;) :)

January 29th, 2015, 02:15 PM
What Do you guys think?

I think... putting stock in someone else's OPINION is about the time I buy stock in Preperation H.

That's what I think. lol

January 29th, 2015, 02:16 PM
I'm a 33 year old with a professional job and my hair is closing in on waist. I plan to grow to at least hip, even tail bone. And I wear it down nearly every day. Don't let someone try to convince you that long hair is only for certain ages or professions.

Chamomile betty
January 29th, 2015, 02:28 PM
I am going to age wearing a beautiful bun or twist. I think both of those up dos are so classic. I just don't wear my hair down much due to tangles. Wear your hair how you are comfortable.

January 29th, 2015, 02:53 PM
You know, people have funny ideas, but I don't think I've heard that 24 is too old for anything but ballpits and trick-or-treating.

Long hair (waist to tailbone or so) is practically the norm around here, and relatively few women have hair north of shoulder-length. That varies a lot regionally, but no one would think twice about a 20- or 30-something with waist-length hair, except maybe to note how pretty it is.

Personally, I intend to have long white hair someday, and I don't really care who thinks that's not appropriate.

No one is too old for ball pits. One gets too tall or wide. I was ball pit diving with my kid into my 30s, then I strted taking him to concerts weekly.

I'm too old for ballpits? No way! :p
See above.

At a certain age, a woman becomes too old for anybody to tell her how she should wear her hair.

Well you know, once you hit 24 you become a wrinkled old hag and you're not allowed to be pretty anymore, so you have to get an unstylish mom haircut and just fade away into the background where nobody has to look at you. Having long hair makes you a delusional old lady who doesn't realize she's not a teenager anymore, how embarrassing.

Yeah, because I'm trying to be a teenager. (Shudder)
Maybe I have long hair because it's part of my personal definition of who I am? Maybe I like it? Partners liking it is simply icing.
And what I am is kick ass, so there. :P

THankyou for the support everyone. I was really upset over that. Not because it hurt my feelings, but because i worried, "by the time my hair is beautiful I will be past my peak age and it will look ridiculous"

I suppose that idea is ridiculous I am just doing my notorious worrying. I am going to keep growing. and hopefully by the ripe age of 27 I will have my waist length hair. And i am happy that hair length isnt an issue in professional settings as well, I am looking forward to my hair journey and I wont let anyone tell me otherwise :)
Let go of your personal ageism (or do what we cane-draggers do, and direct it at 24-year-olds), and realize a woman has so many peaks and valleys that we never live long enough to find them all.

Interesting...when I was 24 I had midback length hair, which is as long as it ever was. I loved that hair and I enjoyed it. However, I kept getting this feeling of pressure to "Do something with it". cut it shorter, dye or highlight or style it. So I eventually caved and I haven't been happy about it until recently when I realised I like longer hair, and I don't like "doing things with it." And it's ok. It really is your hair and you can do what you want with it. There really is no obligation to keep it any way that you don't want to.
Some years back I found that quote, " I'm not here to decorate your world." and I keep that firmly in my mind. So empowering.

Yes! This. Opinions are like armpits. We all have a couple and they generally stink.

I think... putting stock in someone else's OPINION is about the time I buy stock in Preperation H.

That's what I think. lol
See above.
And, investing in destink ingredients is wise.

What floored me was seeing anything in the 20s as too old. Usually that starts at 35 or 40.

I've had three careers, all with long hair.
The current one is a no brainer. I'm a certified massage therapist, so my hair is always up.

For a decade, I was a journalist, and it was usually braided, but I did learn some buns late in that time. I was taken for younger than I was, which usually meant they let down their guard since youth=inexperienced. So they'd blab what they never meant to blab. On the record. Usually a recording, too.

Evenings, in the same years, I worked at a music venue, so hair length was never an issue, but safely back was.

You know you found your tribe when you could open the sound engineer's junk bag and rummage for a scrunchie, and find he was in your backpack doing the same. We both scored. We even like the same few colors. (We had an arrangement about each other's junk bags. They are loose tool and bit and bobs catch-alls, and while one had to ask at some point, constant asking is silly. We had a blanket agreement based on bringing the other coffee or a snack. Bribery lives.)

I always had a go to interview style or two. I'd be equally conservative until I felt out the workplace.

January 29th, 2015, 02:54 PM
Alternatively, the next time someone tells you that you are too old for anything, tell them, "get of my lawn."

January 29th, 2015, 03:35 PM
My mother in law is in her 70s and has who knows how long braids. Always has them up. I plan to let mine grow as long as it possibly can!!

going gray
January 29th, 2015, 03:40 PM
I agree with this. If you want long hair then have long hair, if you don't want it then don't have it*

Yes ladies exactly! I just turned 68 & I am FINALLY going to have that long, long hair I always dreamed about. NO more salon visits either!

January 29th, 2015, 04:53 PM
Alternatively, the next time someone tells you that you are too old for anything, tell them, "get of my lawn."

That's a good one! LOL. Get off my lawn, dagnabbit! Too funny.

February 20th, 2015, 10:55 AM
never too old for long hair ;)

Agnes Hannah
February 20th, 2015, 03:22 PM
I have seen three ladies with long silvery hair in the last couple of weeks. I stopped one lady in HobbyCraft to talk about hair, hers was in a pony over her shoulder so I'm guessing it must have been hip length at least. The colours were lovely all natural. She assured me she would not cut it!
It is lovely to see more older people with longer hair nowadays.

February 20th, 2015, 04:07 PM
I'll start first by saying that no matter the age, women should do what makes them happy and if they're happy with waist length or longer hair as they age, then that's honestly all that matters.

That being said, I think that the fear for some women as they age is that long hair can make them appear older - especially if it isn't being properly taken care of. And, in all honesty, that's probably why you're hearing that there's an "age limit" to having longer hair. My hair is a bit longer than classic and I'm 25, but what benefits me most is that I actually look quite a bit younger (I was recently carded when I went to see an R-rated movie!) with my very long hair and it's extremely healthy.

Now, as for as long hair not appearing professional, it's truly all in the eye of the beholder. I would personally never wear my hair down to a job interview because it gets in the way and I don't want the interviewer to just remember me as "the girl with the long hair", but much rather for my skills when it comes to being able to do the job. So, I would always wear my hair up and I've styled it in buns, braided up-dos, you name it. Plus, not to boast too much, but my hair has typically always looked a lot cleaner than most of the other women I've worked with, too. There's been more than one occasion where I've been asked to give advice to coworkers on cleaning up their appearance at work!

On that note, I've also dealt with some negativity as I'm sure all women here have at some point. I've been told that I need a fresher, more modern appearance, or an edgier haircut to stay hip, but that really isn't my style. When I've been given a particularly hard time, I just like to remember that I can do anything in the world with my hair whereas they're stuck with the latest "trendy" hairstyle that will be out of fashion in a month.

February 20th, 2015, 04:25 PM
It's all nonsense- most of today's societal expectations are BS, constructed to hide our true selves, and built on ancient ideologies that no one cares to question.
I say do what you want in this life because it is honestly too short to waste.
You will be so much happier if you are true to yourself. :flower:

February 26th, 2016, 11:15 AM
Your own opinion is the only one that counts.

Groovy Granny
February 26th, 2016, 11:25 AM
I questioned that when I considered growing my hair out at 61.....now I am 64 and sporting hip length hair. :joy:

This is the longest my hair has ever been, and this is the happiest I have ever been with my hair.

I ignored the original nay-sayers (very hard at times), and now I could care less if they 'approve' or not.

Most here 'curl up and dye' so I am in the minority....but I am proud to express myself as I wish....not as THEY deem appropriate.

IT IS MY LIFE AND MY HAIR ....and it will remain LONG until my last breath :p

You grow girl :cheer:

February 26th, 2016, 01:07 PM
I questioned that when I considered growing my hair out at 61.....now I am 64 and sporting hip length hair. :joy:

This is the longest my hair has ever been, and this is the happiest I have ever been with my hair.

I ignored the original nay-sayers (very hard at times), and now I could care less if they 'approve' or not.

Most here 'curl up and dye' so I am in the minority....but I am proud to express myself as I wish....not as THEY deem appropriate.

IT IS MY LIFE AND MY HAIR ....and it will remain LONG until my last breath :p

You grow girl :cheer:


Life's entirely too short to be spent trying to please others. Individualism is rare these days. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters :)

February 26th, 2016, 01:10 PM
Saying that there is an age for what your hair should be is an idea I have never heard before. The way I see it is everyone is different no one person is the same. One thing might work for someone and just not work at all for someone else. Hair is such an individual expression of someones self that if everyone had the same hair that would be kinda depressing. And Heck if that's what she really thinks. Then I've always been a rebel at heart anyways. ;)

Bill D.
February 26th, 2016, 02:07 PM
There was a woman working in my office with long hair that eventually grew almost to her ankles. She was in her 50s. I was aware of its length because she actually wore it down a few times, at least long enough for me to see its length.

February 26th, 2016, 03:09 PM
It's all nonsense- most of today's societal expectations are BS, constructed to hide our true selves, and built on ancient ideologies that no one cares to question.
I say do what you want in this life because it is honestly too short to waste.
You will be so much happier if you are true to yourself. :flower:

Absolutely! I couldn't agree more! :agree:
It's your body and it's up to you how to grow or style your hair! :D

I questioned that when I considered growing my hair out at 61.....now I am 64 and sporting hip length hair. :joy:

This is the longest my hair has ever been, and this is the happiest I have ever been with my hair.

I ignored the original nay-sayers (very hard at times), and now I could care less if they 'approve' or not.

Most here 'curl up and dye' so I am in the minority....but I am proud to express myself as I wish....not as THEY deem appropriate.

IT IS MY LIFE AND MY HAIR ....and it will remain LONG until my last breath :p

You grow girl :cheer:

Beautifully put, Groovy Granny! :love: Very true, wise words! :applause

Groovy Granny
February 26th, 2016, 04:12 PM
Absolutely! I couldn't agree more! :agree:
It's your body and it's up to you how to grow or style your hair! :D

Beautifully put, Groovy Granny! :love: Very true, wise words! :applause
Thank you :o

Better to realize it late than never ;)

February 26th, 2016, 08:59 PM
Being old is not the same as being dead. ;)

February 26th, 2016, 09:02 PM
Ha, very good, Ed! ;)

I'm old enough now to not care what others think about what I do with my hair. I do what I want with it. Which happens to be grow it long. Why should we all look the same? Why?

February 26th, 2016, 10:02 PM
I had a middle aged woman tell me that she couldn't wear her hair long at her age and her sister told her it made her look 90. Sad.

February 26th, 2016, 10:15 PM
Everyone is free to wear their hair how they want. My mom had waist-length hair for most of her professional life. She is now 53 and rocking TBL hair. :)

One can always wear it in a nice bun if they don't want to leave it loose.

February 26th, 2016, 10:24 PM
I have a friend who is 73 (?? if my memory of Birthday serves) Who has Classic terminal length....
Someone should tell her she's too old, I'd watch your shins! LOL
it is BEAUTIFUL! and is one where when my own Grandmother said "Grey looks bad long" I had to question it! SO NOT TRUE!
I have older hair aspirations due this friend!

February 27th, 2016, 04:09 AM
Everyone is free to wear their hair how they want. My mom had waist-length hair for most of her professional life. She is now 53 and rocking TBL hair. :)

One can always wear it in a nice bun if they don't want to leave it loose.

Anou, you are so right !... :) I'm turning 51 by the end of March and frankly : I have never been so much in love with my hair ! :cloud9:

Say hello from a fellow 50+ long hair to your lovely Mom ! :waving: It's nice that she can enjoy her hair, whatever her age and whatever the other people think. Not everybody can do that : for some people, the opinion of the others really matters and is painful. They are unable to cope with aging signs, or are afraid to put themselves out of the comfortable anonymity of the mainstream.

Personally, I think that why should I deprive myself from this pleasure which was given to me in my birth-pack ? It's there, on my head, growing anyway. It's free. It's beautiful (to my eyes, at least) and pleasant to care of (this, thanks to LHC ! :flower:). It makes me feel gorgeous, privileged, particular. It helps me relax when I feel anxious or nervous : I just pamper my hair and feel better^^. So... Maybe one day I will try to go bold, who knows ! (I have always been curious about it : it must be an awesome feeling of freedom and lightness !^^). But for the moment I love my hair and have no plan of cutting it anytime soon. :)

February 27th, 2016, 04:17 AM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

i'm a bit crushed by this, what are some of the experiences that some of you longer haired ladies have had in your professionals? Can you be too old for waist lengh hair? I personally think women generally are at their peak from 25-35 and some women look even better as they go up. What Do you guys think?

I roll my eyes every time someone says "too old for...". (End of discussion).

February 27th, 2016, 04:26 AM
My ex-fiance's mom, who is now over 60, has a classic-upper thigh length hair. It's rare here, definitely not a norm, but I do see longer hair on all age groups (often it's in the medium-long category, not super long).

February 27th, 2016, 06:46 AM
Honestly, in my opinion, it sounds like jealously. I know a lot of people are for against older women having long hair (which I don't agree with!) but 24...? Literally never heard anything close to a statement like that!

Please don't cut your hair, or do anything you don't want to do, because of other people.

You have our support here! :)

February 27th, 2016, 06:59 AM
Try replacing "too old for" with "finally big enough for" - in other words, wear your hair the way you like it. Who is the "they" who decided the socially sanctioned hair length for women at what age? Pfft. Your hair, your choice. End of story.

February 27th, 2016, 08:13 AM
She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.


February 27th, 2016, 08:43 AM
That's ridiculous. You may need to be more creative with it to make it look professional, as the longer it is, the more likely it'll get tangled and frizzy throughout the day. But there are plenty of tutorials out there for professional updos. Never underestimate the power of a low bun or french twist.

February 27th, 2016, 09:12 AM
Try replacing "too old for" with "finally big enough for" - in other words, wear your hair the way you like it. Who is the "they" who decided the socially sanctioned hair length for women at what age? Pfft. Your hair, your choice. End of story.

Upvoted! extra characters

February 27th, 2016, 10:07 AM
I'm getting this and I am 22 years old. Apparently "professional women" do not have hair longer than shoulder length, it is "unprofessional" and "for young girls only". UM HELLO, I am 22!!

February 27th, 2016, 03:17 PM
I was talking to someone today who used to have waist length hair.they told me that 24 is at the beginning of being too old for my hair to be waist length, that by the time I get there, I will be too old for it to be appropriate. She also mentioned that long hair does not bode well in professional jobs, that all is the longest it can be at my age before it's socially acceptable.

Oh god lol. Now the early-mid twenties are 'too old' for something? :lol:

Not to sound mean, of course, to you, OP! I just find it funny.

They're totally wrong. You can absolutely look professional with way longer hair. I used to do it all the time and my hair is well past waist- past hip, even.
Heck, Gossamer always looks polished and professional with her updos and she's got some of the longest hair I've ever seen.

I recommend center held buns with a subdued, low-key stick or ficcare. I have never once had a problem with my hair looking unkempt or unprofessional when it was up.
LWBs that are held securely, and I loved to do braided cinnabuns for when I wanted to look a bit fancier.

February 27th, 2016, 07:20 PM
The trick is to wear it up so they have no clue how long it really is xD

February 27th, 2016, 07:25 PM
I've been working in a corporate environment since 2002 and have never had anyone comment or suggest my hair length is inappropriate for the job/environment I am in. I'm a manager. Whoever told you that your hair length will affect your professional prospects knows nothing about what people are really judged on as far as appearance is concerned. Professionally? Just be tidy and polished. That can happen without being shorn of one's hair.

February 27th, 2016, 07:57 PM
Anou, you are so right !... :) I'm turning 51 by the end of March and frankly : I have never been so much in love with my hair ! :cloud9:

Say hello from a fellow 50+ long hair to your lovely Mom ! :waving: It's nice that she can enjoy her hair, whatever her age and whatever the other people think. Not everybody can do that : for some people, the opinion of the others really matters and is painful. They are unable to cope with aging signs, or are afraid to put themselves out of the comfortable anonymity of the mainstream.

Personally, I think that why should I deprive myself from this pleasure which was given to me in my birth-pack ? It's there, on my head, growing anyway. It's free. It's beautiful (to my eyes, at least) and pleasant to care of (this, thanks to LHC ! :flower:). It makes me feel gorgeous, privileged, particular. It helps me relax when I feel anxious or nervous : I just pamper my hair and feel better^^. So... Maybe one day I will try to go bold, who knows ! (I have always been curious about it : it must be an awesome feeling of freedom and lightness !^^). But for the moment I love my hair and have no plan of cutting it anytime soon. :)

My mom says hello back! :) And you have GORGEOUS hair! I'll try to get her to agree to let me take a picture of her hair, it's honestly better than mine, even though she's twice my age.
She did experiment with shorter lengths when she was younger, but then decided to grow out her hair. I'm sort of in the same boat, tbh. I've had all possible short lengths barring pixie, I just want long hair now.

Red Rapunzel
February 27th, 2016, 07:58 PM
I'm going to turn 68 in March. My naturally red hair is now tailbone length if I pull the curls straight. Otherwise it looks shorter. My mom always told me that after age 30 I needed to have a short hairdo. Baloney! Not true! No one gives me a hard time about my hair length - only compliments and smiles!


Groovy Granny
February 27th, 2016, 09:31 PM
My ex-fiance's mom, who is now over 60, has a classic-upper thigh length hair. It's rare here, definitely not a norm, but I do see longer hair on all age groups (often it's in the medium-long category, not super long).

Good for her :thumbsup:

I'm going to turn 68 in March. My naturally red hair is now tailbone length if I pull the curls straight. Otherwise it looks shorter. My mom always told me that after age 30 I needed to have a short hairdo. Baloney! Not true! No one gives me a hard time about my hair length - only compliments and smiles!


Have a Happy 68th :)

Great to have company!!

February 27th, 2016, 09:40 PM
I am 55 with TBL hair. At work I wear it up, so unless someone catches me combing and putting it back up, they have no idea how long it is. Wear your hair at the length that makes you happy. :)

February 28th, 2016, 03:27 PM
I find the entire notion of "too old for long hair" weird, since most of the people I've known with waist+ length hair outside of LHC have been older than I am!

February 28th, 2016, 03:31 PM
I just turned forty in January, and for one thing, I happen to look ridiculous with short hair. (It just looks bad with my facial features.) For another, the older I get, the less inclined I am to put up with nonsense, so I'd be inclined to say something along the lines of, "You know what I'm too old for? I'm too old to let someone else tell me what to do with MY hair." :D

Groovy Granny
February 28th, 2016, 03:47 PM
I just turned forty in January, and for one thing, I happen to look ridiculous with short hair. (It just looks bad with my facial features.) For another, the older I get, the less inclined I am to put up with nonsense, so I'd be inclined to say something along the lines of, "You know what I'm too old for? I'm too old to let someone else tell me what to do with MY hair." :D

That's a good comeback :thumbsup:

Red Rapunzel
February 28th, 2016, 05:43 PM
Oh god lol. Now the early-mid twenties are 'too old' for something? :lol:

Not to sound mean, of course, to you, OP! I just find it funny.

They're totally wrong. You can absolutely look professional with way longer hair. I used to do it all the time and my hair is well past waist- past hip, even.
Heck, Gossamer always looks polished and professional with her updos and she's got some of the longest hair I've ever seen.

I recommend center held buns with a subdued, low-key stick or ficcare. I have never once had a problem with my hair looking unkempt or unprofessional when it was up.
LWBs that are held securely, and I loved to do braided cinnabuns for when I wanted to look a bit fancier.

Maborosi: Your long red hair is gorgeous!! Great condition and sheen! Takes me back to a time when my hair was thicker, more manageable! Congrats on your spectacular hair!:applause

Thinning Red Rapunzel

February 29th, 2016, 03:17 AM
That's ridiculous. Don't listen to people who say that. It seems like everyone's got an opinion about everything. Just do what makes you happy, and more importantly: what makes you feel good about yourself. I'd be dead miserable right now if my hair was short. And mind you, I've had it short before and loved it back then. Maybe I'll cut it again later, who knows. But right now, if long hair is what feels right to you, then don't cut it just because someone acts all opinionated about it. Do you think they would change their hairstyle just because you happen to find it wrong? lol Probably not! So why change for them?

February 29th, 2016, 03:35 AM
Age and hair, huh... thats a tough one and as a woman, you just cant win. If you are somewhat young and your hair is long, youre supposed to cut it because "Shorter hair makes you look more grown up, like, more mature and professional. Cant get a decent job when looking like a young girl, y´know.". Alright, fair enough. However, if you are a few years older you may get to hear "A shorter do be more playful and it makes you look younger!" instead.

My conclusion? Short hair must be amazing. It makes you look older AND younger all at once!


I had a middle aged woman tell me that she couldn't wear her hair long at her age and her sister told her it made her look 90. Sad.


February 29th, 2016, 08:30 AM
This is one of my absolute pet peeves. I find the notion that a hairstyle might be considered inappropriate or unprofessional a complete load of parp!

A persons skills, qualifications and experience should speak for themselves....and frankly unless I was on the verge of destitution, I'd rather not work in a place that was so closed minded and frankly stupid in their methods of recruitment. I'm pretty sure it's illegal in many places these day to turn down an applicant on the basis of appearance anyway, as long as they're hygienic and willing to tie long hair back if necessary.

In any case, if someone else thinks they can tell me what to do with my hair, I'm certain I can tell them not to be so rude. Bad manners are ugly at any age and unprofessional.

Pat Wright
February 29th, 2016, 09:05 AM
Well I'm 53 and absolutely don't care what anyone but my husband and myself think of my hair!

February 29th, 2016, 11:13 AM
Maborosi: Your long red hair is gorgeous!! Great condition and sheen! Takes me back to a time when my hair was thicker, more manageable! Congrats on your spectacular hair!:applause

Thinning Red Rapunzel

Thank you Red Rapunzel! That is very kind of you

February 29th, 2016, 01:08 PM
I wear my hair like this because I can lol! older women have been wearing their long since the beginning of time. Nay sayer's should mind their own business. I happen to look better and younger with long hair. you just have to be yourself and wear your hair the way it makes you feel good.

February 29th, 2016, 01:23 PM
Daphne Selfe is 87 years old and still rocks her fabulous silver hair <3

When I saw her pictures, I knew I wanted to grow old with long hair if I am able to c:
I find (long) silvery hair absolutely stunning.

February 29th, 2016, 01:54 PM
I have a "baby face" and although I am a young adult my mother still has one as well so it is logical to predict I will always have one. My face is quite rounded because of this and long hair will probably always look better on me because it balances me out. I have quite the collection of long earrings but it isn't quite the same and so I intend to keep my long hair for a very long time (if not for my lifetime). The fact that long hair evens my face out will probably never change no matter how long I live to be and the way I see it you are never too old to enhance/care about your appearance.

I am just waiting for the day I get someone that tells me that my hair is too long for my age:patrol: It hasn't happened yet but when it doesn't LHC has prepared me to deal with it :grouphug:

chen bao jun
February 29th, 2016, 02:02 PM
My husband is not a fan, particularly, of long hair. I should say that before I tell this story. When I met him, I had ear length hair and when I grew it to my shoulders, he said, 'I didn't know you had long hair. ' When I grew it to APL, he was like, 'you really have long hair. But I like you with any hair.'

So--the other day we were sitting in a restaurant and I have my hair loose and its straightened, so that you can tell it is bottom bra strap/mid back (I know that's not long on LHC). And my husband looks around the room. He says, Chen, your hair is so long now that I think you have more hair than if a person combined the hair of any three or four of the other women in the room that are your age. (I'm 58, later this year I will be 59).

THEN, he says, 'I think that's partly why you look so much better than any of them. Why do women cut off all their hair when they get to your age? I mean, they don't have to have it as long as yours to keep looking nice, but look at all of them. Quite a few of them are actually still attractive. Why do they cut off all their hair and just so obviously quit trying? They are not so old that it's time to just give up and stop trying.'

Just one man's opinion. But as I said, he's not even a long hair lover.

Groovy Granny
February 29th, 2016, 09:20 PM
Daphne Selfe is 87 years old and still rocks her fabulous silver hair <3

When I saw her pictures, I knew I wanted to grow old with long hair if I am able to c:
I find (long) silvery hair absolutely stunning.She is slovely and has been one of my inspirations :)

My husband is not a fan, particularly, of long hair. I should say that before I tell this story. When I met him, I had ear length hair and when I grew it to my shoulders, he said, 'I didn't know you had long hair. ' When I grew it to APL, he was like, 'you really have long hair. But I like you with any hair.'

So--the other day we were sitting in a restaurant and I have my hair loose and its straightened, so that you can tell it is bottom bra strap/mid back (I know that's not long on LHC). And my husband looks around the room. He says, Chen, your hair is so long now that I think you have more hair than if a person combined the hair of any three or four of the other women in the room that are your age. (I'm 58, later this year I will be 59).

THEN, he says, 'I think that's partly why you look so much better than any of them. Why do women cut off all their hair when they get to your age? I mean, they don't have to have it as long as yours to keep looking nice, but look at all of them. Quite a few of them are actually still attractive. Why do they cut off all their hair and just so obviously quit trying? They are not so old that it's time to just give up and stop trying.'

Just one man's opinion. But as I said, he's not even a long hair lover.

LOL that's great Chen :thumbsup:

I know mine was leery at the mention of my growing it out when it was chin length....and then I just kind of took him along for the ride :whistle:
Now he loves it ;)

March 1st, 2016, 07:39 AM
I haven't read the whole thread. But I just think long hair is gorgeous on men, women, young and old. I especially love to see ladies with long grey hair. It kind of takes my breath away. I am going to have long grey or white hair someday, God willing. So, I disagree with your friend's statement there.

As for looking professional with long hair, of course you can. Some people prefer those short, heavily-styled, dyed, covered-in-products hairstyles. My grandmother is one of those people. But it's not a requirement for looking professional. I think you just have to embrace what YOU want and why you want it, and rock it.

chen bao jun
March 1st, 2016, 11:09 AM
I think its worth saying again re: the 'professional' thing, though its been said before.

If you happen to work in one of those companies where they are very strict about 'professional appearance' or where long hair will actually hold you back (they do exist), just wear it up and then wear your long hair how you like it in your non-work time.

March 1st, 2016, 11:40 AM
DBF isn't a fan of my long hair, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I wasn't taking very good care of it until recently. I suppose that only time will tell whether or not I'm right about that (either way, I have no immediate plans to cut it off).

Groovy Granny
July 11th, 2016, 12:46 AM
wrong forum :o

going gray
July 11th, 2016, 11:17 AM
Hello ladies,

This is a wonderful thread. I'm going to be 70 this January, and have to say I have NEVER been happier with my hair! Well on my way to, my goal, BSL which on me is about 27" in the past I did listen to the "hair experts" out there, took me quite a while to figure it out, kept growing & chopping, even with being a member since '05. Thank you ALL for the inspiration & tons of useful hair advice.

July 11th, 2016, 11:37 AM
My husband is not a fan, particularly, of long hair. I should say that before I tell this story. When I met him, I had ear length hair and when I grew it to my shoulders, he said, 'I didn't know you had long hair. ' When I grew it to APL, he was like, 'you really have long hair. But I like you with any hair.'

So--the other day we were sitting in a restaurant and I have my hair loose and its straightened, so that you can tell it is bottom bra strap/mid back (I know that's not long on LHC). And my husband looks around the room. He says, Chen, your hair is so long now that I think you have more hair than if a person combined the hair of any three or four of the other women in the room that are your age. (I'm 58, later this year I will be 59).

THEN, he says, 'I think that's partly why you look so much better than any of them. Why do women cut off all their hair when they get to your age? I mean, they don't have to have it as long as yours to keep looking nice, but look at all of them. Quite a few of them are actually still attractive. Why do they cut off all their hair and just so obviously quit trying? They are not so old that it's time to just give up and stop trying.'

Just one man's opinion. But as I said, he's not even a long hair lover.

Lol Chen^^ I had an interior smile when I read your story. Maybe your husband was not particularly into long hair ladies before. But now, believe me, he starts to appreciate it : look how he did his little calculation about length and thickness, and compared the other ladies to his own ! ^^^^^^ I think he is very proud of you.

July 11th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Healthy, well-cared-for hair is beautiful regardless of whether its owner is 20 or 80.

I regret to suggest that many people associate long grey hair with unkempt, bag-lady hair. I appreciate my fellow silvers here being GOOD role models! Go for it, your hair is all lovely!

July 11th, 2016, 01:58 PM
Healthy, well-cared-for hair is beautiful regardless of whether its owner is 20 or 80.

I regret to suggest that many people associate long grey hair with unkempt, bag-lady hair. I appreciate my fellow silvers here being GOOD role models! Go for it, your hair is all lovely!

With as many silvers as I have now, I have a feeling I'm going to be full silver a bit sooner than others my age. I don't mind. It brings interest to my hair.

Groovy Granny
July 11th, 2016, 02:30 PM
Hello ladies,
This is a wonderful thread. I'm going to be 70 this January, and have to say I have NEVER been happier with my hair! Well on my way to, my goal, BSL which on me is about 27" in the past I did listen to the "hair experts" out there, took me quite a while to figure it out, kept growing & chopping, even with being a member since '05. Thank you ALL for the inspiration & tons of useful hair advice.


Like you, I am eternally grateful for the inspiration and support of the lovely ladies here at LHC.
My journey would have ended quite soon otherwise as there is little / no support here IRL

Healthy, well-cared-for hair is beautiful regardless of whether its owner is 20 or 80.

I regret to suggest that many people associate long grey hair with unkempt, bag-lady hair. I appreciate my fellow silvers here being GOOD role models! Go for it, your hair is all lovely!

Thank you :flowers:

July 11th, 2016, 09:32 PM
I use to believe the myth of having to have short hair after a certain age and I have also been worried about not having my beautiful long hair befor the dreadful age of 35! But the more I have discussed the topic with others I have found more people than I thought hadnt even heard of this so called "rule". I plan to keep my hair long for as long as I can take care of it so if that means I'm 110 with white hair to my waist I'll take it. Honestly my only fear now is my hair thinning out too much with age and it looking terrible because of the thickness. But I eat lots of protein and drink lots of water. So I'm hoping that taking care of myself will counteract that. My mom wasn't going bald at 60 before she passed away or before she started chemo, hopefull genetics will be on my side as well.

July 11th, 2016, 09:54 PM
It's certainly complete tripe concerning women. Maybe some women have short hair in high ranking jobs, but I think they are trying to look like men, which is completely pointless in this day and age. It should not matter what gender you are or how long your hair is. Of course, I don't think discrimination against us long haired men is completely eliminated, but there are plenty of men with long hair in professional jobs, never mind women. I think of it like an a***hole filter. Don't want to work for one? Then grow out your hair!

Besides all that, women can wear their hair up at work, so that no-one even knows it's length, as several have pointed out, and men are heading the same way.

July 11th, 2016, 10:02 PM
I have a friend with long silver hair, and she is planning to cut it off, and honestly, I think that the big chop will age her a decade. I find long hair on people of any age attractive as long as it is healthy and the ends are kept trimmed (personal preference), and I tend to think it makes people look younger. I do agree that sometimes extremely thin hair looks better somewhat shorter, but that doesn't mean you need a pixie either -- I think it should just be kept trimmed enough so that what is left looks healthy and reasonably shaped at the ends. Once again, that is personal preference.

July 12th, 2016, 05:52 AM
I've seen so many older ladies with beautiful long hair, and I've never thought to myself "well that's not age-appropriate". If you've got long hair/are growing your hair long, whatever age you are, I say rock it! :D

Also (purely speaking from personal experience) a lot of the people I've met who say that long hair isn't appropriate after a certain age are often just projecting their own insecurities. If I'd have listened every time people have told me I shouldn't do something "because it's not what everyone else does", I'd have a very boring life!

July 12th, 2016, 06:40 AM
I've seen so many older ladies with beautiful long hair, and I've never thought to myself "well that's not age-appropriate". If you've got long hair/are growing your hair long, whatever age you are, I say rock it! :D

Also (purely speaking from personal experience) a lot of the people I've met who say that long hair isn't appropriate after a certain age are often just projecting their own insecurities. If I'd have listened every time people have told me I shouldn't do something "because it's not what everyone else does", I'd have a very boring life!

I read once that when we're old and looking back at our lives, it isn't what we did that we regret, it's what we didn't do. As an old fogey, I can vouch for that. Anyone who wants long hair should grow it and enjoy.

Groovy Granny
July 12th, 2016, 01:49 PM
I read once that when we're old and looking back at our lives, it isn't what we did that we regret, it's what we didn't do. As an old fogey, I can vouch for that. Anyone who wants long hair should grow it and enjoy.

Amen to that :thumbsup:

July 15th, 2016, 04:03 AM
Also the perception shorter is easier and at a certain age shouldn't we want easy? Who wants to wash their hair everyday?

No thanks! Long and grey all the way!

Groovy Granny
July 15th, 2016, 09:51 AM
Also the perception shorter is easier and at a certain age shouldn't we want easy? Who wants to wash their hair everyday?

No thanks! Long and grey all the way!

That's for sure ~ this is so much more 'care free' :thumbsup:

July 15th, 2016, 12:11 PM
I read once that when we're old and looking back at our lives, it isn't what we did that we regret, it's what we didn't do. As an old fogey, I can vouch for that. Anyone who wants long hair should grow it and enjoy.

I'm in complete agreement.

July 20th, 2016, 06:23 PM
I've seen so many older ladies with beautiful long hair, and I've never thought to myself "well that's not age-appropriate". If you've got long hair/are growing your hair long, whatever age you are, I say rock it! :D

Also (purely speaking from personal experience) a lot of the people I've met who say that long hair isn't appropriate after a certain age are often just projecting their own insecurities. If I'd have listened every time people have told me I shouldn't do something "because it's not what everyone else does", I'd have a very boring life!

I totally agree with you! To tell the truth I read for the first time on this board such a strange thing about the long hair at all :eek: I really can understand when some bright colours for the hair like on these pictures http://hairstylezz.com/best-lavender-hair-color-ideas/32/ are not always good for the all ages just because they don't fit some people in such cases but the long hair? I think that it's smth unique which always fits the women despite of their age! :o
And I see no problem in the long hair at work, in my opinion the smart boss is interested much more in the quality of your work, not the length of your hair :)

July 20th, 2016, 09:24 PM
I have a friend with long silver hair, and she is planning to cut it off, and honestly, I think that the big chop will age her a decade. I find long hair on people of any age attractive as long as it is healthy and the ends are kept trimmed (personal preference), and I tend to think it makes people look younger. I do agree that sometimes extremely thin hair looks better somewhat shorter, but that doesn't mean you need a pixie either -- I think it should just be kept trimmed enough so that what is left looks healthy and reasonably shaped at the ends. Once again, that is personal preference.

I studied with a 55ish year old woman with dyed or natural black hair (I can't remember) who kept it in a longish pixie. I think she may have had thyroid issues, as she was very manic and her hair was thin enough that you could see her scalp easily, especially with the strong contrast beween her pale scalp and black hair. I don't mind pixies on other people, but in her case I do think if she kept it longer and tied it back, the thinness of her hair would have been less apparent or even not noticable.

Regarding long hair and being older, one of my high school art teachers has very long hair, at least classic length if not longer. It's 1a, a lovely mid-grey and it looked very sleek and well cared for. I'm really not sure of her age, as she has the 'long and thin' body type that can make it difficult to tell, but I'd say at least 60 as she taught my sister before me, and had grey hair then too.

July 22nd, 2016, 12:54 AM
this comment always makes me cry and get angry. i believe that No One is too old to have long hair.

July 27th, 2016, 01:23 AM
Yesterday I met a woman in her eighties who told me that her hair was classic length (she had it in a cinnabun). She's not too old for long hair.

July 27th, 2016, 03:54 AM
I believe that age isn't about numbers, it's a combination between how you feel and how you act.
I also think that long hair can be beautiful at any age.
Why should people cut their hair when they get older or have it long when they are young.
Your hair is one of the first things people notice and as long as it feels good and you're happy with it than it will only add to your charisma since there is nothing more beautiful about a person than someone who is happy and radiant and smiles just because they feel good about themselve.
As long as long hair makes you feel comfortable then go for it.

July 27th, 2016, 07:11 AM
I always wonder why anyone cares about why I wear my hair on my head how I want.

When I started growing out my color everyone had an unsolicited opinion.

Moms just care about your well-being so moms usually get a pass, but ... conventions change. Its not 1955 anymore :)

July 27th, 2016, 07:37 AM
Ya. I've considered growing out my henna, but I really like it!
Now, the idea of transitioning to unnatural reds has cropped up in my brain. I'll be the wrinkled old prune with orange or firehouse red hair, and I think it would suit me. :)

July 27th, 2016, 10:18 AM
...there is nothing more beautiful about a person than someone who is happy and radiant and smiles ....

Yes, YES, YES!

August 10th, 2016, 09:46 AM
cdonald2, don't be crushed. I this very much older lady that has hair all the way down to the floor on her, and she's in her 50's!!! Her nickname is JJJlonghair. You can find her on youtube. So, don't believe anyone that tells you by the time you make 24 you are too old for long hair.

August 10th, 2016, 09:54 AM
Yes, YES, YES!

There is nothing more beautiful than a person, regardless of facial expression, expresses confidence and self respect. I don't need to see a smile to get that vibe.

Age regardless - hair length is a choice for each person of their own and what others think or say about it is of no value; if you aren't going to say something nice, keep your mouth shut. :laugh:

August 16th, 2016, 07:44 AM
- no one is ever too old for long hair-