View Full Version : Hair got chopped into a bob, in desperate need of healthy growth (and advice!)

January 22nd, 2015, 09:03 AM
Hi, I'm new to this site. I was hoping you guys would have some advice for me :-)

My hair went from a long bob (colarbone length) to a short bob - all in one day. The hairdresser made a mistake and chopped my hair till about an inch above my shoulders. It's very wavy, so it looks even shorter, too.
I really want to know how I should grow my hair.. I wanted her to "dust" the ends, and I don't want this to happen ever again. I'm reluctant about getting my hair trimmed now and would actually not want to do it, although I know my hair will get split and brittle if I don't.

What do you suggest I do? I feel the need to apply hot tools to my hair, but I'm not going to. I invested in a shampoo and conditioner without sulfates and silicones, and I wash my hair once in four days.
How often should I get my hair cut? When do I know if I have split ends? How can I get my hair in a great condition?

So many questions ...

January 22nd, 2015, 09:10 AM
Happened yo me, classic to BSL...

January 22nd, 2015, 09:11 AM
Sorry to read about your hairdresser's mistake.

First of all, stay far, far away from the heating tools...of any sort.
Only cut your hair (trim it slightly) when it needs it.
Try gentle scalp massage in the upside down position to help stimulate your hair follicles. Do it daily.
Eat a sensible diet
Use a silk pillow case cover to protect your hair while you're sleeping
You will know you have split ends when you see the hair split like a fern or a "y" at the very ends. You also have to watch for white dots, which are the precursors to split ends. Split ends can occur anyplace on the hair strand. They are most likely to occur at the ends as that is the oldest (and most fragile) part of your hair.
You can get your hair in great condition by using gentle methods, using gentle products, eating correctly, and detangling your hair gently - every day - with a wide tooth comb. And have patience! There are no short cuts to growing healthy, beautiful hair! Good luck!

January 22nd, 2015, 10:10 AM
At your length and with your medium/coarse texture I don't see that split ends will be a problem for a while. It seems to me you could grow for at least one year with no trims, maybe even longer. I've gone that long and many others here have as well. Then when it's long enough for you to reach you can do your own trims and won't have to go to the salon anymore. In the meantime I would do just as Madora said above.

January 22nd, 2015, 10:17 AM
Mardora's advice is solid.

January 22nd, 2015, 10:20 AM
Patience, patience, patience... and: no-trimming. Join the no-trimming challenge for 2015. Here's the thread:

If you don't heat-style, and leave your hair natural, there is no reason to actually trim, unless there's damage, but if you stay far away from the heat, you'll very likely not have damage to trim off.

Good luck!

January 22nd, 2015, 11:04 AM
Patience, patience, patience... and: no-trimming. Join the no-trimming challenge for 2015. Here's the thread:

If you don't heat-style, and leave your hair natural, there is no reason to actually trim, unless there's damage, but if you stay far away from the heat, you'll very likely not have damage to trim off.

Good luck!
I'd love to join the challenge, but my hair is so dry at the moment that after a few weeks I just get little one inch hairs all over the ground even from brushing.. so I'll leave that for when I'm sure my hair is in really good condition.

Have blowdried my hair a little too much lately.. :-)

January 22nd, 2015, 11:20 AM
I actually should have said "after four months my hair gets dry and starts breaking", because it wasn't a few weeks actually, now that I checked. lol.

January 22nd, 2015, 11:40 AM
I agree with lapushka and Madora, take care of your hair, and be patient. I would think that if you'd just gotten it cut your ends should be healthy and you shouldn't need to cut again as long as you're nice to your hair. If you do find a split end I'd just cut it off rather than getting an all over trim. I've been doing that for a year and a half and have gained a lot of length. I've been using coconut oil treatments too, and they keep my hair nice and soft. You could try that too. :)

January 22nd, 2015, 02:32 PM
I actually should have said "after four months my hair gets dry and starts breaking", because it wasn't a few weeks actually, now that I checked. lol.

Welcome Fresco! :flower:
You can learn to trim your own hair, if you're reluctant to go back to the stylist. A small trim, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch every few months, can really help with splits if you have damage.

In the meantime, Madora gave you great advice. Gentle detangling is particularly important, especially if you have some damaged or fragile hair.

You might also give a deep treatment a try - those can really help dry ends and let you go further between trims. There's some great recipes for DIY treatments on the boards. I especially recommend the ever-popular "Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment," or SMT.
Happy growing! :)

January 22nd, 2015, 02:36 PM
I'd love to join the challenge, but my hair is so dry at the moment that after a few weeks I just get little one inch hairs all over the ground even from brushing.. so I'll leave that for when I'm sure my hair is in really good condition.

Have blowdried my hair a little too much lately.. :-)

Ick, that's not good. :(

If it's just dried out, I'm a fan of SMTs for getting more moisture in my hair, quick. (There's a link in my siggy.) No treatment is fantastic for everyone, but this one's got a decent track record. If you've got other stuff going on, like extra-stretchy hair when wet, there might be some other things you'll need to do to keep your hair lasting as long as possible so you can retain more length while you grow.