View Full Version : To be or not to be ? Bangs or no bangs ?

January 20th, 2015, 09:59 AM
So this is classical thread ;) I guess it is this time of the year where I start to wonder if I should get bangs again. Last time I had bangs 2 and a half years ago. They finally grow enough to stay nicely in the braid and I was waiting for that time when my hemline will get slightly thicker when all of my hair is same lenght ! My sisters really liked me with bangs and I've been told that I look a lot younger with bangs.... So should I try them again ? What do you think ?

Me right now without bangs



Me 2 and a half years ago with bangs :


So with or without ?


January 20th, 2015, 10:01 AM
When I was debating if I wanted bangs I bought super long clip ins and played with them first.

January 20th, 2015, 10:03 AM
I can't seem to find the right shade of clip ins :( My hair is so weird....

January 20th, 2015, 10:12 AM
My first set looked like this:


edit: and they had to much light blond in them so they made me look like I highlighted my hair or had started going silver.

Belle Paix
January 20th, 2015, 10:16 AM
It's such a personal preference! I think they look adorable on you, but for myself, I prefer no bangs. Mostly because it's easier though :).

January 20th, 2015, 10:21 AM
My first set looked like this:


edit: and they had to much light blond in them so they made me look like I highlighted my hair or had started going silver.

Hmmm... now tha I think of it, I could ask my sister to colour bangs the right shade . My sister is last year study for a hairdresser ;)

Belle Paix, That is the thing! I loved bangs, but I can't seem to live with them! They need more time and efford from my side. Need to wash them more often, need to style them .... But I was looking at the photos and thinking.. damn maybe I should try again...

January 20th, 2015, 10:24 AM
Not going to lie, you DO look adorable with bangs. However, I think you look adorable without them - And I like the top pic with your hair down and the bangs the best, but what I realized after looking more - part of what looks cute is the having your hair down part. I agree with trying some clip ins, if you can find the right color, or just something that mostly matches at least. Just give it some time in the end and think about why you grew them out in the first place.
I think I probably look better with some bangs because I have a very round face and I think I look marm-y and too serious with my hair pulled back - however, my bangs are now waist length and while it's not a lot of hair, it does give me a little bit more hair in my length and I want that so badly, I just deal. :) Also, the bangs might look cute when they're clean and looking great...but I'm so oily skinned, they don't stay looking good for more than a day and to me, I don't want to mess with washing them every day or so.

January 20th, 2015, 10:24 AM
Well, you look good with em' and good without :) If you're ready for a change, go for it! They'll grow out again if you change your mind :)

ETA: Bangs add a kind of softness to the overall look... but that sleek pulled back updo has a certain elegance to it. What way do you feel more comfortable?

January 20th, 2015, 10:34 AM
To be honest I wear my hair mostly up anyway. And the thing why I let the bangs last time grow out was that I needed to clip them out of the way at work. But I will be changing working place anyway so this could be the chance to have them aggain. With bangs I did wear my hair down more often than I do without bangs. I honestly don't know...

January 20th, 2015, 10:43 AM
The impression I got form the photos is:
Bangs show that you are cute.
No bangs shows a classic beauty.

Personally, I found bangs a pain to maintain.

January 20th, 2015, 11:11 AM
You definitely look younger with bangs BUT I really prefer you without! Maybe I'm biased because I'm currently growing mine out but I think you look better without bangs! I especially like the bottom left picture.

January 20th, 2015, 11:41 AM
Ohhh...if I had a face like yours, I wouldn't hide it with bangs! You look amazing without them. Just m 2 cents.

January 20th, 2015, 11:54 AM
beautiful without, cute with. I'm voting for no bangs :-)

January 20th, 2015, 12:07 PM
I think you look better with bangs!
Perhaps I'm biased because I hate my hair pulled back, and I have long side swept bangs. :shrug:

January 20th, 2015, 12:21 PM
As per my usual, I'll just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asyzgiXFvCY

I'm currently growing out bangs and my motto is "Never again! NEVAH!" :soapbox: Every few years I get them and then immediately regret it. I'll never learn.

January 20th, 2015, 12:23 PM
How do you like having bangs?

You look cute with them, definitely. You look cute without them, too. :)

Personally, I hate having bangs on myself. A bit of weakness about a year and a half ago, along with a husband who thought and continues to think bangs are adorable on me, caused me to cut some after 20 years without. I shouldn't have done it. I hate them. They flipped every which-way, got caught in my glasses (or rested on top!), poked me in the eyes, got cut too short, got greasy if I moisturized my forehead (or else they didn't get greasy but my forehead peeled from dry skin), and generally made me miserable. I maintained them for a while, then grew them out -- they're close to my collarbones now and stay in updos but not braids. Unless they're sproinging out the middle of a bun, as is their wont.

The point of all that is, don't get bangs unless you like living with bangs on your face.

January 20th, 2015, 12:24 PM
As per my usual, I'll just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asyzgiXFvCY

I'm currently growing out bangs and my motto is "Never again! NEVAH!" :soapbox: Every few years I get them and then immediately regret it. I'll never learn.

Yes, this is what happends.. But I've learned to take a better care of my hair last year, so I guess little devil on my shoulder is telling me that maybe this time I will love having them. And people keep on telling me how cute I was with bangs....

January 20th, 2015, 12:24 PM
Well, the pics of you without bangs don't really show your hair loose, so it's not a great way to compare. Personally, I don't believe bangs enhance your looks. Maybe it's the type of bangs or styling but they make you seem a bit too young, maybe?
However, they are good for updos (in my case, they would help hide my big forehead :p and help so you don't pull those hairs around your hairline and end up looking bald.
If you already have a good amount of hair and getting bangs won't make that much of a difference I'd say go for it, and maybe consider different types of bangs. However, if you don't have that much hair, getting bangs could result in seeming to have less hair, and won't help in the journey to long hair as you need every hair to count in that situation.
I'd love a thicker hemline, so I'm letting the hair around my face grow long to see if that helps me go to greater length. If I'm ever bored I guess I could always cut them again.

January 20th, 2015, 12:28 PM
here is loose hair without bangs ;)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/249867_190737630976672_4690882_n.jpg?oh=1fe7a11400 ef781d0fa8251d6879cb19&oe=5565032B&__gda__=1429410452_7d42d599a9a2fc9bdd2a765a956ddea 5

January 20th, 2015, 12:28 PM
I think the right type of bang can make any face better. There's so many different ways of cutting and styling bangs! It's a whole world! So on that note, I'm a little biased towards bangs, and I have them myself.
However, I think you should go more by what you want to take care of than by how it looks. Bangs ARE higher-maintenance than other hairstyles.

January 20th, 2015, 12:31 PM
Midnighmoon, My old bangs are about colarbone lenght right now unstrechet so they do not yet add the volume to my hemline or my braid. I have about 3,14 ponytail.. so it isn't that bad eather way

January 20th, 2015, 12:37 PM
I think that with bangs, you look cute and sweet, and very mainstream (in a good way) because it's very in to have wavywurly hair and cool loose bangs and lots of volume, which you all have. BUT you are really really beautiful and you don't need those bangs for a hip, young, snazzy look. And also, you look young without bangs too! So, I'd say, if you want to look 'in' (and there is nothing wrong with that) do the bangs. If you want to look classical beautiful like a forest dwelling nymphanoid or something, leave 'em out! But whatever you choose it looks great on you, so do what makes you comfortable, because d'oh, that is the most important :bounce:

I myself am constantly growing out bangs, and then cutting them in again. And growing them out, and cutting them in again. And growing them out.... But, to be honest, I like the variety, and I don't really mind growing bangs out. With half a year they can go from straight across over the eyebrow to behind your ear, and I enjoy all the stages in between, so *shrug* nothing wrong with being in bang-stitential doubt.

January 20th, 2015, 12:39 PM
I think I just wait till summer at least. It is winter time and with hats and all bangs would go only nuts ;) Thank you for all of your help! What I learned is, that it looks like both bangs and no bangs fits me even though I have this pretty big forehead ( though I never felt it was much of a problem ). Btw I never look totally bold with hair bulled back because of all the curly flyaways around my head hehe ;)

You girls are awesome :flowers:

January 20th, 2015, 12:41 PM
Majorane, you made me blush! You are too kind to me, you really are! :o
My sisters are much younger than me ( 14 and 10 years younger ) so it could be that this is why they like bangs so much? Last time I had bangs I couldn't even go to the bar without papers asked hahaha

January 20th, 2015, 12:43 PM
Midnighmoon, My old bangs are about colarbone lenght right now unstrechet so they do not yet add the volume to my hemline or my braid. I have about 3,14 ponytail.. so it isn't that bad eather way

Mine are about APL at the moment :p
My thickness is a bit less than yours, so I think we're in a similar situation. But well, in the end it's your decision. They're not long enough as to have to regret too much if you get them now. Maybe give it a thought for a couple of days, and if you're still wanting them go for it?
They do look one seem younger, so I'd take that into account. It could be something good :p

January 20th, 2015, 12:54 PM
Well, it's true. You're very beautiful. :)

But, on the topic of your sisters, they are younger and probably more busy with what is mainstream (look-wise) I think? And then yes, they probably would like you more with the 'in' look of bangs, because cool. If it is them that are badgering you about it, then we have an explanation for that at least (although, not a really scientific one, I'm afraid.... :hmm)

Although it's pretty cool you get carded instantly as soon as you have bangs, that's.. about 10 years younger you're estimated then? Can be annoying, can be cool 8)

I usually get carded more when I don't have bangs, because I look less snazzy and more like the awkward chubby cheeks of the classroom who hasn't found a sense of style yet. Insert sad trombone... ;)

January 20th, 2015, 12:54 PM
Ah, I hadn't seen the picture in page 2, sorry.
Have you considered something like this? It's like bangs but leaning to a side, with a different length and some longer hair on the sides

Or maybe like this?

Basically it would be to have shorter hairs framing your face, instead of covering up your forehead
I think it would make it look like it has something going on, could enhance some hairstyles/updos, but isn't as "intrusive" as actual bangs, and wouldn't be hard to grow out if you get tired of it.

January 20th, 2015, 01:11 PM
Well, it's true. You're very beautiful. :)

But, on the topic of your sisters, they are younger and probably more busy with what is mainstream (look-wise) I think? And then yes, they probably would like you more with the 'in' look of bangs, because cool. If it is them that are badgering you about it, then we have an explanation for that at least (although, not a really scientific one, I'm afraid.... :hmm)

Although it's pretty cool you get carded instantly as soon as you have bangs, that's.. about 10 years younger you're estimated then? Can be annoying, can be cool 8)

I usually get carded more when I don't have bangs, because I look less snazzy and more like the awkward chubby cheeks of the classroom who hasn't found a sense of style yet. Insert sad trombone... ;)

My youngest sister is 18 and study to be hairdresser. So she is very much in to "now". Has very short and stylish hairstyle. Second sister has blue hair and rockability style :D I am the boring one in my family ;) I actually look the same since I turned 12.... so my sisters think that is little annoying even hehe

Ah, I hadn't seen the picture in page 2, sorry.
Have you considered something like this? It's like bangs but leaning to a side, with a different length and some longer hair on the sides

Or maybe like this?

Basically it would be to have shorter hairs framing your face, instead of covering up your forehead
I think it would make it look like it has something going on, could enhance some hairstyles/updos, but isn't as "intrusive" as actual bangs, and wouldn't be hard to grow out if you get tired of it.

Actually the last time I had my bangs cutted I wanted swept to the side bangs similar to the first photo you have there! But it seems I never get what I asking for. Then I again my hair is wavy, it will never be like on the photo without ironing it...

January 20th, 2015, 01:22 PM
Ha, true :/
Well aside from the framing hairs I have run out of suggestions :p
you have a pretty face, though, so nothing will end up looking terrible!

January 20th, 2015, 01:24 PM
I actually like the idea of maybe longer framing "hairs"... Don't even need much of hair for that

Maybe something like this ?


January 20th, 2015, 01:31 PM
I can't see much with her hair being braided, but yes, like a shorter layer of hair around your face.
I did it, cut it myself, they were all the same length, you could have different lengths if you wanted to.
I got the idea by looking at Amy Lee, I was kind of obsessed with her, and she always had these shorter hairs around her face which weren't bangs, at around chin length.

January 20th, 2015, 01:48 PM
Well... in my experience, bangs seem to almost always make the person wearing them look younger than they are. Since I'm very short and want to appear more mature, I avoid bangs at all costs now to try and at least look my current age. I think the same applies to your bangs. I think you look younger with bangs (whether you think that's a good or bad thing at this point is up to you). I personally think you pull them off really well! I also think that bangs tend to give the face a softer and more 'girly' look (probably because there aren't many long haired men with cut-across bangs, when you think about it - bangs with long hair tends to thus be understood as a feminine trait). I say you look better with bangs. It looks softer, and brings the attention to your lovely eyes as well!

January 20th, 2015, 02:18 PM
I REALLY like the side swept bangs on you. I think they look really pretty with your face shape and everything. Brings out your eyes. I vote YES. :D

January 20th, 2015, 02:29 PM
without bangs! You have a perfect forehead and face shape LITERALY! There is no reason to disturbe that great balance ^^

January 20th, 2015, 02:38 PM
You are very beautiful with bangs or without! :D

I think since you mentioned the maintenance as being a bit of a PITA, maybe you could get clip-in bangs or even make your own clip-in extensions with weave-hair and clips and cut and dye them to match your color? This would allow you to wear bangs in different shapes and/or shades with no commitment. ;)

January 20th, 2015, 02:45 PM
I actually like the idea of maybe longer framing "hairs"... Don't even need much of hair for that

Maybe something like this ?


I really like the look of those face frame 'wisps'! I think it would work really well with your hair texture too. Hmmm maybe I will do something like this too…

January 20th, 2015, 02:57 PM
I think the bangs look really cute! But if they were a lot of work for you, personally I think I'd skip them. I have bangs, but they're no work at all so they don't bother me.

January 20th, 2015, 03:05 PM
You look great with bangs and great without! I prefer you with no bangs though. You look more grown up without them. You have a young face, and I don't think you need to make it look even younger by adding bangs. But I am biased. People often assume I am younger than I am, and I do not like that.

I actually like the idea of maybe longer framing "hairs"... Don't even need much of hair for that

Maybe something like this ?


I think this would look great on you! And you don't need to style them, always a good thing.

January 20th, 2015, 04:47 PM
You are very beautiful with or without bangs. But I really like how they look on you. The only downside to bangs for me is that I have to wash and style them every day. This doesn't bother me too much, but it is something to consider.

January 20th, 2015, 09:51 PM
I can't see much with her hair being braided, but yes, like a shorter layer of hair around your face.
I did it, cut it myself, they were all the same length, you could have different lengths if you wanted to.
I got the idea by looking at Amy Lee, I was kind of obsessed with her, and she always had these shorter hairs around her face which weren't bangs, at around chin length.

I have self cut face framing layers as well. That was what my clip in bang adventure helped me settle on. They are any place between my collar bone and my eye depending on what I feel like. I grow them out and cut them or trim them according to my desires.

January 21st, 2015, 05:45 AM
Thank you all for all the help! You made me blush here ! I don't think I ever had so many compliments in my entire life and then I get tons ! Don't even know how to react to them :D Thank you!

I decided on those wasp hair strands about chin lenght. I can easily take them away in a bun, but can let them frame my face when I want a more soft and romantic look. I am going to get those bangs extentions as well. My sister can colour them to fit me :D I would go for full bangs.. but then I remembered how often I needed to wash them! Daily! Or otherwise they would look so dirty and unkept looking!

Anyway! You all so kind and sweet! I have those days right now when I feel mostly ungly as I look so pale and cold brings the red undertone and I feel like a pale tomato ( is there such a thing? )... I guess at those days I start to thinking about changes and because I am afraid I'll go and cut my hair short in those depressing moments I though maybe bangs would help me out :) A shorter wisps are enough of a change for a boring me ;) I though about geting some manic panic and some pink stripes as well hehe

January 21st, 2015, 10:13 AM
The impression I got form the photos is:
Bangs show that you are cute.
No bangs shows a classic beauty.

Personally, I found bangs a pain to maintain.

I agree with truepeacenik on every point! Ditto! ;)

And, you are sooo pretty both ways! ;) :blossom:

January 24th, 2015, 10:06 AM
Thank you all for all the help! You made me blush here ! I don't think I ever had so many compliments in my entire life and then I get tons ! Don't even know how to react to them :D Thank you!

I decided on those wasp hair strands about chin lengtht. I can easily take them away in a bun, but can let them frame my face when I want a more soft and romantic look. I am going to get those bangs extentions as well. My sister can colour them to fit me :D I would go for full bangs.. but then I remembered how often I needed to wash them! Daily! Or otherwise they would look so dirty and unkept looking!

Anyway! You all so kind and sweet! I have those days right now when I feel mostly ungly as I look so pale and cold brings the red undertone and I feel like a pale tomato ( is there such a thing? )... I guess at those days I start to thinking about changes and because I am afraid I'll go and cut my hair short in those depressing moments I though maybe bangs would help me out :) A shorter wisps are enough of a change for a boring me ;) I though about geting some manic panic and some pink stripes as well hehe
You are definitely not alone with these thoughts. I made a big mistake of watching the movie "Sunstroke" with Jane Seymour and she looks so gorgeous with her whispy bangs. I even read she cut them to avoid using botox! Ugh.. but maintaining them is another thing. And no bangs are so much easier. Mine just grew to almost collarbone length and I can brush them back into a bun now without using clippies to hold them back! I actually wrote myself a note to "DO NOT CUT YOUR BANGS" and put it with my scissors to remind me what a pain they are to maintain. GAAAAHHHH!! Here is the link for that movie so I won't be the only one obsessing about Jane Seymour's bangs!! ;)


Sorry for doing this to you!! But I think we need some group support! :p And besides, wouldn't I be just as glamourous as JS if I have her bangs???? ;):blossom:

January 24th, 2015, 02:00 PM
I love the bangs you picked. I say go for it but that's my opinion,

January 24th, 2015, 07:23 PM
I prefer the bangs. I just think it is a softer, more feminine look. However, you look great either way!

April 7th, 2015, 02:13 PM
StellaKatherine, have you cut your face-framing mini-bangs yet? :) I'm just pondering the same thing. I know I don't want actual bangs, because I can't stand having hair in my face all the time. But I think I'd really love to enhance the wispy hairs I've already got on the sides. I'd love to see how it looks on you!

April 7th, 2015, 02:41 PM
I haven't yet done it :) But I think I'll do them the latest this summer when no hats will be worn anymore :D