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View Full Version : Chemical dye & ridiculously stained scalp

December 22nd, 2014, 08:48 AM
So, I have a conundrum:
The black dye I use is actually a very dark purple. Every time I do my roots, my scalp is flourescent purple/magenta for a few days. So I wear a hat to work & try and hide things.

Am I stuck with this happening every time, or is there a magical secret that the colorful-color-ers know to prevent this?
My main fear is fading my freshly blackened black.


December 22nd, 2014, 04:48 PM
I remember from my dyeing days - I used to dye it blue-black and I never got staining. Maybe it's the brand you use?

Robot Ninja
December 22nd, 2014, 05:04 PM
Are you using an oxidative dye or a deposit dye? If it's an oxidative dye, are you using it straight from the bottle? If you are, using a tint brush will help keep it off your scalp. If it's a deposit dye I'd love to hear some suggestions as well.

Brushing with a BBB does help remove some of the color from your scalp, but not all of it, and it takes a few days for your scalp to produce enough oil to make it work. So it's really only worth it if you're going like a week before washing.

December 22nd, 2014, 05:34 PM
Really try and keep it off your scalp. I've had the same problem (a lover of blue and purple hair, right here) in the past. As Robot Ninja said, using a tint brush can help. I've found that what helps even more is to kidnap a younger sister (if you have one) or other spare pair of hands and eyes. That way they can put the dye on your hair rather than you slapping the dye on your head.

If you can't help the staining, I would prioritise. Are you using Vaseline/similar on your hairline and back of your ears? Maybe put it a bit closer, and try get a bit over your parting? Then it should stop the dye getting to that skin. (And if you've somehow been able to do what I can't and dye your hair without staining the back of your ears, I tip my hat to you).

December 22nd, 2014, 06:33 PM
im using blue deposit dyes as well. but as good as it stains the hair and sink, on the scalp and hairline its easy to remove, i dont even use vaseline or anything to prevent this. just when im done i wash my face with soap and use a toner with glycolic acid to remove the rest of the stains. i run a cotton bud down my part if i want to wear one or my scalp stais slightly pastel blue until the next wash. i use a TT in the shower most of the time, really nice to exfoliate the scalp gently.

December 23rd, 2014, 10:28 AM
Thanks everyone!
I do use a brush when I'm doing a root touch up only - but I'm chasing grays, er, whites - so I have to get it right down to the scalp, especially since I'm using level 1. The brand I use is Age Beautiful from Sally in Plum Black. MINAKO - I like the TT in the shower idea - I'll try that next time! :)