View Full Version : Ficcare and a Book - SOLD

Cinnamon Hair
September 27th, 2008, 06:31 PM

More Stuff for Sale...

This time I have a Ficcare Innovation size large in the old honey marble color (the more yellow toned one as opposed to the new creamy white honey marble). It is in like new condition and I'd like $35 including shipping to US, add $3 for international. SOLD!

(with flash and without)

The Hair Grower's Handbook by Neil. It's 273 pages including the index. In new condition, read once by me.
Asking $17 including shipping for it, add $3 for international. SOLD!


I prefer paypal but will accept money orders and will consider a check if I know you well.

September 28th, 2008, 09:09 AM
They changed the colour of honey marble? That explains why my Signature's so much paler than my border Max? I did wonder about it, but I assumed they were just different batches or something.

Cinnamon Hair
September 28th, 2008, 02:29 PM
They changed the colour of honey marble?

Well I haven't heard the official word on it from Ficcare but from what I've read on the Product & Accessory board all the new honey marble clips people have received are the more creamy white shade. This is true with the ones I have too. My Super Clip is very white compared to that Innovation I listed and the Dolphin I bought back in the dark ages.