View Full Version : Self-Trimming Question

December 11th, 2014, 12:02 PM
Hello everyone!

So for Christmas I know one of the presents my DH is getting for me is a shiny pair of cutting shears! (Yay!) I want to start doing my own self-trims, as when I finally reach my goal length (Waist or tailbone, I'm so undecided! Hehe) I want to maintain there so my ends will be healthy and thick! I also know that I'm going to be needing to do a small (Maybe 1/4") trim sometime soon, I'm thinking early January, and I have a question.

I almost always wear my hair in a very deep side part, if I'm following Faye's method do I trim using my usual part or do I center part it just for the trim?


December 11th, 2014, 12:55 PM
Hello everyone!

So for Christmas I know one of the presents my DH is getting for me is a shiny pair of cutting shears! (Yay!) I want to start doing my own self-trims, as when I finally reach my goal length (Waist or tailbone, I'm so undecided! Hehe) I want to maintain there so my ends will be healthy and thick! I also know that I'm going to be needing to do a small (Maybe 1/4") trim sometime soon, I'm thinking early January, and I have a question.

I almost always wear my hair in a very deep side part, if I'm following Faye's method do I trim using my usual part or do I center part it just for the trim?


Part it in the center just for the trim, then part it where you normally part it and even it up afterwards if it looks like it needs it.

December 11th, 2014, 01:29 PM
I'd part it exactly where you always do. You want it to look even when you wear it, the bit that's between the center and your natural parting will look uneven. "Evening it out" afterward just means you'll be trimming more off than you initially wanted to.

December 11th, 2014, 02:53 PM
When I still used Feye's method (now we use the layering method (compact cut method)), my hair was parted in the middle. And I always wear a side part. I never got issues with unevenness.

December 11th, 2014, 03:08 PM
Don't trim while parted to the side, especially if you typically part deeply! I did that in middle school once and it was so frustrating! If your subsequent parts are even slightly more toward the top of your head, there will be bits of hair hanging down (on the same side of your head as the part) that will be much longer than the rest, because they were originally combed over the top of your head to the other side. If you part in the middle to trim and then part to the side to style as usual, it's true that there will be shorter bits on the side opposite of the part (again, where the hair has to travel farther over your head), but I think too-short bits are much less obvious than too-long bits. I hope I explained that clearly!

December 11th, 2014, 03:36 PM
Don't trim while parted to the side, especially if you typically part deeply! I did that in middle school once and it was so frustrating! If your subsequent parts are even slightly more toward the top of your head, there will be bits of hair hanging down (on the same side of your head as the part) that will be much longer than the rest, because they were originally combed over the top of your head to the other side. If you part in the middle to trim and then part to the side to style as usual, it's true that there will be shorter bits on the side opposite of the part (again, where the hair has to travel farther over your head), but I think too-short bits are much less obvious than too-long bits. I hope I explained that clearly!

Very clear, to me at least! :) I also got the shorter bits when my hair was parted on the side afterwards but it's hardly noticeable and not even that much shorter (and it blends in nicely).

December 11th, 2014, 07:53 PM
I totally get what you mean, Alexa, and that makes sense!! Thank you ! :)

Thank you everyone else as well for all the helpful replies, sounds like it'll be a good idea to part in the center when I start my own self trimming. :)

December 11th, 2014, 11:21 PM
I don't have trimming advise, but if you love your dh please give him at least a penny for those shears. In many cultures you don't give sharp cutting objects ( including kitchen knives) to someone dear, because it means separation in the future ( cutting a relationship)
Giving money ( even a little) for a sharp object prevents the separation from happening, because it symbolizes that you bought ( purchased ) the object,it was not a gift any more .
and I know that this is silly superstition, but sadly it goes true each and every time ( don't ask me how I know)
Ps- you also don't give and receive sharp objects from friends you care about, because it cuts the friendship. you "buy" from them.

December 12th, 2014, 06:48 PM
LOL CONFLICTING INFO: I'd say to trim with your hair parted as usual, ESPECIALLY if you have a deep side-part. Originally I used to switch to a center part for trims and then switch back to the side-part, but then my hair would always look weird/crooked when down because the right side was always a couple of inches shorter than the left. Now that I use my normal part for trims, my hair is symmetrical.

HOWEVER, I should warn you that while I have a U-shaped hem, I explicitly don't do a blunt/perfect cut. I like my fairy-tale ends, and blunt cuts will inevitably look stupid on my thick, wavy hair because waves are unpredictable.

As for the "What if you don't part it exactly the same way?" question: I use the halfway point on my eyebrow as a marker to make sure my part's consistent.

December 12th, 2014, 08:37 PM
LOL CONFLICTING INFO: I'd say to trim with your hair parted as usual, ESPECIALLY if you have a deep side-part. Originally I used to switch to a center part for trims and then switch back to the side-part, but then my hair would always look weird/crooked when down because the right side was always a couple of inches shorter than the left. Now that I use my normal part for trims, my hair is symmetrical.

HOWEVER, I should warn you that while I have a U-shaped hem, I explicitly don't do a blunt/perfect cut. I like my fairy-tale ends, and blunt cuts will inevitably look stupid on my thick, wavy hair because waves are unpredictable.

As for the "What if you don't part it exactly the same way?" question: I use the halfway point on my eyebrow as a marker to make sure my part's consistent.

Oh my! This does make me wonder now how I should cut it, hehe! I guess at first I'll do a tiny cut so that no matter what I can't screw anything up too too bad.