View Full Version : Co-Washing Coconut Oil Out of Hair?

December 8th, 2014, 05:25 AM
So, this is weird. I found a brand of coconut oil that makes my hair easier to detangle which is Nature's Way Liquid Coconut Oil. Never thought my hair would actually like coconut oil because I've used many different brands and they all sucked. I read a good way to get any oil out of your hair is by using rinse out conditioner. So, it worked but I was wondering do I still have to use shampoo or was conditioner enough?

December 8th, 2014, 06:22 AM
Only you can be the judge of that. You'll probably need to use shampoo at least once in awhile for clarifying. Conditioners and oils leave behind residues, and over time your hair can get weighed down, tangly, and dull.

December 8th, 2014, 12:51 PM
So, this is weird. I found a brand of coconut oil that makes my hair easier to detangle which is Nature's Way Liquid Coconut Oil. Never thought my hair would actually like coconut oil because I've used many different brands and they all sucked. I read a good way to get any oil out of your hair is by using rinse out conditioner. So, it worked but I was wondering do I still have to use shampoo or was conditioner enough?

I leave coconut oil on overnight, and then in the morning coat my hair in cone-free conditioner for half an hour; I can then just do a normal CO wash and the oil comes out. If I don't soak it with conditioner beforehand, the oil is a lot more difficult to get out.

December 8th, 2014, 06:04 PM
if i'm doing a coconut oil *soak* where the oil is really visible and weighing my hair down/making it look stringy, i'll typically condition first to get the oil out, then shampoo my scalp before conditioning again. otherwise, the little dab of oil i use daily to smooth fly-aways and add shine comes out with my normal wash/condition routine with no problem. ...hope that helps!

eta-- i'm not a co-wash person, though. i stretch washes to once a week, and find that i need shampoo on my scalp. if you're used to using a conditioner to wash, you might be ok without using a shampoo at all.

December 8th, 2014, 07:58 PM
Okay thanks everyone. :)

December 9th, 2014, 12:45 PM
Ah, nevermind. I hit another rock in the road with my annoying hair and scalp. My scalp began burning and became tinder and so sore. So, I clarified everything out. So, my hair and scalp are now bare. I guess, it's water only for me. I'm so done. I give up.