View Full Version : How can I get my hair healthy again?

November 21st, 2014, 10:42 AM
Basically I have just kind of let my hair go for the past six months or so. It is a little past tailbone. It is just really dry. I have been trying to work on S&D ing and got some of that done but what else can I do? I have coconut oil and olive oil but I don't want to run around with them on my head all the time, so could I just put some on before bed and wash it out the next day? Should I repeat that a few times? What should I do?

November 21st, 2014, 10:53 AM
I just recovered from a similar dry period...

getting a teensy trim (so you wont notice any length,) doing several deep conditions in a row (each on my regular wash day instead of just regular conditioner,) and starting to use leave in again helped. I like cantu coconut shea butter leave in. You only have to use a little and it smells so good plus its six bucks for a huge tub at walmart and it lasts forever :p

For the deep conditions I did one that was protein-laden and the other two just more plain moisturizing. Afterwards even my family members were telling me my hair looked better.

Hope that helps!!

November 21st, 2014, 10:55 AM
Pre-wash oilings helped me, on top of doing SMT's and using lots of thick conditioners (Sally's generic conditioning balm was amazing when my hair was longer!)

November 21st, 2014, 11:29 AM
One thing that really keeps my hair soft and healthy is oiling. Not the pre-wash heavy oiling - that actually makes my dry and tangly. I use a little bit of coconut oil on ends daily. Also I tried LOC again yesterday and my hair is silky and feels hydrated and moisturised.
I suggest you to micro trim maybe once a month so that it doesn't take off the length, but at the same time you cut off the dry ends.
Good luck!:o

November 21st, 2014, 11:35 AM
Oiling overnight helped my hair alot and small trims. Do coconut oil before bed and shampoo and condition in the morning that's one of the easiest ways I've gotten my hair healthy with little effort.

November 21st, 2014, 12:10 PM
Sometimes when that happens, it means I need to clarify, then do a deep conditioning.

Think it might be build-up?

November 21st, 2014, 01:47 PM
No I actually think I may have clarified it too much! It just feels very dry.

November 21st, 2014, 02:05 PM
Apply oil (a few drops) after washing, on damp hair, after a leave-in, basically use the LOC method for locking in moisture. The link is in my signature.

November 21st, 2014, 02:14 PM
Shea butter is great for dry hair. It makes my ends heavenly.

November 23rd, 2014, 05:24 AM
Basically I have just kind of let my hair go for the past six months or so. It is a little past tailbone. It is just really dry. I have been trying to work on S&D ing and got some of that done but what else can I do? I have coconut oil and olive oil but I don't want to run around with them on my head all the time, so could I just put some on before bed and wash it out the next day? Should I repeat that a few times? What should I do?

Wish I had hair that long! Have a look at what I use, pro-naturals.com/news and hit the advice button and also read the how to's, I think most of your questions will be answered. Good luck.

November 23rd, 2014, 05:43 AM
You need to be cautious when you oil. Stick to one oil for 2 weeks and see how your hair responds to it. If it doesn't like it, clarify your hair and try a different oil.

Here is LHCer Heidi W's video tutorial on how to oil your hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjVwPKMQDYk

Secondly, you should be aware that not oil works for everyone, and some of the oils can be very drying on your hair. Here is a link to former LHCer hair maven, Ktani, re: Understanding The Drying Capacities of Oil http://ktanihairsense.blogspot.com/2011/12/understanding-drying-capacity-of-oils.html

To keep your hair up to to snuff, give it a slight trim.

Keep up with S and Ding the ends every week. Be sure and sure sharp shears!

Regular daily brushing with a pure bbb will help immensely, provided you use the right bbb and use the proper technique! Always, always, detangle your hair with a wide tooth comb before the brush touches your hair!

Wear your hair up to protect delicate ends!

Less is more! Don't put a lot of stuff on your hair! That stuff weighs it down and it can end up looking lank and lifeless.

When you clarify, do it once a month! Clarifying is terribly harsh on hair and can really do a number on it if you do it too much. Always follow clarifying with a deep conditioning treatment to help restore your hair to the condition it was before you clarified it.

Keep your hair tools squeaky clean! Good luck!