View Full Version : Healthy hair diet tips?

November 17th, 2014, 08:03 AM
Hi! I'm wanting to change my diet and hope to get stronger hair along the way, maybe even a bit thicker... Any ideas? I am pretty open-minded :p

Elly May
November 17th, 2014, 08:41 AM
Good question! I am also a new member and I would like to know this, too. I try to eat a lot of protein, and a fairly healthy balanced diet, but I would appreciate any tips.

November 17th, 2014, 09:16 AM
Definitely a lot of protein as hair consists mainly of protein. Since going paleo my skin and hair has improved. I eat a lot of fibrous veggies everyday + meats (protein) and fat (animal, olive oil). Of course you don't have to go that extreme and just include vitamin rich green vegetables, starchy vegetables in your daily meals and meat (if you're not vegan/vegetarian). About fruits - those sold at stores don't contain a lot of vitamins and aren't that nutritious, so it is better to eat seasonal fruits (apples, berries)

November 17th, 2014, 10:42 AM
Eating healthy will reflect healthy hair but it wont be a quick fix and I'm not sure this will reflect in thicker hair. Healthy fats like almonds and peanuts are great as well as things like fish and grilled chicken. If you don't like fish take a fish oil supplement like I do. I hate fish. Anyway, healthy eating for a healthy body is also healthy hair. So fruits, veggies and meats for protein are all good. Healthy hair care is just as important as a diet so make sure you treat your hair nice. :)

November 17th, 2014, 02:53 PM
You have to be careful with protein because you can get too much, particularly if you eat meat. I think fish oil and flaxseed oil are great. For myself I like to watch my carb consumption, making sure i'm eating only one serving per meal and eating mainly whole grains. In my opinion, the best thing you can do for your diet is to make sure you have fruits and/or veggies at every meal.

November 17th, 2014, 02:57 PM
Of course eating healthy will help. Not eating a lot of animal fats helps, and don't eat vegetable oil if you can.
And of course a multivitamin.

November 17th, 2014, 03:20 PM
I personally love bone soups! There are many recipes all over the internet. I think the best bone soups are when they have vegetables that still have their skins on them - for example, onions with their peels. That's where all the good stuff is! Knifegill mentioned he likes his bone soups and so I decided to try it myself. I end up freezing my leftovers in a muffin tray so I can pop a hockey puck of bone soup into whatever I'm making.

November 18th, 2014, 03:49 AM
Eat wisely and in moderation. Meat protein is a major plus as far as hair health is concerned.

Take it from one who ate like an idiot for years (junk food and hardly any meat), my hair paid for it and I ended up in hospital with severe anemia that required several blood transfusions..and lost the thickness of hair that I had enjoyed for many years.

Just concentrate on eating wholesome foods from the major food groups and getting plenty of veggies. Take supplements wisely. Consult with your doctor! And drink plenty of water!

November 18th, 2014, 03:49 AM
Eat wisely and in moderation. Meat protein is a major plus as far as hair health is concerned.

Take it from one who ate like an idiot for years (junk food and hardly any meat), my hair paid for it and I ended up in hospital with severe anemia that required several blood transfusions..and lost the thickness of hair that I had enjoyed for many years.

Just concentrate on eating wholesome foods from the major food groups and getting plenty of veggies. Take supplements wisely. Consult with your doctor! And drink plenty of water!

November 18th, 2014, 09:19 AM
When I started getting serious about long hair, I read George Michael's book, and he (the long hair's guru) suggested a good healthy diet, but he emphasized vegetables, lot of vegetables. In fact, the only recipe he included in the book is a fabulous (!) salad with a huge variety of veggies and greens. I have to say that when I went vegan and really concentrated on improving the quality of my diet, my hair quality improved as well. I don't think one has to be vegan, but I am a believer in the power of veggies! What is good for your whole body is always going to be good for your hair as well. You don't need to be too conscientious about following any particular diet, just eat what you know is good for you, and not too much of the empty calorie junk foods to make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs to produce the best hair possible.

November 18th, 2014, 11:22 AM
Experts disagree on what a healthy diet is, so no matter what you read, you are reading someone's opinion. Personally, I think a paleo style diet is pretty close to healthy, but I would include raw dairy, soaked legumes, and fermented/soaked whole grains (in moderation, as needed for activity level... i.e. a distance runner will need more carbs).

What is good for the body in general, is also good for the hair and skin. Hair, skin, and oral health are a window into the body's overall health. If you have bad teeth/gums, poor hair, and unhappy skin, the reason is much deeper than a toothbrush, a shampoo, or a cosmetic. Products don't produce health. Nutrition and exercise do, and nice hair follows.

I strive towards a high protein, high fiber diet... eggs, raw milk, meat, lots of veggies, some fruit, little grain and legumes. I'll admit I have my vices... I like sugar and I like salt. When the craving strikes, I eat Doritos and ice cream. I just try not to make that the habit.

November 18th, 2014, 01:02 PM
Thanks for all the replies, I definitely saving these tips - hug to all :grouphug:

November 18th, 2014, 01:03 PM
I am* whoops :o